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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 19:41 other posts 
It would be so funny to see Trump go to jail for all his illegal deals. He's so deep into it that it would be ridiculous if he's not imprisoned, for dirty money business and for killing people. The New Yorker had an interesting article about this guy.

By #202354 20,Dec,20 10:14
Looks like the Trump is mulling the idea of declaring martial law to get his way on the election. We're now officially the newest third world country. He should pay Maduro a visit for pointers on how to cling to power without the courts or the people on his side.

By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 09:37 other posts 
Donald Trump has rarely put his country before himself.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 10:24 other posts 
My response to that is the same as it woulda been 4 years ago.IF America fails,so does he. He had nothing to really gain by running for President,other than to try to save the country.
Instead of appreciting his efforts,the dems gave him a hard time thru out.
By #610414 13,Dec,20 10:46
I hate putting my two cents into this thread. Don’t want to be told I’m too political. Trump thought the US was in the toilet four years ago. His ego wanted to prove he could fix it. It wasn’t and he couldn’t.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 18:56 other posts 
Because few helped him.The dems blocked every move he tried to make with russian hoaxs and stormy daniels.Don't hear from her any more do ye? She was just another tool of the Dem party.
By #610414 13,Dec,20 20:16
Yes, because wanting to boff her was a Democrat thing.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 20:19 other posts 
Just be careful sweetheart while you’re shaking hands with joe Biden his other hand will be in your purse stealing your money I just can’t wait to see gas go back up to 5 dollars a gallon again and pay taxes through the nose again just like it’s was with MR and MR Obama
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 20:29 other posts 
Yea I finally get a decent truck I can travel in some when I get on my full retirement,and gee thanks Democrats,our gas will be 4 to 5 a gallon again just like it was under Obummmer and I won't be able to do shit.Why is it democrats like giving up so much of what they work for? Oh wait,I forgot,most of them don't actually work!Or never did!
By #610414 14,Dec,20 09:29
You make it sound as if the president is responsible for gas prices
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 09:34 other posts 
The president most certainly is responsible for gas prices it’s the amount of taxes they put on it
By #610414 14,Dec,20 11:40
Wrong. Taxes are levied but do the research, prices are controlled by the refineries ( oil companies, Middle East countries)
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 12:42 other posts 
All I know is when George bush jr was in office gas prices were around 2.80 a gallon and when Obama took office it jumped to 5.00 a gallon and when Trump was in office it came back down to around 2.80 again so you tell me
By #610414 14,Dec,20 13:04
Well, know this:

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In Forbes
I have written many times about the limited impact a sitting President can have on gasoline prices. Presidents can pursue policies that over a period of time can influence gasoline prices in one direction or another, but their ability to impact prices quickly is pretty limited.

However, this year President Trump did indeed impact gasoline prices.

Gasoline prices fell sharply because oil prices collapsed. President Trump influenced that by conning Saudi Arabia into increasing production and then letting Iran continue to export oil.

I would also point out that gasoline prices at this time of year are usually low, because seasonal demand is low (and it's cheaper to produce winter gasoline).

I think you should know by now that I don't post unless I run it by Google.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:09 other posts 
I suggest you check out the historical chart again. Under Bush gas did hit 2.80 around 2007 on its way UP, from 2000 to 2008 the price roughly doubled. In the beginning of Obama's tenure he inherited a bunch of problems that caused gasoline to continue upward, to a high of around 3.70 in 2012 before dropping so much that in Obama's final year it went DOWN to 2.14. Under Trump it did eventually come back UP to 2.80 by around 2018.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:33 other posts 
3.70 I remember it’s much higher than that a 5 gallon can of gas for the tractor was 20 dollars I don’t use google much only for what I really need to know I rely on my memory life experience it seems like the whole world relies on google and that don’t make us smart it makes us dependent on something that could crash some day
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:54 other posts 
Google is a search engine, a tool. I provided the above information after confirming several sources of historical gasoline price data. Maybe where you lived you paid not $5 or $3.70 but closer to $4 (20 dollars divided by 5 gallons).

