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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Mar,24 07:54 other posts 
How many of you miss the America OR the WORLD that you grew up in?
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Mar,24 09:49 other posts 
I DO!!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Mar,24 10:17 other posts 
Me too, sherryann, me too!
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Mar,24 10:40 other posts 
How I long for the good old days bella! "Grampa tell ne bout the good old days"-The Judds
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

ME Not ne time to go
By #610414 16,Mar,24 11:35
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By #610414 12,Mar,24 08:57
Anyone for a good laugh? This is I'm my Events page:

Mongo is pleading to be removed from your blacklist:
I do not even understand what I did wrong, can you please remove me from your blacklist and may be explain?

This is the same Aussie 💩 that created the poll listed in another post in this thread. This is one a..hole who trashes the "Saggy Granny", as I'm called, continually. Well, Mr Abbo, kiss my ass.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 13:40 other posts 
If you decide you want to post the same thing in multiple threads, please bypass my thread(s). Thank you.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 19:45 other posts 
I noticed this was on multiple platforms.
I still feel like there is nothing to be afraid to unban mongo.
I mean after all,he is only a pawn in the game of life, or so he said in the movie Blazing saddles.
By #610414 12,Mar,24 20:49
Phart, at the risk of getting banned by the lady of the house I'll repost this from another thread.
"Because I'm not about to spend a bunch of points cleaning up my page. He along with Sir-Skitles and Pitbull like to trash my page. I don't need to defend myself. My acquaintances here either know me to be a good member or not without me telling them so."
By #610414 12,Mar,24 20:53
I post SOME things in multiple threads to reach more viewers. I figured someone like Phart would report to that obnoxious Aussie dumbass. Your house, your rules. I'm surprised you ever read posts in other threads. Go figure. It must be boring down in Southwest Florida.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 22:35 other posts 
I aint "reporting".
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 01:23 other posts 
It is my opinion that the Forum attracts only a certain group of members and certain threads will attract only certain members. Here's a suggestion, rather than posting the same ol' same crap in multiple threads "to reach more viewers", you might be better served if you blogged your concerns. As I'm sure you are aware, a blog would notify your 100 plus friends of your plight.

And as for your concern about my time in SW Florida, no need to concern yourself, thank you. I'm not bored.

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,24 19:56 other posts 
"Clean up in aisle Joe!"

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By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,24 20:26 other posts 
Yep,he's right, nov 5th can't come soon enough. When foreign countries can see the issues so clearly, it is difficult to understand how Americans seem blind to it all.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 06:57 other posts 
Liberal America 🇺🇸 don’t want to see the problems they think Obama will take his magic wand and make everything better
And yes I said Obama that’s who is really running this country
--------------------------------------- added after 98 seconds

If you remember Obama wanted to run for a third term
Well he got it
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 07:09 other posts 
By #610414 05,Mar,24 11:19
Well, Dgraff, as usual, you are full of 💩, but, don’t you think I won’t give you a chance to explain yourself. Let’s start with, “ Liberal America 🇺🇸 don’t want to see the problems”. Why do you think we are blind to the problem of the economy, the border, the reproductive rights of women, the inaction of the House of Representatives, and an ex-President who has been indicated 93 times now is running for President, just because we are liberals?
And, BTW, we are not liberals or conservatives. We are CONCERNED VOTERS. So, answer that one, OH, KNOW-IT-ALL.
Now, let’s consider Obama. Here’s an ex-President that is well regarded. A President that got us out of the Republican mess that was Bush Jr. A President that handed The Clown a good economy. If only he was running the country again. Unfortunately, all we have is an old man trying his best and a joke of an ex-President trying to get re-elected solely to give himself a pardon for crimes.
Tell me, Dgraff and Phart, what are you, the Republicans, the Clown, and MAGA, bringing to the table? You really think a failed business man, a misogynist, a rapist, and a traitor can bring you a better time for this country? I think not.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 15:01 other posts 
He did it before and he can do it again
By #610414 05,Mar,24 18:46
He sure did. He shut down the country and then told us to shoot up bleach. He let one million people die of a pandemic that he refused to believe was happening. He cost the country trillions of tax dollars by bringing the tax rate to big corporations and mega-rich people. That’s what brought the national debt into the stratosphere. He caused the major shortages of goods by getting into a trade war with China. Yeah, let’s bring him back.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 19:38 other posts 
Boy you sure are skipping a lot of key moments of before the phony pandemic as i recall trump tried to warn everyone that this virus was coming a month before we had our first case here in the United States he also asked congress for funding to prepare for it and one of the top congress men MR Joe Biden said he was being paranoid
By #610414 07,Mar,24 10:37
That would have been hard to do as he was a congressman from January 3, 1973 – January 15, 2009 and Vice President for the next 8 yrs and did not run for President in 2016 as he was mourning the death of his son. If you are going to criticize THE TRUTH, at least get SOME of your facts right.
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President Trump's tone on the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically shifted in the last month as the illness has swept across the U.S., which has now reported more confirmed cases than any country in the world.

