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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #592419 05,Jul,20 17:14
They haven't posted influenza deaths this year,, is that because of coronovirus overtakes it? From the numbers that are mentioned some years influenza killed more people especially the elderly than coronovirus.. So what am I missing here?

By #614425 05,Jul,20 10:51
So where do you think is country would be if Hillary had been elected President and where ddo you think this country will go if Biden is elected. Hell he can not complete two thoughts must less his where about
By #610414 05,Jul,20 11:09
First, who gives a flying fuck about Hilary? You, Trumpsters are still playing that card? If (and it looks like he will be) Biden gets elected our country can get back to be the leader of the world. He won't be the laughing stock of the world. Sensible laws will return to guide us in lawful ways. The justice Dept will go back to being a lawful arbiter of what the courts should be doing. And, I'm hoping all these appointees of the current administration are made to leave
As far as the age of Biden
Trump is 74. You think 3 or 4 yrs would make a difference? The Dalai Lama is 84. The pope is *83. Putin is 68. Mitch McConnell is 78 and he controls the senate with an iron hand. But, you know what's important? Biden listens to experts, he reads, and understands. Trump is a disaster in a disaster. In any case, Biden is on his way to winning. Trump could have gone to a second term but he fucked it up all on his own.
By #614425 05,Jul,20 11:15
you must drink a lot of koolaid
By #610414 05,Jul,20 11:32
I'll tell you what I don't drink......bleach.
By #610414 05,Jul,20 11:34
But, getting back to your post. What part do you disagree and give facts. No FAKE NEWS as you people put it
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 16:45 other posts 
You know,what is strange is suddenly since Hillary lost,no 1 wants to hear of her,think about her or anything else.It is very relevant as to how things would be if she were Prez because her cohort is running and was part of the package she was in while Obama was in office.
By #610414 05,Jul,20 16:54
He's not Hilary's cohort. Besides. do you remember Geraldine Ferraro? Walter Mondale? Al Gore?Sarah Pailin?
Losers are soon forgotten.

By #610414 05,Jul,20 08:03
KEBMO, I saw your response to my post in Bella's thread.

There are still many communities within Canada that prohibit the sale or consumption of alcohol. These are usually Indigenous communities and the reason is usually because many of them have high unemployment rates and rampant alcohol abuse which of course leads to a whole myriad of crime related issues. They are referred to as dry communities and are usually in northern Canada.

FYI Bella is wrong. I can see everything in her thread.

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jun,20 04:18 other posts 
This is a President that has shown time and time again that he’s just making it swampier.
By #610414 30,Jun,20 08:33
By #551147 30,Jun,20 15:54
Oh yeah...

And this guy ➡️ only registered users can see external links

would be SO much better... Riiight!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Or were you referring to Justin Trudeau!?
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Jul,20 23:57 other posts 
Justin Trudeau is not the President of Canada.
By #610414 05,Jul,20 07:59
Anyone would be SO much better

By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Jul,20 23:56 other posts 
To put it in perspective, on June 30th, the entire EU with a population of 446 million had FEWER new COVID-19 cases diagnosed than Arizona, population 7.3 million.
Trump is on record about ten times saying that "it's just going to go away" the latest of which is today on Fox. Over 50,000 cases in the US were diagnosed TODAY. In Canada there were 67 new cases diagnosed today. Before you start talking about the amount of testing being done know this; Canada's hospitals are all pretty well back to normal. They're not overflowing with COVID cases. The number of people in the hospitals is the real metric of how things are going.
Maybe, just maybe the grand poohbah is wrong. He is turning the US into a third world country one lie at a time.
He just doesn't care.