I'll take Math and reputable databases of information over your memory life experience any day.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 07:02 other posts 
I stand corrected it was diesel fuel that was 5 dollars a gallon my mistake
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

I still liked it better back in the 1970s when a man or woman was smart because of what they learned or what they lived now days any dummy can be smart it’s only a couple clicks away oh well at least the average person can feel smart due to google
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 12:40 other posts 
I guess I understand what you are getting at with the Google thing, and actually I do think that can be a problem if people hop on the internet and take either the first thing they find, or just the info on their favorite website, and consider it gospel.

To be confident one has good information it is best to spend more than a few clicks to read a few sources, similar to looking at a few different books in the library back in the 70s, but now digitally.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 10:00 other posts 
I know damn well I paid over 4 bucks a gallon for gas more than 1 time. Charts are only as good as the data put into them.
I also know gas became affordable once Trump took office.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 12:51 other posts 
That's possible it was over 4 depending on your state, area, and the gas station. Well I am aware that charts are only as good as data put into them, however I keep checking different charts of historical pricing and finding pretty similar numbers. They all show gas price dropping into 2015 then 2016 hitting a low, which was before Trump took office January 2017. If you find any chart, news article, or old gas receipts that show differently I would be interested.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 10:06 other posts 
He is responsiable for the over all mindset of the country. His ideas of banning fracking and such will put the US dependant on overseas oil again and then we will be under the thumbs of the middle east. Not fixing a problem of needing oil,just moving the problem so it can cause more havoc.
His reversal of Trumps tax reform and deregulation will further cripple the industrys as far building refinerys.Again,all affecting gas prices. He can affect most everything we do within a short time.
His policys and ideas are already causeing lay offs and closures of companys in my area,they see the writting on the wall of lost military contracts and are closing their doors. Liberals just don't see past their noses.If a liberal has their gravy and biscut,they don't give a damn about anyone else having theirs.
By #610414 14,Dec,20 11:41
Framing companies are going bankrupt because of the oil glut
--------------------------------------- added after 100 seconds

What’s more, he’s not the president yet. He can’t change law. You got ahead of the game there
--------------------------------------- added after 85 minutes

If there are layoffr, blame your darling conservative cadre
By #623135 14,Dec,20 12:44
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 19:21 other posts 
No I did not.The 1 company I speak of gave 6 employees a early retirement package back in august.
They clearly stated then,depending on the turn out of the election,as to rather they would try to stay open.Most of their work is aerospace and military,2 things Biden has not got the foggyest idea about their importance.So due to todays result,the doors on a company that has been around for nearly 100 years is shuttered.These were 20 dollar a hour jobs that high school grads that were willing to work could get without college educations.Thanks democrats.
By #610414 15,Dec,20 06:10
So that's Biden's fault? Fake news
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 11:56 other posts 
No. it's reality,they struggled thru Obama,and they know it will be similar if not worse under biden.
By #610414 14,Dec,20 11:46
Explain Trumps six bankruptcies. If they didn’t make profit for him while others suffered why did he do it?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 19:24 other posts 
People use bankruptcy all the time.A neighbor had a masonary company he started over 20 years ago.Hard times hit back in 07-08, he filed bankruptcy, started a new LLC and bought all the equipment from the old company pennys on the dollar and started over again.Started a farm,lost his ass, again,filed bankruptcy,bought the equipment that was not repo'ed and started a smaller farming operation and runs it today.
It is bussiness.Not a good way to do bussiness but it is common .Singleing out Trump,for something 1000's of people do everyday is just childish.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:23 other posts 
The more i think about this statement over the course of time,you make it sound like President is a useless Job.
By #592419 19,Dec,20 17:51
This is all about POWER... The fake news gives this bullshit to everyone but only 30% of the stupid ones falls to it.. They fuck their asses till they are raw and dry.. Then they die..Total wastes of life.. NOT ONE THING THEY SAY IS TRUE.. Yet their stupidity never ceases to frustrate me.

For once stand up and believe in yourself, not what others tell you.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 09:17 other posts 
It is true we should be skeptical of all information coming at is all tainted.. whether with one of the most benign agendas or the most lucrative of profit motives.

