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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 18,May,20 17:33 other posts 
Trump said today that he's taking hydroxychloroquine. I bet that's a lie. Just another shiny object.
By #610414 18,May,20 17:35
Fools bet whomever takes you up on it. Biggest liar in the world just wants to show off
By #188992 19,May,20 06:51
When even Fox News says "Don't listen to the big orange buffoon" (or words to that effect) you know that something's amiss!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 19,May,20 07:17 other posts 
Wow, I might be wrong here. His doctor (not the hippy) released a statement saying that Trump may have been exposed to it and his lifestyle is at a high risk to contact it so he prescribed it to Trump.
Everyone is saying that it's dangerous and sets a bad example to his followers but nobody is saying that it's a lie. It just looked like a typical off the cuff bullshit remark when he said it.
Yeah, when Fox News tells him that he's doing a stupid thing he knows he's crossed a line!!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Fox News “is no longer the same” and said he was “Looking for a new outlet!”

What's Foxier than Fox?
By #188992 19,May,20 07:24
I'm not sure that even HE believes everything that comes out of his gob!

Totally reckless, nevertheless. I'm sure phart will pop up at some point and tell us that Donald is not TELLING anyone else to take hydroxychloroquine, so may I take this opportunity to (yet again) point out that modelling sensible behaviour is highly preferable to modelling behaviour that could fucking kill you!!
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 09:18 other posts 
Trump had been pushing for being able to get medicine if you want it for a while now.Right to try I think they call it.
By himself asking for and taking the medicine is setting a example for his policys.
Can't say i would jump on the band wagon myself BUT I do believe IF it was as big a threat to his safety as they claim,the Secret service probably saw to it he got a bottle of placebos.
By #188992 19,May,20 09:38
Yeah, that's right phart.

If you want to take a medicine, go for it! It is The Land of the Free after all. The fact that the FDA advise against it is neither here nor there, right?

I need to tell you that's sarcasm, right?

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By #188992 19,May,20 11:24
Even those on his political wing seem to have a bit of an issue with Donald's approach (putting it mildly!)

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By #592419 19,May,20 12:38
Dude... Let's try this one more time.. MSN AND NBC are in on crediting the democratic party and discrediting conservative viewpoints!.. Youtube will delete any movies or statements that involve pro-conservative viewpoints. FAcebook also is guilty..
I don't mind if you discredit my ideas but rather than calling me stupid, crazy or biased let's hear your ideas that can benefit all people that is right,, not by what Trump is a racist or whatever.. If you know more then let's here it.
I don't care if it is porky pig that wrote the constitution.. It is an idea that still hasn't been put into practice yet because is resistance.. How they got their ideas to write this was Greek Philosophical viewpoints on Justice and good virtue.. Basically saying Plato and Socrates... The 2 people here were hated and defamed, but as time goes on aftereffect they were proven to be philosophically correct..
I don't give a shit if I'm wrong.. You just saw me show humility when I made a mistake earlier.. I'm a student in finding out truth.. I'm a philosopher that always asks questions then tries to put puzzles together.. That's how I am.. ,,, not just i'm right, you are wrong and stupid which is extremely childish..
By #188992 19,May,20 12:56
Try this: because of the way my laptop is set up nearly all the "News" links I post will say MSN at the beginning of the link. Doesn't mean it's MSN News. This one, for example, is from Indy100. Then again, your recent history of reading stuff THOROUGHLY before commenting isn't that sharp, is it? (Sorry, couldn't resist the cheap shot!).

What, specifically, would you like my views on SrCums?

I don't mind you expressing your views. However, when I think they're flawed views I will not hesitate in saying so (1st amendment, anyone?). When you say stuff that's risible I will probably resort to name-calling. If you can't stand the heat ….

I'm delighted to hear that you have read some Plato and Socrates. Can I suggest you have a peak at Epicurus, Murray Bookchin, Lao Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates of Thebe, Aristippus, Mazdak, Gerrard Winstanley. In fact I would just encourage you to keep seeking truth. It's an admirable quest.

