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And liberals want to tell me the economy is good! BULLSHIT. -.
That's just when profits and the stock market are high.
It has nothing to do with if people (you) are doing well.
I told you this before, when Trump was boasting about the economy.
Then there was really high unemployment. Also no problem for the economy and the stock market, but also bad for unemployed people and people's wages. However, there are no shortages of goods, when there is an abundance of workers. Then they can maximize production, which keeps the prices of goods low and the wages low.
There is now both a shortage of raw materials (due to Ukraine and lower production) and a shortage of labor. Many people have changed their occupation, after they were fired because of Covid, and they will not return to their old jobs, which often sucked.
Wages have increased a bit, but most of the higher prices of goods are caused by shortages and 50% due to price gauging. Companies are recovering the profits they lost during Covid, to pay off loans. But, they also and understand that they can blame inflation for higher prices, without losing customers.
Profits are up to a record, at your expense. The garage has higher costs, because they get price gauged too, for rent, for energy, for oil products and for parts. And they had a tough time during Covid, when less people were driving. So now they are asking $64, for that small job. My last garage appointment costed $598. The year before it was $494 (excluding the $130 satnav update, that I didn't do this year).
However this is the perfect question for dgraff. Maybe he will say I'm completely wrong and he still asks the same for turning some brake drums. What were you asking before Covid, for turning 2 brake drums and what are you asking now?
If you have to ask more, why? If you don't, why do other garages?
How much did your costs go up and how much did your employees' wages increase?
I know a few months ago I bought some new tires online, and had them shipped here. I had been paying about 15 a peice to have tires put on a year or 2 prior. they wanted 150 to install 4 tires on the rims, not on the truck ,that was me taking them home and mounting the wheels back to the truck. Absurd increase. I came back home,drug out the hand tools and the old bubble balancer,2 hours later done, saved 150.
BUT I did just check online and the cheapest new pair I can find is 106 plus tax.
To bring you up to speed, in his thread, Freddy's Box, he posted an out-and-out lie and I called him out on it. He claimed that I posted something derogatory about him on his page. Up until about 20 minutes ago, that was NOT TRUE. The dumb fuck would like the ninnyhammers to believe that I posted #68, the remark that falls under opinions left by members that have blacklisted him which reads; "68. Pitbull, AKA PA_Freddy is just the worst kind of troll". It's a rather lack luster, mundane "reason" but to each their own. I haven't blacklisted him, heaven only knows why I haven't....
This IS, however the opinion/feedback that I just posted regarding PA-Freddy aka PITBULL;
"PITBULL, aka PA-Freddy is the site mongoloid. Rather than saying he's a LIAR, I'm going to say that his pea sized brain is not capable of sorting out the difference between fantasy and fact so he posts "whatever" pops into his pea sized brain even though it isn't the truth...."
At one time (that's when we were SYD/SYC), on my homepage I could tap on GAMES then select /powerful.php and could see how I fared with the other SYC members that were involved in the Domination feature. When I select that option now, it shows me the stats of the male membership involved in "playing".
I know there are women involved in the Domination feature as I have one "submissive" but I wonder who else are involved? The once queen lushlips abdicated and passed the "queenship" back to mi-lips but with longtime member mi-lips gone, who is the new queen of the site?
Well, if a SYC member with ONLY 10 SUBMISSIVES can be "crowned and reign as queen", it is apparent that women are not involved with the same enthusiasm as the men!
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I just looked it up and it is a fruit my theory was you make pies out of it so I associated it with fruit
Vegetables are the plant itself, where the plant has no purpose to get eaten, to spread seeds.
We are in Baldwin Michigan fly fishing for steel head
A trip i should add to my bucket list
And to think I’ve been eating mine plain all these years
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What no taker’s
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Until January 6th, a politician could tell you to fight for your rights, or that they would fight for your rights. Now suddenly since Trump said it, it is terrible and a threat to incite violence. Just twisting words.
