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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Feb,23 12:59 other posts 
While “Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead” is from the soundtrack to The Wizard of Oz, its banning had nothing to do with the iconic film. In 2013, the song surged to the #2 position on the British music charts following the death of controversial former prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Despite this chart success, the BBC banned the song from its airwaves, claiming its success was a “celebration of death.”

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I wonder if this will get banned in the US when Nancy Peeeloowsee is gone?
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 06:45 other posts 
Republicans Want to Jail Teachers and Librarians Who Don't Comply with Book Bans.
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That's fascism!

You only believe in free speech, if you protect the speech you don't agree with.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 09:57 other posts 
Well if the book is banned,I would think there is a law that backs that ban up correct? If a teacher presents it anyway, is
that not breaking a law? are you saying laws can be violated without repercussion?

All the more reason to go private with the schools so parents can send their kids to a school that teaches math, reading, writing, and so forth that kids need to learn, instead of recent social constructs.
Or they can send their kids to a school that purple dinosaurs and fairy's in codpieces can read them story's.

Oh, yea, thinking of Barney, the purple dinosaur, he went on to become a sex therapist.
Giving the iconic "I love you you love me" thing a whole new meaning.
By #610414 29,Jan,23 12:20
Florida law, known as HB 1467, Is a disgrace to the Constitution of the United States. This governor, DeSantis, is a moron. He is an affront to the Constitution. You, Phart, have been indoctrinated by the extreme right to repudiate books simply for their subject. And, most of these books just reference a truth in our world. Why is it no one bans the Bible? There's more smiting, more whoring, more murdering, more **** than any other book.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 20:05 other posts 
There has to be a line as to what kids are exposed to in a public funded environment.
Some of these books will cause kids to ask questions that at their age they are not able to comprehend the answers to.
a 5 year old coming home to a loving mother and father might ask "2 mommys? How can a baby happen with 2 mommys and no daddy? "
at that age,it is not a time to explain the "birds and the bees".
By #610414 29,Jan,23 20:16
What age is that? School libraries are age appropriate. By the time a student is in highschool there's little he can't handle. What you describe is something from the minds of right wingers. Five year olds have not been exposed to something like that and won't be. However, since they don't know about sex, explaining two mother's is easy, " They like to live together."--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutesDon't you wonder why no one thought this important enough to ban books until the likes of DeSantis and other rabid rightwingers stated to weaponise this against the liberals?
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 21:43 other posts 
People were preaching "tolerance" not to long ago and alot of people made the BIG mistake of thinking, "well leave them alone, let them live their lives ,they won't ever cause any trouble, all they want is to live in peace"
That became evident as a mistake when suddenly ,they started taking over, wanting special treatment, waning MORE publicity and teaching ,or more like coaching and manipulating more young people into their fold.
Parents don't want their kids taught things that are being taught in those banned books. Period.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 07:07 other posts 
And you think banning books isn't manipulating more young people into your fold?
Everything you are told those teachers are doing is propaganda.
It exactly is just tolerance that the teachers are teaching.

But you have become intolerant of tolerance. You don't want to just leave people alone, you want to invade into their life and forbid them to be who they want to be. It's not affecting your life, but you are affecting their life.

You want teachers to teach hate and bigotry, and you want BIG GOVERNMENT
to step in and censor people and control people's bodily autonomy.
That's your ideology and it's at war with tolerance, respect and freedom.
By #610414 30,Jan,23 08:31
By phart [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 09:25 other posts 
I would like the truth to be taught in history class, the whole truth.Not a liberal interpretation of the truth.
As for banned books,why not privatize the schools and let parents have full control over their kids education? Take government the hell out of it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 11:29 other posts 
No, you don't want the truth, you want to rewrite history.
Like your bullshit that the conservatives wrote the constitution.
Or that the conservatives fought against slavery, instead of the liberals.
That's bullshit propaganda from people who shit on the constitution daily
and would love to reinstate slavery tomorrow; conservatives.

And you want to erase history where America looks bad.
Similar like if Germany banned all books about WWII.
And then no one will ever learn from previous mistakes.

What are they saying that is not the truth then?

And you don't want to take the government the hell out of it,
you want the government to censor speech that you don't like
and then replace it with your lies, to indoctrinate children,
which is already happening in lots of states, where they teach creation
as an alternative 'theory' to evolution.

