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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 20:09 other posts 
Just curious, how will this forum react when AI starts interacting with us here?
You know, artificial intelligence?

Who would be receptive of it,and who would not want to be a part of it?
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 05:12 other posts 
Thanks mrs. VP for clearing up what AI means.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 22:39 other posts 
You can't make this stuff up,
He says he is the AI, when he has no REAL intelligence.
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By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 02:22 other posts 
You know the media is always trying to say gaffes but you go back and explain. What we see is just trying to find the way off the stage. No explanation until days later from speech writers that suck at their job.
He's still outsmarting all Republicans, if he did all that crime and they cannot find
any evidence of it. Smarter than Trump, with his 78 criminal charges and counting.

Smarter than Trump's lawyers, who are incriminating their client on live TV.
They are basically saying: "Yeah, he did all of that, but he had a good reason..."
and "Yeah, he did all of that, but that's free speech!"
Even pretty good lawyers turn into morons, the minute they start working for Trump.
Trump must spread some Artificial Unintelligence virus or something.

I thought you would see the open goal for a joke here;
Biden is Artificially Intelligent, without those meds he's a vegetable.
By #610414 14,Aug,23 13:41
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,23 20:10 other posts 
asparagus maybe.

By #610414 11,Aug,23 10:43
Commenting on your original premise, ie:
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The article above is no longer available. However, the theory is and has been since the early 1900’s. We don’t have to prove something that has already been proven false as you can find that proof too.
The problem with our border to the south, though, doesn’t quite line up with this theory. First, they are a mixed group of people representing all races and nationalities. Their religious beliefs are varied too, although I suspect, most are Catholics or, at the very least, Christians.
They are coming over unvaccinated maybe. Other countries do vaccinate their citizens, but, it should not be very hard to do so once they are here. Nor is it that hard to check for “virous’s or diseases” and quarantine those affected. That is something I’m sure they do already.
Bringing their dope is a different problem, but, one way or the other, the drug cartels will get them in. There’s too big a market in the US not to.
So, I’m 71, all my life I’ve heard how drugs are imported illegally into this country. It didn’t matter if the administration was Republican or Democrat. What possible magic wand do you expect President Biden to wave and resolve the crisis? If you do your research instead of getting your info from crazy-assed ultra-right fake news media folks, you might get to the truth.
I can’t say we should not try to find a solution. I just say that it takes ALL OF US to try to do so instead of blaming one or another national leader.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 07:27 other posts 
In the liberal utopia sometimes there is still a small amount of justice. Frankly the death penalty would be better but at least she can cope with withdrawal for a while.
Dope heads, the scrouge of the earth.
Colorado no less, land of legal pot,that only leads to worse.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 11:13 other posts 
"legal pot,that only leads to worse."
That's absolute bullshit. Illegal pot only leads to worse. Legal pot saves lives.
To stop pot, you need to do far worse to people than drugs and crime are causing now.
Look at the Philippines. A horrible drugs war and it doesn't help at all.
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Republicans used to stand for freedom, now just for tyranny and servitude.

This is the list of freedoms you stand for:
- Working
- Mindless consumerism
- Saying racist bullshit online
- Having guns to kill people who look like a criminal (black)
That's it, nothing more.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 12:00 other posts 
You are the 1 full of it.
Work 40 hours a week, then enjoy the fruits of your labors
Speaking my mind ,
being able to defend myself against the racist ,thieving thugs that libturds leave out on the streets to harass every day people.
You must live under a rock.
I have watched several people start out with that simple "harmless "joint once in awhile and then go to worse because the joint is just not giving them the HIGH they are after.
If you can't understand that people smoke dope to get high, then get acclimated to it and it is not enough, they do more, read this, maybe it will help you understand.see link below
I am familar with this 1 as they helped a freind get cleaned up so he could get back into the work force and take care of his family. But 2 others I know, didn't work out and have become zombies. 1 gal I went to school with that later became a topless dancer, died from a od.
since the wuhan virus thing started, just in our fire district alone that I help manage, we have had at least 8 deaths from Overdoes.
Most of them, started out with pot.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 12:30 other posts 
I might be 'full of it', but you mentioned no other freedoms that you care about.
You just re-interpreted the ones that I ridiculed.

