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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Jul,20 00:47 other posts 
I live in the province of Alberta, Canada. The population of Alberta is 4,371,000.

There are 91 people hospitalized in the province because of COVID. Eighteen of them are in intensive care.
My city of 100,000 has 8 active cases.

By #585604 29,Jul,20 13:46
You didn’t accept the 2016 election, you won’t accept the 2020 election either! I really don’t care, keep your crying towels out...
By #551147 29,Jul,20 13:56

Here, enjoy this trip down memory lane... 😉

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By #585604 29,Jul,20 15:27
Good one!
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Jul,20 00:58 other posts 
This is so great...Hope he wins again...We love the stupid meltdowns like this...So hilarious... ༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 30,Jul,20 05:27
Still makes me laugh after all this time. 😉
By #568769 30,Jul,20 21:46
Let's see how funny you think it is when America is permanently 'Muricah'. Full of uneducated and completely blind dopes that base their trump love simply on reactions like in the video. People that cannot see where this dumbass SIMPLETON of a 'prez' (stated like 3rd World Country) is leading a country that used to have WORLD WIDE respect...are both DANGEROUS and like their prez, simpletons. Of course, it will take so much time for this to become clear to all you trumpites, it just won't make a difference...Except to every American, you included, Scorps. If you hope he wins again just because you like seeing a bunch of democrat/liberals go have NO idea of what America was or what it means to be a Democracy.
Democrats/Republicans SUCK! Washington SUCKS! And everybody that just sees 2 dumbass parties fucking the hell out of everything...They have some sense....This is no laughing matter. So sorry you and your fellow trump following sheep cannot see what is really happening...America is dying for christ's fucking sake! It was once the ONLY country on the face of this planet that had a gov't. that allowed it's citizens to decide who led them...Sort of. It was all an elaborate illusion, but it was the best this planet had...If trump wins again, we as Americans are doomed.
Have a nice day.
By #610414 30,Jul,20 17:07
br549 How dare you. Who said I didn't accept it? One of my first posts after the 2016 elections was "My president, right or wrong." My "crying towel" came out after I realized that this Clown is infinitely more off the rails than is safe for the country. You like him? You think he's good? Fine, drink the bleach and join the 150K victims of a pandemic this Clown has no idea what to do with it. Me? I count the days to the election.
By #607191 30,Jul,20 17:37
What's truly unique and unprecedented in American history is that a president has given rise to speculation that he may not accept the result of an election and started a campaign to discredit the election.
A pity though the democrates failed to come up with a better candidate than old man Joe Biden
By #610414 30,Jul,20 18:30
Old Joe brings many good things to the party , but, honestly? Goober from the Andy Griffith would have been just as good.

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 20:19 other posts 
You are correct! No one her wants to talk about the idiot in the WH or any other political things. We are here to during this this troubled time of lockdown at least look at sexy fun pix of other people we would love to lay with if we could actually get together with them. So if you feel the need to talk politics go away to some other site. Do not want to get dragged into talking about that ashole for any reason. He will be gone soon enough we all hope!
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 22:26 other posts 
Do. Not. Click. On. This. Page then!!!
By #551147 28,Jul,20 02:14

If he's SO outraged by it, let him go tell it to Mr.Admin and request it's removal.

Good Luck numbnuts!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 08:00 other posts 
He talks Like a man with a paper ass hole
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 12:28 other posts 
The same mouse that you cliced to get here will Clic you away!!
By #551482 28,Jul,20 16:03
This is very philosophical and so true. It has inspired me to compose a Haiku.

Click mouse to get here
Combover is everywhere
So click mouse to leave
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 19:40 other posts 
Yep Clic away man just clicaway!
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,20 04:27 other posts 

I thought you were short
I counted sixteen of them.
It is a Haiku. 😎
By #551482 29,Jul,20 09:58
My Haiku not short
Five and then seven then five
The numbers align
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,20 14:12 other posts 

I have got to go.
No time for poetry now.
I said it was good.
By #610414 29,Jul,20 09:54
Fools come and go
But there's a special kind of fool
You wish he'd never come.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jul,20 11:22 other posts 
bigg, I know you seem enjoy Haiku so your post doesn't surprise me. I find that your Haiku flows and is a complete story in 17 syllables. THIS Haiku has me confused, the second line, "Combover is everywhere" is odd. Please explain.

What did surprise me was that I found that someone voted your post down and when I opened the entry to see who, I was no longer surprised. With that said, I'm going to give your post a +1 and balance it out.
By #551482 29,Jul,20 18:31
Dear Bella, combover relates to the title of this topic ie the trump individual or more specifically his follicle arrangement blowing around in his hot air. Me, i don´t care who votes my post down, my ego doesn´t need a fan club
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jul,20 18:50 other posts 
My dear bigg, all I can say is ZOOM, right over my head.

