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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #275407 16,Jul,20 04:28
What's funny to me is how we can open Disney world, bars and beaches for spring breakers. NOW, south Florida is the worst place in the world in Covid-19 cases, I see people all around me including co-workers getting sick just because people don't wear their masks and practice social distancing, I don't go on the beach because everyone is so crowded and not protecting themselves. Here we have the cdc saying three weeks ago this would happen, and still nobody follows the guidelines. I think I'm going to sneak into Canada, where Americans are not allowed
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 04:54 other posts 
That IS happening!! Lots of people are crossing the BC border saying that they're on their way to Alaska then as soon as they get into Canada they have no intentions of going to Alaska but they are being stopped by cops everywhere and "Yankee Shamed" by Canadians!!! The license plate doesn't lie!
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 20:15 other posts 
There is TO many New York Tags around here lately.Don't know where the hell they go at night but they coulda stayed up there in New Wuhan a while longer far as I am concerned.

By JustWill [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 21:16 other posts 
Yesterday, when talking about the confederate flag, Trump said: ""All I say is freedom of speech, it's very simple. My attitude is freedom of speech. Very strong views on the Confederate flag. With me, it's freedom of speech. Very simple. Like it, don't like it, it's freedom of speech."

I shit you not.
Mr. Nondisclosure Agreement, Mr. Gag Order, Mr. Block People From Testifying, Mr. Try to Stop Books From Being Published, Mr. The Media is the Enemy of the People is suddenly in favor of Free Speech.

That would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 03:37 other posts 
Hypocrisy at the highest level.

By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 03:36 other posts 
All 5,000 US Walmart and Sam's Club stores are now requiring customers to wear masks. Is this a good way to normalize wearing masks in public? Would you refuse to shop there?

By #551147 13,Jul,20 14:01
Speaking of Trump...

Let's take a stroll down memory lane...


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Looking forward to ROUND two!

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 12,Jul,20 22:05 other posts 
There'll be half a million dead Americans by 09/11/'20

By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 03:02 other posts 
"Sweden has not imposed a lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic and has seen 40% more COVID-19 deaths per capita than the US."

"One in 100 hundred Florida residents has or has had COVID-19."

-PBS News
By #610414 09,Jul,20 06:28
Sweden gambled and lost
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 09:58 other posts 
Wait a while,a year,then compare the death rates.
The main difference is more cases came about SOONER than here,thus allowing the virus to run it's course SOONER and then things will level out.
The only curve the US flattened was the economic curve.At a conveniant time,a election year.
Swedens idea will or could be vindicated if the liberal media was honest and would simply wait and watch.
By #610414 09,Jul,20 10:28
Except for one thing. More deaths. You are politicizing a tragic pandemic. All you care is a win on your column. Tell you what, put this theory of yours on the 2021 calendar and lets compare then.
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BTW, you keep referring to the liberal media as dishonest. Besides parroting third rate gossip , what proof do you have?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 10:34 other posts 
Wait and watch,and be careful,you are starting to sound like Huxley with that proof thing.
I will be glad to come back to this in 2021 and compare,I am willing to bet the numbers will balance out.
BUT Death is death,and sad,but stretching it out, is kinda like being in a cell with 1 window with a good veiw of the hanging tree.We can't get back any of these yesterdays spent hiding in the basement from a virus we may or may not catch
By #610414 09,Jul,20 11:19
You miss the point. If all cases come at once medical help will have to let people die without treatment. Flattering the curve does not mean less victims. It means victims die with dignity or bigger effort is made to cure
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Proof thing. Yeah. Did you know that Melania seduced Kushner and now they run the country? Probably not but you've seen Bozo. He's all drugged up
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 20:33 other posts 
It is not a death sentance for all that get it.
BUT Not here in the US of A but Way over there accross the mud hole the British Royalty must be tired of potted meat and crackers,
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Uk Lives don't matter,the euro does apparently?
By #610414 09,Jul,20 21:15
Spam is great for long range camping . Its easy to carry,Doesn't need refrigeration until the can is open. Takes well to frying
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,20 10:04 other posts 
Funny how spam got mixed in,Potted meat,is also a good traveler.But apparently you missed my jab at UK lives don't matter but the Euro does?