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jun,20 18:49 other posts 
Travelers from Russia, Brazil, the US and India and other countries are not welcome in the EU for at least two more weeks because of COVID-19 safety concerns.

only registered users can see external links

By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jun,20 03:47 other posts 
Susan Rice as Joe Biden’s VP? That sounds VERY doable. 👍
By #592419 21,Jun,20 14:06
Stick with Canadians path.. Your country is about ready for the shit getting thrown in the dumpster..Does your prime minister gives a shit about you or Canada? Focus on Canada,, the question is of survival.. Your blame on Donald trump with lies and your lies has absolutely nothing to do With you.. Amazing how you set a forum to braid a president of the completely different country than your actual enemy..
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jun,20 16:36 other posts 
Donald Trump has a lot to do with me. For instance the Canada-US border is closed because of the inactions of Donald Trump. Are you aware of the reason the border is closed? Probably not. His actions have direct effects on the Canadian economy but of course you didn't know that either. The US is Canada's largest trading partner and Canada is the US's largest trading partner, but you didn't know that either did you? Most of the TV and movies that Canadians watch is produced in the US. Donald Trump is on Canadian news every night but of course you wouldn't know that either because you've never seen a Canadian news cast have you?
By #188992 21,Jun,20 16:39
"Your blame on Donald trump with lies and your lies has absolutely nothing to do With you.. "

Did that make sense to you when you typed it, dipshit?

I'm genuinely curious as to what you meant. Care to enlighten us?

PS. you're still freakishly weird and stupid.
By #592419 25,Jun,20 12:40
Donald J. Trump

The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn’t like telling you that!
By #188992 25,Jun,20 12:52
"3n1g tSponmoiSrusnouSresed" to you too, you cheeky monkey!

Given this thread was to do with Biden's running mate, can I dare to suggest that you've gone a little off-topic, you fucking weirdo?

Achieving honorificabilitudinitatibus is still just a pipedream for you, isn't it?

Having Googled "coronavirus mortality rate USA" the "fake news" you keep obsessing over DOES tell me that (The Sun, The Financial Times, the BBC, Daily Mail etc). So, even if I accept you going off topic, you have (yet again) asserted something that's demonstrably FALSE. You really are a fuckwit.
By #592419 25,Jun,20 13:21
It's fake news.. Just like your fake.. Right Hotpussy?..
By #188992 25,Jun,20 13:49
[deleted image]

I keep forgetting to picture your words as shit smeared on the walls of your cell!
By #606653 25,Jun,20 14:17
Hotpussy... get some help
By #188992 25,Jun,20 15:08
Oh look, fuckwit number 2 has turned up!
By #606653 25,Jun,20 16:49
Bering Strait on the wall you like doing that don't you? But you didn't have to draw poop on the wall that's quite gross? I think everybody here will agree with me
By #188992 26,Jun,20 07:47
Bering Strait?

What ARE you on about, weirdo?

I have a shock for you - I didn't really scrawl shit on the wall (it's a picture I am using to mock fuckwit number 1 - SrCums). How do you know it's not brown paint, you silly sausage?
By #592419 26,Jun,20 12:30
NO,,, it's your finger painting of shit you smear on the wall after taking a big shit on the floor.. [deleted image]
By #188992 28,Jun,20 16:52
Hey fuckface! I'm still waiting for a reply. You've been on the site, as I can tell from your lovely gifts (thanks, btw), so let's fucking hear it?

I'm dying to be dazzled, yet again, by your sparkling wit and devil-may-care approach to punctuation and grammar.

PS. you're still a fuckwit. Not fuckwit number 1, but you're definitely in the top 2.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 12:34
The next time you shit on the floor you're gonna have to eat it... huxley999
By #188992 26,Jun,20 12:47
Inane pictures and insults about coprophagia?

As you've run out of any real points to make, I think we're done here.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 14:50
Like a psychopath that takes no humility or responsibility for your actions or assertions,, you started the insults.. and of course just like every liberal you can't take when someone punches back.. Just like any narcissistic psychopath liberal.. you never have and I believe you never will..
By #188992 26,Jun,20 14:59
Yep, I may have started the insults - but also included points I wished to make.

Your pictures of The Inbetweeners, Big Narstie, that woman crying in her car, and a screenshot of Twowarmtt's page come with no redeeming content.

Anyway, to assert that I can't take it when someone punches back is demonstrably untrue, from previous threads and from this one - you fucking nutjob. I see you're still going for the superfluous punctuation, you illiterate fruitcake. Now just to make sure you've got the message - go fuck yourself, fuck off and then (when you come back) fuck off again.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 16:33 other posts 
huxley--You do realize that you are dealing with a paranoid schizophrenic, right?
By #188992 26,Jun,20 16:52
He/she/it's a strange fucker, that's for sure.