Yes, I know what a combover is. Yes, I know this thread is about Trump. Yes, this Haiku flowed and I should have known better. This isn't the first time one of your posts showcased your dry sense of humor! Thank you, dear man, for explaining.
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Jul,20 00:50 other posts 
Do not want to talk about him, then maybe the smart thing would have been to keep your mouth shut...But I really do not want to talk about jackass democraps...But some how someone always has to bring about the point...Thought I was in a democrap free zone with the aforementioned title of this forum...Guess I was wrong, go figure...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Jul,20 03:40 other posts 
I really have a better suggestion...Go do what you want to do...You knew the topic before you made a comment...Now go away if you do not like the topic...Shoo kre8tor69...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #609044 27,Jul,20 08:04
I like Trump think he is doing an excellent job. Better than any before him since Raygon anyway.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 08:17 other posts 
Really, Raygon?
By #610414 27,Jul,20 09:33
You mean Reagan? Well, Bush Sr is credited with
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush successfully pushed for the reunification of Germany. He also led an international coalition of countries which forced Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait in the Gulf War, and undertook a U.S. military invasion of Panama. He also passed into law the clean air act.
Bill Clinton Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history. The Congressional Budget Office reported budget surpluses of $69 billion in 1998, $126 billion in 1999, and $236 billion in 2000, during the last three years of Clinton's presidency. He wiped out the national debt and increase many times the college help for students.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Bush jr had
Signature legislation passed during his presidency included broad tax cuts, the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, the Medicare Modernization Act, and funding for the AIDS relief program known as PEPFAR.

Obama Taking office in the midst of an economic meltdown, Obama seized on the massive federal response to make record investments in education initiatives, environmental research, industrial modernization and, most famously, health-care reform. He poured money into basic medical and scientific research and super-charged the U.S. alternative-energy sector. His high-stakes reorientation of American foreign policy worries many experts, and the results might not be fully understood for years. But the effort cannot be called small.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Trump. Drink bleach to cure the corona virus. Conspired with foreign governments. Got spanked by porn star. Way to go, clown
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 22:34 other posts 
Whom is Raygon???Sounds like a science fiction weapon...༼☯﹏☯༽

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 20:21 other posts 
Well just read on in this area full of more idiots talking about crap! Some are dumb as dirt and love RUMP! Just never went to school enough days to learn that he is doing things just barely legal and some that are not!

By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 15:23 other posts 
Who in their right mind wants to live like this?
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By #545929 19,Jul,18 09:21
Donald Trump could sit in the parking garage of Trump Tower with the engine of every car running and his IQ Level would not change by a single point.

Trump has the attention span of a hummingbird on Red bull. He has the vocabulary of a common house cat; the intellect of a chronic glue huffer and frequent snacker of lead paint chips and the empathy of a malaria infected mosquito. He represents everything which the vast majority of a civilized society finds abhorrent.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 09:34 other posts 
You had me at hummingbird on Red Bull!
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 08:20 other posts 
kebmo, by chance, do you recall who the above post was made by? The post was made on July 19 and July 27, member #545929, POOF! Gone.
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 03:38 other posts 
But I guess sleepy uncle joe is better...Or dumb pelosi...Think about that a while...༼☯﹏☯༽
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 10:46 other posts 
Asleep at the Wheel will write the new anthem for the US if joe wins.
By #606653 26,Jul,20 11:12
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 02:30 other posts 
By #606653 26,Jul,20 11:19
Donald Trump tactics are nothing like what the establishment has ever thought of. Diversion from the truth is their main weapons are propaganda media and slander. Their power was the judges in courts while maintaining their policies for example open United States Mexican border. Now new information came out on the FBI covering up for the Obama Administration with the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign. Slowly but surely the left is losing its grip while Trump's approval rating continues to increase during coronavirus pandemic as well as the exposure of Chinese policy.Joe Biden has no.chance
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 11:43 other posts 
As much as I would like to think it would be,I don't think Trumps victory will be a shoe in. We have to many younger folks that have had the entitlement attitude instilled into them by the liberal controled colleges, to many old hippies that have rotted their guts and brains with dope that want it to be easier to get in their "golden years" that want to get anything BUT Trump in office.
You have folks like Towarm here that think we are guilty of harming people we have never seen and owe them something.
We are born into this world innocent and ignorant. And sadly, libearl parents have allowed their k1ds to get bigger without actually growing up,and they are still dumb,but no longer innocent.They burn buildings,they steal,they riot,and think THEY are owed something.Prison time is what they are owed.They actually owe the hard working American taxpayer for all the damage they do.
By #610414 26,Jul,20 16:52
Joe Biden has no chance of loosing. Tell me, even if you are right and new information came out on the FBI covering up for the Obama Administration with the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign. What does that have to do with the election? This election is about Trump and his record in the last 3.5 years and Biden, a dissatisfied ex vice president that wants to become president. Everything else is Trump's effort to get us to look somewhere else. Trump, the lying Clown is going down.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 17:18 other posts 
Hehehe,you are forgeting,perhaps after 4 years of Biden,He can run for a second term in 2024,or his son can run,and perhaps be a 2 term President.There is a light at the end of the tunnel,even if it goes thru the Hell the libtards pulling Bidens strings might put us through.
By #606653 27,Jul,20 05:24
After the election is over Joe Biden is going right to the nursing home not to the White House
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 07:11 other posts 
Stuttering Joe Biden belonged in a nursing home 10 years ago if he wins it will be his wife running the country and she is to weak for that
By #610414 27,Jul,20 07:23
You guys are hedging your bets. It's no longer Biden doesn't have a chance. Now it's if he wins, bla bla bla. I don't care if Goofy gets elected. I'm like most voters. WE WANT THE CLOWN GONE. Go Biden. Hahaha
By #606653 27,Jul,20 07:56
You're silly
By #606653 27,Jul,20 07:58
You're silly...

