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New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Anthropological study 2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 3.No Collusion. 4.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 5.NOT TRUMP............NOT EVER TRUMP Comments: |
There are 91 people hospitalized in the province because of COVID. Eighteen of them are in intensive care.
My city of 100,000 has 8 active cases.
Here, enjoy this trip down memory lane... 😉
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Democrats/Republicans SUCK! Washington SUCKS! And everybody that just sees 2 dumbass parties fucking the hell out of everything...They have some sense....This is no laughing matter. So sorry you and your fellow trump following sheep cannot see what is really happening...America is dying for christ's fucking sake! It was once the ONLY country on the face of this planet that had a gov't. that allowed it's citizens to decide who led them...Sort of. It was all an elaborate illusion, but it was the best this planet had...If trump wins again, we as Americans are doomed.
Have a nice day.
A pity though the democrates failed to come up with a better candidate than old man Joe Biden
If he's SO outraged by it, let him go tell it to Mr.Admin and request it's removal.
Good Luck numbnuts!
Click mouse to get here
Combover is everywhere
So click mouse to leave
I thought you were short
I counted sixteen of them.
It is a Haiku. 😎
Five and then seven then five
The numbers align
I have got to go.
No time for poetry now.
I said it was good.
But there's a special kind of fool
You wish he'd never come.
What did surprise me was that I found that someone voted your post down and when I opened the entry to see who, I was no longer surprised. With that said, I'm going to give your post a +1 and balance it out.
Yes, I know what a combover is. Yes, I know this thread is about Trump. Yes, this Haiku flowed and I should have known better. This isn't the first time one of your posts showcased your dry sense of humor! Thank you, dear man, for explaining.
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush successfully pushed for the reunification of Germany. He also led an international coalition of countries which forced Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait in the Gulf War, and undertook a U.S. military invasion of Panama. He also passed into law the clean air act.
Bill Clinton Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history. The Congressional Budget Office reported budget surpluses of $69 billion in 1998, $126 billion in 1999, and $236 billion in 2000, during the last three years of Clinton's presidency. He wiped out the national debt and increase many times the college help for students.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Bush jr had
Signature legislation passed during his presidency included broad tax cuts, the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, the Medicare Modernization Act, and funding for the AIDS relief program known as PEPFAR.
Obama Taking office in the midst of an economic meltdown, Obama seized on the massive federal response to make record investments in education initiatives, environmental research, industrial modernization and, most famously, health-care reform. He poured money into basic medical and scientific research and super-charged the U.S. alternative-energy sector. His high-stakes reorientation of American foreign policy worries many experts, and the results might not be fully understood for years. But the effort cannot be called small.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
Trump. Drink bleach to cure the corona virus. Conspired with foreign governments. Got spanked by porn star. Way to go, clown
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Trump has the attention span of a hummingbird on Red bull. He has the vocabulary of a common house cat; the intellect of a chronic glue huffer and frequent snacker of lead paint chips and the empathy of a malaria infected mosquito. He represents everything which the vast majority of a civilized society finds abhorrent.
You have folks like Towarm here that think we are guilty of harming people we have never seen and owe them something.
We are born into this world innocent and ignorant. And sadly, libearl parents have allowed their k1ds to get bigger without actually growing up,and they are still dumb,but no longer innocent.They burn buildings,they steal,they riot,and think THEY are owed something.Prison time is what they are owed.They actually owe the hard working American taxpayer for all the damage they do.
The left and the rioters and whoever else that is only along to make rukus,will riot even more if he wins a reelection. If he looses, law and order will be eventually lost to the wind and there will be a unorganized civil war for lack of better term and again,as i said,no peace,no quite,just more bullshit and worse.
As a example, the Mayor of Portland,wants the federal agents out of his city that came to try to restore law and order and reclaim federal and government property.The MAYORS are even to stupid to figuere out they need law and order.
Is the blockage of city streets that prohibits the taxpaying public from using them free speach?
Me thinks you might want to check to see what the definition of free speach is.
Even the constitution says Peaceful assemble.
Throwing things at federal employees is NOT peaceful.
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Gets complicated.
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Would you want your place of bussiness spray painted if it were in downtown Portland? How would you earn a living with that bussiness if the road was blocked?
Freedom of speech,nope,just a bunch of idiots wanting to cause trouble.
Your prespective seems to go along with this idiots.
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1 Amd: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Vandelism and arson and grafiti are signs of ignorant people causeing trouble.Not intelegent people asking for their concerns to be addressed.
the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
These are two different things. To petition the Government can and should be in the effective form. You have to admit, the highest level of Government is listening.
FREE SPEECH ENCOMPASSES MANY DIFFERENT WAYS OF EXPRESSION. I'M NOT APPROVING DEFACING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY BUT BY YOUR OWN WORDS, THE Boston tea party was carried by idiots and ignorant people--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutesI take objection to your arguments. Who will pay for it? The tax payer. It's only right. We did nothing to alliviate their suffering. All we ever said is
Vandelism and arson and grafiti are signs of ignorant people causeing trouble.Not intelegent people asking for their concerns to be addressed
That is the typical response. Blocking streets is alright if it's a block party or a parade. Life and death problems need not apply.--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutesAnd lastly, don't make it over me. Make your argument over the actual goings ons
Block partys and parades are preplanned and permits are applied for and approved before hand.Allowing for detour routes to be planned and laid out to minimumize impact on other people.
Done nothing to alliviate their suffering? their suffering is the end result of their lifestyle choices.not the actions of the average American.
What suffering have I caused someone in Oregon? I have never been there,sure as hell don't want to go now.
There's so many things wrong with this statement
BY the way,forward that info to the 3 federal agents blinded by Lasers in Portland last week.
You may win some battles of words,you might spell good,but let me 'splain 1 thing.
You have forgot that this is America,and not some shit hole country.Some of us want law and order and the freedom it protects. Seems your dad was 1 of many that faught to protect it?
Unless your postion is so weak ,you should woman up and explain in detail why that is such a problem. I don't mean that to sound rude,it is just high time liberal thinkers got off their ass's and gave concrete REASONS we should continue to tolerate people thinking it is the fault of everyone else these people are acting stupid.
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