I'm not professionally qualified to comment on his/her/it's mental health, but you could be on to something!

Sadly SrCums doesn't follow that same maxim of not commenting when you are not au fait with the subject. If he did, I fear we would never hear from him/her/it again!!
By #592419 26,Jun,20 16:55
You got nuthing pal.. Everyone knows including yourself how much of a fuckup you are.. That's why you make all these fakes to pull this bulshit.. You are a total fuckup and it was you that started it.. I"ll fucking trash your page if you start up with me again then you go crying then ban me.. Don't talk to me again.
Your fucking husband left you and I know why now..
By #188992 26,Jun,20 17:02
Ha fucking ha.

Fuck up my page as much as you like, weirdo.

My WIFE left me, back in 1993. Pretending that I am a "fake" is pretty weak stuff, fuckwit.

I may be wrong but I think you will find plenty of people ready to believe that I'm a 55year old bloke living in the UK. I will NEVER block/ban you, wingnut - you're fucking comedy gold!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:16 other posts 
Toss a peanut to the monkey and it will dance for you.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 16:41 other posts 
"Like a psychopath that takes no humility"?
What does that mean in English?
Do you actually understand the meanings of the words you type, or do you just make it up as you go?
By #592419 26,Jun,20 16:56
Yep... Look it up in the dictionary.. do some homework.. Other than that just shut the fuck up...
By #188992 26,Jun,20 16:59
I do believe that SrCums is in need of a napkin - he/she/it just got served!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:14 other posts 
Golly, SrCums, you make such a strong and well argued point. Once again you demonstrate that you are clearly in possession of the most keen intellect ever displayed in this Forum.
You are a brilliant wordsmith, and a true master of punctuation and reason!
Well played, sir.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 17:16
I know who she is.. I know the racist names she called me.. She is a liar, a fake and a troll and will do and say anything just to satisfy her self pity..
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:19 other posts 
Well, THAT was a bit random, wasn't it?
You know who she is?
Could you possibly share that information with the rest of the group?
Are you hearing voices again?

And, is this imaginary SHE "a liar, a fake and a troll" BECAUSE of the racist name-calling, or are the two not connected at all?
By #592419 26,Jun,20 17:27
Why? I have what she said to me.. you really want to go down that path?
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:31 other posts 
There's a PATH now?
When did we get a path?
Did you get the proper permits required to construct this path?

Forget that I asked.
I'll just wait until the FBI discovers your manifesto and then read all of the details about the path when it is published...
By #592419 26,Jun,20 17:33
So is that A NO? Stop being so liberal and just answer yes or NO...
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:35 other posts 
Explain how my interest in landscaping makes me a liberal, please.
Do conservatives not like landscaping?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Also, "batshit-crazy" is NOT a racist name.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 17:49
Sure,, and for 2 issues.. Although it's by choice.. First of all you are in a zone that has nothing to do with you.. This is a tactic of diversion and pointing fingers when you are smart enough to know the real causality but will divert attention.. For example.. Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff.. When after the prosecuting atorny for William Barr comes out with the truth at the end of July you will see what I mean when the 4 year hoax is over with Russia for example.. It is to divert.. AFter all,, you have nothing to do with this issue and I was going to get into this fucktard's ass when you show favoritism towards his attitudes towards me as compared to my attitudes towards him.. That makes you a fucked up liberal and predictable.. YOu have no common sense becuase everything is based for you...Just you..
The other reason I call you a liberal is that I've read everyone's comments and have certainly read yours.. You're assertions are not based on to find truth and for what is good and right,,,, but to assert based on what your needs are and will do anything you can to make sure you maintain power on this site... That is liberal.. so when I say liberal politics all you have to do is match for match...
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:04 other posts 
I understand now.
English is not your native language.
That explains a lot.

Before you get into his ass, ask permission first. That is only polite.

I showed "favoritism" to him because his points are cogent and yours are a bit disjointed and whack-a-do. Also, I kind of share the same attitude toward you that he does. I tend to favor thinking of the rational variety.

What the hell do Nadler and Schiff have to do with the "path"? Are they out for a stroll?

