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She definitely was a hottie back in the days. So nice infact I would have used her sh1t as toothpaste
And for the fragile people IT'S ONLY A SAYING...
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
Bloody spellcheck lol
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Sheesh, that is college grad salary.
I just wish I was able and healthy enough to get a health card to use with my CDL license, I could be rolling in money now.
Poor man,poor ways.gota do it meself.For 0 dollars a hour.
That is supposed to be approved by the American Arthritis something or other, because it has a big grip on the end that screws to the spout.
It is a valve on the side of the hose tied into the cold water plumbing system that supply's water from the well by means of a pump submerged into the well a distance away
Do you feel like Mr. Pelosi had a right to attempt to protect himself with the hammer from the intruder?
Or should Mr. Pelosi have sat there defenseless as the democrats expect gun owners to do and await his fate by the hands of the criminal?
I feel like the liberal spin on this is the intruder will be given some leniency because he defended himself from Mr.Pelosi by disarming him. Mr Pelosi may face legal action for attempting to harm the intruder
to expand on that,the intruder could claim that Mr. Pelosi made it to difficult for him to enter the house unannounced .Forcing him to break windows and such that could cause injury. The intruder could also claim that it would have been less eventful for Mr. Pelosi had he sat still and allowed the intruder to make his feelings known and felt?
I mean really to understand liberal thinking we have to go out on some might flimsy limbs here.Like that Brave squirrel that just has to have that last nut from the tree?
That is my mindset and that of millions of Americans.
BUT there is that group of people that want us to just accept our fate and lay in wait of allowing a criminal to excerise their right to harm us.
Socrates even agrees with me.to a point!
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Now allow me to qualify my first assertion of spotting someone creeping around the outside of my home. I live in an urban setting with neighbors next door and police about one mile away. If I lived in a rural setting, on a big parcel of land, perhaps I would handle things differently. The police are 15 to 20 minutes away and time goes by so slowly when you're waiting, maybe I would fire a warning shot in the air.
In all actuality, I don't know how I would handle an emergency situation if it happened.
"Mail-in ballots are not meant to keep the same timeline as regular voting."
Why should the majority have to wait for election results from the few legit mail in ballots?
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--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours
Hi maybe rude was the wrong word, opinion or judgemental would be more appropriate, you have an opinion about someone and it's obvious you have a very strong support of followers who listen to you and follow your lead, it just annoys me you say things about me in you forum, when you admit you know nothing about me, I'm not a confrontational person so to end it I apologise for calling you rude bella, Marie
Perhaps Rubyredlips will consider responding to you.
I will say this, I will post about "topics" that some folks tip-toe around. If I post about specific members, I will use the "mention" option so they are aware that I am speaking about them. Sometimes my posts are positive, sometimes they are questionable and there are some that are not so nice. Do I piss people off? YES! And with said, some people seem to appreciate my being straightforward.
Thank you, but there was no need to apologize but I would like to understand from you how you feel I have been vicious toward you. Thank you, Linda
I observe that you quite often will down vote political posts of members who do not share the same political values that you do. You seem to uplift and align yourself with member(s) that you apparently believe are "underdogs". Being a champion for the little person is not a bad thing as long as the little person is not without blame.
Yes, you have noticed and mentioned that I outlasted both MONTED and *lix* and I have been able to do that for almost 11 years with only one profile and one name.
For the record I don't hate cornchips just doritos... I find them too cheesy 🧀
Toobs where a favourite when I was a child and they have made a comeback after 30 years. Panic buying made food stores limit how many bags you can purchase. And I tell you that were very hard to get. They taste just like old times just shorter sort of contradicting the name Toobs. I don't have Facebook but the link above is open for all to read and some funny stories in there.
We don't have Fritos here but used to have Lays which were nice
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Whereas Wikipedia describes Fritos corn chips as follows;
Fritos are made by deep-frying extruded whole cornmeal, unlike the similar tortilla chips, which are made from cornmeal and use the nixtamalization process (known as masa).
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We should keep in mind a familiar idiom, "opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink."
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