Why it matters: Reporting from Axios, the New York Times, Washington Post, AP and other media outlets has revealed that Trump and his administration were repeatedly warned about the threat that the virus could pose to American lives and the economy. Earlier action could have curbed the spread.
The state of play: The first case of COVID-19 reached the U.S. on Jan. 15. The World Health Organization declared it a pandemic on March 11. Trump declared the U.S. outbreak a national emergency on March 13.

On Jan. 18, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar first briefed Trump on the threat of the virus in a phone call, the New York Times reports. Trump made his first public comments about the virus on Jan. 22, saying he was not concerned about a pandemic and that "we have it totally under control."
On Jan. 27, White House aides met with then-acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to try to get senior officials to take the virus threat more seriously, the Washington Post reports. Joe Grogan, the head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, warned it could cost Trump his re-election.
On Jan. 29, economic adviser Peter Navarro warned the White House in a memo addressed to the National Security Council that COVID-19 could take more than half a million American lives and cause nearly $6 trillion in economic damage.
On Jan. 30, Azar warned Trump in a subsequent call that the virus could become a pandemic and that China should be criticized for its lack of transparency, per the Times. Trump dismissed Azar as alarmist and rejected the idea of criticizing China.
Also on Jan. 30, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. WHO has only done so five times since gaining that power in 2005.
On Feb. 5, senators urged the administration in a briefing to take the virus more seriously and asked if additional funds were necessary. The administration made no requests at the time for emergency funding.
On Feb. 14, a memo was drafted by health officials in coordination with the National Security Council that recommended the targeted use of "quarantine and isolation measures," per the Times. Officials planned to present Trump with the memo when he returned from India on Feb. 25, but the meeting was canceled.
On Feb. 21, the White House coronavirus task force conducted a mock exercise of the pandemic. The group concluded that the U.S. would need to implement aggressive social distancing, even if it caused mass disruption to the economy and American lives, per the Times.
On Feb. 23, Navarro doubled down on his warnings in another memo, this time addressed to the president, stating that up to 2 million Americans could die of the virus.
On Feb. 25, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Nancy Messonnier publicly warned of the virus threat and said "we need to be preparing for significant disruption in our lives.” Trump reportedly called Azar fuming that Messonnier had scared people unnecessarily and caused the stock market to plummet, per the Times.
The other side: Trump has pointed to his decisions to restrict travel from China in early February and establish the White House coronavirus task force on Jan. 29 as signs that he was serious about the threat early on. White House spokesperson Judd Deere said in a statement:

"While the media and Democrats refused to seriously acknowledge this virus in January and February, President Trump took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus, expand testing capacities and expedite vaccine development even when we had no true idea the level of transmission or asymptomatic spread."
The bottom line: Anthony Fauci said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday that "no one is going to deny" that more lives could have been saved if the Trump administration had implemented social distancing guidelines earlier on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Mar,24 14:34 other posts 
Good lord I didn’t ask you to write a book I’m not reading all that
By #610414 08,Mar,24 08:27
I didn't. That was a factual (that means the truth) article in 2020.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,24 20:19 other posts 
fechly "fauci" lied,people died.He arranged the funding that helped create the damn virus.
By #610414 08,Mar,24 08:35
Yeah, Phart, sure. He created the pandemic. He schemed with the feds to get rid of ALL preparations prior to the pandemic. He made sure masks were unavailable. He schemed with the Clown to get people to inject bleach because he owned stock in a bleach manufacturing company. He pushed for a Covid prevention shot because he bought the rights to it and leased it out to big pharma. But, we, MAGAs showed him. We knew we would get oversized balls and boobs if we took it, so we didn't. Many of us died, but, it was for a good cause. 🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 13:06 other posts 
Well who was it that told us we didn't need to wear a mask to protect us from a airborne virus for over 2 months before finally relenting?
How many lives were lost during that 2 months?????