Ask anyone--I have no power on this site. I am just the guy who occasionally pokes a stick at the random piles of stupid that pop up in the Forum.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:10
See there you go again going for diversion.. Do you see the pattern? You never take responsibility or "HUMILITY" Ever.. Just like your friends.. Your habits are the same so that is why I say you are the same.. Could it be the same person on all these accounts? Can't rule it out.. You are always right even if it means to divert... This is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.. For your studies.. in HEBREW texts,, it is known as egoism when you only desire to receive as long as it fits your needs only.. You bully people online so who is to say you don't do it in real life? Personality I don't care... You know what that bastard called me and you are attacking me now?
You call this is dick site so its ok? If Kebmo makes a forum of Trump comments and all I see is crap I will comment... If you don't like what I say and call me names then that is suppression of 1st amendment privilege.. You are from Philli right? The constitution was written there... Where's your pride?
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:18 other posts 
I am not from Philli.
Calling you names and not liking what you say is NOT suppression of 1st amendment privilege.
I have no idea what "that bastard" called you.
I am not ALWAYS right, but I am MOST of the time.
The Jews did not invent Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:22
The Jews invented the contrast between Altruism and Egoism over 4000 years ago...
The reason you feel I do not understand English is because I'm using words you've never seen before or can at least define so being that I'm more articulate than you are you try to maintain your EGO through political diversion?... You are liberal.. Radical at that.. I don't feel anger towards you because I already know who you are..Liberal..
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:37 other posts 
It's an articulated path.
Now I get it!
The Jews invented latkes, too. They are delicious.

The reason I feel that you don't understand English is actually because you don't use it in any way that is remotely like real English. But then, as an English teacher, I might not have a very good grasp on how the language works...

I find it odd, for example, that you continue to use the word "liberal" as if it was some sort of insult.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:42
real english? I assure you,,, it is..
This is not a personal attack on you so don't take this personally sir..
Just be true with yourself
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:46 other posts 
Thank you for assuring me.
I was getting a bit worried.

I must confess, however, that it felt kind of personal (and more than a bit attacky) when you called me a "radical".
By #592419 26,Jun,20 19:07
Radical meaning strong and hard to reason.. Not a killer or anything of the nature.. Not meant to be an attack..
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:25
Profound Egoism is Personality disorder especially if it is long term. We all have egoism but with time and wisdom acquired through time we learn to make it less.. People like you maintain so with calculus and derivative that value is zero.. Through time there is no growth because you will always be your own worst enemy..
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:40 other posts 
I am actually Steve's worst enemy.
He just doesn't know it.
But he will...
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:45
I do not know steve.. Be true with yourself..
There is a reason why you prefer to be liberal.. Because of your inflate ego these activists use their propaganda for manipulation and they know you have not accepted responsibility for your actions... yet..... So what they do is manipulation so you can be a zombie that fights their battles by calling anyone stupid that does not agree with you.. After all there is only 1 truth.. so rather than call someone stupid all you have to do is to debate and teach them how to think creatively.. Not just to call them names and to humiliate.. Kids in elementary school behave this way.. Did you graduate school?
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:47 other posts 
No, I did not graduate school.
They just hand out teaching jobs around these parts to anyone who wanders in off the street.

Trust me, you don't want to know Steve.
He is a total asshole.
You are much better off not knowing him.

I have no idea how to think creatively. The Overlords just hand me a script each morning and I pretend that their words are mine.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:52
I'm sorry you did not.. Have faith in yourself,,, if you know you made a choice you regret then it is MAN to be humble.. In general..
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:12
Landscaping? what the fuck are you talking about..
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 18:19 other posts 
You keep talking about a PATH.
I thought you were into gardening or something...

Honestly, is English your native language?
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:55
PATH is synonymous with CHOICE...
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 19:01 other posts 
Well, that certainly clears that up.
By #188992 26,Jun,20 17:21
Now .. I may be mistaken, but (I barely dare say it) does SrCums think I am also Angel1227 (aka 2warmtts or whatever it was)?