Freedom comes with responsibilities. Just because some people
cannot handle freedom, is no reason to keep it from everyone,
unless that freedom itself really hurts others.

I support the maximum possible freedom, shared equally to the maximum.
That doesn't just mean passive freedom, like you support, but proactive freedom distribution. That means providing the basic rights to a good life, because without it, people don't have any freedom or just very little.
And it means only prohibiting actions that directly harm other self-conscious people.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 12:42 other posts 
You twist freedoms to fit your liberal agenda.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 12:55 other posts 
Then what does freedom mean, in your opinion?
How am I twisting it?

This, I think is a good definition: the quality or state of being free: such as.
a.: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.
b.: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another
c.: independence.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 13:16 other posts 
a is not possible because you require food, shelter and etc. there for, there can be no absence of necessity.
Something has to be done to acquire it ,you may have some choices as to HOW you acquire it ,but it would be steal ,borrow, barter, or work and use wages.

b, slavery is illegal, so that is not a current issue.
c, independence. hum, sure ,but that requires you to violate a, independence requires effort. which translates loosely to necessity.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 14:52 other posts 
a) Yes it is, just have rich parents. But, you cannot chose your parents. That's the reason for why I say freedom should be more equally shared.
b) It's still happening in many parts of the world and it doesn't stop at just abolishing slavery. It also says 'liberation from the power of another'. There is too much power concentrated in the hands of too few people. Power => Freedom. That reduces freedom for too many people.
c) 'independence requires effort' sure. But at the moment we are all stuck in a power/dependence system that I don't like, because it maximizes freedom for some at the cost of freedom for many others.

I fully recognize that one freedom can affect an other freedom in a negative way, and that freedom of one person can affect the freedom of another.
I say it's a balance, you just say it's 'not possible'.

My 'liberal agenda' is a result of my idea of freedom, not the other way around.

The Socialist Party that I am a member of summarized the basic principle as "human dignity, equality and solidarity", where the starting point is 'human dignity', which results in a demand for 'equality', which results in a demand for 'solidarity'.

The idea is supporting more than to be 'free as a bird', because that's not freedom, that's being left to fate. It's the same as being worthless, because no one cares about your fate. By evolving away from animals, we acquired 'human dignity'. That means everyone has value. The idea that all people have the same value, results in the demand for equality. To achieve equality, requires (at least some sort of) solidarity. Without solidarity, everyone is 'free as a bird', i.e. worthless.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 19:00 other posts 
I am confused on how a criminal, a homeless person ,a vet, a scientist, a garbage collector, a politician, and etc can all be considered equals?
Just falling out from between your mothers legs does not mean you have a silver spoon up your ass and can sit around and do nothing for the entirety of your life.
There is work to be done,someone has to do it, health care to provide for example. That takes education. That also takes commitment from the person . A criminal ,on the other hand,makes no commitment, needs no education. They have both taken actions to NOT be equal but 1 has taken action to be BETTER and a asset to society, unlike the criminal.
That is a brief explanation as to why people like me consider your idea's highly flawed.
You want the criminal ,the nurse, the dr, the garbage man, the politician, all to eat from the same buffet provided by WHO? Live in equal house's provided by WHO?
There is only 1 way for that to happen ,and that is the 1's that work are giving up what they work for to provide for those that do nothing.

If all are equal,what is the incentive for 1 person to do any more than another? As in for example, 1 person going to college and the other watching tv all day?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 04:51 other posts 
The fact that you are confused about that is your core problem.
Do you consider yourself to be equal to other people?

Is what you think of yourself in any way consistent with what you think of others?

I know you contribute to society, but if you were unable to do so,
is society right, to just kill you off? Is your value only dependent
on how much you are able to contribute?

