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The term CUNT

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Started by #93465 [Ignore] 12,Aug,10 13:17
I personally don't like the term Cunt,Vagina ,Pussy Beaver(if Canadian),Honey pot, but Cunt,Does anyone agree

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By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 20:47 other posts 
It is just 1 of those words that if said to a woman by a man means he thinks nothing of her,has no respect for her and deserves nothing of her but to get his face slapped into next week.
I can understand maby calling a woman a bitch during a knock down drag out arguement but even then,it is not good as she will remember that when she is down emotionally and the out come won't be good.
Best thing to do is find a less offensive word to call somebody.

By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 13:09 other posts 
If you call someone a cunt then you are saying they are useful - just as cunts are.

By #509938 02,May,17 06:09
I like to save that term for teetotallers, as in 'teetotaller nob cunt'.

By #514308 29,Apr,17 20:16
I'll toss it around when needed, sometimes followed up with a "twat"

By #533316 28,Apr,17 18:57
nounvulgar slang
a woman's genitals.

To me a Cunt is a Cunt...
By #485312 29,Apr,17 16:56
all cunt aren't created equal *lix*

By #485312 05,Dec,16 23:35
only registered users can see external links
I like the man... *lix*
By #502711 28,Apr,17 10:15
By #485312 28,Apr,17 18:47
saw another good one last night, l couldn't save it, but it said, if you hold some ones head under water long enough, they stop being a cunt *lix*

By #519017 17,Nov,16 18:23
I think the term cunt comes from the classical term cuneiform which referred to ancient triangular wedge shaped letters on clay tablets, and the derivative word cunt describes the wedge shaped triangular shape of a woman's full bush of pubic hair.
By #178900 28,Nov,16 04:26
No the word cunt is actually straight from anglo-saxon, they were a very straight talking, direct people, they also had a goddess called Cunt, Kunt or Kunta, so now you know!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Nov,16 18:51 other posts 
This is a cunt [deleted image]
By #485312 05,Dec,16 23:34
Nah thats not a cunt leo, l can show you want a real cunt looks like tho *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Dec,16 13:41 other posts 
What? Don't you believe me that I fucked it? I did, it was nice, warm and smooth. It was a cunt. That was a few years ago. She was a neighbor. Not anymore, she lives far away. Nevertheless, I fuck her once in a blue moon. [deleted image] [deleted image][deleted image] The good thing with her is that she's totally uninhibited. "Can I cum on your face baby?" "Sure, no problem", is her reply. Most of the girls I fuck aren't lick that, they're very squeamish about having my cum deposited like that.
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[deleted image]
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I don't know why this pic doesn't link.
By #485312 06,Dec,16 15:40
l believe you leo, l just believe that's a pretty pussy, lm sure you filled it good..theres just more appropriate things to call cunts here *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,16 07:53 other posts 
Oh, yes, of course. (I was pulling your leg, and it was a chance for me to post more pics.) And, indeed, real cunts are everywhere and those cunts I wouldn't even touch.
By #519017 06,Dec,16 16:10
That's not a cunt. A cunt is a bush of pubic hair, not a hairless vagina slit.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,16 07:51 other posts 
Ha ha. OK, then I got the wrong definition. Regardless of what one may call it, I enjoy fucking it.
By #309541 30,Nov,16 19:02
No matter what the provenance of the word "cunt" might be, many---I think most---women consider it to be demeaning. That is reason enough to avoid its use. This site should I think be SYD/SYP.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,16 07:52 other posts 
Not all, I've met women here who dislike it when I say "your pussy", they'd rather hear the word "cunt". I'm serious. Well, ok, that's not the majority.
By #485312 26,Apr,17 20:21
l love the word cunt, used as a noun, describing the actions of others towards people they don't know, its a great word while fucking too, l LOVE whispering to aussie how l love him fucking my cunt *lix*
By #491253 27,Apr,17 16:02
You are so right. You are using the word in its correct context. Much better than using it as an obscene term, which only tends to debase it. It is strange that whilst the male term, cock, is looked upon as something to envy, cunt is used so negatively in the wrong sense that women in general refer not to have it used at all. A pity.
By #502711 28,Apr,17 10:19
Australian's are probably the only people in the world that don't find the word "cunt" to be as bad as everyone else seems to think it is. Here we call our mates cunt, our enemies cunt, & vagina a cunt.
By #502711 28,Apr,17 10:14
That's a very interesting bit of knowledge
By #485312 28,Apr,17 18:46
you love your fun facts, now lm wondering why a penis is called a cock or a dick *lix*

By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Apr,17 10:22 other posts 
I think the word is more acceptable in the UK and Australia whereas in North America is has a special place on the "bad words" list.

C U Next Tuesday!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Nov,16 18:07 other posts 
I don't mind calling a cunt whatever she likes as long as she lets me fuck her.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 23,Nov,16 20:15 other posts 
I don't mind calling you a glib, misogynistic, insecure areshole. Cunt!
By #502711 28,Apr,17 10:21
Lighten up cunt

By #435701 27,Apr,17 14:33
Well, cunt is definitely vulgar these days. Wasn't always...but, I have to ask you as you seem to have used all the common usages for 'shaky puddin'...what do YOU call it?

By Dong69 [Ignore] 10,Aug,16 22:29 other posts 
It depends what way you use the word, my girl likes it when we are dirty. But don't ever say it to be derogatory towards a lady ,or shit will hit the fan

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 01,Jan,12 14:37 other posts 
Comfort Under Nice Thighs

By pifad [Ignore] 03,Sep,10 10:13 other posts 
I prefer SNATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By #18857 12,Aug,10 16:04
i love the word cunt sounds so much more dirty than pussy
By fancyabit [Ignore] 03,Sep,10 00:37 other posts 
I agree. I use the "Cunt" word everytime i have sex with my wife, she seems very turned on by it, and cums harder if i use it on time!!

By #6568 13,Aug,10 10:01
Women probably don't like to hear it because men use it as a term of complete abuse,....some called a 'prick' or 'dick' is asumed to be more of a fool than bad but someone refered to as a cunt is a person hated and dispised in the lowest way.....

........Stragne that something so inately beautiful and exciting should be equated with the lowest abuse!

By #7976 12,Aug,10 16:40
When my wife asks me to fuck her Cunt I get an instant hard on. Personally, I love hearing here use the word and don't mind telling here how much I enjoy licking here cunt.

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