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how else would we have known about this?
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This world is alot more screwed up than we are lead to believe. The government and the media has us fighting over the shiny object of the week while WW3 has been boiling on the stove.
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Covid will be here until nuclear fire cleanses the earth of it.
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Uh, the 1918 flu WAS a plandemic at that time. the virus is still here today,over a 100 years later.
Key words: 'widespread occurrence'
The recent weekly US Covid deaths were 1,773 people.
The US Flu deaths for the whole season is estimated at 18,000 people.
I would say Covid still leads Flu as a cause of death in the US,
but it cannot be considered a pandemic anymore.
Of course there can still be future Covid pandemics,
just like there can be future Flu pandemics.
Desease------a sickness that affects people
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spend 30 minutes of your life to learn some biology:
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Here we go again folks
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Republicans are not to lazy to stand in line at the polls
It wouldn't. It would come to a screeching halt. Then the democrats would get hungry.
I think he has done alot to convert the independents that voted democrat simply because of hatred for TRump.
They miss the good economy and affordable fuel.
OH, and have you noticed,oil and fuel are going sky high again.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
You shall not steal. Somewhere,somehow,someone had to have decided,"hey,this shit aint right,I stacked those rocks,they were my rocks."
Since none of us knows exactly what makes us talk and think and fart and build and do things unlike most animals, there must be something about us that animals don't have.
I think religion refers to that as a spirit. Ok, so if our body croaks, and the spirit is just lingering in space, does it have anywhere else to go? Some people believe that they will come back as someone else in another lifetime. Others think there is a heaven and a hell. Which makes some sense. a place for the good and a place for the evil. That "something" that makes us humans unique may very need a place to go once the ol body croaks.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
Well, let's hear Lincoln bark.n🤪🤪😈
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--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours
Hey, dgraff , can Snickers talk?
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Just found this channel. Here he's reacting to some anti-evolution videos.
This guy has great energy and great (counter-)arguments.
Even people who don't 'believe' in evolution should still know the arguments for it.
I don't believe in any god, but at least I know a lot of the arguments for God.
Actually, I think I've heard them all, several times, in several forms.
I've also heard all the arguments against evolution. The problem with most of those arguments is that the person making them obviously doesn't understand evolution.
When they represent the facts and arguments, they are all completely wrong.
However, that might be exactly what religious people think, when they hear the arguments from an atheist, against religion or God. But, at least we KNOW the arguments.
Atheists understand the arguments for God, we just don't find them convincing.
I even understand that being convinced by arguments isn't the point of believing,
but considering arguments is the only way for me to think about reality.
It's a 45 minute video, I will listen to it later.
Something comes from somewhere,some how.
That is why religion can be believed a bit more in some sense. God Created man. God created the earth.
Instead of "BANG" and suddenly in "1 gazzlion years", we have Saddam Hussien and Ghaddafi driving around in golf carts in the middle east.
Like wise,to long to watch in the middle of the day for me,later
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Evolution doesn't have to explain anything other than there's a constant change to all living organisms during periods of time.
My genuine question to you is this; Tthere are many different religions around the world, the adherent of which believe that their god is the one true 'Supreme being/God'. Are these gods all the same one or is yours THE ONE and all the others are mistaken? I am just curious.
What you seem to forget, religion in and of it's self is a form of government. It tells you what you should and shouldn't do,just as a government does.And a large % of it, would be in our best interest to listen to.
you shall not kill,
Shall not steal,
not chase after another mans wife and so on.
I certainly agree that the 10 commandments, regardless of their Judaic/Christian origins are fine guidelines for living.
There is the well known quote that if God didn’t exist man would invent him. Few of us truly understand the science behind the Big Bang and evolution and for some the thought of a supreme being helps them to make sense of it all.
Are you? All 10 of them? Do you live by all of them?
Don't you have any exceptions to any of them?
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
“Honour thy father and thy mother.”
“Thou shalt not kill.”
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
“Thou shalt not steal.”
