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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

New Comment       Rating: 4  

By #485312 16,Mar,21 15:45
why do people care when or where other people put THEIR comments???? really who the fuck cares if someone comments on an old picture, or replies to an old blog??? is this really something so fucking terrible you have to make a BULLSHITERY comment in forum about it??? or is your mind really going to shit when EVERY little THING, EVERYONE ELSE DOES, ANNOYS THE FUCK OUT YOU HERE???? maybe if this kind of thing is news worthy enough to you, than a site like this, isn't one for YOU! *Lix*

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 04:39 other posts 
Isaac Asimov talks about superstition, religion and why he teaches rationality:
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An interview from 1988, but still as relevant as it ever was.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 05:01 other posts 
Imagine, in 1988 nobody believed that the earth was flat. Nowadays, millions of people do. What happened?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 08:15 other posts 
All flat earthers can find each other on the internet, reinforce their views, find financiers for creating videos and thereby influence more people.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 08:40 other posts 
Yes, I know, but the question is why? What's the point in believing something obviously false? I can't understand that.
By #502711 09,Mar,21 14:39
I actually think they really believe this. I actually worked with a guy that believed the earth was flat, he was a bit of a religious Christian nut, even though he wasn't even Christian. But he believed the earth was flat, that space is water & the stars are bubbles in the water. The videos filmed in space showing earth makes it looks like a globe because of fish-eyed lenses, all this kind of crap. As Ananas said, the internet has been able to influence more people with ridiculous beliefs.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 15:43 other posts 
The people pushing it don't believe it themselves. They are con men, making money from their conferences (tickets of $149). They also get financed by rich people who think it's to their self interest to destroy trust in science.

If they can sell people this bullshit, they can sell them anything, like cutting taxes for the rich benefits the working class, unions are bad, safety regulations are just a nuisance, you should give lots of money to your church so all your wishes are answered, health insurance is better than single payer and climate change is a hoax.

How Average People Fall For The Flat-Earth Conspiracy
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The 10 Things That All Flat Earthers Say:
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 15:55 other posts 
Thank you for this mate. Now it all makes sense.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 20:25 other posts 
Yep,same thing with climate change,if the con men can sell the flat earth thing,climate change is a piece of cake
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Mar,21 07:49 other posts 
Flat earth is anti-science, climate chance is science. All scientists support the science of climate change, except for some grifters who are bought off by big oil.
When your argument is climate change can't be true, because the earth is big, than you are anti-science.
Denying climate change is not much more sophisticated than denying global earth.
You're also ignoring overwhelming evidence and accepting ridiculous arguments.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 16:20 other posts 
What people don't understand is that long ago humans realized that they can figure out lots and lots of things using their mind and some simple observations.

Eratosthenes, about 2 thousand years ago, knew that at noon sharp a building would cast no shadow in one city but a building in another city would cast one. And several people verified that. This, he said, impossible if the Earth is flat.

Having thus shown that it's not flat he assumed that it's curved and the simplest curved object is a sphere. By measuring shadows and angles he computed the circumference of the sphere using simple geometry. He found 40 thousand km. We now know that he was right and that he made an error of only 75 km. The actual circumference is 40075. Wow!

This newspaper article explains the simple calculation that, nowadays, any schoolchild can understand. only registered users can see external links
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If people, 2 thousand years later, are that stupid and can't understand Eratosthenes' simple argument, then the world is doomed.

In fact, nowadays, we can perform the experiment easily. If you live in Sydney, call someone in Perth when there's good weather in both cities, and ask them to measure the shadow of a 10 metre tall object and compare it to the shadow at the same time cast by a 10 metre object in Sydney. If the shadows have different lengths then the earth isn't flat.
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Fucking morons. And crooked guys who make money from these stupid morons. And asshole politicians and teachers for not being able to provide good sound basic education but keep teaching kids shit.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 11:35 other posts 
This was the top discussion forum topic today so I'm posting my latest upload.
[deleted image]
No, there's no reason for doing that. Just felt like it.