You just want teachers to teach bullshit and create even more dumb people.
Because somehow that might Make America Great Again.
But your ideology will just Make America Hate Again.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 13:59 other posts 
You are so wrong the gauge is pegged.
Slaves being misstreated is incorrect and is a lie.they cost to damn much to abuse.It would be like buying a john deere tractor and running it without oil.No economic sense.
History is there to be studied and written about.No need for lies.
Why not learn about it yourself.
Why not take a moment to find out how slaves wound up on slave ships? Do they teach that in school?
Since when does a kid need to be lied to that a male- man can have a baby,when books printed 100's of years ago prove there is nothing inside a man to grow a baby.Not only that they can look online and see autopsies of bodies and See there is no womb in a man. and etc.
Do the books teach about those fucking carpet baggers that robbed southerners of what little they had left after the civil war? NO,it would make the democrats that tried to hold slaves look worse
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 08:40 other posts 
"Slaves being misstreated is incorrect and is a lie"
I see you are buying in to more and more bullshit.
Slaves were treated worse than farm animals. Forcing people to work 'as slaves' requires constant torture and the threat of torture. Are you really going to deny that? That's a level of ignorance you have not approached often. I have informed myself. That's why I know that you must have consumed horrible propaganda to say what you just said.
But, you are giving a good example of the lies you want taught.

"Why not take a moment to find out how slaves wound up on slave ships? Do they teach that in school?" You are obviously referring to indigenous people being involved in the slave trade. I know. That's no reason to deny that the western world created the demand and incentives for Africans being involved in slavery. You cannot shift away our blame, but you are trying your damnedest.

You are the one repeating stupid lies conservatives say about how schools approach transgenderism and other LGTBQ identities. They are not in any way spreading scientifically false information. That's what your side is doing. You still either don't understand the difference between sex and gender or you think denying it might prove something. It doesn't, it's just dumb. Teachers should exceed your ignorance, because they have the responsibility to teach.

Those 'carpet baggers' should have punished the treason of the south way harder than they did. But that's what liberals always do, they are always way too soft against treason and criminality from conservatives. You only respect strength, so they should have delivered an ass-whooping that you never forgot. But the liberal heart forgives easy and even sees criminals as people.
The conservative heart holds a grudge for ever and supports cruel and unusual punishment. It has always been this way and it will never change.
And they should have cracked down on Trump's treason like they had some balls too. But, like I explained before; Democrats are paid to be weak, by the same people, who pay Republicans to be unapologetic, loud deplorables.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 10:30 other posts 
Have you ever read letters and diaries and documents actually written during the civil war and before?
You know, before politically correctness came along?
That is 1 of the reasons for the push to digitize everything, to erase the written word, the written evidence, or at the very least ,a second look at history from that of the self proclaimed victor of a war.
The people of the south fought for their survival, same as anyone else would have in that damn them for that is pure hatred for fellow man.
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Now you do the math, how many folks could afford 1 much less more on the wages earned during that time?
So not every southerner owned slaves.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Feb,23 04:51 other posts 
"That is 1 of the reasons for the push to digitize everything, to erase the written word"
That's true, but it comes from conservatives. It's the Republicans who are trying to destroy the national archives, not the Democrats.

The whole culture war is an intentional strategy of distraction.

It's a war against HUMAN DIGNITY!!!

"So not every southerner owned slaves."
That's true, but they all fought to protect the institution of slavery.
Of course they were told that they were protecting their freedom.
That's what the slave owners always tell their gullible followers.
They always say: "They are coming for your freedom!".
But it's not your freedom that 'those liberals' are coming for.
It's the freedom of the 'slave owners' to exploit people, that 'those liberals'
are challenging. And it's the gullible followers of the 'slave owners' (YOU)
who are protecting their own exploitation too.

Because how could 'hard working Americans' compete with slaves?
Have you ever thought about that?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Feb,23 20:41 other posts 
let me ask a question.
You worked hard and got a few acres in Georgia in 1858 and you have a wife and 2 kids.
A war breaks out in 1861 between the north and the south. And someone says it is because the north wants to abolish slavery.
you are sitting at the table eating deer meat and corn, knowing full well you don't own a slave and don't have a opinion either way as it has always been a thing for the rich.