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
“Thou shalt not covet.”
For me, most of those commandments are bullshit and the few that have some message that I agree with, I don't need it written down.
Meanwhile, the 2nd amendment lovers, in the country with the most people who support those 10 commandments, see no problem in breaking the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”, over someone else breaking the commandment “Thou shalt not steal” or “Thou shalt not covet”.
I agree, I don't fully understand the science behind the Big Bang, but I can say I do fully understand the science behind evolution. But for people who understand less of those things, why does a supreme being provide any more understanding?
I think it doesn't, it just provides a reason to stop trying to understand, because such a supreme being defies all understanding. But that doesn't help!
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
“Thou shalt not steal.”
Bullshit? sheesh,I thought you valued life
Those were the ones that I don't need written down.
You're the one who would value his stuff over human life.
You are pointing at the 'WHY' for religion itself.
If you are building a society out of a bunch of primitive idiots,
you don't have a government and a police force to keep them in check,
so you make up a story that promises good things when they behave
and horrible torture for ever and ever and ever, if they act against you.
The remaining religions are the ones that survived the evolution of religion.
The religions that did regular human sacrifice for a good harvest didn't turn out very popular and killed a lot of the believers, so we invented a religion where god came down to earth as himself to sacrifice himself, in order to make himself forgive, the sins of human nature, that he somehow could not design us without, himself.
It's a ridiculous story if you think about it, but it works for 2.2 billion believers.
If you had no reasons to believe one thing, you don't need reasons to believe another. You can just decide to believe anything you want, that way.
When they told me Sinterklaas (Dutch version of Santa Claus, but we have Santa Claus too) wasn't real, that was probably the first reason to never believe anything people just say, ever again. Why would I believe any story from a holy book, when the story about Sinterklaas turned out to be a lie? At least they showed the existence of Sinterklaas on national television. Actual presents showed up in a big sack on December 5th. Those were all good justifications to believe the stories.
When the curtain fell, I was pretty sad for a while. But I remembered that my father never really lied about the existence of Sinterklaas, while the teachers at my Christian school lied about it enthusiastically. That was a reason for why I never trusted them again about what they said about God either.
Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me.
There is definitely no reason to think that the 'WHO' created man in the way that is described in any of the holy books. None of those books are describing that we are just apes who evolved a bigger brain than the other apes.
And I see no plan for those stupid apes destroying the rest of creation, that sustains them, if that 'WHO' intended us to be as stupid as we are.
If a 'WHO' created us, than 'HE' (obviously a male) did a piss-poor job.
They have simulated several environments of the young earth and just watched how primitive molecules react with each other, creating lots of bigger molecules that are needed for the first metabolisms, that are necessary for life. It clearly shows evolution of organic molecules going on, before life. Those processes are creating amino acids, sugars, proteins, RNA and enzymes, all by itself. The reaction chains are producing molecules that are promoting previous steps in those reactions chains, speeding up those reaction chains, while other reactions are not. That is a system of 'survival of the fittest' in organic chemistry. Meanwhile, molecules that are unstable are destroyed by the sun and radiation, while stable molecules are not. It results in many of the big organic molecules that are still in every living thing. The reactions in our own cells are still very similar to what is seen in those experiments. That is more than enough explanation for any neutral thinker.
Creationists are just muddying the waters, claiming that there is no evidence of those processes creating a modern cell, with all the parts we see in there today. They even point to the most advanced cells of today, while there are even less advanced cells still living now. That's dishonest, because it's very clear how a simple cell can evolve to a more complex cell.
But why is that less of an explanation for you than 'God did it!'?
When scientists tell you the thousands of ways it could have happened, you want to know exactly how. Why don't you ask 'How?', when creationists say 'God did it!'?