"slitting throats",in the context Desantis said it, that is no different than saying," I just blew up the bathroom" Meaning you took a good shit. Nowadays these pussys would think you had planted a bomb in the bathroom.
Lefties don't make up shit. That's your side.
Probably because my people won't ever support repulsive idiots,
to lead the country, like you do.
Rutte was horrible for our country, and I disagree with him enormously,
he's still overall a likeable guy who has mostly good intentions.
You cannot wait to hand over your country to the worst asshole you can find.
At least this fat bald fuck can complete a sentence.
DeSantis is the alternative, who you choose with your 'mind'.
My point is, that even though you couldn't care less what someone looks like or how old, senile or dull they are, when they are on your side, it's the only thing you can come up with, to berate someone on the other side on.
It's not like I never do that, but I mostly try to listen to what someone has to say and then react to their message. It might make our time spent on this site a bit less meaningless.
So, what did he bring to the table? Book censorship, Black and Latin exodus, putting the state on a par with Nazi Germany. That last one, BTW, doesn’t mean Communism is coming. It’s called Fascism. But, then, again, in this country, few people are educated enough to know our history and work history.
Teachers that are leaving ,were not there for the right reasons the way I see it, the fact they can't push their liberal ideas onto vulnerable children makes them mad.
They are there to teach math, english, history ,basic science. Not this bullshit that it is ok to be sally today and Johny tomorrow,
The state’s economy thrives on two main things, tourism and agriculture. Both are under attack because this jerk, DeSantis, wants to be president. Heaven help the nation if that happens. We, the state, is loosing tax dollars like it was going out of style and agricultural workers are leaving the state in droves. People are thinking twice about moving to the state.
He’s not my man and I wish he’d never had happened. Fourteen months and then he’s out for good.
tourism is seasonal,ag is seasonal. And more Floridians could be working instead of illegals in those fields.
The teachers do need to teach the truth, not your interpretation or mine.
As long as they teach it as you think it was, all bad no good, etc, you would never raise a eye brow. But let it be known that slaves learned how to do different things and were able to carry that on with them when they were freed and on my God, you are a racist liar.
Let it be known they were sold out by their own kind, and oh my goodness, the teacher is horrible.
That is the trouble Teach the damn truth.That is what desantis is trying to do,get the truth taught,
Slaves were very expensive, beating a 3000 dollar slave to a point it cant work during harvest is economically equal to draining the oil out of your John deere combine before going out to the field. DUMB
Agriculture has three growing seasons in south and central Florida. No white or black wants to work in the hot sun picking fruits and vegetables. That's why immigrants are the only workers available. The crops will be lost and next year only a small portion of the fields will be planted. Prices nationwide will go up. Some farms will go belly up.
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DeSantis wants schools to teach HIS TRUTHS. No one else's is acceptable. The problem is that HIS TRUTHS are contrary to everything we as people, have known for eons.
It doesn't matter if a slave was very expensive to own or not. It doesn't matter if he was taught a usable skill to use after he was freed. It doesn't matter if he was treated well or not. THE ONLY THING THAT HAS ANY BEARING IN HISTORY IS THAT THEY WERE ENSLAVED AND THAT IS WHAT SHOULD BE TAUGHT INA HISTORY CLASS. The total destruction of a black town in the 1920's including the lives of the people who lived there should be taught in a history class. The fact that until the mid-1960's, black people had to ride in the rear of a public bus, use a water fountain for blacks only and couldn't use the best beaches in the city. That should be taught in history class. That gays, lesbians, straights, and everyone in between is a human being and that should be taught in a civics class. That is what this despicable governor is against. And it looks like you do too.
People that ignore history risk reliving it. Good, bad, or indifferent, history is history and it should be included in any history class. Remember, too, that this is FLORIDA history.
Why not teach ALL of the truth instead of cherry picking?