Who released the virus and who tried to deny it and hide the facts long enough for evidence to be erased? It wasn't Trump.
Best I can remember he closed us off from china to help prevent the virus from getting here so the liberals released cruise ship passengers on both coastlines to spread it.
I wish I had known just how difficult it would be to prove things in the future, way back then or I would have saved screen shots of the maps.
THe maps clearly showed early on that the cruise ship passengers that were sent home from a ship in florida went right up I95 and at each rest stop ,the cases started adding up. I watched it day to day for a while. Sickening to see. foolish, had to be on purpose, any real concern for public health ,food and water would be sent over the ship and the people would be held until all clear.
By #610414 08,Mar,24 15:11
Fauci WAS NOT THE PRESIDENT. The man tried to help and was made a scapegoat. What kind of President listens TO JUST ONE ADVISOR? The records show the Clown's whole cabinet, some in the military, and many scientists in private work warned him. He was an uneducated a..hole
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 22:18 other posts 
felchy was on tv blathering about we didn't need to wear a mask, 2 months later he was on tv blathering about we need to wear a mask.
he didn't have to be president ,the president was letting him explain to the people, only trouble was he just set the stage for his virus to be able to propagate for 2 months before anything was really done to prevent it.
By #610414 10,Mar,24 17:15
It's still a copout for a President.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 17:30 other posts 
So you are agreeing felchy did us wrong.that's a start
By #610414 10,Mar,24 17:41
What I'm saying is that a piss poor President shouldn't listen to just one advisor. However, the pandemic lasted over 24 months. If on the first two months we were given the wrong information, why did all you MAGA and other Repuckers refused to wear masks or get the shots afterwards? Even the Clown started using one.
You guys are funny. You argue for and against depending on what you are trying to push "as the truth". I hate to tell you this, as I respect your efforts, but, it comes out as 💩😈
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 22:18 other posts 
quite simple really. Ronald Reagon said something along the lines of the worst words you can hear are, "we are from the government, and we are here to help you".
If you didn't follow the track record of our government and just went by this 1 incident, we had already been lied to several times. We were also told there would be a vaccine. First thing they did was change the very definition of vaccine ! Because they didn't use dead virus material to make the juice.
Hell I could go on for a long time but you lived thru it same as i did, you are not blind and you should have a little common sense.
By #610414 10,Mar,24 23:39
Unlike live vaccines, which produce an immune response that closely resembles natural infection, the immune response to an inactivated vaccine is mostly antibody production. Little or no cellular immunity results. Antibody titers against inactivated antigens diminish with time.

Vaccines are made of live and inert virus cells. No one changed the definition except the MAGA crowd.
By #610414 10,Mar,24 23:53
Really? I remember when I kept urging everyone to get the VACCINE and you argued all kind of crap. You were the blind one
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,24 14:26 other posts 
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By #610414 11,Mar,24 19:51
The claim has previously spread online from other sources, with the false suggestion that the definition changes prove the vaccines don’t work.

The AP was able to verify through web archives that the language on a CDC page titled “Immunization Basics,” has changed in these ways over time. But this does not mean that the agency altered it because of problems with the coronavirus vaccines.

The CDC told the AP in a statement that it made the language shifts to add detail and increase transparency.

“While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement said, noting that the previous definition “could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine.”

Dr. John P. Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the Weill Cornell School of Medicine, said Massie’s remarks amounted to “disinformation” and were based on “semantics not science.”

“I have no problem with the CDC’s language tweaks,” Moore wrote in an email to the AP. “They are informative, not sinister.”

Moore explained that the vaccines protect against disease, not against infections. He said that while the strength of the antibody response can decrease “over a multi-month period,” leading to reduced protection against infection, the vaccines are still effective overall because they continue to protect against severe disease and death. This is true for the omicron variant as well, he said.

Dr. Ryan Langlois, a microbiology and immunology professor at the University of Minnesota, says the CDC’s changes “make total sense,” and add nuance following emerging vaccine developments such as mRNA technology.

“We’ve repurposed this word, vaccination, from 200 plus years ago,” said Langlois, who teaches a course on the history of vaccination. “It’s always difficult when a word is so entrenched but the technology is changing. I think it’s very, very clear that one of the things the CDC is trying to do is to try to update the definition with the updating technology.”