In addition, if my "insults" have upset you, I apologise. To me it's just part of the rough and tumble of (forcefully) making your point. Have a great day.
By #592419 19,May,20 14:26
No need but thank you for gesture of sincerity.. I do read about good virtue, truth, and what is just... I've also researched on the meaning of our existence. What meaning or meanings are we here? The answer lies from within our altruistic desires of bestowal so that we may unify to create a perfect sphere thus creating the true nature of existence on what it intended to be.. To meet with the creator..In Christianity it is called one name, Islam another and of course in Judaism it has its name..

But when people with high platforms abuse their power to use piety in brainwashing children and desperate families to hate other groups and stereotypes then our existence is what???

A country is not just a rock of land.. It is what it stands for,, Truth, Justice, and the value of a single human being. Personal feelings or political agendas are not accounted for in this definition. Its all about doing the right thing!
1st Amendment is fine and never said you don't have the right to say negative attributes.
By #188992 19,May,20 14:39
Ah, you see I'm a godless heathen. I've not looked at the Talmud, but I have read all of the Old and New Testaments. Our ancestors were polytheistic, and now a lot of the world is monotheistic, so I do feel we're heading in the right direction with the number of Gods that are out there.

I have to be honest, as well, that when I read stuff like "within our altruistic desires of bestowal so that we may unify to create a perfect sphere thus creating the true nature of existence on what it intended to be.." I have to resist the urge to see it as one of those, so-called, inspirational memes that half-wits post on Facebook and start guffawing.

That probably says more about me than anything else, but just trying to be straightforward with you.

Where the brainwashing children and desperate families thing fits in, you may have to shed some light on that for me. Sadly, I think that a lot of what you would describe as conservative voices are all too happy to deal in stereotypes and seem perpetually ready to demonise "the other".

As for what a country is: I'm reminded of the old adage "Blessed are the map makers, for they are the only ones that can draw countries closer together". Most countries are a totally artificial construct and I, generally, find the idea of patriotism faintly ridiculous. If you're proud to be an American, what do you actually mean?

One for you to ponder in your continued search for Truth, perhaps?
By #592419 19,May,20 15:40
Proud to be an American is a very difficult question. After all we aren't supposed to be here. The Native Americans dwelled in this land without disrupting its natural process for over 12,000 years. They were annihilated in 40 by removing their land, murdering them, forcing them into Christianity and sending them into concentration camps or what they called reservations. So with that said the definition of being an American does not exist. It doesn't exist until the American Indians are given proper restitution which you and I know are impossible. You are studious so I'd suggest you study "The trail of tears"

Being proud to be an american on its 2 tongued phrase is the notion of abiding by its constitution based on moral principles. But how we got here was based on unmoral choices. We really didn't come here to find america.. We came here because we depleted our resources in Europe, mainly timber.. The alps were totally deforested. When Columbus came here the first time he was looking for China. We came here by accident. At first the indians welcomed us, we repayed their hospitality by stealing their land, raping it then murdering them. Is that what you call America? Who do you think funded the 3rd Reich? You see, things that are true on a general pattern of information doesn't always hold truth.. Does our elementary schools tell its children how we did all these atrocities to reach the promised land?
Once Rome fell it rose up into other divisions. It's quest is to conquer 2000 years ago.. They still desire this today.
I am not a pure conservative. Conservationism, Liberalism, bullshitism is what it is.... NOTHING.. It's nothing to me.

Doing the right thing takes WISDOM. You acquire that through experience mainly your disappoints rather than triumphs ... Its learning.. Learning to be humble even during the most desperate moments.. Wisdom.. It's learned through acquiring compassion of forgiveness, love and humility. I don't believe in political correctness,, I believe in moral correctness.. The part by which you can't read from a book,, its by which you must learn..