Whatever is happening in other states is regrettable but it has nothing to do with my state. Again, you are using the “well, others do it too” argument. Grow up.
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This is from NEWSWEEK:
Florida has 5,294 teacher vacancies, the state education association says, compared with 2,217 vacancies in January 2019 when Gov. Ron DeSantis took office.
Teachers say they are leaving because of low pay and DeSantis' education policies, dubbed the "war on woke."
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By the way your husband and I want pork chops tonight
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Marcy loves when I make her a to do list before I go to work
Not the kids fault so many parents try to out live their wages.
But that is not the way it has worked for decades or century's.
Women are the mothers and take care of the kids and the home and the man is the provider, if his job sucks that bad,he needs to keep his pants up and not have kids until he can afford them.
YOU are the 1 that thinks this new normal of both people busting their ass's 100 plus hours a weak so they can drive a Lexus with bald tires and drink starbucks is Normal economics.
Another two things. The first one is that it’s not ideal to wait for “the right time” to have kids. Second. Salaries are not high enough to afford the standard of living that people expect. And that’s not with a Lexus in the driveway or getting lates every day. You don’t have an immediate family so you don’t know how expensive clothing is nor do you know what it costs to feed a family of four a decent set of meals. You don’t know how much housing costs and you certainly don’t know how much medical coverage costs. Add to that all the regular extras that a family needs. When you do, don’t come back with these silly suggestions of yours.
Women went to work during WW2 and saved this nation.Yes,Thank God they did or we would be speaking german or japaneese. BUT
the war is over,and granmal and granpa have other things to do than babysit while mom goes to work to pay for a fancy car and star bucks.Add up the cost of child care,the fancy clothes needed for a job,dependable transport to work and etc and the woman is essentially circulating money.not really adding much at all except credit rating based on salary.
I know what the latest styles of clothes cost,ALOT. I also know there are sources for nice clothing at a fraction of the cost of new or latest styles that can cloth a family of 4 for what 1 single woman spends on shoes.
Why would it not be ideal to wait until a better time for kids? Wait until the house is bought and the payments are well underway,or wait until you are in a decent town with a good school district. having kids in the middle of hard times only harms the kids.
Modern technology can help a lot, but not by itself. I'm still working from home 90% of the time, and I know it requires a lot of discipline to keep productive.
I'm not productive at this very moment. Most kids will have a harder challenge than me, to keep their mind focused on their tasks.
That's not sitting on their own, behind a laptop.
How can parents school their kids, when they are working?
"Among married-couple families, both spouses were employed in 48.9 percent of families. Only one spouse was employed in 24.5 percent of married- couple families."
Home-schooling is only allowed in my country for children who are exempted from school education on the basis of an objection from their parents.
Those were 1280 children in total in 2020. It's mostly on religious basis.
It probably requires a bit more than filling in a form.
Home schooling? I do have some concerns because for example,if I had a kid and he or she came home with a math question, I was not good in math. I feel like the entire school system should be privatized. So that parents can select a school based on it's curriculum and ratings.Lower rated schools would go tits up or get their acts togther,unlike it is now, As it stands now,in our area ,you have no real choice as to which school your kids go to,they go to the 1 in your district .If it does not have a ag program or doesn't teach any trades in the higher grades, your kids are just fucked if that is something they wish to get into and that aint right.
Besides, a single mother has to work. A mother who's husband is disabled needs to work. A mother, like everyone else has to pay school taxes. Why not use the benefits of her taxable contribution?
No sir, I'm not putting down anyone that wants to do it, but, it's not an automatic life sentence for a mother.
They work for tax dollars. You don't get rich working for the tax payer. You teach as a service to your community and it's people, not just for the wages. Otherwise, you are in it for the WRONG REASONS.
As for what some teachers are being told they have to teach, hell, if your boss told you to do something you didn't like.what would your reaction be? You don't change the job,you change to fit the job or you go find another 1.