If your family and home are not in immediate danger, do you sit back and wait and just hope it all passes, because you don't support slavery? Knowing the yanks don't give a damn if you agree with slavery or not? Do you defend your home,or do you run like a chicken and hide or what?

Out of nowhere 1 day comes a group of soldiers in blue suits, they burn your crops ,kill your kids, cattle, r@pe your wife and leave you bleeding to watch it all burn.
When you muster the strength to get up,do you give a rats ass about slavery, or who is right or who is wrong? NO, you want revenge.
"Well if the book is banned,I would think there is a law that backs that ban up correct?"
If a state makes laws that are unconstitutional, any book can be banned.
If you allow that, all speech can be banned. How would you like it, if gender affirming pronouns would be banned, by a new law in California? Say 'he' or 'she' and go to jail?

There are rules that limit free speech. You should know what those are by now.
When people break those limits of free speech, that can be a crime.
If a book contains speech that breaks those limits, than the author is liable.
That is the limit of the government's power on the subject of free speech.

The First Amendment is specifically written to protect your speech from GOVERNMENT crackdown. You are crying about free speech when a private media company bans someone for breaking the limits of free speech, which IS THE LAW AND IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT, but now you don't care when THE GOVERNMENT is cracking down on speech THAT IS WITHIN THE LIMITS. Why? Because you don't like THAT speech.

Jailing librarians and teachers for allowing books to be in libraries, that's where the government's power stops. And if you understood free speech, you would agree.

Find me any precedent for a government jailing librarians and teachers over books. What countries would be associated with that? Nazi Germany? Iran? Russia?
China under Mao Zedong? That's because what Ron DeSantis is doing, is FASCISM!
By phart [Ignore] 03,Feb,23 10:01 other posts 
Would you ban this book?
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What about this book?
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what about this 1? Very politically correct name for people we both may agree are not good.
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Here was just a few examples of books not in reference to trans and same sex things that would be on the table in the local elementary school library if your ideas were implemented literally.
A line was drawn decades ago, and people are trying to erase it,but where will it be redrawn, if at all? Slippery slope .

By phart [Ignore] 02,Feb,23 21:47 other posts 
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Will the complaining ever stop?
Freed slaves paid for the statue for crying out loud.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Feb,23 20:33 other posts 
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By #610414 26,Jan,23 14:45
Rick Scott announces Senate run, promises to push 'controversial' plan that forces the poor to pay more taxes

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Another asshole Floridian Republican.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 16:01 other posts 
the democrats have already shoved their "plan" down the common peoples throats,
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Sell a used chair and table on facebook. better be ready to show profit and loss. This will be alot of trouble for tax preparers and probably cost alot more to get taxes done,for simple stuff that people have done for decades without issue.

This will really boost flea markets and yard sales to grow for sure.

Thankfully there is a repreave,
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Hopefully the republicans can change this to a more sensible system. 600 bucks is digging into children's lemonade stand money.

A smart republican,From California of all places,is helping to do their part to fix this mess.
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By #610414 31,Jan,23 18:22
The Internal Revenue Service “cash grab” will zero in on Venmo, PayPal, Etsy, AirBnB, Facebook marketplace and other popular payment services — and hit taxpayers “like a truck,” according to CPA and tax attorney Bruce Willey, the New York Post reports.

Read Newsmax: IRS 'Cash Grab' to Start With This Year's Taxes |
Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here

They are looking at the form of payment. Ever hear of debit/ credit cards, cash or check?
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 20:38 other posts 
Any transaction is under the rule,
Also,hard to buy and sell on ebay with cash . Perhaps facebook market place,pay in cash in person.
Venmo is how alot of young people just starting out or trying to do side work get payment for yard work and such. It takes alot to make ends meet lately. young people that actually work are still having a hard time.this will hurt them even worse.I know several that will be affected.
It is not the "tax" or the paying it that is the bigger issue.The issue is people do not understand how to do taxes like this.never had to. how to keep up with all the paperwork and decide gain and loss down to the penny and etc.
Difficult to do. and exspensive to pay to have done. Should have never been messed with.
By #610414 01,Feb,23 06:57
There's no paper work to BUY. If selling gives you problems with the paper work, either collect taxes, do it under the table, or don't do it. I, personally, never heard of a kid's lemonade stand sell $600 worth of lemonade to one individual. There's a lot of people that have a sideline that generates substanceal sales/income. Most do it without reporting it to the IRS. With internet payments, these can be tracked, but, only on the seller's account.