With a crashed economy,people die from suicides and malnutrtion and countless other issues due to simply not being able to afford to live a clean healthy life.
Death is death,virus or other wise.
By #610414 10,Jul,20 10:42
I got your inference. Death is death and it's tragic when lives are cut short unnaturally. BTW, the UK still uses the pound as it's currency. It never accepted the euro.
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This is for all the members that chat with me. Sometimes I like to go off-subject and bring some levity to the chat. Laughter is what keeps us sane. You might say it's my kind of SPAM.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jul,20 10:34 other posts 
I must admit I don't spend money in the UK so I was not up on the euro,pound thing.

By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Jul,20 04:11 other posts 
“The president is trying to happy talk away the pandemic. “
-Washington Post reporter on PBS News

By #610414 10,Jul,20 09:04
It's a well known fact Trump can only wank in front of a mirror listening to Carly Simon

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By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Jul,20 23:40 other posts 
How fucking stupid is this?

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By #610414 09,Jul,20 06:31
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 09:55 other posts 
Um, maby they should have left their state flag alone? Karma perhaps?
By #610414 09,Jul,20 10:24
That's a solution. Maybe Trump should resign. Another solution. End of sarcasm
By #551147 09,Jul,20 11:11
I read the entire disingenuous article last night (after I managed to get all the trash pop-ups to STOP), when Keb posted it. NOWHERE did it mention the President. Now why the fuck did you decide to drag him in on an issue he had absolutely nothing to do with? I decided to just let it stand unchallenged as I didn't get what Keb was trying to say.

After reading all that bullshit, here's the part I found to be the most interesting... 🤔

➡️ "Newsweek contacted the Mississippi State Department of Health for comment but did not hear back in time for publication."

Oh yeah! If that's the case, where did the story come from?
By #610414 09,Jul,20 11:15
I love to put a dig about the Prez. It gets all the genitalias upset
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Did you know that Melania seduced Kushner and now they run the country? Probably not but you've seen Bozo. He's all drugged up

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 10:46 other posts 
Do I like Donald Trump as a person hell no do I agree with everything he does hell no but I’m afraid if old stuttering Joe Biden gets in office he will surely steer us in the ditch I mean he is 77 how well can he drive any more
By #610414 05,Jul,20 11:02
And Trump is 74. You think 3 or 4 yrs would make a difference? The Dalai Lama is 84. The pope is *83. Putin is 68. Mitch McConnell is 78 and he controls the senate with an iron hand. But, you know what's important? Biden listens to experts, he reads, and understands. Trump is a disaster in a disaster. In any case, Biden is on his way to winning. Trumpcould have gone to a second term but he fucked it up all on his own.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 11:39 other posts 
All those old farts you spoke of should be in a nursing home no one over 65 should be in any position of power and you keep talking as if Biden has all ready won the election believe me when I tell you we still have some tricks up our sleeves
By #610414 05,Jul,20 11:48
Those old farts have pulled the chestnuts out of the fire many times. Age is a measure of time. Not the ability to think straight. All the polls including Fox and other right polls have Biden ahead by 10 or more points. Miracles happen but Trump deported them back to New Mexico (he is weak on geography)
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 12:21 other posts 
Hahaha Joe Biden is that old he farts dust
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 16:44 other posts 
I didn't vote for Trump for a fishing buddy,I voted for him to try and fix the mess Obama and others before had made.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 17:49 other posts 
By #551147 05,Jul,20 18:05
And a fine job he's doing that very thing, in my opinion.

Don't worry boys, she and many many more around here are clinging on to them poll numbers for dear life, to carry her/them through til November.

Them same poll numbers, EVEN FOX NEWS had, that predicted Hillary winning in a landslide.


They're SO fucking stupid and I'm laughing SO hard about their beliefs in "polls". That I simply cannot wait til November comes and the "bitch slap" will once again be served up.