By #635881 10,Feb,21 22:37
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Please comment
By #502711 11,Feb,21 14:47
Doesn't look like much of a nude beach
By #485312 15,Feb,21 14:15
not worth looking at, don't bother opening *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Mar,21 21:51 other posts 
Looks like a nude beach for church kids
By #502711 09,Mar,21 02:55
"Hey let's go to a nudist beach, but nothing above the ankle now, people"
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 04:59 other posts 
Exactly. They must all be bella friends.
By #485312 09,Mar,21 05:21
that cunt doesn't have friends, it has dirty tongued arse lickers like that dirt bag dgraff sucking on its arse air.... *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 05:29 other posts 
Well, sorry, it's a nudist beach of bella arse lickers.

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 05,Feb,21 23:28 other posts 
OK let's switch gears . This site has a lot to do with Community, and this Forum has to do with stuff. Well here's some Stuff, that has to with Community, Sexually, and Fandom. If you click on this please take the time to watch it. In my opinion it is Excellent. Have a G-Day.
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By #502711 08,Feb,21 02:32
Yes, this certainly is a place to post stuff & this post definitely counts as stuff... Is this something you're into, do you do that kind of stuff & if so how come you don't have a furry outfit?
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 26,Feb,21 07:53 other posts 
I am all ready a bear I don't need even more fur. Also I couldn't afford the fur suet , they start at $2,000 and top out around $20,000 . Just going nude is much creeper. It also show what kind of bi-est crap we have to still have to dill here in the states
By #502711 27,Feb,21 05:59
Goddamn, then it shows how commited some of the "furries" are when they own the suits then
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 01,Mar,21 01:00 other posts 
Ya they make some bazaar looking suits . some speakers built into built in , so have RGB lights all over them . some would scare the shit have out of you if you seen one. I gess some furries have to have a handler to help lead them around because they cant see very well. I gess it hotter then fuck wearing the fur and get over heated. I am a sweat hog so I would freak out in in fur. I hear there's a lot ferries in Japan and down under in Australia . also they have a lot of artists that sell there work at theses shows. The things we humans do for fun and spend are money on. Have a G Day mate. PS I fucked my brains out last week end, still on that roll.
By #502711 03,Mar,21 02:29
Yes, Humans like to be anything other than what they are. Must suck to be a Human. It doesn't surprise me that the Japanese would be into this.

By #502711 24,Feb,21 06:07

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Feb,21 13:12 other posts 
I think I can cum to this without touching my dick
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Feb,21 19:26 other posts 
[deleted image]

Please comment

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Feb,21 20:19 other posts 
random stuff [deleted image]
By #502711 11,Feb,21 14:48
That's some nice stuff you've got to play with there, Leo
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Feb,21 15:49 other posts 
Thanks for not getting upset with my change of topic. I just somehow think we should be going back to the main topic of this site: sex.
By #502711 14,Feb,21 02:48
Sex is good, freedom to fuck is also good.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Feb,21 03:54 other posts 
Let's exercise our freedoms!
By #502711 14,Feb,21 16:31
Yes, let's.

By #502711 14,Feb,21 02:49
Joe Biden Calls China’s Xi Jinping
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By #502711 29,Jan,21 00:11
Prezidintial moments
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By #502711 12,Jan,21 03:51
- 2021 -
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Klaus Schwab (Head of World Economic Forum).

Type this guy's name into a search engine & see what comes up...
By #551147 12,Jan,21 04:28
Good info!

