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Bella Is A Racist!!!!!!

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Started by #584706 [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 20:40
Should Queen Bella be allowed to use racist terms in the forums? She called me an "Abo" princess which is the equivalent in Australia as calling me the "N" word....its absolutely DISGUSTING!!!!! The odd thing is I'm Asian and NOT even Australian!!!!!

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 05:38 other posts 

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 19:00 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 21:22 other posts 
ask what?

By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 22:27 other posts 
bella! [Ignore] 1hr ago other posts

Several days ago I referred to another member as an "Abo Princess" and in my ignorance, had no idea that the term "abo" was considered a racial slur.

It is apparent that I unintentionally offended a number of members and for that, I sincerely apologize.
By #584706 21,Nov,22 00:56
In the age of information......ignorance is a choice!! 80% of people in the poll I am running agree and say she should be banned!!!!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:27 other posts 
she will never get banned from this site.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:33 other posts 
You don't have to accept her apology. But you don't have to let this event keep running you down either.
You have said how you felt,she knows it,
to keep it up is only stressing YOU, and not fixing anything.
Forgive,forget and move on.
Life is stressful enough without getting upset over a word or a name or a phrase.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 13:08 other posts 
Some people just cant live with out DRAMA !! They just keep beating a downed horse till it is dead and then some!
There are a LOT of Drama Seekers on this site.

Just my two cents worth!!
By #610414 21,Nov,22 16:31
I can’t agree with you, UnderCoverAngel. I consider myself well informed and I did not know that term is as derogatory as the “N” word is to Afro-Americans. Bella! is not easy to swallow, but, I think her apology is as sincere as anyone can expect. Some of the threads in the forums lend themselves to insults. There are more important reasons to try to ban someone than for something like this. Let it go.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 17:38 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,22 13:50 other posts 
When is the last time you tried to swallow bella? Were you that hungry?

Did you succeed?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,22 13:53 other posts 
By #610414 25,Nov,22 18:08
By biggg [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 17:59 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 19:34 other posts 
Nicht wahr mein Freund? Wie kann man mit bella hungrig sein. Für mich, das ist unmöglich.
By #660342 26,Nov,22 13:50
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 18:15 other posts 
Eh? what does that symbol mean?
By #275407 26,Nov,22 18:40
The symbol means that some members just want to keep this post alive and post a symbol to move it to the top
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 18:42 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 16:09 other posts 
Like this
By biggg [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 19:42 other posts 
I would assume it´s a tongue and refers to cunnilingus. But then, it might be something else
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 19:56 other posts 
By PITBULL [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 15:55 other posts 
do you agree or disagree?
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 00:54 other posts 
Time to ditch this discussion. IT gets no one no where.

By phart [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 11:49 other posts 
you mean someone dragged this shit up again? This was discussed, and had sunk down and out of the way.
THIS dredging shit up from the bottom is why racism is still alive.
Every time it gets quietened down, people get back to their lives and real problems, Some jurk has to bring it back up.
once settled ,leave it the hell alone.
By Jamie [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 22:53 other posts 
This crap belongs in the dumpster.
By sherryann [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 23:28 other posts 
By #610414 02,Apr,23 08:52
I agree with you Jamie. Why isn't it in the dumpster?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 09:41 other posts 
a pa freddy appears to be the 1 that brought it back up from the bottom,
By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:09
It figures. Troll rat.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 21:55 other posts 
wondering if bella! and ken31234 are related. Both hate Asians and blacks

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 19:11 other posts 
BELLA! wack job of this site is a racist. She hates blacks and Asians

By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 14:41 other posts 
While I am sure that all of the Aboriginal People of Australia are overjoyed to have you speaking up for them, they might be saddened that you refuse to accept bella!s sincere apology for her error on their behalf.
When you attend the next meeting, you might want to bring this up with them and see what they say.
I mean, she apologized, explained her error, and promised not to let it happen again.
Unless you have some sort of crazy-person ax to grind, let it go and move on--like a grown-up person would do.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 14:56 other posts 
I agree sir.100%
By #680315 21,Nov,22 16:20
By sherryann [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 16:30 other posts 
I too agree sir