There is not a clear explanation of why the 'big bang' happened or what caused it, but their is clear evidence that it did happen. In the big picture, every galaxy in the observable universe is moving away from the others, except at a small scale (still millions of light years) where gravity pulls them together. That's not just evidence for the expanse of the universe, that's proof. When you plot the speed and distance of lots of galaxies, it makes a linear graph. That can be used to trace back the time where all those galaxies started at the same point. There is some uncertainty in that calculation, because measurements don't have 100% accuracy either, but it all ends up at one point, 13.787±0.020 billion years.
That's enough explanation for me to say: "Yes, the 'Big bang' happened!" and I would think only crazy people can claim that it didn't. Ask me 'How?' or 'Why?' and I say 'I don't know.'. Why do you say: 'God did it!'? And why don't you then ask 'How?' or 'Why?'?
Why is it more logical to think 'WHO' created life, instead of 'WHAT' created life?
Why is it more logical to think 'WHO' created the universe, instead of 'WHAT' created the universe?
Why is it more logical to think "God created the heavens and the earth and saw that it was good" and suddenly in some 6000 years later we have Saddam Hussien and Ghaddafi driving around in golf carts in the middle east? What part of that satisfies your idea of logic more?
Gods were invented to 'explain' mysteries ...... but mainly for men to exploit others.
The earliest life forms we know of were microscopic organisms (microbes) that left signals of their presence in rocks about 3.7 billion years old. The signals consist of a type of carbon molecule that is produced by living things. Life arising so soon after the earth became hospitable, probably indicates that life is not an accident.
Life is probably inevitable, given the necessary circumstances for a long enough period of time. As soon as some form of primitive life exists, it's only a matter of time for it to evolve beyond single-celled life.
But even if live is incredibly unlikely, the universe is big enough to make something almost impossible still happen somewhere. And after billions of years it results into beings that are capable of questioning themselves 'WHY?'. Why are people perplexed that life happened on a planet that is perfect for life? Where else would it happen?
You're right, Gods were invented to 'explain' mysteries.
But they were mostly invented in order to build societies.
Religion is a good way to maintain order and obedience to leaders.
It provides rewards and punishments, without law enforcement.
It provides motivation to fight and die for your leaders.
With the correct balance of violent conquering and benevolent progress,
the most successful religions help evolve the most successful civilizations.
That makes religion a part of the evolution of civilization.
But it has outlived its usefulness. Dogmatic thinking is now a threat
to our further development and continued existence. Only the truth, science,
reason and secular humanism can prevent our imminent self destruction.
We could argue this till the end,but nothing would be fixed.
You were not born knowing it was wrong to kill, or steal. You were taught,and where did it come from? You say your parents, ok, go back 50 generations or more, where did it come from?
What is your source for God giving us free will? That Adam and Eve stole the apple?
It's just something Christian apologists say. While they simultaneously say everything is God's will, which is saying that we don't have free will at all. So, what is it?
My parents told me to be 'nice' to other people. Every child starts out being a selfish little cunt. Their growing brain and parents' guidance turns them into upstanding citizens, most of the time. Without parents' guidance, children often grow up to be criminals. So where does that morality come from?
The morality in the holy books is just the best human effort of morality at that time.
However, it still contained ideas like killing disobedient children, not punishing your slaves to death and killing all your enemies, except for the virgins that you could take for yourself. Since then, morality has evolved. It allows us to decide which parts of the holy books are good and which parts we can ignore or not interpret literally. That morality just comes from our evolved brains. That's why it exceed that outdated morality in the holy books, but also is still horribly savage at times. There is even morality in animals. They almost never kill their own species. In species with low functioning brains it's mostly instinct, but in apes it's definitively a form of morality.
The objective morality that God is supposed to provide is nonsense.
It's not in the holy books, because THAT morality is obviously flawed
and it's not in humans, because we are ALSO obviously flawed.
The best human effort of morality is provided by secular reasoning.
Human morality is very clearly an evolved version from the instinct to preserve the species. When groups of early hominids evolved more complex societies, with weapons like stone axes, the morality needed to evolve, or they would kill each other too easy. Generosity is also a very useful attribute, because sharing food will allow the group as a whole to survive harsh times. Why is this all so difficult to understand?
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