That's both fucking hilarious and a massive insult!
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jun,20 17:24 other posts 
Perhaps all of the voices in SrCums' head are named Angel1227?
By #188992 26,Jun,20 17:28
Only the first 1226 of them, the last is called G-d. I may have provoked him a little too much with that last "how do I write down the name of our Lord and Creator" dig! But still .. we should listen carefully to what SrCums says: knowing at what age dementia sets in is a valuable bit of data.
By #592419 26,Jun,20 18:51
Interesting.. If someone acts like a dick-head towards someone I all of a sudden say he pulled a HOTPUSSY over me... So he is HOTPUSSY... I still think this is true but what difference does it make.. A dick-head is a dick-head.. so in essence,, whats the problem here.. should be plain..
By #188992 27,Jun,20 07:15
As piss-weak as most of your retorts. There's a large part of my psyche that REALLY wants to "start up" with you again, just to see how you intend to "fucking trash" my page.

"Don't talk to me again"? Oh, please! Your threats are laughable and, as your interactions with JustWill show, you're still a few sandwiches short of a picnic!!

I'm now going to wait, with baited breath, to see which of your inane pictures you'll use to put me in my place! Now fuck off, weirdo!!
By #592419 28,Jun,20 11:24
OK, hotpussy... I was upset but now after time I realized it was not the right thing to do based on my moral codes. I compare my self to you and realize I am better to love than to hate... For if I spend my points trashing your page then I wasted the time I have on this earth for love and unity... I don't expect you to understand this..

The following is for people reading since it is public domain.. Terrorism is funded by the democratic party... Those that don't see this is blind. Other than Israel, when terrorists attack people do not go outside and the economy plummets.. A few weeks ago Israel was attacked by hamas and palestine with fire bombs and rockets,, people went into shelters. 2 hours later children were playing in the park, women shopping, playing frisbee and having picnics.. A tourist came to them and questioned their lack of fear.. They say "WE HAVE G_D" I voted for Trump because he saved Israel when Obama was destroying it.. I am American and voted for Trump because he promised to help Israel and he did and is doing... Not because I am Jewish and cheap.. It is because it is the right thing to do... Love and peace for everyone.. Thank you..
By #188992 28,Jun,20 11:41
As you've addressed that to "hotpussy" I'll refrain from commenting much.

"Terrorism is funded by the democratic party" - you're still as nutty as fuck.

"I wasted the time I have on this earth for love and unity... I don't expect you to understand this.." - you're also still a patronising bit of navel fluff. the only thing that makes your bleatings difficult to understand is your grammar, syntax, punctuation, and general wackiness.

I have neither the time, nor the inclination, to engage with you in a debate about the rights and wrongs of Israel and Trump's support for Zionism, illegal occupations of territory, and the inflammatory relocation of the US Embassy.

May your inability to write "God" not hinder your progress to further enlightenment/wackiness.
By #592419 28,Jun,20 11:51
"Terrorism is funded by the democratic party" - you're still as nutty as fuck.

////////////shows your ignorant stupidity.. You are blind and dumb.. the profanity you use means nothing to me other than how you show your lousy vocabulary.. I fear you are here to just waste oxygen, take your last breath and die..
Your ignorance and profound stupidly earns a different name.. You'd be better off dead.. You've done nothing on this planet to benefit anything..Nothing..I can spell G-d the way I want to so fuck you,, the sooner you die is the sooner planet earth can finally get rid of you...
By #188992 28,Jun,20 12:01
Ha fucking ha.

It makes your point more pertinent if you don't mirror the behaviour you decry, fuckwit.

My use of profanity is worse than you saying "fuck you"?
Words are worse than wishing someone dead? Your claiming of the moral high ground is as baseless as most of your other claims.

I think you meant to type "profound stupidity" not "profound stupidly". How's your appreciation of irony, numbnuts? Come back when you've got something with more bite, and when you've learnt how many full-stops go at the end of a sentence (clue: it's less than 2).
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jun,20 10:04 other posts 
I doubt it but I will say your "fighting" style is similar as if you went to the same school.
Why would anyone lie about being 55 and a "old bloke" whatever bloke is,I will have to google that.
By #188992 27,Jun,20 10:17
I hope my punctuation is different from the weird SrCums!?

Hope you're having a good weekend, phart.
By #610414 25,Jun,20 18:25
I prefer Kamela Harris

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