I might have told you I doubt that was gonna happen anytime too soon, but in light of the current situation, it may all come to fruition and faster than ever imagined.
By #502711 12,Jan,21 15:06
Mate, look what happened after 9/11, the world entered the mass surveillance age, government could tap phone calls, read your emails, anything, "for your protection". This is just another event that had to happen to move another chess piece forward. This chess game has been going on for a hundred years, now the final pieces are falling into place...
By #485312 21,Jan,21 07:04
another idiot gone... good riddance *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jan,21 17:08 other posts 
Who was that idiot?
By #485312 21,Jan,21 17:56
scorps, one of those trump maniacs, he's off to fantasy land to fight for some weird kind of freedom he thinks he doesn't have, because he didn't win some bullshit election, that in my eyes, was rigged the first time around, trump stacked the polls to make out he was the under dog so all the crazies came out to vote and all the sensible people didn't bother because they KNEW he couldn't win lol, best blind side in history I reckon... *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jan,21 18:04 other posts 
Oh, I wouldn't know, this maniac, scorpios, has been in my black list for long time. He wasn't an idiot. He was a BIG idiot, in par with freddie. He was an also an asshole.
By #485312 21,Jan,21 19:11
yeah I blacked him out too. he'd crawl up aussies arse, asking him to ask me why I didn't like him.. funny how they forget why they hate someone?.. but want the other party to remind them of what they did? ... I love selective memory, bit like the other 'TRUMP' maniacs it hung out with *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jan,21 18:09 other posts 
As for trump freaks.... look at this...

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By #485312 21,Jan,21 19:14
ROFLMA0 , LOSERS ... *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Jan,21 22:48 other posts 
That's a compliment for them.

By #502711 12,Jan,21 02:46
Hey I feel for you American's! I hate watching the country tear itself apart. Hope you guys can work it out. Crazy times, for real..
By #551147 12,Jan,21 03:36
Thank you!

It's not going to work out so well.

TOO many, from BOTH parties, have ignored and wiped their feet on the U.S. Constitution in order to legitimize a fraudulent election.

Now that they have SUCCESSFULLY trampled our Constitution, it's NEVER going to be the same again.

Think I'm wrong? Look what's going on now...

The POTUS has been censored, they've all (Apple, Google, Amazon) colluded to shut down a free speech platform known as Parler, that many of us was using to get information.
I mean, COMPLETELY shut them down, unfuckingbelievable!

Couple that with a 96% one sided, lying ass media, and they are just about unstoppable.

Once the jack-offs get into office, they will come for our 2nd amendment rights, next. Mark my words!

They'll most likely create two more states (D.C. & Puerto Rico) to gain seats in the house and senate and then bump the supreme court up to 11, 13, hell maybe even 15 members, giving them a majority for decades.

They managed to steal and now control ALL 3 branches of our government, of course once Biden is sworn in. That being said, we are fucked! They will diminish our military, yet again, and they will allow the swarms to cross our border. Insta-voters! Just check the videos, there are thousands upon thousands that have once again shown up at the borders, just waiting for him to be sworn in. The massive crowds were chanting his name a few days ago.

Anyway, thanks for the wishes.

Once they fuck this country over, there is no other country for us to go to. 😐
By #502711 12,Jan,21 03:48
The world is getting more fucked up by the day. America is falling apart, democracy & capitalism is dead. The way we used to live is now just a memory that we can never return to, these are the Dark Ages.
By #551147 12,Jan,21 04:16
Unno... I am a pessimist by nature, and as much as I hate and don't want to say it. I think you may just be right!

Don't EVER let some of these ass wipes around here fool you. I live here and I know how things have played out for as long as I can remember. Trump won! They cheated in VERY specific locations, that gave them the W. The numbers in the other states don't lie. If he (Biden) truly got more votes, JUST in 6 specific locations, you would have seen slimmer margins everywhere else, if not wins. But that didn't happen. Anyway, thanks again for the concern.
By #502711 12,Jan,21 14:44
I can see what's going on, i'm smart enough to see, as much as these liberals want me to subscribe to this new world order. I could see the disparity with the voting process, like it seemed that some states were more important than others, those states with more... Diversity... Can't have those Southerners winning the majority vote now. Good luck for the future, my American friends!
By #610414 20,Jan,21 09:18
Scorps Why would we listen to you? You can't even accept that in an election held to high standards, President Trump got a minority of the votes. I know you won't accept this, but, time exposes everything. I believe that many years from now, the history will stay the same. What's more, I believe the Constitution is alive and well. I know that what has happened in the last 15 years was only possible because our great Constitution lets us be like this. Weather your politics allow you to be for Mr Trump or Mr Biden, we are going forward thanks to our Constitution. I also believe that if the course of this country is not what a person likes, we get from that individual that the Constitution is being trampled.
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Jan,21 03:46 other posts 
How did you know that...I have been thinking the jackasses would find a way to create more libtard votes for themselves...I just wonder if sleepy uncle joe will pack the Supreme Court...If he gets a chance, I think he will...Yes, you are right we are fucked and not in a good way...
By #485312 12,Jan,21 05:47
I love seeing them tear themselves apart, shows them all up for who they are deep down, the DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA, always was and will be .. blacks against whites, rich against poor... who ever called them the greatest country on earth got it wrong.. you only have to watch a jerry springer show to see them in true form *lix*
By #610414 12,Jan,21 08:51
You watch Jerry Springer? Lix, what have we done to you as a nation?
You know that Australia has just as many problems as we have
Are Australians "the most racist people"?
Are Australians racist?
Yes77% No23%
2,551 votes, Sydney Morning Herald [28]