Is the value of fully able people only dependent on what they contribute?

Is a person who starts with nothing and tries to be valuable, worth less,
than a rich kid who only lives of their parent's money?
If not, then why are they deserving so much more in life?
Why do they get from birth the benefits of a healthy and safe place to live,
good education, good healthcare, access to healthy food and a shoo-in
for a nice cushy job or a political position (if they even want to work at all)?
Why should people be so dependent on where they are born?

We are all human and therefore start out with equal human value.
I agree that people's actions can make themselves more or less valuable,
but everyone starts out with the exact same human value, no matter
where they are born or who their parents are.

You must think everyone starts with no value, because you think no one deserves anything, besides what they earn or get from their parents.
If that isn't true, explain why not, and how I can conclude otherwise
from what you are saying.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 09:20 other posts 
No I am not equal to every one else.
Never have been.
Do I attempt to be? Of course, I run into blocks ,such as income level, and ability's, talents .People are not equal, they can't be ,it is impossible.

Just because I fell out of my mother just like Bill gates, do I deserve to get handed a check each month so I can eat snails and drink wine like him? No.Not hardly

If you can't contribute something back,why are you deserving of equal status to those that can?

We would literally have to go back to cave man times to establish the equality you seek.As long as Elon Musk has his millions he made taking risk and inventing things,and I don' t because I can't do as much as he can, I am not equal.
Why does he have the millions? Because he can invent, he can invest, he is willing and able to take risk.
That is what makes him more of a person than I am.

And to top it all off, if you took all the money and assets of the world and put them in a jar and then distributed them evenly across the land, there would be haves and have nots again in 6 months because of the fact some humans always strive to have more,do more,and some don't and are foolish with their assets,be it good health, money,talent,etc

As for life it's self,for all lives to be equal,we would all have to live under the bridge or in a sky scraper. you can't be equal and not be exactly the same
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 02:49 other posts 
He loves to spin the truth, phart.

By phart [Ignore] 31,Jul,23 21:29 other posts 
The clock is ticking on the bidens.
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Brokering his dad's vice presidential power. what a concept.Making money hand over fist.
OF course joe is going to lie.
Of course hunter had a long standing agreement not to talk about his father.
Apples don't fall far from the tree.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 03:24 other posts 
Well put, but some just walk around with closed eyes and minds and think biden is a Angel. I think the bubble is about to burst.

By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,23 20:50 other posts 
This is how california treats business owners, liberal logic,fuck up everything and leave.
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By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 04:43 other posts 
You do find some interesting stuff.

By phart [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 18:13 other posts 
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"The issue, known as “transableism,” belongs to “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” and represents people who identify as handicapped."
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,23 07:11 other posts 
Anything for a free ride from our government
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,23 09:58 other posts 
Just makes it harder for people like myself with REAL issues, that are NOT of our own fault or making , to get help.
I am willing to bet if they had to live on disability income for a couple years that "condition" would suddenly heal. There are no Starbucks coffees and shit.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,23 11:23 other posts 
I agree

By phart [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 19:45 other posts 
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You can't make this stuff up.
1, we have a President being arrested for keeping document folders and such in his home under secret service protection, 2,we have someone hacking into goverment computers.
So which data is really at risk here? Anything Trump mighta had that is 2+ years out of date? Or what is on bidens computers??
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,23 07:16 other posts 
Oh no they will find Biden’s file on scented women’s shampoo gee you’re hair smells terrific the creepy old fuck

