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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By Jamie [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 19:03 other posts 
So hot never felt sun burn before . I like to be outside doing something.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 19:06 other posts 
It’s very seasonal in Pennsylvania temperatures as a daytime high around 82 dipping down to the low 60s at night
By Jamie [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 20:19 other posts 
It almost 103 today be in the 60
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 19:19 other posts 
It's overrated af, it's all fun and games until a couple days later :x
By Jamie [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 20:22 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 20:44 other posts 
monday and tuesday were miserable. It took alot out of me and today i was just to pooped to do much at all. Looking forward to some fall weather.I am so behind on outdoor work right now I dread the catching up. I am trying the do 2 hours of stuff in the morning thing to keep from getting to far behind on mowing and such.But that is not all there is to taking care of the place
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 10:33 other posts 
I made an arrangement with Marcy and her daughter Kayla they take care of the inside of the house and I take care of the outside and yard work
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 20:11 other posts 
jamie stand under Tecsan's window for a cool shower
By Jamie [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 21:19 other posts 
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

104 was today..
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 21:55 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 21:34 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 10:52 other posts 
Chewing on the remote? Don't do it around the cat,
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By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 14:37 other posts 
I like this ladys way of dealing with a issue.
Damn I would not want this woman pissed at me.
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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 08:47 other posts 
Well her way of "settling the score" works if you happen to be playing European football aka soccer.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 09:30 other posts 
can you imagine that foots affects if she kicked a male in the crotch? Death by heart attack from busted ball pain and blo0d clots.

By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 13:46 other posts 
And this is why you have to be very careful who you hire for a job.
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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 07:57 other posts 
How long (hours or days) do suspect the two young fellas were working to be that far along in a job? I mean the people who live there didn't question WTF was going on?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 09:29 other posts 
2 active fellows coulda torn that much off in a few hours.
Fellow probably hired them and went to work and they had all day to screw up.
I would be highly pissed off if I came home and my deck was torn half off my house!

By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 10:38 other posts 
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I guess we should blame this on Trump and the DeSantis
By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 13:47 other posts 
Yep, of course the libturds will find a way to.
The only humor will be when the libturds get shot in the streets for belly aching.

By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 13:57 other posts 
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By #610414 14,Aug,23 09:55
Why do you think repealing the EPA and it’s mandates is a good thing?
Because, without the EPA, surely people will get safe drinking water, right?
Companies and government service will surely prioritize the health and safety of employees and citizens over making a buck or saving a buck, without any supervision, right?

Because the owners and investors of companies love their employees
and politicians love you, more than money, right?

By #610414 14,Aug,23 13:44
Why didn't I think of that?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,23 16:13 other posts 
IF the EPa's efforts were spent on sensiable things like safe water,it wouldn't be such a bad thing,but they have absolutely ruined cars,washing machines,stoves,light bulbs,you name it, ruined a 100 years of technology and made it cost twice as much as it should.
Buy a car, get a smog pump you don't need and so on.
By #610414 14,Aug,23 17:22
Safe water, that’s good. Pollution by big industry discharging their crap into rivers and streams and lakes, that shouldn’t be their concern. Cars that don’t pollute the air as much, that’s good. LA and other cities with huge smog problems shouldn’t be their concern. Car manufacturers will take care of us, right? Washing machines that use less water. A great selling point for manufacturers. Save on your water bill. Buy our crème de la crème. But, wait, the EPA didn’t get involved in that. BTW, in my humble opinion and Woody58‘s opinion (he was a 20 yr appliance tech for Sears) these washers are crap. What about stoves? My GE electric glass top stove is 14 yrs old. I’ve thrown everything at it and I love to cook. It’s still looks as new as when I got it. Sorrrry. The EPA has nothing on this. Light bulbs? Now that is something that they should look into. I used to keep incandescent bulbs for about 6 months to a year. Now that we replaced all our bulbs with LED bulbs we replace one every 3 or 4 years. Damn EPA, what do they think they are playing at? How about black lung disease? Asbestos lungs? Lead pipes? Transportation of hazardous materials through residential areas?
Yes, I agree with you, Phart, let’s get rid of them an let the BIG GUYS start to make real money.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 19:59 other posts 
I am glad to see this, there are some good people out there.
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By 2nice [Ignore] 10,Aug,23 12:28 other posts 
Is the site only ‘Show It Off’ now? Did I miss a memo?
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 08:56 other posts 
Yep, the site has solely been Showitoff for months.
By #610414 11,Aug,23 09:42
Not only that, now, when you click on a pic, it takes you to that member’s gallery but not necessarily to the pic you chose. Voting for it and leaving a comment is much harder.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 20:03 other posts 
it will always be show your cunt to me
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 11:14 other posts 
You can still showyourdick!
By #610414 12,Aug,23 16:06
I can borrow Woody58's but, I can't show mine.🤣🤣

By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 10,Aug,23 13:44 other posts 
only registered users can see external links added after 28 secondsSo sad, but it's already here.--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesThanks Biden. I hope Alzheimer's eats away at your little brain like a pack of rats
By 2nice [Ignore] 10,Aug,23 13:46 other posts 
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 10,Aug,23 21:23 other posts 
Come get you some.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 05:01 other posts 
Poor little Johnny the liberals will have him all fucked up and it’s ashamed
By #610414 11,Aug,23 09:55
CC54, You bring a URL of an ink covered loudmouth with no credentials or credibility and correlate that to President Biden’s actions? Get real. If you want credibility show us PROOF. You know, actual facts and figures.
That’s the problem with you “righties”. You’ve been so indoctrinated to believe that “WOKE” is areal problem and that it’s the fault of the left, that you ignore how crooked, in ever respect, the conservative ideas have become.
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And while we are at it:

So, how happy are all you fuckers, that put down BUD LIGHT and ANHEUSER-BUSCH, now that a great American company has lost so much that it’s going to have to sell several of it’s brands with the cost of many jobs. All because some ding-a-ling in a dress made a comercial for a beer. How homophobic and insecure do you have to be to reach this point?

By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 18:43 other posts 
I’m very happy it’s been a dead company for the last 30 years it tastes like skunk piss they tried a desperate attempt to bring it back with a trans commercial but it backfired on them
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 19:41 other posts 
It tastes like American beer!
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 19:49 other posts 
It has a funny aftertaste i like ying yang larger
By #610414 12,Aug,23 07:24
In October 2019, Yuengling partnered with Hershey's to produce a limited release collaboration beer titled Yuengling Hershey's Chocolate Porter.[35] This was the first collaborative beer for Yuengling in its 190-year history.[36] The drink tastes like traditional Yuengling but has an aftertaste of Hershey's Special Dark.🤣🤣

Woody drinks it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 07:37 other posts 
I’ve tried it it’s ok I’m just not fond of the taste of chocolate in my beer
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I toured the original brewery in Pottsville Pennsylvania and met Dj yuengling in person
By #610414 12,Aug,23 07:39
Neither does Woody. He likes the regular lager.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 07:45 other posts 
Me too

By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 18:48 other posts 
So when are the primaries i want to get my old surfboard out and wax it so i can ride the red wave
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 20:02 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Aug,23 20:09 other posts 
I wonder if the blood of democrats give the red wave its color
By #610414 12,Aug,23 07:25
Hang ten, live fast…….then, wipeout.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 07:38 other posts 
Believe it or not in my younger years i was a bit of a beach bum
By #610414 12,Aug,23 07:39
No beach about it.

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