For Victorian academic and writer Lillian Holt racism is "the gangrene of the soul of this nation which slumbers under the smug surface of this lucky country." [29]. She labels it a "spiritual disease".

Stephen Hagan, Aboriginal film-maker and author, confesses "I'm on public record as saying Australians are the most racist people in the developed world for their treatment of the First Australians and I make this claim comfortable in the knowledge that I am sufficiently supported by incontestable statistical data." [

Source: Racism in Aboriginal Australia - Creative Spirits, retrieved from only registered users can see external links

We, I at least, would not wish for your country to tear itself apart. We, Americans, love the aussies. We love to say we are buds. What's happened to you? You seem to be a very frustrated person. Few of your posts are positive.
By #485312 12,Jan,21 14:06
This is merely MY observation, the majority of the members that complain about the United States and AMERICAN politics are Americans or residents of the United States. the most whinging I see is AMERICANS ATTACKING OTHER AMERICANS.
the moment you copied that aboriginal bullshit, which I wont read or watch as Im the mother of an aboriginal child, and living it has given me a ground floor view on this subject, what I found in LIFE, REAL LIFE, IS ABORIGINALS ARE THE MOST RACIST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER COME IN CONTACT WITH.. so yes, theyre Australian and theyre more racist than any white human Ive had contact with.. *LIX*
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oh and yes, we are the most racist and the reason is, we have more races in the country throwing shit at white Australia, you'll find most the racists here aren't middle aged white men, but foreigners whinging about not getting welfare from a country they've never paid a cent of tax too... yeah we're racist.. every other race here makes a point of it *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 171 hours