By phart [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 09:17 other posts 
as california is talking about giving free money to blacks as reperations for things they never suffered, ,they stab people in the back that actually work and are suffering today.
Crazy state,I am glad I don't live there.
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By phart [Ignore] 30,Jan,23 09:13 other posts 
Soft of crime Seattle
it doesn't work people,quit being woke and Wake up@!
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"Inherently Marxist, equity breeds misery, not hope. "

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 12:18 other posts 
Parents react to empty classrooms and library shelves as DCPS continues book reviews
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Parents react to empty classroom, library shelves as DCPS continues book review
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That's what happens if you threaten teachers with prison, for books that are not sanctioned by the state. The rules on what is or is not 'woke' are vague, so they don't take any chances and remove every single book, until all of them are reviewed by the Florida states 'censoring commission'.

By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 17:41 other posts 
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By #610414 29,Jan,23 12:09
It's a shame. This gang is particularly vicious. I'm not sure why the task force was disbanded.

By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 16:07 other posts 
It is PRISON, Not a vacation spot!
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By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Jan,23 02:51 other posts 
My question is, why was there even a live round on the set. Who brought it to the set. A live round on a set seems pretty suspicious to me. Yes many of us were taught gun safety. But still why a live round on set? Would not so called 'blanks' work just as well on a movie set. I do not mean this to be a defense for AB either.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jan,23 07:16 other posts 
No doubt that question needs answered. And I feel sure alec didn't wake up that morning wanting to kill anyone.
But he was holding a gun ,with a bullet in it and pulled the trigger. Those facts can't be disputed.

I would think a very lite sentence is in order for alec,enough for him to learn not to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger.
By #610414 21,Jan,23 11:48
Phart, pointing a gun and pulling the trigger was his JOB. This was a movie set with the making of a movie in progress. The fuckup was the armorer’s fault.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jan,23 18:28 other posts 
It is also a policeman's JOB but they get crucified for it all the time.
By #610414 21,Jan,23 22:33
They don't but they have to justify it.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Jan,23 13:15 other posts 
Will justice be served or will this be yet another sham trial?
In 8th grade we took a gun-hunting class taught by the wildlife service, we were taught to assume all guns were loaded and could kill ,and were taught to handle them accordingly.
No reason for a gun to be pointed directly at someone on a movie set anyway, there are camera angles and editing and special effects to take care of that.
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By #275407 19,Jan,23 15:17
You don't need a gun hunting class if you have responsible parents, meaning, either put a gun lock on your weapon, a locked case, or like in my case have your parents teach you what not to touch or train you in the handling of a weapon like my father did to me, him being in the military for 15 years and a police officer for 36 years which he ran the academy as a hand to hand instructor, psdi. He made sure if we ever touched one of his guns without him being there, we wouldn't be able to sit down for a week our butts would be whipped raw. I learned very fast under those circumstances.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jan,23 15:34 other posts 
I am thankful for having similar raising but not by as qualified people. but I seldom ever saw my dads guns and if I did I was taught to just stay away.
But i mentioned the class I was in to illustrate that basic education, even without parenting, should have taught people enough for a tragedy like this to have never happened.
Can you imagine a few live rounds in the filming of a A team episode? Holy crap.
By #275407 19,Jan,23 15:36
My dads guns are mine now, he passed, my guns never leave my bedroom. I feel no need to carry a weapon.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jan,23 08:09 other posts 
I was trained by a United States marine a Vietnam war veteran and my brother in law my dad was a dedicated democrat and hated guns but my brother in law took me under his wing and taught me to hunt and handle firearms he taught me hand to hand combat and how to make weapons out of common every day products like land mines filled with nails and how to make a quarter staff out of a sapling tree with out his help i would probably be a cowering wimp just like the democrats I know
By #610414 19,Jan,23 15:52
There are two different things here. One is the Baldwin thing. I know a skilled firearm user would know how to handle a gun and also know if the ammunition are blanks or not. An actor doesn't have to know that. That's the reason for an armorer.
The other thing is instructions to a minor or teen how to use a firearm. The instructions themselves are a plus in the handling of guns. What I object to (besides gun themselves) is the expectation that a child or young adult would follow protocol or instructions.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jan,23 20:58 other posts 
Well when you were young cat,I am sure your parents had a strict rule about something that you knew you would get your hide tanned if you did it.You were taught to leave something alone or to respect it, something.
Well most kids were taught to respect their elders ,and guns.As of lately,I guess parents are slack on both
By #610414 21,Jan,23 11:46
Sonny, I got my tush spanked several times for breaking the “rules”. The biggest one was crossing SW 8 St without Mom or an adult to supervise. You don’t understand that in most City environments there are no guns in evidence in a home. Fathers don’t take their kids and give them “The talk” while disassembling an AR15.