With that said,, proud to be an american is a false image. It does not exist. Its propaganda. This is not why we are here.. Its not why we exist.
By #188992 19,May,20 16:08
I'm delighted you have raised the topic of Native Americans/First Nation tribes. I'm familiar with "The Trail of Tears" - a stain on US history, for sure.

It always troubles me when white, American citizens rant about "illegal immigrants" without any sense of nuance or irony. The Pilgrim Fathers only left this side of the pond 400 years ago (a heartbeat when considered against the aeons of time) so the vast majority of white Americans can (at best) trace their US lineage back that far. How would it have been if the Native Americans who met them had said "Where's your paperwork to prove you have a right to live here?"

By that definition ALL the ancestors of current white US citizens were illegal immigrants. The fact that the Native American's didn't have an effective Border Force is, in my opinion, hair-splitting.

I've often thought that this may account for why you are so keen on your 2nd amendment. You took your Nation by force from it's rightful "owners" and (subconsciously perhaps) realise that you need to keep hold of it by exerting force. If you couple this with the fact that a significant proportion of your historical prosperity was made on the back of the black slaves that you "stole" from their African homelands, I can understand that arming yourselves might seem a sensible precaution. Your Nation's history is very troubling, that's for sure. That coming from a resident of a country that had an Empire of dubious moral standing.

I am in no way proud of being British/English. Where I was born is, quite literally, an accident of birth. I also have trouble with what I would call Nostalgic Patriotism. I've heard many US citizens, when mocked about their patriotism, happily spout that without them we wouldn't have won the 1st or 2nd World Wars. Unless you're a VERY elderly member of this site you, personally, had zero impact on the outcome of either war. It's about as sensible as me claiming credit/kudos for what King Arthur did.

At a push, some of the US members may have fought in The Vietnam War. At a REALLY BIG push The Korean War. One a stalemate and the other pretty ignominious failure.
By #592419 19,May,20 16:28
War is a corporate business for sure. America just timed its aggression so that it would say it won.. America would not have won either wars if it were not for Russia. On the other hand all parties are guilty of starting it. Its very confusing but its all about money and power.

Where is the responsibility of the American entrepreneurs that profited by selling arms that rose Hitler to power creating the 3rd Reich. Where is the responsibility of Winston Churchill that praised Adolf Hitler in 1938 when he knew Jews Gypsies,homosexuals and communists were being exterminated in concentration camps? Did he not read Mein Kemph?. Where is the responsibility of Time Magazine that praised Adolf Hiler by making him man of the year on 1939? Where is the responsibility of the Vatican that housed Nazi war criminals after ww2 was lost into Spain then sent them to south america in hiding? Did they also read Mein Kemph? NO NO NO... Germany alone is guilty... NO...We are good, they are bad.
Americans mostly are decedents of Europeans that sought to seek economic and political security for multiple outposts of global domination.. China is now on it and the globalists are nothing but pure pure evil, They will do nothing to stop their hunger even if it means destroying everyone and everything.... Is this what Plato was trying to teach us?
By #188992 19,May,20 16:34
I find myself saying that I think you're being a bit unkind to America! I think Pearl Harbour should at least be a part of the picture re the timing of the US joining the war!

There were certainly Brits that thought the Nazis were "good eggs" (including our Royal Family) but I think you may be wrong about Churchill. I'd be intrigued to know your source for that particular one. Don't forget that Hitler had it in for Trade Unionists too.

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By #592419 19,May,20 18:08
There are good Americans and bad ones.. Good Jews and bad. Good Germans too.. Germany was the number 1 country that gave salvation to all of Hitlers targets..

