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5 mins ·
If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it Lindsey Graham, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!
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""He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot ... He doesn't represent my [Republican] party ... I don't think he has a clue about anything ... He is empowering radical Islam ... You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.I'd rather lose without Donald Trump than try to win with him."?
Interestingly the Far Left was doing the same crime and out of all their bullshit lost anyway...
. Just like Muller did and lost but this time is our turn.. Interesting to see what happens.. Outside the walls they blamed the president for treason but when called in to testify behind closed doors they sang a different tune..
What do you think of my opinion?
The key here is Bill Bar.. He's been here a shorter time and collected as much evidence as he could before he appointed special prosecutor John Durham. John Durham is relentless from what I heard. You really don't want to know what the deep state is up to because you'd think I'm crazy.. It will be surfacing shortly.
You are sort of on the right path with timelines However, this political instability has existed since 1789 when the democratic party was formed to resist against the constitution. They really went nuts after Lincoln and created the KKK..They performed a Coup in 1963 with Kennedy but was crazy enough Kennedy was a democrat..
Furthermore, you also said that "You really don't want to know what the deep state is up to because you'd think I'm crazy.". Actually I really would like to know what that that is. I have never heard the term used in any context except to make negative comments about the Democrats or their party and I'm pretty sure I've never heard them on Canadian news unless it was quoting someone from the Republican party.
So tell me Sr. Cums, what is the "Deep State". I reelly would like to know. Please don't say that it will "all be out soon".
That is why we have states here that are heavily blue such as NY, Illinois and especially California. Why do you think they put up such a fight to keep the wall from going up? Big problem is this market is not just run in the united states, but on a global perspective including canada. Corruption is wide-spread with pay to play using taxpayer funds. Why do you think Democrats raise taxes so much yet their infrastructure is crumbled? Why do you think Democrats give
free housing, food, healthcare, education and $$$ to undocumented immigrants,,, while homeless in this country pay taxes but sleep in their car, street going hungry and sleeping in the rain?
Since Trump was elected the deep state and global elites went nuts. They don't know what to do with him because he goes by the constitution---- PERIOD.. We the people..
My opinion has been called racist which is ironic because I've been victimized by racists just because I happen to have a religion that is the most hated by these elites. When Obama started the Iran Deal to destroy Israel and USA I decided to have enough of the democrats..
SrCums that is probably the most absurd thing I have ever read but what concerns me about that statement is that there are a lot more likeminded people.
It's a great day to be Canadian.
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I'm not bailing, I really do need to sign off. I do appreciate your honest opinions though. I disagree with them but my level of understanding has been escalated.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes
Just to be clear, are you saying that you think Obama will be charged with treason?
I've presented an argument to you,, but you can't argue logically because you either know its true and trying to discredit me.. For example,, If I say if 9-4=5 and you tell me I have to proof,, then proof of what,, that 4+5 doesn't equal 9? What can This is pure liberalism you are showing. Its frustrating to me but I feel you do not want to discuss rationalism.. You favor socialism..Canada will be there soon also..Stay proud..
Given any two values you can always solve the equation to get the third value. This is called using mathematics to PROVE a statement. This is not FAKE NEWS or someone's perceived truth. You are throwing around all these "isms". The truth is that as far as the public is concerned, their pay check has to last until the next one, food must be on the table, they must be able to go to the mall, and, once in a while, act with civic pride. All the rest is BS for people like you and me to feel important (and pretty much ineffective). This November 3 coming (or should I say December 14 electoral college results) either you or I will be very happy. Till then we both contribute to the warming trend of the planet.
Having said that, I was surprised to read that The Democratic Party formed the KKK. So I Googled it to fact-check. Guess what? Bullshit.
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If I was so inclined, and had the patience, I'm damn sure I could find evidence that all these "Deep State" conspiracy theories have flimsy "proof" (at best) to support them as well. Like you, I suspect that this latest barrage of inane tweets are to obfuscate the Covid 19 crisis and his most recent legal difficulties.
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Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.
Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South.
Nowhere in there do I see anything to back up what you said in the original post that:
" the democratic party was formed to resist against the constitution. They really went nuts after Lincoln and created the KKK".
Were there Democrats in the KKK? Undoubtedly.
Did the Democratic party form the KKK (as you assert)? Not from what I have read, or even from what you just typed.