Think I will be feeling sorry for any single one of the gotdamned morons steadily clinging on to their "polls"?!

I won't!
By #610414 05,Jul,20 18:32
Scorps, what do you believe in? Obviously polls don't convince you. So how do you measure the mood of the country? Do you throw dice? Cut cards? Count the lines on the sidewalks. Odd number the Repukers win? It seems to me you are banking on his base to somehow carry the day. What if they don't?
If your clown wins I won't need you to feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for the country. If my party wins I wont make fun of you. The whole country will be busy fixing what "MAGA" fucked up.
By #551147 05,Jul,20 19:38

That GENUINELY made me giggle. Good job!
By #610414 05,Jul,20 18:26
That answer to phart is the same for you. What did you loose having a black president? Did it rub off on your clothes?
By #551147 05,Jul,20 19:40
By the way, he wasn't BLACK!

He was mixed'ed!

Get your truths straight!
By #610414 05,Jul,20 18:24
What messes are those Phart? What did Obama do that was so bad? And what is the clown doing about it?
By #551147 05,Jul,20 19:45
Yes Phart,

please enlighten our resident blonde with sprinkles of grey, a.k.a. dingbat, what Obama things that the current "clown" has reversed and or overturned.

I've said more than enough in this thread for one day. 🤣😂
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 22:25 other posts 
For 1 he ruined my good health coverage.
2, he changed social security disability in that back pay was no longer avaliable.It takes a long time to be approved and by then,if you had a home or anything you would have lost it because of loss of are left with little.

3, He cut the space shuttle program,Not that I give 2 shits about space,but it killed alot of jobs,high tech jobs.Jobs that in the past help create the very tech we are using right now.
Those are just off the top of my head.
By #610414 06,Jul,20 10:08
Phart. before Obama care MONEY IN POCKET was the great HEALTH COVERAGE. If you were out of work you had no insurance except that ridiculously expensive type. The Social Security changes were mandated by Congress under.......wait....wait....oh yeah...the Repukers.

As far as the Space shuttle program, a great majority of Americans, Repukers and Demiduds alike, wanted the program terminated due to the cost that could go to help Americans in need.

We all fight for ourselves. What's in it for me? But most if not all your posts ring your personal take and suffering. I'm sorry for your troubles but there are other people with troubles too.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 21:43 other posts 
I don't give a rats rump about the actual getting to space.It is the industrys the space program supported that matters to me.The tires for example for the shuttle,a friend of mine lost his job because they no longer needed tires for it. He actually was 1 of the folks making them.
By #610414 08,Jul,20 07:53
GETTING to space is the point. We started riding Russian capsules to the space station and sent supplies on regular rockets. The shuttle was a 40 yr old design. It was bulky, getting old and unreliable, and dangerous. I see we have another friend who supports your post. Central Florida became a gost town for a while but most techs and engineers soon found work in Seattle, Houston or other industries. I guess your "friend" was a common laborer and Central Florida has few cab companies.
By #592419 05,Jul,20 18:03
If elected the radical left would be running the country.. He'd be kept in nursing home..
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 18:17 other posts 
Hahaha and eating COVID-19 soup
By #592419 06,Jul,20 10:38
The nursing homes that beat them.
By #614425 06,Jul,20 13:32
I agree with you
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jul,20 15:02 other posts 
Thank you my friend

By kebmo [Ignore] 06,Jul,20 23:34 other posts 
So true!!

By #551147 07,Jul,20 00:51
This is no more ridiculous than saying it's ok to assemble in mass groups to protest, destroy property, commit acts of violence, ALL DURING A PANDEMIC, but not to pray (even outdoors) or God forbid, attend a Trump rally.


Where's your clever little note depicting that idiocy? 🤔
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BTW few flaws with your clever little posting...

The seatbelt - IS an infringement on a person's rights. Thus, I choose not to wear one most of the time (depends on who's driving, really). I'll take the ticket! Consequently, I have NEVER been ticketed for such once I have explained why I choose not to wear them.