About the Brits and Nazi's .. Didn't they read mein kemph and knowing the true intentions of the 3rd reich?... Here is a clip from Trial at Nuremberg.. That I go by. There is truth to this but people with power also have a responsibility to adhere by its conditions.

only registered users can see external links added after 7 minutesSo all of these statements in my conclusion on topic. From the whole worlds guilt it is easy to condemn a vulnerable man in the dark and in the meantime profit by this, with no cameras and no journalists. The media tells you all this crap because it is what they want you to hear not the truth!! Power seeks no boundaries,, it uses itself to divert you from the real truth, the whole truth. You won't want to know the truth.
By #610414 20,May,20 11:46
Why do you assume the media has something other than the truth they want you to hear? Why is everything a conspiracy with you?
By #592419 20,May,20 11:30
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By #188992 20,May,20 11:48
Thanks for the link. Seems to confirm that Churchill was far from being a fan of either the man, or the ideology.
By #592419 20,May,20 14:41
Going back in those days especially WW1 up to the development of the 3rd Reich the UK was not exactly very fond of Jews. The land known as Palestine was actually developed by the UK when they exiled them into that area known as Palestine.. Interesting to do studies on such. Today it appears this trend is repeating itself..

It is true that even though there is not a confirmation he definitely praised Adolf Hitler the theory is up for grabs and still in hypothesis mode.. The conclusions belong with the reader.. BUT,, the facts on how England valued religions with given prestige and divisions. Was it really because they hated Jews? Probably not, but they were part of the global left agenda initiative to the development of the 3rd Reich financially as well as politically. This I do believe to be true, Then when Hitler attacked Stalingrad it was a whole new ball game and he was tossed under the bus..Stalingrad was the critical point of momentum ..The the rest was just political and thus ended the war in Europe.
By #592419 20,May,20 11:36
[deleted image]
Well into the "Final Solution" He was already murdering his political adversaries.. SO... What does this tell you..
By #610414 20,May,20 11:43
He was a killer and a powerful man?
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,May,20 11:44 other posts 
That Trump hasn't figured out yet how to get away with murder?
By #188992 20,May,20 11:44
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By #610414 20,May,20 09:45
SrCums why is proud to be an American a false immage. Time is not static. Things change. If your craw is chocking on past history, let me remind you, it's YOUR THROAT that's not working
By #592419 20,May,20 10:29
Hotpussy,,bother me again the last trash of your page will look like a blessing...
By #610414 20,May,20 10:37
As usual, you want to be a big man by intimidating others. You don't scare me,how did you put it? You don't scare me, you fucking retarded little pussy. You are downright pathetic with your Oxford English Dictionary words, trying to sound as if you knw something. What are you going to do about it? trash my page? May I remind you I don't take prisoners and the pic of the little J&W defecating appeared on every thread in the forums?
By #592419 20,May,20 10:51
Don't even waste your breath. I pity you
By #592419 19,May,20 16:06
Our ancestors were polytheistic, and now a lot of the world is monotheistic, so I do feel we're heading in the right direction with the number of Gods that are out there.

If you read Plato's republic Socrates proved that multiple G-d's do not exist. He was basically outside the political agenda and paid with his life. How is that different today if you pose a threat?
By #188992 19,May,20 16:16
Not sure I get the thrust of your question.

Are you saying that people outside the political agenda, these days, are also at danger of being killed?

If I have read it right I would answer:

There is, on the whole, more scope in modern times to believe what you want. There are still, however, views that are dangerous to hold - particular in certain parts of the world. I wouldn't, for example, fancy being a Christian in China. Or a Muslim in Myanmar. Or .. all the other obvious ones.

