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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By #562152 09,Oct,18 07:19
Hurricane Michael is aiming at the Florida panhandle. They think it may intensify to a category 3, that is scary. My home is just north of Florida's panhandle, in Georgia. Now, I'm glad I'm on leave from work. I don't think there's going to be catastrophic wind damage here. We are too far inland. I'm worried about all the rain coming. We will be on the dirty side of the storm. My house is high enough not to fear flooding but the area is low and near several water routes. We may be cut off for a few days. The people I'm worried about are for Floridians in the panhandle. Some of these Old Crackers are stubborn and won't evacuate
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 07:54 other posts 
Keep safe!
By #562152 09,Oct,18 08:07
I will, thanks,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 10:23 other posts 
I feel sorry for all the people who suffer and feel sorry that your compatriots have elected a president who doesn't give a shit. And, of course, we ain't seen nothin' yet.

By #559941 09,Oct,18 14:42
What country are you from Leo? Did you vote?
Fema is already preparing for the storm.. Something your idle african american bastard president that got his ass kissed on a daily basis from other stupid people did absolutely nothing for anybody except for country that wants to destroy america ..I'm American and Jewish. I love my religion and country.Do you have a fucking problem with that?
By #562152 09,Oct,18 15:40
Godzillas,,be nice to Leo,,,he's right,,this pres doesn't give a shit,,,,bringing Obama into it is like farting in the wind and expecting to smell it later,,,who gives a fuck??
By #559941 09,Oct,18 15:48
Trump's economy is the best in 60 years. Healthcare is doing great. Foreign policy is the best for america ever. If you don't like him for personal reasons its fine but to do false accusations against him is unacceptable and I'm tired of hearing it !. He got elected for a couple of reasons and promises he is coming through with.. the rest he will eventually if the racist democrats were not as Nazi's obstructionists as they truly are...
...Let's just worry about Michael for the time being..
By #502711 09,Oct,18 16:36
I think he's doing a pretty good job. Just because he's not a good speaker like Obama was, doesn't mean his ideas are stupid. I actually think that Trump has done at least twice as much as Obama in less than 1 term, than Obama did during both of his terms.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 21:07
Chupete,,,quantity is no substitute for quality.

Google +

In Donald Trump’s first act as president, he signed a high-profile executive order intended to dismantle Obamacare, instructing federal agencies to take any measures they could to roll back the Affordable Care Act. In retrospect, the vaguely worded directive was only symbolic. The Trump administration did eventually make moves to obstruct the law, but they took months and another executive order to implement. For all the theater, it’s hard to say whether that order had any effect at all.

Less noticed on Inauguration Day was a surprise move by the Federal Housing Administration to scratch a planned reduction in mortgage insurance premiums. That change helped shore up the financial health of the FHA’s mortgage insurance fund—but came at a real cost to homeowners, who would have saved an average of $500 a year if the Obama-era plan had stayed in place.

If you didn’t hear about the $500 you may have lost that day—well, that’s how the year went. The attention gap between the empty executive order and the real-life mortgage insurance rollback turned out to be representative of the whole first year of the Trump administration.

Again and again, Trump has taken the stage to an adoring crowd and declared victory on some issue, or announced lavish new promises, without any real results or plans to back them up. Meanwhile, very steadily, and almost totally separately from Trump’s speeches and tweetstorms, his administration has been ushering in a new conservative era of government—taking specific aim at Obama-era rules, and broader aim at the big regulatory mission of government

this excerpt is from Politico,,,another very serious entity.
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His "accomplishments" have done little to help the average Joe Working Stiff. He's loud and people think he's saying something. Not so.
By #559941 09,Oct,18 22:08
He has done more than the modern era.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 20:56
"At best, you would say it's been a continuation of a steady trend," economist Austan Goolsbee told MSNBC.
What does that mean??
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This is an article on NPR (National Public Radio) They are funded by the federal government. They are neutral and a very respected institution with radio stations in every major market in The USA and they even have an international deptmt.
This shows that the economy has been growing at a steady pace since Pres. Obama instituted economic fixes to stimulate the disastrous economy of Pres. Bush Jr. Trump is just riding the wave. So,,,if you are tired of hearing how your most precious asshole gets dumped on then you know how tired we are hearing how Obama/Clinton fucked up the country. Let me remind you that During the second Bush, the economy took a dump that was worse than the crash of 1929 and he was never able to turn it around. It was Obama's stimulus package that brought us out of it.
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And health care is not doing well,,pharma costs have tripled and most of us are fighting to afford it while dumb trump wants to abolish Obamacare simply because he's jealous of Obama. Good thing people like McCain saw through this and stopped it for now. It's not the perfect program but is better than what the Republicans want us to have
By #559941 09,Oct,18 21:46
TWO.... this is a topic for another time.. YOu have a major catagory 3 cyclone headed your way and Leo out of all times bitches about the president on a storm that hasn't even hit yet.... That's the main thing about storms who they blamed.... They even blame trump for the storm itself like he uses witch-craft.. THIS IS SICK SHIT !!