By #610414 25,Jul,20 07:15
99 days to deliverance. The election is coming. Trumpo is going. The pandemic is awful, but, there is a silver lining. The Clown will be gone.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 11:44 other posts 
Either way the election goes, there will be no peace and quite afterwards.This country is so divided,so angry, and sadly some are so unwilling to allow law and order to be restored.This country is in a sad state and it little to do with who is at the top.
By #610414 25,Jul,20 16:57
That's funny. Several months ago you were saying Trump was the fixee of the divisiveness of the country. It sounds like you are giving up on your idol
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 18:11 other posts 
No not giving up on Trump,giving up on any of the left being willing to work with him to finish what he started.Until the virus came,we had a great economy,low umemployment,and things were going great.Even with the impeachment crap going.No president could have handled the pandemic to suit everyone.
The left and the rioters and whoever else that is only along to make rukus,will riot even more if he wins a reelection. If he looses, law and order will be eventually lost to the wind and there will be a unorganized civil war for lack of better term and again,as i said,no peace,no quite,just more bullshit and worse.

As a example, the Mayor of Portland,wants the federal agents out of his city that came to try to restore law and order and reclaim federal and government property.The MAYORS are even to stupid to figuere out they need law and order.
By #610414 25,Jul,20 19:05
And a group of vets joined the demonstrators in Portland to protect THEIR FREE SPEECH.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 21:28 other posts 
So is defacing government property free speach? Who will pay to clean it up?
Is the blockage of city streets that prohibits the taxpaying public from using them free speach?
Me thinks you might want to check to see what the definition of free speach is.
Even the constitution says Peaceful assemble.
Throwing things at federal employees is NOT peaceful.
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Gets complicated.
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Would you want your place of bussiness spray painted if it were in downtown Portland? How would you earn a living with that bussiness if the road was blocked?
Freedom of speech,nope,just a bunch of idiots wanting to cause trouble.
Your prespective seems to go along with this idiots.
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1 Amd: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Vandelism and arson and grafiti are signs of ignorant people causeing trouble.Not intelegent people asking for their concerns to be addressed.
By #610414 26,Jul,20 08:20
You said it yourself

the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

These are two different things. To petition the Government can and should be in the effective form. You have to admit, the highest level of Government is listening.

FREE SPEECH ENCOMPASSES MANY DIFFERENT WAYS OF EXPRESSION. I'M NOT APPROVING DEFACING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY BUT BY YOUR OWN WORDS, THE Boston tea party was carried by idiots and ignorant people--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutesI take objection to your arguments. Who will pay for it? The tax payer. It's only right. We did nothing to alliviate their suffering. All we ever said is

Vandelism and arson and grafiti are signs of ignorant people causeing trouble.Not intelegent people asking for their concerns to be addressed

That is the typical response. Blocking streets is alright if it's a block party or a parade. Life and death problems need not apply.--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutesAnd lastly, don't make it over me. Make your argument over the actual goings ons
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 10:42 other posts 
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Block partys and parades are preplanned and permits are applied for and approved before hand.Allowing for detour routes to be planned and laid out to minimumize impact on other people.
Done nothing to alliviate their suffering? their suffering is the end result of their lifestyle choices.not the actions of the average American.
By #610414 26,Jul,20 12:30
You realize what comes out of your mouth? I think not.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 17:16 other posts 
Yes,I know for a fact that legitament activity that is done in city streets and state roads is done by permit.

What suffering have I caused someone in Oregon? I have never been there,sure as hell don't want to go now.
By #610414 26,Jul,20 18:02
their suffering is the end result of their lifestyle choices.not the actions of the average American

There's so many things wrong with this statement
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 19:29 other posts 
IF you would be so kind Mam as to explain your logic?

BY the way,forward that info to the 3 federal agents blinded by Lasers in Portland last week.
You may win some battles of words,you might spell good,but let me 'splain 1 thing.
You have forgot that this is America,and not some shit hole country.Some of us want law and order and the freedom it protects. Seems your dad was 1 of many that faught to protect it?

Unless your postion is so weak ,you should woman up and explain in detail why that is such a problem. I don't mean that to sound rude,it is just high time liberal thinkers got off their ass's and gave concrete REASONS we should continue to tolerate people thinking it is the fault of everyone else these people are acting stupid.

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