PS. cutting and pasting my paragraph about "our ancestors" - does that mean you agree with me? If so, you're not a very observant Jew!!
By #592419 19,May,20 17:36
Socrates was Greek? Plato?
There is only One G-d but not by how you define..G-d doesn't exist in one place but in all places. Everything yo..u smell taste touch hear, see is G-d... Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Time, compassion... Is G-d...
So therefore if G-d is infinity then there can be only one.. Not one, but ONE, the only one.. in Hebrew the first letter of the alphabet is the number 1 known as aleph.. but it is not just the number 1, but the only ONE..
If you take all Hebrew letters together like jigsaw puzzle it creates the Star Of David... The entire universe, which is not only this universe but many.. If G-d's are of numerous then they can't be perfect because they possess physical boundary..
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,May,20 17:55 other posts 
I think there are ZERO Gods.
By #610414 20,May,20 11:42
Socrates did not prove such. He was accused of subverting the young men of Athens and as a result he was tried and he paid with his life
By #188992 19,May,20 13:01
Oh look what I found on youTube within minutes of you claiming YouTube will delete any pro-conservative viewpoints.

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You can scream that "the libtards" suppress my right to say stuff but, quite often, you're just playing the victim card AND lying!
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

Oh look another person of the right, freely espousing his views on …. YouTube:

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By kebmo [Ignore] 19,May,20 17:41 other posts 
Phart maybe he IS getting placebos.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 22:05 other posts 
That is my theory,I mean,really,the President taking a pill that the doctors,secret service and the local lawnmower shop guy can all agree is bad for you is not a good thing.So I would say his doctor that "prescribed" the pills got pulled to the side and had it "splained" to him that the Pres would be getting sugar and saw dust pills!
By #610414 19,May,20 18:09
I'd love to see Trump try prussic acid. It would take care of all his ills for ever

By JustWill [Ignore] 20,May,20 11:30 other posts 
The incredibly deep and well reasoned thought process of Trump supporters:

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By kebmo [Ignore] 20,May,20 02:25 other posts 
It seems totally reasonable to me. End sarcasm.
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By #188992 19,May,20 15:36
Regardless of policy, or ideological, differences what does this say about the CHARACTER of the man (if it proves to be true)?

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By #610414 19,May,20 11:21
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LONDON — A British medical journal Tuesday rebutted claims by President Donald Trump that the World Health Organization had consistently ignored reports of the virus spreading in China in early December, including ones featured in its publication.

In a letter published Monday, Trump's excoriated WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, saying the organization had “failed to independently investigate credible reports that conflicted directly with the Chinese government’s official accounts.”

“This statement is factually incorrect,” The Lancet, a general medical journal, responded in a statement. “The Lancet published no report in December, 2019, referring to a virus or outbreak in Wuhan or anywhere else in China.”


By kebmo [Ignore] 19,May,20 05:40 other posts 
Donald Trump's invisible accordion! You may never see him speak the same again!

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By #188992 19,May,20 07:46
Another one for the collection!

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By #592419 19,May,20 09:10
Just so much hatred.. What's even more fucked up is that the both of you clowns aren't even from the United States.. That says you just hate the United States.
Since you hate everything Trump stands for you hate Jews and emphasize with Muslims that hate Jews, You hate freedom and you hate people that desire their freedom..
The 2 of you I would never bother joining because you have so much hatred of this man its really quite disgusting to me..
By #610414 19,May,20 09:19
SrCums, I'm not a foreigner. I hate Trump and everything he stands for. I don't hate Jews nor do I "emphasize" with Muslims that hate Jews. But.......I do dislike dirty little Jews with a chip on their shoulder and hatred for liberals, foreign or domestic.
By #188992 19,May,20 09:41
"I do dislike dirty little Jews with a chip on their shoulder"

Rank, anti-Semitic filth. I wish you would fuck off too.
By #592419 19,May,20 10:41
ANGEL1227 [Ignore] at 19,May,20 09:19 other posts

"I do dislike dirty little Jews with a chip on their shoulder"

Rank, anti-Semitic filth. I wish you would fuck off too.

So out of all the days of bullshitting with you I just found out who the REAL YOU is....Why didn't you just say that in the first place.. Saves time and the stench of you is enough to double me over.. enough talk.. be like hitler,, point the gun at yourself and shoot.. Jewish children will play above your bunker happy knowning you are dead...
By #188992 19,May,20 10:44
What ARE you on about!?