By phart [Ignore] 30,Dec,22 20:51 other posts 
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Soft on crime democrats.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Jan,23 06:38 other posts 
Those granted pardons are:

— Beverly Ann Ibn-Tamas, 80, of Columbus, Ohio. At age 33, Ibn-Tamas was convicted of killing her husband. She testified that her husband beat her, verbally abused her and threatened her. She told jurors that she shot him moments after he had assaulted her, while she was pregnant. The judge refused to allow expert testimony on battered woman syndrome, a psychological condition that can develop among victims of domestic violence. Ibn-Tamas got one to five years of incarceration with credit for time served. Her appeal was among the first by someone with battered woman syndrome, and her case has been studied by academics.

— Charles Byrnes-Jackson, 77, of Swansea, South Carolina. Byrnes-Jackson pleaded guilty to possession and sale of spirits without tax stamps when he was 18, and it involved a single illegal whiskey transaction. He tried to enlist in the Marines but was rejected because of the conviction.

— John Dix Nock III, 72, of St. Augustine, Florida. Nock pleaded guilty to using his property as a grow-house for marijuana 27 years ago. He didn’t cultivate the plants, but he got six months of community confinement. He now operates a general contracting business.

— Gary Parks Davis, 66, of Yuma, Arizona. When Davis was 22, he admitted using a telephone for a cocaine transaction. He served a six-month sentence on nights and weekends in a county jail and completed probation in 1981. After the offense, the White House says, Davis earned a college degree and worked steadily, including owning a landscaping business and managing construction projects. He has volunteered at his children’s high school and in his community.

— Edward Lincoln De Coito III, 50, of Dublin, California. De Coito pleaded guilty at age 23 to being involved in a marijuana trafficking conspiracy. He was released from prison in December 2000 after serving nearly two years. Before the offense, De Coito had served honorably in the U.S. Army and the Army Reserves and had received numerous awards.

— Vincente Ray Flores, 37, of Winters, California. As a 19-year-old, Flores consumed ecstasy and alcohol while serving in the Air Force, later pleading guilty at a special court-martial. He was sentenced to four months of confinement, loss of $2,800 in pay and a reduction in rank. Flores participated in a six-month rehab program that gives select enlisted offenders a chance to return to duty after therapy and education. His reduction in rank was amended, and he remains on active duty, earning medals and other awards for his service.

He's being soft on a few criminals. How are you concluding from that he is soft on crime.

How about “Hate the sin, love the sinner”, which you have quoted before?
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jan,23 09:21 other posts 
This type thing is what eliminates the deterrent of crime.
IF a person knows there is punishment for doing something and that it follows you thru life, that SHOULD act as a deterrent from committing a crime. No sin committed ,no sin has to be washed away
the way this is going, before long there is no deterrent and people are less safe.
You apparently haven't watched marijuana contribute to someone's demise you care about.
OR you might would understand the damage it does and why it needs to be GONE.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Jan,23 10:01 other posts 
Nonsense, hard punishment never is a deterrent. High chance of getting could is.
The US already has the harshest punishment of the modern world and also has the largest percentage of incarceration in the world. What better evidence do you want
for harsh punishment not working?