Langlois said the changes also help to make the definition more accurate. He said the word “immunity” can be misleading with any vaccine, as “it’s incredibly rare that that immunity is perfect.”

“Their first definition had protection, and ultimately that’s what a vaccine is supposed to do,” he explained. “Then their second definition used the word ‘to generate immunity’ which is how the protection is derived. But immunity can be a misleading term, because people think if they’re immune it’s all or none. Immunity is not that simple and I think that’s what they tried to do with their third definition. They went back to this protection idea because that’s really what vaccines do.”

This is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. Learn more about fact-checking at AP.

Do you guys read the articles or just the headlines?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,24 22:58 other posts 
I read most of it enough to know that the definition was changed,but it was not changed because the juice didn't work.
There is no dead corona in the juice.it alters dna.
By #610414 12,Mar,24 08:25
It doesn't. That's MAGA crap
By #610414 05,Mar,24 11:04
Phart, is that ALL Americans? You don’t think we ALL know the problems this country is facing? You don’t think that we are blind to the problem of the economy, the border, the reproductive rights of women, the inaction of the House of Representatives, and an ex-President who has been indicated 93 times now is running for President?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 13:13 other posts 
You may not all be "blind" but you don't want to see the real cause. You want to place blame on a person you hate.
By #610414 05,Mar,24 18:39
No. We want to identify what works and who (plural) can put it to work. Liberals, by definition, will try anything that will work. It doesn’t have to be a Republican idea or a Democratic one. You, conservatives, are more worried about getting credit for an idea than the possible results. You say we want to blame a person? What do you call what the Clown is doing when he accuses President Biden as being the worst President ever? Aren’t you, Repuckers, blaming all your problems on one man?
The House of Representatives new run that started Jan 2022, has been a joke. They have not done ANYTHING to fight inflation, illegal immigration, the national debt, or, and listen to what I’m saying, they haven’t even tried to fix THE WOKENESS they seem to hate so much.
You are so into this MAGA. You are so cult-like about the Clown, how about remembering that MONEY MATTERS start in the House?
I’d like for Biden to get his second term, but, I don’t give a fig who is President as long as we have a unified Congress that actually works for the people.
Now, in all honesty, do your MAGA crowd’s really think about that? I think not.

By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 16:15 other posts 
I am mighty afraid the day will come when we can't find Wizard of Oz anymore on tv or internet. Considering it has a character without a brain. Some may be offended by that.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 18:07 other posts 
What are you talking about phart, the last two presidents we have had don’t have a brain and there still here. I know, I’m going to get some s h i t for this statement
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 18:31 other posts 
By #704634 10,Mar,24 10:17
I'm going to stick my toes in & give you a response Cody, I think we may well be of a similar understanding.

My understanding of American politics is fucking 0%, all I really know about it is what I read in the treads here, gosh so mush 💩 goes on, I don't read it word for word, I sort of just scope over it & think to myself hmmm 🤷‍♀️

Your current President, what's his name, fuck I could quickly look it up but why bother, when old guys get like that in Australia, they get put into nursing homes🤷‍♀️

Trump, well, he is Trump, best way to describe him I guess.

As a complete outsider & my 0 knowledge of the ins & outs of American politics, the last guy that was in seemed like, hmmm well Trump.

The guy that's in atm, better make sure he doesn't have a fall & brake a hip or something, like ffs, even if Trump did slip over, he would get up dust himself off & move on, at least. That would be classified as slipping over, cunts laugh at it & shit, if it was Trump it would be filmed every cunt would be laughing at it.

If that old cunt that's in now had the same even happen to him, because of his advanced age, people would look on with horror, cause it wouldn't be a funny slip, it would be classified as a fall & bones may be broken & internal organs damaged 🤣🤣

In your statement above Cody, it seems you have lost faith in both of the dominant political parties in your country.

Change of political parties is good, one party more or less looks after one part of the society & after a period of time, its good to swap it up, sort of keeps a balance in a way, that's Democracy I guess, put very simply, if your a Communist, shit just the same all the fucking time 🤷‍♀️, democracy I think is the better option, having shit the same all the time would be fucking boring.