Merit pay can create an unhealthy sense of competition among teachers, which can lead to negative consequences. Teachers may be pitted against each other in a race to achieve the highest test scores or other measurable outcomes, which can lead to a stressful and toxic work environment.Apr 3, 2023
The kids need to be learning,and not just passed thru like I was,
You believe a toxic work environment is good?
Are the kids not behaving ,disrupting the education process? Introduce discipline into the class room ,a paddle.
Are the administrators asking you to teach it is ok to cut your dick off and you don't feel good about teaching that? fight it in court or rally for changes in the political spectrum to prevent the admin from forcing you to teach such shit.
Can't teach the truth about a subject? Again read above.
not making enough money to pay off college debt? Well, teaching is a civil service job,it is NOT a job to get wealthy at.get over it.
There are plenty of good things to work towards.
Toxic environment is different for each person.Not much would be the same for a large number of people. So toxic to me is a word used to say, " I am mad because of X and I blame XYZ for it".
You don't understand discussions about problems and solutions.
But, this is just one example of the level your side has sunken to.
Just culture war bullshit and violent propaganda.
What they saw probably looked civilized compared to you.
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And yes I do realize what happened during World war II. My grandfather fought in Germany as well as in
Iwo Jima. I find politics today and your reflection on World war II a
vast comparison.
They were a far-right, conservative, totalitarian, nationalistic, racist regime.
They used a culture war against the Jews, to give the people an enemy to blame,
just like Republicans are using a culture war against transgenders and woke.
Your own swastika flag waving, SS-tattooed, racist, skinhead fuck-wits
are also far-right, conservative, nationalistic totalitarians, AKA Fascists.
Ever heard them support any communist ideology?
No, because they are fucking Nazis.
* Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all ages 25 and up;
* Proportional representation on a regional basis;
* Voting for women;
* Representation at government level of newly created national councils by economic sector;
* The formation of a national council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made of professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a general commission with ministerial powers.
* The quick enactment of a law of the state that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers;
* A minimum wage;
* The participation of workers' representatives in the functions of industry commissions;
* To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants;
* Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55.
* A strong extraordinary tax on capital of a progressive nature;
because they haven't done or supported anything like this in decades.
You are referring to 'Voting for women' in 1920, 100+ years ago.
Sure, the Republicans stood for freedom once, but that changed completely.
When you are talking about 1920, the Republican and Democratic parties were completely different, before that the complete opposite of today.
"Sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party
of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power."
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I explained it here before, but y'all keep denying it, to make belief that your side has ever supported the freedom position on anything. Conservatives have fought against the freedom position all throughout history and liberals have worked hard to provide it. You don't get to take credit for the achievements
of an ideology that you don't support, especially while you would even support
eliminating most or all of those achievements.
One compliment though; at least you know what the opposite of fascism is.
Also, if you think standing for big government is standing for freedom, than I'm just waisting my time.
And I hope that you understand that none of that is characteristic for fascism, by any of the modern definitions.
Although; "Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have long debated the exact nature of fascism. Historian Ian Kershaw once wrote that "trying to define 'fascism' is like trying to nail jelly to the wall." Each different group described as fascist has at least some unique elements, and many definitions of fascism have been criticized as either too broad or too narrow."
I make no claim that big government stands for freedom, there is actually no relation between the size of the government and freedom of its people, as far as I see. It all depends on how much the people participate in that government. If the government consists of 100% of the people, do you think that can result in lots of freedom, or not? If there is no government at all, do you think that results in freedom? So what is the optimum size for freedom?
That quote is just part of the article that explains the switch of the parties.
And there are many more articles like that.
I was lucky enough to be friends with a mine sweeper that went to Normandy the day after D day, he had to walk thru the blood and guts of 100's of soldiers to get to the area full of mines.
Europe was saved by Americans and Russians.
But do they remember it? Do they appreciate it? Hell no.