T.S.A. - I haven't to this very day gone through their fucking x-ray machine, and won't! 🖕

Airlines - Why!? Why demand them things? Will it cause the plane to crash if you don't? If the plane does crash, are you going to live because of that?

You wanna make an issue of that gotdamned mask and believing that the federal government SHOULD make that demand nationwide, when it's NOT necessary in every friggin state or city. Bottom line is, IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL whether you or anyone else like it or not. The decision needs to be made at the local levels, period! Then it's EASILY solved by refusing service to those that simply refuse to wear one.
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I would suggest calling the Po Po for anyone unruly enough to cause a stink about the masks, but unfortunately there's a war being leveled against the Police, so, they may not be there to answer the call very much longer.
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 01:04 other posts 
Huh? Just read it and try to understand the straight forward message.
By #551147 07,Jul,20 01:12
I COMPLETELY understand the message, I do! I just wanted to add an equal point of hypocrisy in action. Also, don't be fooled by my tone, I get it, don't take it personal.
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Just yesterday I got refused service because of the mask...


Need to drop by the cell phone store and they very politely asked me to go back out the door, which I did with no static. I then just sent my wife.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 10:24 other posts 
Why is it that no one is holding ol Dr Falchy responsiable for alot of these deaths because he and his cohorts told us profoundly for so long that we did NOT need to wear mask? Had he told the people early on to wear mask,perhaps there would be less death.IF all these things are as true as they are pushing.
Frankly,the government does not know their ass from 3rd base in regards to this virus and have made a big mess and drug Trump into the swamp with them.

As for seatbelts,way back when the government,pushed by Ralph Nader,started requiring safety equipment in cars,the manufactors pushed a nylon strap for a safety device to a point the government took the bait and now we are stuck with them.
Truth beknown,it was much cheaper to bribe and push thru a nylon strap as a safety device than it was to build in roll over protection and crash prevention technology.
Radar was being tested in cars to operate automatic breaking back in the 60's. To exspensive,wear this strap,it will keep you safe.YEa right.
By #610414 07,Jul,20 11:09
Because Dr Fauci is not responsible. His remarks were taken out of contex and as usual the unwashed public started quoting the wrong info. At the time there was a huge shortage of masks and the people in the front lines couldn't get the, Dr Fauci suggested that the private sector cut back on it's usage.
Jun 15, 2020 - Anthony Fauci said medical shortages were a reason the public was discouraged from using masks early in the coronavirus pandemic.--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

As for the rest of your post
W H A T ??????????
Roll cages? Radar? Death Rays to get rid of slow traffic?

Yeah, Right.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 13:43 other posts 
OH, so you are saying American lives don't matter if they are not medical staff? And it was NOT out of context,several times I watched him on video say very profondly that wearing a mask would not help and could actually DO MORE HARM . It may be bleached from the web by the liberal media by now I am sure but it was there.I didn't say anything about death rays,although that might be a good idea? I studied self driving tech in college along with other things so what I explained is a little from the top of what I remember from 30plus years ago.
By #610414 07,Jul,20 15:07
At that particular time it was more important to protect the medical staff. I prefer to protect the doctors and nurses, people that can save hundredths of lives, more than some fat woman with a candy bar. You don't like it? Sue me
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And I didn't say it was out of context. The articles in several publications said it. You know, those publications working on a conspiracy? The same ones that keep the truth from the public about Elvis an Area 57?
By #551147 07,Jul,20 11:30

You are just simply NOT allowed to bring up that FACT!
Stick to "truths" would ya!

It might cause their highly held EXPERT, Dr. Fauci, to look dumber than he already does.

That is simply not allowed MISTER!

Besides, EVERYONE knows that President Trump is the SOLE person responsible, for ALL them supposed deaths.