Phart's link confirms the KKK was formed as a social club and does NOT state it was formed by the Democratic Party.
So when you got upset when I said liberals all they do is take a shit on the floor, wipe their asses on the rug by dragging their filthy dirty assholes on it and finger paint feces on the walls I meant no offence. I'm just here to present the facts. I really am deeply sorry about saying that so I guess I should have kept it classified..
Another thing sir.. when I was called a filthy dirty jew and to circumcise my balls deep again i heard no outcry..since you comb this forum and this fucking bitch pasted that comment all over the place you did absolutely nothing.. Other than being a total fucked up dope you leave yourself open to investigation but it really is not all that hard..
You don't present "fact". You present your opinion OR you just say stuff that's flat-out wrong. Just a few examples that spring to mind: Canada blocks Fox News, Canadians have a right to bear arms, The Democratic Party founded the KKK.
Additionally, you have consistently failed to provide any links to back up what you assert. Possibly because if we saw your "sources" it would just reinforce the view that you're fucking deranged.
I have no idea why you consider I must be "far left", and I'm not sure it makes any difference to establishing whether what I assert holds water or not. I happen to believe that, regardless of ideology, people of all stripes are capable of speaking truth.
I'm guessing that I might fall within your definition of a Liberal and (I'm sorry to inform you) I've never shat on the floor, wiped my ass on the rug, or finger painted faeces on the wall.
I have no idea what you mean when you tell me that I leave myself "open to investigation", but if you're trying to intimidate me - go fuck yourself.
What would I do to make things better? Follow more closely what S Korea did. Decry protestors who cannot keep to Social Distancing. Get POTUS to wear a fucking face mask so at least people can see your Leader is taking the pandemic seriously. Target the stimulus package more carefully so people that really don't need it don't get a cheque from the Federal Government. Stop tweeting "Obamagate" and concentrate on the job in hand. Just a few suggestions.
And if someone says you wipe your bare ass on the rug don't get all shitty about it...
If you really believe that this shit was created by his chronies (sic) I pity you.
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The media here is divided , not like in Canada where your coverage is totally the left. They block fox news because your freedom of speech is being violated. The prime minister only wants you to hate trump so therefore any conservative viewpoints will be blocked and silenced. I used to love canada.. I still do but the people there eventually are going to lose their freedom of speech and right to bear arms. If it wasn't for trump this country would be in the same boat but he is fighting back and the people are voting for him.. i agree with his ideology.. You say nothing will happen,, perhaps you could be right and I hope you are but I don't agree so that debate is concluded. You think things are bad now, wait until later, Venezuela is right around the corner for you..Don't blame Trudeau for this.. Blame people like you that turn your cheek to people that take your freedom, guns and right to privacy away.. I will pray for you and hope you are right and I am wrong here...
1) We do get Fox news. It's part of my cable package and there are a lot of right wing nut jobs here in Canada who are really unhappy with our elected Federal Government.
2) Canada does not have any "right to bear arms" or any other such constitutional right. In fact SrCums on May 1st 2020 our Prime Minister banned 1500 assault style firearms "effective immediately".
Canada has considerably fewer guns of all types than the US hence a lot fewer gun deaths.
Now about this Obamagate, it's nothing but a campaign slogan and for you to insinuate that I should prove you wrong is insulting to my intelligence, as are many things you say. It is your President's responsibility to prove that he is right and he will never do that because it is as absurd as the Obama birther thing. It's just another stupid conspiracy theory thrown out there to distract people from what is important like the fact that 86.000 people are dead and he is responsible for about half of them because of his inaction.
We disagree on political ideology. Therefore our definition of morality is 2 different paths.
If you look at ALL the parameters of more deaths on guns, lets look and compare our population between canada and USA.. UMMMMM,,, there is a problem isn't there.. Next.. Lets look at violent gun crimes, murder, **** between chicago, detroit and baltimore and compare that to Oklahoma city or any other suburb where they do not ban guns... The results will astonish you.. I'm not going to go through the work with the numbers here because you would not believe it anyway.. If you are curious I encourage you to do some work to find out the truth... one more thing to note.. When Hitler came to power the first thing he did was to take your guns,, same with the american indian..
I'll be back shortly.. We do have much to talk about..
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"nine times as high as the rate in Canada"
Fake news, SrCums?