Your question should be to the military community my grandfather, my uncle, my father, as well as myself. Do we as soldiers realize what we did while we served, absolutely. Don't mix a generation of American kids and what goes on over here with people who served in the military. It's a big difference.
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It's just a hate of Trump. If anybody lives here and realizes how much Obama fucked this country up and now Biden. They wouldn't be so Swift to follow the Democratic party. In case the European's haven't noticed it's no longer the Democrats for the poor and the Republicans for the rich. There's been a flip-flop over the last 30 years.
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Obama made sure that there would be no more middle class and poverty class. His efforts combined the two.
My uncle was in Nam as a door gunner in a helicopter. Another friend was rejected from the draft for a health issue and wanted to go anyway so he went as a AP photographer. His words, a camera lens hides alot when you look thru it,but years later when looking at the pictures ,it is terrifying what he was in the middle of.
I do agree that cursive writing should still be taught. The same with basic math without a calculator. I don’t see them using a tablet being a problem. I grew up with an IBM Selectric to type my reports.
Another thing that has stayed with me is when a congressman from some northeast state sent a letter to the governor of New Mexico, advising him he should stay out of American business and that another country has no right to opine on US matters. That was many years ago. How about Puerto Rico? Most Americans think that is a foreign country.
What I’m saying is that we are on a downward slope coming from the 1940’s and getting worse. Don’t blame the current youth because, us, the seniors, stopped learning.
are getting closer and closer to; intolerant, anti-science, authoritarian, ultra-nationalists, begging for a dictatorial leader, who tried to violently destroy democracy before and promises to eliminate his enemies and openly calls
for civil war, to a screaming crowd. That's pure Fascism.
And you should be fucking ashamed to support it.
you would be shocked at some of the people I have met and know and deal with all over the world.
I don't do it to brag,I do it to make sure their view points and ideas and lessons are not forgotten.
Royal Marine Commandos attached to 3rd Infantry Division move inland from Sword Beach, 6 June 1944
Commander, Second Army: Lieutenant General Sir Miles Dempsey[81]
Overall, the Second Army contingent consisted of 83,115 men, 61,715 of them British.[82] The nominally British air and naval support units included a large number of personnel from Allied nations, including several RAF squadrons manned almost exclusively by overseas air crew. For example, the Australian contribution to the operation included a regular Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) squadron, nine Article XV squadrons, and hundreds of personnel posted to RAF units and RN warships.[86] The RAF supplied two-thirds of the aircraft involved in the invasion.[87]
Gold Beach
XXX Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Gerard Bucknall[88]
50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division: Major General D.A.H. Graham[88]
Juno Beach
Main article: Juno Beach order of battle
British I Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General John Crocker[89]
3rd Canadian Division: Major General Rod Keller[89]
Sword Beach
British I Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General John Crocker[90]
3rd Infantry Division: Major General Tom Rennie[90]
6th Airborne Division: Major General R.N. Gale[90]
79th Armoured Division: Major General Percy Hobart[91] provided specialised armoured vehicles which supported the landings on all beaches in Second Army's sector.
I guess your minesweeper friend didn’t ask from were the casualties were from. Yes, the Americans did one hell of a job, but, we weren’t the only country there with huge contingencies
The Democrats have only tried to keep the most lethal killing machines away from you, which are intended for nothing but efficient mass murder.
Don't you present yourself as supporting the police? Aren't they supposed to think about their own lives first? If everyone has access to the most effective killing tools available, how are the cops supposed to command the situation?
What weapons are left to them, if they need to rescue a class of schoolkids from a shooter carrying an AR-15? Do you understand how terrified they are of that weapon? Do they use RPG's, hand grenades? How would that end for the kids?
You were not allowed to own those before, but republican provided them. And it increased the lethality of shooters massively. If the Democrats take AR-15's, that's just returning to some sanity.