Get with the program, man!
By #610414 07,Jul,20 12:03
Truman said, "The buck stops here." With the current clown the buck stops anywhere but on his desk. Weather Dr Fauci is guilty or not (and history will decide that) won't matter. Trumpo with his thumb up his ass while the pandemic cut through our population like a hot knife on butter will. He will be remembered, oh yes he will.
By #551147 07,Jul,20 12:43
Sadly, 85 to 90 percent (possibly higher), of the worlds media, as a WHOLE, can be described as leftist, liberal, democrat, or progressive leaning entities. With THAT MANY sources spewing the same hatred, lies, radical ideas, opposition etc. It's NO WONDER that there is a perception that these views are supposedly being widely accepted/embraced.

THAT being said... Of course you are right!

You people cling onto LIES like a balloon to Bernie Sanders hair.
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By #610414 07,Jul,20 13:02
I wish it was Scorps. The truth is that most are conservative. Many are direct mouth pieces for the government in their country and others are controlled by entities that are self serving.

With THAT MANY sources spewing the same hatred, lies, radical ideas, opposition etc. It's NO WONDER that there is a perception that these views are supposedly being widely accepted/embraced.

Perhaps if the education of our population was better. If people like Betsy DeVos were kept out of our educational system, the graduates might have a better understanding of the news. They would be able to discard the hatred, lies, or radical ideas. The swamp, as the clown refers to does need draining.
By #610414 07,Jul,20 15:26
Scorps, did you lend her your face mask?
By #610414 07,Jul,20 11:01
Scorps, show me were this is written.

This is no more ridiculous than saying it's ok to assemble in mass groups to protest, destroy property, commit acts of violence, ALL DURING A PANDEMIC, but not to pray (even outdoors) or God forbid, attend a Trump rally.

The rest of your post deals with safety concerns that you view as a personal affront to your civil rights.
I never met someone that likes car seat belts. In your case I call it the blue collar syndrome. When we lived in Valdosta almost every week you'd hear of a fatal car crash were the victim was not wearing a seat belt.He got thrown out or crushed. I'm sure he didn't like seat belts either.
The fucking X-RAY machines at airports are designed to prevent 9-11 repeats. However, if you like for another man to feel your junk, then, by all means, ask for the most butch.
And why is federal regulations demanding face mask usage unconstitutional? The Feds tax you, draft you into the armed services (when and if they go back to the old ways). The Coast Guard can require you register your boat, have life preservers and keep you from making waves but making you wear a piece of cloth on your face to protect OTHERS from your crappy breath will cause you to have a heart attack
Scorps, grow up. All these things you are SO SMART ABOUT shows, really, how smart you are. (end of sarcasm)
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 12:08 other posts 
Yeah scorps grow up we have nothing to bitch about EXCEPT the Democrats are slowly trying to take our rights away the blacks are trying to make us the minority instead of the majority deadly viruses are being imported in from other countries the sky is falling says chicken little so what do we have to bitch about
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Oh end of sarcasm
By #610414 07,Jul,20 12:11
The sky is falling, of course.
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Dgraff, show us that 10th grade intellect you bragged about in another post and tells us.
What exactly are the Demidipshits trying to take away from a grease monkey? And if we are the majority, when will we start acting like we are? Tell me, how many riots and looting happened around your shop? I hear Trumpo tried to put a tariff on the pandemic. The Chinks said, NANANA. You takie up your chow main. End of sarcasm
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 13:00 other posts 
No more sarcasm all I have to say any more is fuck you bitch
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There that’s my 10th grade intellect
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And when are you going to start acting like the senior citizen that you are and when are you going to start acting like a lady instead of a drunkin sailor
By #610414 07,Jul,20 13:11
Sweetie, You are welcomed to do so at any time......if your equipment is up to it. I would not bet on it. BTW. if that's the best you've's sad.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 13:15 other posts 
Your sad
By #610414 07,Jul,20 13:18
you mean, "you're sad"

I'm not, baby. My life is rich. Lots of flavor. Lots of people who love me. Good partners.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 13:20 other posts 
Yeah right
By #610414 07,Jul,20 13:30
Yeah, right. Do you need a notarized letter from my Daddy?
By #551147 07,Jul,20 13:44
YOU (Candy), of ALL people, probably SHOULDN'T be correcting ANYONE, EVER! About their misspellings, use of language etc.