By #275407 21,Nov,22 01:27
There's been name calling on both sides, Bella as well has been offended by comments said to her. She has apologized and I think uca should apologize as well and both parties should go there own seperate ways and not comment about each other. That would be the right thing to do, me on the other hand, if someone started with me I would make there life so missurable, then again, Bella did apologize and she's a better person then I would ever be.
By #680315 21,Nov,22 09:05
By PITBULL [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:25 other posts 
Bella apologized, time to move on.
By #680315 21,Nov,22 09:35
Yes she did but not your friend uca..
By #275407 21,Nov,22 11:17
Freddy said it right, everyone should just move on instead of making it worse then it is.

By oscar17 [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 10:41 other posts 
Religion was created when the first con man met the first fool.

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 11:54 other posts 
She should apologize but don't expect one from her.....early poll results show 78.9% think Bella is in the wrong.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 15:43 other posts 
She will never apologise.
She's religious and self-righteous.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 10:02 other posts 
Uh, wrong, she did.
NOW, even though you HATE religion, 1 thing it teaches is to forgive and turn the other cheek.
Are YOU LEO or Undercover angel, willing to do that?
No religion necessary. Just being a kind human being with a heart and soul and willingness to work towards PEACE.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 10:17 other posts 
I don't hate religion. It is, simply, wrong. Religion deals with myths and fairy tales. Actually, there isn't even a single religion. Religions contradict one another. Religions are collections of arbitrary, unsubstantiated, myths. And the myths are different from one religion to another. So there is no basis, absolutely none, for choosing a religion. Even if there was a single religion that was true, what criterion should one use to find it?

On the basis of humanity, and humanity alone, on the basis of the fundamental identity of homo sapiens, it is impossible to live one's life by killing, shooting or, indeed, not forgiving. That would cause neurological problems to humans. Hence, nature has evolved to a state where (most, nut not all) humans have to be forgiving. But this has nothing to do with religion. It is, simply, a biological fact.

Likewise, peace is best understood and achieved by studying evolution, biology and physics. Then there is a chance to understand why peace if a basic principle, not because some religions talk about it, but because it's a fact, It's a concept without which long-term survival would be impossible. Religions talk about arbitrary things, some of which turn out to be correct. Examples: Peace is necessary. Humans have 2 hands. Do not copulate with your siblings. Etc. And things that are not correct: Go kill those who do not obey the same god. There is a lord and humans should obey a lord. You are the chosen people. This religion is better than others. And so on. So whether a religion teaches something that is correct or incorrect, good or bad, wrong or right, is irrelevant. Religions have no basis for explaining anything they preach about. And that's why they're so ustable and full of contradictions. Example: some religion teaches peace. The same religion teaches war. Sometimes there is peace in the name of a religion. Sometimes there is war in the name of the same religion. Religions are, plainly, untrustworthy, internally and mutually contradictory, arbitrary collections of beliefs and myths.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 10:20 other posts 
By the way, it's Bella who is a religious bigot and, hence, will never forgive anyone, in the name of her religion. (I don't know what her religion is, probably one of the crazy American religions--practiced in money making megachurches.) I do not have any bad neither good feelings about Bella. In that sense, of course I have forgiven her. But that means nothing to her. She is the one who will never move an inch from the position she has taken. Precisely because she's religious. And religion, actually, fucks up the brain of those who follow it.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:56 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:59 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:43 other posts 
So Abo is offensive?
Is it because it was used ona non native person or?
I googled it,because I simply know little about the land down under.

noun: Abo; plural noun: Abos

an Aboriginal person.

Another googleing
What is another word for abo?
boong gin
Jacky lubra
Mary Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel

By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 10:22 other posts 
If you want racist; Check with CAT and bjuk and leopoldij. And don't forget ken31234
By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 13:54 other posts 
they are just plain crazy most of the time.I often wonder how leo and cat function in day to day life
As far as racist, they hate white people if they hate anybody. cat just said recently that white people are villains.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 13:59 other posts 
CAT is the worst; she is a racist and homophobic
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:39 other posts 
CAT [Ignore] 1d ago other posts

White people are villains.

Copied and pasted from a reply to 1 of my post .

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