Republicans used to stand for personal freedom. What ever someone did in their own personal lives, was their business. Now you are forcing your ideology onto people who don't share it. While you cry about pronouns and toilets, you're taking women's rights, the rights of trans people to exist, the right of children to learn the truth and how to think, and you're going after birth control next. There is nothing that Democrats are doing that even comes close.
The crooks have the element of surprise,and they are not going to be carrying a 2 shot Derringer.
You need to be able to outgun your opponent or enemy to win-live.
You have been in a encounter, admited to trying to run the guy over in your yugo, or whatever it was, forgive me I can't remember.
Would you own an AR15 or similar?
And the 20 to 30 round clip, it should be enough for a couple thugs after you if you have cover.but if not, gone to quick.
If I were to own 1,the 1 I want takes alot of paper work to own and uses 100 round Drums.
Seems to be the claim to fame for buying liquor and cigs and dope instead of taking care of the bills right?
Having a 'big stick' isn't freedom.
Having no reason to carry a 'stick' is freedom.
And didn't I say you have nothing ELSE?
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By the way I’ve heard she smokes crack
Yes, I don’t like guns. Yes, I do want to take them away from you. But, if that’s the reason you vote Republican, then you’ve missed the whole point about country, democracy, and love of fellow men.
The NRA’s membership is just under 5 million. That’s way less than undocumented immigrants, and, yet, every Republican is afraid to touch them. They prevent the MAJORITY of people who want firearms restricted to a safe level. These are both, Republicans and Democrats. Even men who use their gun as a personal dildo want that.
You apparently have never heard the old saying' "give them a inch they will take a mile."
It rings true with government and any part of it.
Ok so we let them take our Ak-47's.
the next 5 mass shootings are done with mossberg shotguns, they will be after those next, and etc until possession of a sling shot is illegal and punishable by death. THe government does not have common sense,it only understands control of it's subjects, er I mean citizens.
But already were all wolves, since you first stepped in that savanna.
Then everyone wanted to be cheetahs. But you didn't reduce hunger, so the cheetahs started praying on each other.
So the cheetahs wanted to be lions. And you have been lions for a while.
Then they made it possible to be a T-Rex. So, now you all want to be T-Rex's.
Where does it stop?
My strategy is different; fuck that savanna, I'll find a way for everyone to feed, so we can all be gazelles, living safely together. There might be some crazy wolfs killing some gazelles sometimes, but if we promote gazelle nature, at some point everyone wants to be a gazelle. Of course we have some well fed T-Rex's defending the walls, but we can all be gazelles within them.
Naive? Maybe, but look at you; a lion surrounded by hungry T-Rex's.
And after all lions are eaten, when T-Rex's are hungry, they'll eat each other.
As far an non-USA citizens caring about our country’s politics then, let me remind you, WE ARE THE DOG, they are the tail. What happens here affects the whole world. Look what the last Clown did to world politics and world economy.
Our oil reserves are depleted to low levels, people in the know are warning our weapons are depleting and not being restocked, biden is scrapping military ships fast and it was said this morning that the US only sent 4 ships to Alaska and Russia and china have 9 or more there,and the US could only scrape up 4??? What the fuck are we going to do if war does happen? And biden telling china to leave Tiawan alone is like a Chiwawa barking at a B52 bomber.
Russia isn't afraid to attack another country, on the border of NATO.
They might be thinking of testing you, to see if you are also too afraid
to protect a small, less important NATO country next.
America wanted NATO to make a pact against the big bad Russians, and we've all been caressing your nutsack ever since. Do you want us to leave you and go make friends with China instead? Maybe you'll be fine with it, because you fearmonger about China all the time, but you've got no idea how to win from them.
I just find it telling how you want a strong fearless leader to be in charge, while those weak libs, with their old weak leader, are showing much bigger balls.