I also 'googled', are Australians racist and 18 different sets of numbers on 2 pages, varying from 25 percent to 85 percent????? so which ones are right???? MOSLTY Australian based polls and even one from America??? so tell me again, when a third of the people that live in Australia are born from another country????? so a third of all those polls aren't even Australian to start with, but have the hide to call us racist, for letting them into a country, giving them welfare and free health care,???? but us WHITE AUSTRALIANS ARE ALL JUST A PACK OF RACISTS???? WELL FUCK OFF! IS WHAT I SAY TO THESE UNGRATEFUL BLACK, BROWN, YELLOW, ORANGE AND OFF WHITE CUNTS THAT COME HERE AND STEAL OUR COUNTRY FROM US AND HAVE THE HIDE TO BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS AND CLOTHES THEM... *LIX*
By #610414 14,Jan,21 12:11
Honey, first, I’m willing to bet your “aboriginal child” is your pride and joy. Second, I don’t know if he suffered second class treatment for being part of the native population. I know the European whites treated them awfully. If you say aborigines are racist so be it. I don’t know. Any group of people can act like they are better than others. It’s our job to show them the light. Every country has deadbeats that game the system for their own use.
By #485312 14,Jan,21 16:05
MY SON, is a 30 year old man, I don't and never identify him as an abo and I taught him he is an AUSTRALIAN FIRST,... NOT A 'FIRST AUSTRALIAN... I taught him to NEVER tell anyone he's abo or use aboism as a way to get what you want.. to never jump on the bandwagon of dipshits claiming more than theyre 'entitled' too, because your skin in darker than mine... and yes, Im VERY PROUD OF MY SON. he's an astrophysicist and they don't make up stuff about what happened 50000 years ago, they try to 'prove' what happened, in his 'SPARE TIME' he works as a security guard.. so he's the kind of NERD, you don't want to start an argument with.. and as far as being disadvantaged, because of the colour of his skin, well that's the MIND SET of DARK COLOURED SKIN PEOPLE, with chips on their shoulders. he was brought up as a AUSTRALIAN. that's his RACE, and to me, race isn't a colour, or a religion, its the country you were BORN IN... *lix*
By #502711 12,Jan,21 14:51
My god, that is total bullshit, Candy! Australians are the most racist? There is racism here, but this guy is blowing up the events that took place here. There were massacres, but no more than anywhere else in history. I didn't kill the cunts, but they want me to give them reparations?.. How about this, if we want to get rid of racism, then it's about time we started treating all citizens, as Australians, & not White or Aboriginal, that is division. Racism only exists for as long as there are people that feel 'disadvantaged' cry & call for reparations, instead of knowing that that the problem of why their life sucks, lies within their own brain, that victim mentality that makes them believe that White people are the reason they can't improve their lives. It's a total thought process... Ask any Tony Robbins about mindset...
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 01:12 other posts 
there just puppets or as my Ant use to say ( Strawberry's ) for the corporate giants .
By #610414 14,Jan,21 11:07
Baby, I was reacting to a post by Lix. I googled racism in Australia and that came up. My idea of Australia has always been that there’s some racism and some nationalism and a few more “isms”, no more than the USA or other countries. But, being an Aussie that wrote it I believed it. I’m glad I was wrong. I always thought Australians are independent blokes with a good sense of justice. Kisses.
By #485312 14,Jan,21 16:16
what do you expect on google???? truth ???? or just more bullshit, click bait, trumped up crap, and shit that if you put it out there, someone will read and believe it.????
I don't rely on google or any other 'search engine' to inform me on REAL LIFE. the only way to know the truth, is to live it.. or see it with your own eyes.. every time I hear the word 'aboriginal' on tele, I turn it off, when talking, I leave the conversation, stop listening.. because I refuse to watch more of this bullshit when everything that is put out there about the subject is usually just BULLSHIT... heres one to google... ABORIGINAL SECRET WOMENS BUSINESS... see what that tells you about these 'proud people', also google the land grab on the site of the Sydney opera house. land that didn't exist till they built the building on rocks transported there and dumped in the harbour, and claimed it was 'sacred land..
then you throw the wonderful stereo type of us aussies as being RACIST??? just tar everyone with the same brush... ALL AUSSIES ARE RACIST.... or what about, you fucking cunts who stole who our children??? you stole our land??? the only one I see stealing anything is the abo pics on walls of shops, shaming people who steal goods, or walk out without paying for their hair cuts ... whole communities locked down as 'dry towns' because abos cant function when drunk and **** and trash everything and anyone in their way.. or that abos are allowed to sleep under any tree, even if its in your yard... so in the NT, no one has trees in their yards, as you could wake with a 'tribe' living in your back yard for a month... did google show you that??? or that we have to warn over seas travellers about them, not to show them you have smokes. not to even offer them a light, as they then know you have smokes. and not to give them money when they stand at the tourist bus stops trying to 'shake money out of the idiots', after they've been given a house, given money to live on, given free medical and first priority to all emergency wards in hospitals????