I actually find it sad Cody, for Americans like yourself, there must be many of you, that look at these 2 major political parties, in, if not the most powerful country in the world, up there with one of the most powerful & the 2 guys that seem to be battling out world supremacy, seem to be a couple of nincompoops 🤷‍♀️
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 18:39 other posts 
We can do better, I understand why no one wants to run, your private life is no longer private, so many death threats, everyone knows your business, I wouldn’t want a life like that where the secret service tells you what you can or can’t do, might as well just be in the armed services where you don’t even own your own a s s.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 19:02 other posts 
I was once a democrat until that cunt Hillary Clinton and that nigga barrack Obama hit the seen that was enough for me i jumped the wagon and hopped on the republicans train
By #704634 10,Mar,24 21:10
In Australia, we more or less have the Liberal or Labor political parties, Liberal favors business, Labor the worker.

Here its good for a time to support business, in turn the worker can benefit, but then it gets to lop sided, then time for a change & visa versa, sort of like yin & yang I guess.

We are a bunch of under dogs down here, our ancestry has more or less come from being establish as a penal colony, some where for the British to dump all their undesirables & more or less create white slavery bit over 200 years ago.

We are a bunch of cunts down here, its part of our DNA, if a Prime Minster (President of sorts, I guess, but we still operate under British politics, you know, part of the crown & all that bullshit), for the sake of the party, if a dickhead is running the show, he is back stabbed & removed from the top job by his constituents, even the Queen stepped in one time & kicked some cunt out, thrown away like a piece of garbage, which eva party that usually happens with, usually doesn't make it through the next election, once things like that happen, its usually quite messy.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 00:58 other posts 
Australian people are a great people, just because the British labeled you as criminals doesn’t mean you were, why, because you didn’t see it there way, I think Australia is a great country with great people.

By #704634 10,Mar,24 21:32
Don't forget to vote, should the Communist Saggy Granny delete her profile, tap the following link to place your vote.

👉 /polls/4772.html 👈

By #610414 08,Mar,24 08:40
Hey, Dgraff, listen to this.
Ahh, Sleepy Joe, you really woke us up last night with your SOTU speech. I guess you are not that feeble as opposed to the Clown. You are my President and want you to be again.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 13:01 other posts 
Take a couple aspirin and go back to bed.
By #610414 08,Mar,24 15:56
No way, 'ose. I'm celebrating. Finally Old Joe told it like it is with the modern Repuckers and in particular, the Clown.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 18:32 other posts 
Your so gullible you believe anything that old fool says just think he’s old enough to be your father
By #610414 08,Mar,24 20:25
He's only 11yrs older than me. You are the gullible one. Everything he said is proven true by independent sourses. You are the ones swallowing the Clown's shit. I bet you didn't even listened to the speech
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 04:33 other posts 
I didn’t listen to his speech life is boring enough with out his voice putting me to sleep
By #610414 09,Mar,24 14:38
Sure, why get educated when you can listen to the lies
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 16:13 other posts 
That is what he did.He got educated and DIDN'T listen to the lies.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 18:19 other posts 
Pennsylvania State representative Dan musser wrote a wonderful piece about the state of the union speech he talked about the lies Mr Biden told and how he talked about the problems but never offered any solutions good job you old fool
By #610414 10,Mar,24 17:10
He's a Repucker and Repuckers LIE AND LIE AND LIE. The President did offer some solutions. He also said that our problems can be resolved. He said it would take bipartisan actions.
So, this Jerk state rep, criticized a speech that has been given much approval by many, but, did he offer any solutions? No. Criticism without alternatives have the value of dog 💩. You, Dgraff, don't either. You are happy masturbating on top of your mountain using one of your guns as a butt plug, but, YOU don't either.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 17:48 other posts 
Open your eyes lady the whole world is talking about being screamed at during the state of the union address makes me wonder what they had him hopped up on or did his son hunter give him something anyhow the speech was a total disgrace
By #610414 10,Mar,24 19:13
So you didn't watch it then. If you had, like I did and millions more too, you would have seen all the standing ovations that he had. The screaming came from two people, yes, two. A grieving father and that obnoxious, uncouth, loud moth, Marjorie Green.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 19:43 other posts 
Are you crazy the standing ovation was all retarded Democrats like your self
And all the screaming was Joe Biden himself all hopped up on what ever his son Hunter gave him anyway people don’t like to be screamed at and what is with him being 20 minutes late for his own speech don’t you democrats believe in being on time for anything the whole speech was a disgrace
By #610414 10,Mar,24 20:59
Sure, Dgraff. Let's see if the American public agree with you come November.

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