Second: There’s the people. We, The People, always answered the call to arms. The Spanish American war, Two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, they weren’t fought by WASP SPECIAL FORCES. They were fraught by people like you and me and your neighbors. Liberals and LGBQT and Blacks, Latino, we all love America and we’ll fight if we have to.
You served with people like these. You are not honoring their sacrifice by stating what you’ve stated. And let me remind you that the last Clown was buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
biden has not got the balls to talk to Kim or Putin.
Both have access to nuclear weapons.
Is it not better to be touch with them on a positive note than to sit back and hate and taunt them as we are doing with ukraine right now?
remember?There was a time we got along just fine with Russia.
What happened? for 1 thing,obama,
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Why not invite Kim jong over and take him on a boat ride and some fishing? Act like civilized humans towards them. You never know,
I would much rather see 2 world leaders like this,as I would to see them at each others throats ,which is what democrats like. Division and hatred.
Note several world leaders with Bush here.
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Bella made mention she likes classic cars, here is Bush driving Putins personal classic
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North korea ,is a country, that is isolated .but has NUKES which evens the odds against much larger countrys, because Kim has given the world the impression he is crazy enough to use them. I doubt they would make it much outside the country's borders if they are no more reliable than some of the other stuff he sends up that comes twiddling down in a plume of smoke. BUT still yet,they would radiate parts of the world for 100's of years.
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No they don't. They need an enemy to fearmonger about, to their own people.
Nuking America isn't just suicide, it would take away their propaganda tool.
The only way to win from your enemies is to understand them first.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Read about what's going on up at Alaska right now.Russian and chinese ships are doing maneuvers. biden scrapes together 4 small destoyers.A tea cup poodle being sent to fight a pack of pit bulls.
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China is in default on a trillion dollars in debt to US bondholders. Will the US force repayment? | The Hill
Enough said on that. As far as IKEA is concerned, if the Chinese are doing the manufacturing, I can see why IKEA instructions are all “Chinese”
Your own side doesn't want any LGBQT in the military and now you blame them?
Trump and DeSantis are rich narcissists. They are not going to put themselves in harm's way. They will let other people do the dying, for their causes. It has always been that way and that will never change.
The US has a bigger military budget than the next 10 countries combined and then you still make believe that any country is crazy enough to try to conquer you.
How many trillions of tax dollars does your government need to spend on defense, before you finally feel safe? And why then is your side crying about spending money, if it's actually finally used against your biggest enemy, since 1945?
Democrats would rather keep us in never ending wars.
As for the alphabet community being in the military,they have always been in it, they just behaved like they had some sense and put the country first instead of their choice of gender for the day.
The military has always been a dangerous place to be for someone different. They were likely to get fucked up, raped or murdered. There is no way that I would ever let my LGTBQ kid enter the military, if I had one. Only a country who respects them, should expect some respect back from them.
the wrong reasons are of course; be an individual and live how you want to live.
Because: FREEDOM!!!
I think you are at least 60 to 75% wrong about the gay thing in the army.
Especially when the draft ended.if a gay guy was willing to stand in front of guns being pointed him, I seriously doubt the military would get rid of him for his sexual preference. And if he wanted to serve, he would keep his mouth shut about what he liked for 2 years.
And the gays in the military, the draft ended 40 or more years. Don't ask. Don't tell was around until this century.
He had a deal worked out with them that he has explained several times at his speechs.I will see if I can find you a link.
of course there is liberal spin and hate for the agreement but here is in easy to read english.
Trump made a deal to be out and ask the taliban not to attack Americans or support terrorist,and if they did,to make it easy,he would kick their ass.
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And you know,the taliban is no one I would want to go fishing with, but there have not been any terrorist attacks here in the US since the withdrawl, and they seem to be running their country ok. A recent flood happened and they were providing food and shelter for the victums as any humane government would.I think if we just leave them the hell alone, they might do us the same favor.I could be wrong but time will tell.
And note the way he handled the question ask of him at about 4 minutes in on the video above the text.
Very civilized
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