yeah Im racist... Im sick of some Australians claiming to 'own' stuff they don't, and take stuff that's not theirs and than have the hide to fill the internet with sob stories of how 'hard done by' they are... while being drove to their doctors appointment with a chauffeur *lix*
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not sure if this will work, but it was an interview I cringed while watching this morning *lix*
By #610414 19,Jan,21 16:09
I expect from Google the same that I used to expect from The Encyclopedia Británica. They are a reference and not w, a source f news. Most of the time it has served me well. The drawback is I have to use my brain. Real life is an excellent teacher but extremely limited to your small space in society
By #485312 19,Jan,21 17:43
I travelled this country from end to end with my job, Ive been to most of the places different aboriginal settlements are, I haven't just seen it from my sons eyes, Ive seen it in every state here, in every tourist town ... propaganda is there for a reason, to make people feel 'sorry' for their 'sad' stories... we're coming up for 'INVASION DAY', the word the aboriginals call 'AUSTRALIA DAY', I guess your national day is marred too by the indigenous people protesting in the streets their INVASION of WHITE PEOPLE. I guess you indigenous people will take to the streets, draped in their 'indigenous' flags and burn your American flag for the tv interviews???? I guess your indigenous people call every bit of land WHITE FELLAS HAVE WORKED, as 'THEIR STOLEN LAND' ???? and google is nothing liked an encyclopedia, google information changes from day to day... books don't change their pages like changing underwear... Ive seen people who have tried to change the FACTS written about them on the net, even after it changes, if POPULAR belief doesn't agree with them, the FACTS get changed to SUIT THE DICKHEADS THAT READ AND BELEIVE THE NET NEWS. A lot of the FACTS there aren't even CLOSE THE TRUTH.. *lix*
By #610414 20,Jan,21 08:45
I didn't say Google and encyclopedias are the same. I said I expected the same, i,e. Information. The net has no news per se. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times of London, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Village News, these and hundreds more are where the news gets reported. I don't believe I'm a dickhead because I read the news on the net instead of a sheet of paper. I remember the only place I could read a complete article was in The Miami Herald. It was the only paper in my house. Now I can get different takes on the same story and I use my life experiences to choose what I believe. Fake or biased news is as old as the union and the average Joe has to either believe in it or repudiate it.
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I'll also tell you this. I've met and heard of people who made choices in their politics, religion, medicine, and/or racist views many years ago. They have their head under the table refusing to entertain that the world continued. Their opinions are not valid or workable anymore. They paint people and institutions with a wide paint brush, not willing to look at the other side of the coin. The TRUTH is whatever works for you repeatedly.
By #502711 15,Jan,21 03:58
I'm sure there's African American's & Native American's that also fabricate myths & "facts" in order to gain something? There's people out there that take advantage of the system if they can see a way to get something. That's how it is here.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jan,21 19:41 other posts 
The Great Ununifier-Elect is on the boob tube now jabbering.Don't know about what,don't give a shit. The democrats are the real terrorist here,but they are getting all the protection while the American people have to sit home with little to no recourse now but to wait and Pray.
All in the world it would have taken for this to be a more peaceful time was for the Democrats to have stepped up the plate early on and worked together to investigate the voter fraud.Had it been a lie,and mutual efforts confirmed it,Millions of Americans would be mad,disappointed and so on,but we would still feel like our vote counted. Now most of us,don't feel like our vote was worth 2 shits because of the potential fraud in key states in only a few counties ,etc.
I doubt America will come back from this. I hope so,I had hoped to enjoy my full retirement in 4 years and travel some to see America.I wish now I had just used some credit cards and already done it.Because there may not be much left to see but Figuratively speaking,dust.
By #610414 18,Jan,21 12:12
Phart. You don’t give a shit about what Biden says. You automatically believe Democrats represent the devil yet, you believe they should have investigated voter fraud. Why? You don’t believe them and they f they had, the Republicans would have said they meddled after the facts. Isn’t the word of several courts with Trump elected judges good enough for you?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Even better, several Republican state election officials ratified the vote
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jan,21 19:50 other posts 
If they don't represent the devil,they damn sure aint representing any God that I know of.I don't even think Allah would want their representation!
By #610414 18,Jan,21 20:28
Get real. Your opinions are so far to the right and so off-base, it’s a wonder anyone talks to you
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jan,21 21:11 other posts 
Ditto on yours as far as the left ways.
We are in a free country,and we can for the moment anyway,speak our minds.
By #610414 19,Jan,21 16:04
Maybe, but the majority are f the country thinks like me while your buddies commit treason

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