As I've so nicely reminded YOU before. Just cause I, or anyone else, doesn't ALWAYS point out YOUR own mistakes, does NOT mean you are any better.

So, you make light of Mr. Dgraff's choice to leave school in the tenth grade. AND then try to illustrate his ignorance by pointing out a small misspelling. YOUR or YOU'RE

Ok, let's get into this!

You SUPPOSEDLY attended college and earned some sort of degree. YET! Here's just TWO excerpts (there are more!) from YOU, just TODAY!

A simple Candy quote, from ⬆️ there...
"Weather Dr Fauci is guilty or not (and history will decide that) won't matter."

2nd Candy quote, from ⬆️ yonder...
"To exspensive,wear this strap,it will keep you safe.YEa right."

Now! Seeing as he dropped in 10th one might be able to say, his misspellings are a little more understandable.

BUT! YOU! You have a "College Edumacation"! In which case, who looks more stupid with misspellings?!

Just saying...
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BTW Do I NEED to specify YOUR errors!?
By #610414 07,Jul,20 14:34
The second quote is by Phart
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As far as the first, what bugged you about it?
By #610414 07,Jul,20 14:42
Scorps, my spell checker works overtime. Many times it replaces phrases. I have to be careful
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes

I have no qualms about you or anyone else correcting my spelling or punctuation. I do it because it bugs the shit out of you, Degraff and phart. What's more, I don't care if he got to the 11th grade or not. You know? Being a libertard (that's what you call me, right?) I try being politically correct, but, I sometimes get tired of all the digs and jabs from you guys. Not only do I have to listen why I'm wrong but also have to hear that I'm a crazy bitch and other things like sounding like a drunken sailor. And another thing, weather I'm a college grad or not doesn't mean didly squat. The truth of the matter is that I can go head to head with the likes of you. AND THAT IS THE REAL REASON WHY YOU ARE IN MY FACE ALL THE TIME AND WHY YOU GO ON BELLA'S THREAD AND DENIGRATE ME
--------------------------------------- added after 51 minutes

Resident blonde with sprinkles of grey, a.k.a. dingbat
By #610414 07,Jul,20 15:16
And yes. Be specific about my errors. Maybe for once we'll get some real honest information
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 18:39 other posts 
First of all BITCH I was not bragging I was being sarcastic with another smart ass member that insinuated I was a hillbilly number two how do you people think your so smart the average English teacher in Pennsylvania makes 40 thousand a year and the average nurse in Florida makes around the same 40 thousand a year hell I can do that sitting on my ass smoking cigars and selling new tires if I push I can double that and if you don’t believe me give me your address and I will send you a copy of my taxes
By #610414 07,Jul,20 19:33
Dgraff, calling me a bitch won’t help anything. If I overstepped some boundary, I’m sorry. Now, I congratulate you on the success of your business and your business acumen. If I were healthy I would have had to report to work. I’m considered essential. When I work I am an ER supervisor. Why am I telling you this? I don’t want you to think I’m bragging. Google average pay of an ER supervisor anywhere in the USA. I don’t use my paycheck to show off. I consider myself a good speller yet I make a mistake in every paragraph. The one thing I do is try to remember for the next time. Anyway, I’m sorry for my insensitivity. Perhaps you should avoid directing your posts to me or do as the other bitch does and you can ban me.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 21:40 other posts 
Uh forgive me,but even I noticed this 1.
"I prefer to protect the doctors and nurses, people that can save hundredths of lives"
I think you meant 100's?

I think it is rather crude of the government to get a free pass on deciding who lives and who is at risk by denying mask to everyone.
It is hospital managements job to make sure enough equipment is in stock and ready to use not the peoples responsiablity to lay down their lives because of a paper mask.
By #610414 08,Jul,20 07:39
Yes, phart, it should have been hundreds. Crude or not if there's a shortage of mask on the national market, there's little the hospital staff can do about it. What do you suggest?

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