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,May,23 07:06 other posts 
The concept of 'greedflation' finally gets generally recognized.
It takes a damn long time before corporate media accepts reality.
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By #681164 26,May,23 07:57
Big oil refineries come to mind
By #610414 26,May,23 09:08
Big oil is one reason, but not the only one. The auto industry, housing, and food are too
By phart [Ignore] 26,May,23 10:57 other posts 
So who is qualified to decide how much profit is to much profit? AND how would that be held at the same amount?
What would stop them from deciding later on that if you have 40 dollars left at the end of the month you need to hand it over?
Slipper slope when you start dictating what is to much when it comes to company's that invest millions to design ,manufacture, distribute and maintain a product and fulfill the wages and retirements and etc for the people that make it possible.
Most of the liberals that claim greed on the part of a company have never invested the money and time into 1 to understand the risk taken.
By #610414 26,May,23 11:49
You don't control profits. You control the percentage of TAXES levied on them. Your Boy the MAGA king, LOWERED the taxes to large corporate entities. Guess what? Inflation.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 08:54 other posts 
The economy was fine when Trump was was only after biden came in that things went to shit.not Trumps fault.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 11:16 other posts 
That's not true at all. The economy was heading into a crisis during Trump,
even before anyone had ever heard of Covid.
Remember the damage of Trump's stupid trade war?

Trump is not the only one. Every Republican President Over The Last 100 Years Has Had A Recession.
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The article doesn't say, but the Democratic presidents often inherit their crisis from the Republican president before them and than has to fix it. Just like Obama had to fix the crisis that Bush's deregulation of the banks created.

Right-wing media just doesn't talk about the economy being bad, whenever a Republican is in office, even if there's a economic sinkhole developing under their own office chair. And no matter how good the economy is going under a Democrat, or how much a Democratic president is lowering the deficit, right-wing media will fearmonger constantly over the economy and the debt. And you will parrot their lies, no matter how transparent.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 11:25 other posts 
gas and food were affordable while Trump was in office.
People were working,living well. REAL WORLD, right out my front door that i saw with my own eyes, living much better than under obama. quit looking at charts that are skewed to prove the writers point of view and start looking at the real world.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 11:36 other posts 
Oil was at a negative price for a while under Trump.
That was not by his actions, that was the economy.
When the Covid restrictions were relieved in the US and Europe, that was not the end of the crisis. As you know, China, the factory of the world, was struggling much longer. That had an effect globally. It resulted in inflation, because of shortages, not because of devaluation of money. But that inflation was worsened by companies raising their prices much more than their cost increased, because of greed and because Republicans protect them and blame Democrats for it.

Then Russia decided to attack Ukraine, resulting in sanctions affecting energy prices globally. Also not the fault of either Trump or Biden.
What is caused by Trump was trillions in extra debt and a huge deficit from giving tax-cuts to the wealthy. Democrats could fix that, but Republicans are preventing any fixes, because they like to destroy the economy when a Democrat is in office.

At least I'm referring to actual data, you are referring to partisan lies.
By #610414 13,Jun,23 12:24
Except you couldn't get stuff to buy
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 11:27 other posts 
I agree Obama high inflation trump much better than comes Biden and bingo high inflation again I’m no rocket scientist but I see a trend here
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 11:43 other posts 
That's not even a coherent sentence, but inflation under Obama was very low.
It was even so low, for so long that economists were worried about it.
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Your brain is creating alternative facts, just to be able to think whatever you want.
How about actually looking at trends? They exist in the real world as data and as history. Then you can use it to be correct about reality, instead of creating your own reality.
By #610414 13,Jun,23 12:25
What brain? They use teleprompters.🤣🤣
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 13:33 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 17:59 other posts 
Were pray tell do you dig this happy horse shit up i see with my eyes not a computer screen everything was sky high in our 8 years of the negro era and now it’s even worse much like the high inflation in your country what do you pay for gas and food it’s outrageous
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Jun,23 04:13 other posts 
So your eyes saw high inflation during Obama, that 'the numbers' didn't see?
No you didn't, your ears heard lies about 'the numbers' and you believed them.

No, it's not worse in your country. In my country, the prices of gas have gone down a bit, because of lower taxes on it, but the prices of food keep going up.
If you want to see our food prices, look here:
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In march 2022, we paid €2.30/l Euro95, that's $9.38 per gallon. You paid $4.173 per gallon then. What we pay for gas and food is outrageous, I agree.
Is that Biden's fault? No it isn't. It's the global economy and it's companies screwing us for more profits.