I just told ANGEL1227 to fuck off for being anti-Semitic and you're still bleating?

I think (as per fucking usual) you have got completely the wrong end of the stick I half-expected you to thank me for calling out her anti-Semitism. Try reading the thread again, you weirdo.
By #592419 19,May,20 10:46
ok,,, I read it incorrectly.. i take back what I said with apology attached.. Thank you..
By #188992 19,May,20 10:48
Apology accepted.
By #592419 19,May,20 10:49
By #592419 19,May,20 11:09
[deleted image]
This member deleted her account and is now assuming this name..
By #610414 19,May,20 10:48
Hux you are right in diisliking that phrase. It’s out of context For the last two yrs SrCums has hidden behind his Jewish faith as a fallback when loosing an argument. He always claims I’m against Jews. It happened too many times and one day I snapped. I used that line and it infuriated him so much he went to Admin. I have nothing but admiration for Jews. They have persevered for thousands of years. The truth is I never look for religious beliefs. All I see is a good person, perhaps a friend and nothing else. You and I got off on the wrong foot. If it was me (and it probably was) I apologize. I overreacted. Please ignore me and feel free to criticize. BTW, my best friend is jewish and I have several other friends who are Jewish. They are part of my international circle of friends. My husband is foreign born. Two of my kids married foreigners. I come from a line of Austrian ORTHODOX CATHOLICS. THIRD GENERATION AMERICAN. Charlie is the son of Liverpool people and holds English citizenship if he chooses to.
By #188992 19,May,20 10:49
Retraction accepted.
By #592419 19,May,20 11:05
You are so full of shit hotpussy..
By #592419 19,May,20 10:48
SrCums, I'm not a foreigner. I hate Trump and everything he stands for. I don't hate Jews nor do I "emphasize" with Muslims that hate Jews. But.......I do dislike dirty little Jews with a chip on their shoulder and hatred for liberals, foreign or domestic.
You are posting this as: SrCums [Load Last Message]

So out of all the days of bullshitting with you I just found out who the REAL YOU is....Why didn't you just say that in the first place.. Saves time and the stench of you is enough to double me over.. enough talk.. be like hitler,, point the gun at yourself and shoot.. Jewish children will play above your bunker happy knowning you are dead...
By #188992 19,May,20 09:34
Oh do fuck off, SrCums.

Why are people not from the US not allowed to comment? Your country is a global superpower and what the US does (and who is in charge) has implications for all of us.

To extrapolate from our comments that we "hate Jews and emphasize(sic) with Muslims" is complete bullshit. It's empathise you semi-literate doofus, by the way.

You and your fucking ilk with this persistent "FREEDOM" clarion call really make my balls ache. The US locks up tons more people than the rest of the developed world, per capita. That penal system props up your fucked up economy. Look at the figures:

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The fact that you give the impression, to those outside the US, that you're close to creaming your pants every time some second-rate singer holds that "land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" note for just that little bit too long makes you look like infants.

The brand of freedom you have seems to be "free to drop through the cracks and end up destitute". The measure of any decent society is how it treats the most vulnerable, and I would posit that the US is failing badly when measured by that criteria.

The irony is that I firmly believe that most Americans are hard-working, caring, empathetic people who are badly served by their politicians and political structures.
By #592419 19,May,20 10:38
Americans are people just like you.
By #188992 19,May,20 10:41
Did I say they weren't? Read my last sentence again, you strange creature.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 10:51 other posts 
Dammit, huxley999! Quit "emphasizing" with Muslims!
(I prefer the use of CAPITALIZING certain WORDS in order to EMPHASIZE a point. Muslims just don't work as well.)
By #188992 19,May,20 10:52
Isn't that just saying "Allah" in a very loud voice?
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 10:57 other posts 
And, for the record (and speaking as an American), I have come to realize that the vast majority of Americans are NOT just like me.

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