Your country has a tough, unforgiving culture, that treats people like animals.
That's why so many people turn into animals.
By #610414 06,Jan,23 12:37
Not only that, but, if a purse snatcher knows the book will be thrown at him if caught, why not kill the victim to eliminate a witness?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jan,23 13:55 other posts 
So we should just hand our wallets to the thugs and suffer the loss's?
Why not the woman pull up her big girl panties and shoot the purse snatcher?
By #610414 06,Jan,23 17:39
Yes. That's what law enforce says you should do
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 01:03 other posts 
Why is it acceptable to give up what is yours that you earned to someone else?
I know you mentioned once that you were nearly mugged or mugged,can't remember,but surely you don't more of that happening.
Theft is already rampant, and your idea would only make it worse.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 19:03
Because it's safer. Because I can't harm other people even if they are robbing me.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 21:27 other posts 
Hog wash and eye for an eye if they rob me I’m gonna beat them with in an inch of their life and take everything they have on them
By #610414 14,Jan,23 13:28
You are going to try if the opportunity arises. What if it doesn’t?
If you have an equitable society, there are no purse snatchers.
But your society gives people no incentives to do better, because everything is stacked against them. If your parents are poor, your choices are paying off crushing student dept for the rest of your life to a predatory loan company or working a stupid job for a poverty wage.

Funny how you want to kill all purse snatchers, but you are against abortion.
Why does every fertilized egg of a poor single mother first need to grow up,
before you kill it?
Is it just for the off chance that it will become an obedient slave to McDonald's
and Amazon or just because you are dying to kill people?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 10:55 other posts 
It would be very difficult if not impossible to have a equitable society until something called GREED is gone.
If you took all the money,and divided it evenly among all, 6 months from now you would be almost back where you started. The rich would be rich again and the poor would be poor again.
The "poor" have no more sense than to pay huge money to watch a football game being played by those making millions, while the ticket holders barely make 1000's, for a example.
Paying a man 10 million dollars to kick a foot ball, and another man 15 dollars a hour to drive a trash truck.Sadly he is the fool that is buying tickets to watch the ball player.
By #610414 12,Jan,23 11:34
Watching a football game, going to the movies or having dinner out is called entertainment. One is not "a fool" for wanting a break from the drudgery of everyday life and you have no right to criticize what a person does with the money he earns by working. Nor should you criticize the exorbitant pay an athlete gets paid. It's not your business. I do agree that greed gets many people in trouble.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 20:00 other posts 
Ah,you hit the point dead on!
It is also no one elses bussiness what someone earns or owns.Much to Leo's dismay,he thinks it should be illegal to be wealthy.Ananas feels the same I bet
By #610414 12,Jan,23 20:30
And it's not for you to opine about it either.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 22:07 other posts 
But why not?
"It would be very difficult if not impossible to have a equitable society until something called GREED is gone."
Which is the same as 'when hell freezes over'.

But it's not true. You don't need to cure everyone of greed. Common people just need to come together, so they are not exploited by a few greedy assholes.
You propose the exact opposite; give those greedy assholes all the power to exploit everyone, because you think that will benefit everyone. That's where you are wrong. It will just benefit those greedy assholes and hurt everyone else.

A footballer earning 10 million dollars per year doesn't exploit anyone.
It's the people who get wealthy from other people working hard for nothing.
If you don't understand those basic concepts, you will keep believing lies.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 17:10 other posts 
a fellow making 10 million for playing ball is not even working ,he is PLAYING a GAME .
HE is allowing himself to be USED BY other rich people to exploit the common workers out of their money buying tickets to watch.
By #610414 13,Jan,23 19:10
For 10 million they can take advantage of me too
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Jan,23 01:54 other posts 
Wish I had 10 million.
By #610414 14,Jan,23 13:29
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jan,23 19:28 other posts 
I would settle for 1 million
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Jan,23 21:20 other posts 
I think all here would.🤑
If by your idea a footballer is used, than everyone is used,
because we are all trading time for money, to serve the needs
of someone else. In most cases rich people.

At least football provides something positive, without too much negative
side effects. It's not hurting other people, animals or the environment much.
They are mostly hurting themselves, but that is by choice.
Still, there should be better safety regulations. They are exploited in that way. By their teams not allowing better safety regulations.
The same solution applies; if they organize, they can stop their exploitation.
If they all stop playing, until the regulations are in place,
they will get them soon enough.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jan,23 10:04 other posts 
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30 years old,26 break ins,
The New York Post reported that records show Aviles was arraigned on charges last week in connection to two burglaries in Queens. The paper said she was released without bail for those incidents.

Hows that new idea working of no bail?
not to good by these statements.

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