We've had long battles about politics and I have given you my synopsis and opinions and reasons for my conclusions... Look up GDP and how it changed from the moment Trump won the election which spiraled down 500 points to where it is over 26,000 DOW average.. The Key point is GDP.. look it up...

Leo is a sad bitch.. He only likes you because you have a pussy. If you were a guy he'd be very arrogant towards you.. He is the one that brought out this shit with Trump when we are trying to prepare for a major storm.. YOu think he gives a shit about you?? NO... he hates trump more than he likes you...
By #562152 09,Oct,18 22:10
baby,,thanks for the concern, but, lollipop. i have to laugh how you guys (yes, several dozens) think i'm a shrinking violet praying to the Almighty to spare my ass. I went through Andrew (it destroyed my house with my family in it) and another 4 since 1968. I'm good and well prepared
By #559941 09,Oct,18 22:16
I was in Andrew, Gloria, Irma, Erin, Sandy, I seem to attract hurricanes with polar coordinates or electromagnetism..When my dick gets hard strange things happen..
You stay focused, be close with your loved one's work together, then h ate each other again when its over...
By #562152 09,Oct,18 22:18
you too if needs to be, lover,,
By #559941 09,Oct,18 22:57
By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 11:28 other posts 
Just have some extra food and a generator handy!
And don't cross water over about 8 inches deep.
Flooding of some of the roads around here is normal just from summer rains and there is at least 1 dumbass a year that try's to cross 5 feet of water at a intersection in a toyoda and the fire department has to go fish them out.
As for evacuating, looting is such a problem because the law can't cover everything.If you don't loose it to the water,you loose it a thief.And you never hear about the looters being dealt with by the justice system.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 11:39
I plan to have my 30-30 loaded and cocked
By #562152 09,Oct,18 12:38
This will be my 4th hurricane and 2 floods,,
By #559941 09,Oct,18 14:38
Outside chance you may get hit with 100 MPH gusts.. Are you in VAldosta?
By #562152 09,Oct,18 14:45
yes, i am,,,gusts won't hurt us that much,, the house is built in 3 parts the back is a double wide mobile home, but the front and one side is CBS block and the roof was reworked so the whole structure is covered by it, even the part of the mobile home. My main concern is mobility,,The nearest grocery store is 12 miles away and if it floods we'll be up the creek without a paddle,,literally,,we have a generator that will power the refrigerator, freezer, all the lights, one Room AC and the Big TV. Well water pump is electric but i would not drink it if it floods in the area so we are stocking up bottled water
By #559941 09,Oct,18 14:55
VAldosta is on the eastern barrier of the projected cone. I'm predicting if you lose electric it may only be for a short while..I'll pray for your safety and feel good about your chances..
By #562152 09,Oct,18 14:56
thank you, lollipop
--------------------------------------- added after 39 seconds

but,,remember, those cones readjust,,
By #559941 09,Oct,18 15:00
By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 15:52 other posts 
Just with the generator,don't run it in the garage and it is a good idea to have a volt meter to check the voltage,you can fry your fridge if it puts out to much or 2 little.110 to 125 is ok,under or above is bad!

Fema will be there I am sure.And all the fraudsters that follow storms. I hope there is a special place in Hell for the people that fraud the government or citizens at a time like this.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 21:35
Never ever,,I have a 220 outlet in a shed away from the house. We run the unit by and outside the shed plugged to the 220 outlet and we remove (illegally) the electric meter,,wouldn't want to fry some poor lineman
By #460385 09,Oct,18 21:14
Good luck to you twowarmtts. My mom, dad, b-rother, neice, and 92 year old grandfather are in Panama City. And yes, they are not evacuating. We wish all of them them a good ride.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 21:32
Thank you CC,,Why are people so entrenched in staying,,Do they have a sturdy home or homes??
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Whatever, my best wishes to them and you.
By #460385 09,Oct,18 21:38
They are on 2 acres of land. A small farm. Probably not the sturdiest home. But they will not leave the horses alone. So they are doing what they can to hunker down. The horses are family. We just worry about grandpa. The flooding will he the worste. They are in a valley.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 21:43
Yeah,,I would stay too,,can't they take Grandpa to one of the hospitals? almost all will accept risk patients during a storm. The horses are another matter. CC,,I love **** and yes, they are family but,, humans are much more important. There has to be an agreed moment where their safety comes first. Horses are sturdy **** and can withstand much if they have partial shelter,
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I assume they know about flash flooding??
By #460385 09,Oct,18 21:59
They do. We all are from South Florida. Hurricanes are the norm. We have never evacuated either. So I can't blame them.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 22:16
My last large one was Andrew in Miami, We had a house in what now is Palmetto Bay. we lost half of the roof when a tree fell on the house, we spent a large portion of the storm in the walk in closet. Honestly,,we never have either. Andrew was the last straw for us. We moved to Central Florida and now in Georgia
By #460385 09,Oct,18 22:41
Andrew was a b-east. I watched freezer trucks come in the middle of the night to haul out the dead. We worked it. The death total was far more then what the news lead people to believe. They couldn't tell the truth without admitting Homestead had an immigration problem. Andrew changed everything as we know it today.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 22:55
So true. We knew the count was too low
--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours

And all of Miami-Dade county with the possible exception of Aventura has an immigration problem, although, the county does very well as most pay a very big portion of the taxes that go support the poor counties in northern Florida
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 18:50 other posts 
I hope everybody will be perfectly OK and the property too.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 19:46 other posts 
It made it to cat 4 before hitting land.!
By #562152 11,Oct,18 10:01
It sure did. And it was 3 MPH short of a cat 5. That is enough to blow down concrete homes, Scary,,I'm getting tons of rain,,,some street flooding but no other damage. the worst part missed us by a few miles.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 10:05 other posts 
Why do I like boobs so much?

[deleted image]
By #562152 06,Oct,18 13:36
It's a Mama thing, baby,,a lot of guys suffer from this. Suck a pair and call the TT doctor in the morning,,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 15:21 other posts 
He he
By #502711 09,Oct,18 23:02
Lix prescribes me the titty treatment when i'm feeling down
By #562152 10,Oct,18 09:36
Mama always there to make baby happy??

By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 11:30 other posts 
I was reading about the folks in Texas denying a permit for a robot brothel and got to thinking about a qoute I read years ago.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
By #502711 09,Oct,18 23:00
Here's one for you. When sheep are trying to fall asleep, do they also count sheep?

By #485312 05,Oct,18 19:11
lm out raged, don't know what about, but it must be time for me be out raged at the world, how dare mrs trump where a hat in Africa, how dare fluffy kittens look cute and fuck the price of eggs is outrageous... if l find anything else that out rages me, l'll be sure to let you all know. just to bore the socks off you while youre trying to get horny *lix*
By #562152 05,Oct,18 19:24
Let it out, Lix, fluffy kittens need a litter box,,,
By #485312 08,Oct,18 06:01
since the invention of facebook, people are always getting outraged over stuff that they wouldn't have given a second thought about until they saw someone else being outraged over it *lix*
By #562152 08,Oct,18 08:25
misery loves company,,
By phart [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 09:39 other posts 
I never understood the need to type about every aspect of my life like folks do on facebook. Like, "hey look at this poopy,I made it all by myself" or "hey,I saw this tree today,it has LEAVES on it".
I mean really people,get a life!
By #562152 08,Oct,18 09:44
That IS a life, chupete. I mean, think about it. Here we are dangling our wares, exposing them to the world. Is this any different than exposing your "poopy" times to the world??? The subject matter may be trivial but, it matters to the posting member of Facebook. Besides, Facebook is like a conversation you have with your neighbor, "Diana, can i borrow a cup of sugar?"
By #485312 09,Oct,18 06:50
l used it to keep in contact with my family, but when you cant say what you want without bunches of people getting offended or outraged, l turned it off. it has more fake news on it then president trumps band wagon *lix*
By #562152 09,Oct,18 06:58
True, my main use is to keep up with my 5 grandkids in Miami and extended family in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 17:17 other posts 
On this one, Mr phart, I agree with you 100%.
By #502711 09,Oct,18 05:41
It's a fucking disease man! Technology is enslaving us, making us docile & distract from the important things the government is trying to hide from us.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 15:55 other posts 
Yea,my college professor warned us about this back in the late 80's."don't let the technology take over your lives." he would say.There was some lady on a tv talk show this morning criticizing someone because they didn't have a twitter account! Folks,if I start tweeting, check me for feathers!
By #502711 09,Oct,18 16:40
I deleted my facebook account after that Zuckerberg privacy breach, I haven't looked back, facebook used to waste hours of my life each day. Nah fuck all of this social media shit. showitoff is my facebook now.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 21:50
Phart,,you gave us two opinions about technology. Don't you believe that as your own man, you can live side by side with new advances without you being suckered into it??
By #562152 09,Oct,18 22:01
Aussie you are about 30 yrs old. You were born around late 1980"s. By the time you were old enough to play with technology quite a few new inventions came along. Till then carburetors were more common than fuel injection, everyone had cable by then , no more rabbit years. cell phones were here and after another 10 yrs or so smart phones. the internet started. amazon became the store to go to. You really think all these things are bad? What exactly was it that put you in chains (besides Lix)? No, lollipop, if anything, we have more freedom to do things. What we don't have is lack of choice. Ther's so many things to do you choke yourself trying to do it all,, maybe if you slow down and just look at the simple things

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