PS. you also fail under Godwin's Law!!
Haha! Tricked you, that's FAKE NEWS!!!
You really are the (comic) gift that keeps giving!!
But it's ok Hux,your guys with badges will come when you call with a club and a radio and a note pad.
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Let's have your honest opinion: do you think I'm more likely to be shot and killed, here in the UK, or are YOU more likely to be shot and killed over there with your sacred cow 2nd amendment?
Proud is the wrong word, but I'm happy that the UK does not have to rely on an armed Police Force in order to maintain order.
Then, whilst out in my garden earlier, it struck me. You know how you have, on more than one occasion, talked about Liberals shitting on the floor and then wiping it on the walls?
THAT'S the connection: whenever I read one of your posts I should just imagine it scrawled on an asylum wall in excrement. It would than make at least SOME sense. Have a fab weekend!
AKA treason? Treason is not mentioned in the fourth amendment.
Last I checked The FBI is part of the Justice Department and under the watchful eye of the president.You are spewing conspiracy theories as is your usual modus operandi, but, even if true, Obama could have ordered all the FBI agents to line up in front of the Hoover Bldg and start throwing feces at the public. Your fake news and Hillary reference shows you are still living in the past. One last question, Mr Fake News, if Obama is presumed guilty in any crime, why did the clown living in the White House wait 3 yrs and 4 months to go after him?
This surveillance is based on Christopher Steel's dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton.. Obama approved the surveillance even thou the FBI lied to the judge in the fisa court to obtain a warrens..Therefore this surveillance under the U.S. Constitution is Unconstitutional, therefore illegal.
Next is it's motive.. Why did they do this? Because they didn't want Trump to be president even though he was duly elected... Since they knew this was not legal and they wanted to unseat our president then it is treason to attempt a coup..
he loses popular vote and illegitimate? Uhhh,, last time I checked it was college electoralvotes
The interview is part of an ongoing investigation that the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, has been conducting for the past year. Specifically, Horowitz has been examining the FBI’s efforts to surveil a one-time Trump campaign adviser based in part on information from Steele, an ex-British MI6 agent who had worked with the bureau as a confidential source since 2010.
Horowitz’s team has been intensely focused on gauging Steele’s credibility as a source for the bureau. But Steele was initially reluctant to speak with the American investigators because of the potential impropriety of his involvement in an internal DOJ probe as a foreign national and retired British intelligence agent.
Steele’s allies have also repeatedly noted that the dossier was not the original basis for the FBI’s probe into Trump and Russia.
The extensive, two-day interview took place in London while Trump was in Britain for a state visit, the sources said, and delved into Steele’s extensive work on Russian interference efforts globally, his intelligence-collection methods and his findings about Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who the FBI ultimately surveilled. The FBI’s decision to seek a surveillance warrant against Page — a warrant they applied for and obtained after Page had already left the campaign — is the chief focus of the probe by Horowitz.
As usual you get it wrong
Having weighed some of the available evidence, and applying a bit of Occam's Razor, I find the scenario set out in the article above much more compelling.
SrCums (who does NOT provide links to back up any of his wild theories) throws the "fake news" retort.
I DO need to read, in order to give me some factual evidence on which to base my opinions.
Do I slavishly believe everything I read? Nope.
Do I read articles etc written by people I may feel I am likely to disagree with? Hell, yes. You cannot get a rounded picture otherwise. Treat sources that reinforce your views with the same scepticism as those that contradict your views.
But, no. SrCums cries "fake news", "Deep State" et al and that's that. I realise I am unlikely to change your mind about anything. As you can also counter any evidence with "fake news", when it suits your ends, I will wish you good luck with that way of dealing with the world. Personally, I think you're a fucking fruitcake.
You're beyond parody, SrCums! Did that make sense to you, when you typed it?
I'll cut you some slack: it's the weekend and you're probably off your tits on your drug of choice!
Your page has two pics of Trump, one of a little horse and none of you. You have 15 people that blocked you. You are the pathetic member here.
Where do you think the Russians would spread "fake news" and information to disrupt America in general? Not on CNN or FOX,but behind the scenes sites like this 1,that folks don't go out in public and say, I READ THIS ON SYD.
It is my opionion that a lot of the fakes here and elsewhere are the Russian bots.Hidden in plain sight where no one pubicly admits they go.
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