What makes high prices less of a problem? People who can pay them.
Biden has lowered unemployment to a record low. Trump didn't.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,23 05:44 other posts 
No what my eyes saw was the money flying out of my wallet every time I bought something anything and every one bitching about the prices what he was is a black pawn that the higher ups wanted in office to show the world that we were not racist but yet he was nothing more than a money grabbing gutter rat why do you think trump won by a landslide the first time it’s because even the Democrats were sick of the high prices and you can take that statement to the first national
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,23 09:37 other posts 
My eyes saw my neighbors out of work because home building had slowed down to a crawl,
1 major employer told 1 of my neighbors if Trump did not win 2016 that the company would be shutting down as they would not be able to afford to continue under democrat rule. Most of their contracts were military.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 03:05 other posts 
Someone lost their job, while Obama was president, so of course it was Obama's fault. Do you understand how much confirmation bias is in that kind of thinking? If someone close to you lost their job while Trump was president, you wouldn't blame Trump for that.

Biden increased your defense budget by $ 80 billion. Lots of military contracts going round. Who do you think makes all those weapons for Ukraine?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 10:23 other posts 
Not just someone, alot of people.
Those numbers and surveys are done in different areas of the country.
For example, you would not go to a small town in Kansas and ask about the effects of coastal oil drilling, those people would not know much about it unless you wanted numbers to say, people had nothing against it. You would go to somewhere on the texas coast to a democrat led town and ask , then you would get numbers to say it has a negative effect.
So some new contracts went around , hum, didn't do the company much good that had been in business over a 100 years and went bank rupt in 2014.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 11:18 other posts 
The jobless rate under Obama started out at 10% in 2010, caused by Bush's financial crash and declined to 4.7%, when Obama left office in January 2017. But of course you make him responsible for the failures of every stupid Republican led state too.
But when Trump was in office he was of course not responsible for the biggest job loss in decades. Then every state failing is their own fault.
If that was true, it would show up in inflation data. It's impossible that so many prices are going up, without it showing in inflation data. It's confirmation bias. Your media tells you that Obama is making prices higher, you see something that is expensive and that confirms their story for you. But your media tells you everything sucks when a Democrat is president and praises everything to high heaven, when a Republican is president. They are lying to you. Unless you belong to the 1%, it's the exact opposite. Republicans blow up the deficit, by giving tax-cuts to the wealthy and make the other 90% of people pay for it. Then they deregulate banks, so they can gamble away your money, scam you with interest rates and sell you bad investments. All of Wall Street then gets rich as fuck, until the whole system crashes. Then the tax-payer has to step in to save the economy again, with of course more presents to the rich, with the FED buying stocks and bonds. Bush created the problem, and Obama had to clean it up. He did, and the economy recovered on every metric, clearly visible. So you have to come up with a better story than 'everything was expensive'. That's just your bias speaking.

What did Obama do? What was the cause? When I tell you things, I explain what the Republican president did. You can check that in the news history and in government archives. Then I tell you what result came from it and why.
You just tell me your gut feelings. They are wrong, because they are based on decades of misinformation and bias. There's no logic behind any of it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 04:41 other posts 
Back at ya babe you’re not converting me
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 11:25 other posts 
Just trying to make you think. That's what I want to convert you to.
Because, if you just tried to find logic for your ideas, they would unravel.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 11:57 other posts 
Wouldn’t the world be a funny place if we all liked the same thing drove the same car and lived in the same type house you liberals want to save the world and I would like it to stay the way it was 3 years ago
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 12:25 other posts 
Shit,I would take the clinton years back before I would obama or biden.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 17:27 other posts 
Absolutely i 100 percent agree
By #610414 15,Jun,23 17:47
You lie Dgraff

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WASHINGTON (AP) — In claiming that he scored “a massive landslide victory” in last month’s presidential election, Donald Trump turned history upside down.

In fact, his winning margin in the Electoral College is on the other end of the historical spectrum, far closer to the narrowest win in history than to the widest.

Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” Trump claimed that “We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College.” Hillary Clinton, he said, is “down to a very low number.” He added that Democrats “suffered one of the greatest defeats in the history of politics in this country.”

The final Electoral College margin was Trump 306, Clinton 232, for a winning percentage of just under 57 percent. That ranks this year’s outcome as the 13th-closest of the 58 presidential elections in U.S. history, according to a tally by Claremont McKenna College political scientist John Pitney.

Barack Obama won both of his presidential elections with bigger Electoral College margins: 61 percent in 2008 and 62 percent in 2012. Trump’s margin was narrower than all but two of the last 10 presidential elections — those of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 18:29 other posts 
Stick to the program hunny the point i was making was that people were that sick of that nigga after 8 years and his inflation that they would vote for any one just to get rid of the democrats
--------------------------------------- added after 64 seconds

And I don’t give a damn about your graph’s and google look ups
By #610414 15,Jun,23 20:20
Of course not. You rather have your head up your ass than face the truth.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 04:36 other posts 
For every look up you do there is a counter look up out there so that gets us nowhere
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 07:14 other posts 
If a person wanted to disprove the sky is blue, a few days research and compiling data could be done to confirm it. If a person wanted to fight that, some research could be done to prove it was blue.
And the results would also be altered by the beliefs of the person paying for all this to be done.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 07:25 other posts 
With out google or look ups seeing with my own eyes the sky is multi colored blue with white clouds and sometimes it has red and orange color sometimes gray and black and chicken little says the sky is falling but yet I bet google would say it’s blue
By #610414 16,Jun,23 09:56
Dgraff, Phart this is true
“ For every look up you do there is a counter look up out there ”
The question is, “Why do I look stuff up on the internet”? I’ll explain, but, before I do, let me explain some truths. I know that Trump won the 2016 election. I know that Biden won the 2020 election. These are undeniable by me or by anyone. These are not opinions. These facts are as true as an apple is a tree grown fruit and that a man .is born with a penis, and so on and so forth. An opinion is a statement made by someone that needs to be proved before it can be a fact. Dgraff made a statement in the above post. I didn’t think that was right, but, before I, call someone out, I want to be absolutely sure that what I’m saying is true. Trump won the 2014 election. That will not change. It’s history. Now, if I believe Dgraff is wrong, how do I prove it? You geniuses, that see only what’s in front of your face, how would you prove and convince me that what you are saying is the truth, a real fact? I go to the online encyclopedia, Google. What I ask, and in order to not be biased, I pose this question, “By what margin did Trump win the 2014 election?” What ever I find I EVALUATE. If every source says one thing and just one says another, I’ll go by the majority.
You two, and many more, have your views. I don’t know for sure where you acquired these views, but, not once, when I refute your views do you come up with unimpeachable sources to support your views. Mainly, it’s what, you Dgraff, said, “I don’t give a damn about your graph’s and google look ups”
I’m not as you seem to be. If I’m wrong, I’ll say so. I also don’t open my mouth until I put my brain in gear. Want to see how that works? Biden won the election by very little, so I won’t open my mouth and say he had a landslide. I will say that he was declared the winner of the 2020 election and now he’s serving as our current president. See what I did? Now, if you say the election was stolen, I can say, “ But, he is serving now.” That’s how it works.
You have an opinion? Fine, but, if you want me to believe it, provide facts that I can see. And you don’t care to, then I can have my opinion. You LIED.🤣🤣😈
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 14:42 other posts 
Good lord are you writing a book
By #610414 16,Jun,23 16:00
Honey child, you don't have to read it. Don't misunderstand my intentions. I didn't write it for you or Phart. I wrote it for me.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 17:36 other posts 
I understand I have it all figured out now
I’m going to step back and let the young folks figure it out
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 18:31 other posts 
In other words, we're fucked. Because they can't figure out what gender they are when they wake up in the morning,and you think they can figure out something useful???
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 18:49 other posts 
Yeah I do believe you’re right

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