We should all rely on ourselves to critically evaluate every new story, whether it came from the supposed nemesis or one's one echo chamber. The lamest display of political discourse is a split room with everyone scrambling to copy and paste talking points from their favorite outlet. To adopt the entire thesis of an external entity is to concede one's voice.
By #202354 13,Dec,20 19:04
His presidency was little more than a scheme to energize the Trump brand. It seems to have helped, given the latest grift on his die hard followers.
He's managed to get them to open up their checkbooks for his supposed "cause", but in reality it's not clear at all what all that cash is going to be used for.
By #629627 13,Dec,20 19:37
Paying off his debts. Hush money for Ghislaine Maxwell. Fatty snacks. Spray tan. Hookers. Alimony.

Keep sending the money in suckers. You can rely on the honest trump to look after it for you. Any donations not spent on valid legal cases will be returned.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 20:11 other posts 
Hey little girl you should pay more attention to cleaning up your gift bar it’s looking mighty shitty
By #629627 14,Dec,20 18:51
like I give a fuck. my what?
By #592419 14,Dec,20 20:12
You're fake photoshopped dick site moron
By #629627 15,Dec,20 18:23
You fake photoshopped duck site moron.
This site is show your dick. not "show you're a dick"

Have you got a dick? Is it so pathetic you are too embarrassed to show it so you post a pic of a duck instead.
By #592419 19,Dec,20 18:02
Dear fool... I have 3 on my site that's genuine. Always did. But you have nothing else to do in your boring life other than make fake cocks on photoshop and even have the notion people actually fall for this boring stupid crap..
By #629627 17,Dec,20 18:56
no photoshopping.
You havent posted a pic of your dick, Dick.
I assume you are too embarrassed so you put on a pic of some animals instead.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 06:47 other posts 
What’s the matter little girl does your pussy hurt today well get mommy to rub it for you and it will feel better
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 20:32 other posts 
I have not sent him any money,he has his own.

Putting my money towards Trump would be a better investment than Biden for sure.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 05:23 other posts 
Speaking of investment that’s the first thing Biden is going after heavy taxes just wait till the people have a loved one die the inheritance tax will be damn near half and gasoline heavy taxing the old fool can’t fix this problem with out taking money out of our pockets
By #629627 14,Dec,20 18:50
He has debt.
Putting your money to either would be like throwing it in the bin.
Biden just wont care.
Trump actively hates you. Not just you, eveyone like you ... and me.
I've got a decent living. My company employs 16 and I sub out to 60 people, got 3 European supercars and a getaway forest lodge. Trump will still think I'm a dead beat sucker loser because I dont rip people off constantly and I hevent got a load of someone else's money. And I pay tax, so the money goes round. If he had any he would put it in a pile so no-one else could have it.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 19:26 other posts 
If you have European cars,it is easy to understand why you are a bit "off". Lucas electrical systems would drive a monk to jump off a cliff.
By #610414 14,Dec,20 09:30
Make Trump richer and calling them fools
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 13:13 other posts 
You, a Canadian, have NEVER said anything positive about the man. Personally, I think your posts about our President have always been biased and unfair.
By #629627 15,Dec,20 18:34
How is it possible to be unfair about a self confessed sex molester who boasts about assualting women, who fraternises with convicted sex offenders, who is sexist, racist, totally corrupt, a fat arsed bully who hides behind his job title, disrespects servicemen, an ignorant idiot who doesnt have the brain power to understand the world around him, no sense of decency, dignity or integrity, petty and spiteful (just look at him sacking people he himself hired when they dont do the corrupt stupid things he wants them to), a total hypocrit who pretends to be religioous when he has spent the last 300 sundays on the golf course and none in a church. UNFAIR (in capitals)
He is doing a good job of grifting money out of his supporters though. Add loyalty to his attributes.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 19:15 other posts 
All the Kennedy's were womanizers, hmmmmm.....Hillary and Bill Clinton were known to have fraternized with the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein and Joe Biden seems to have a bad case of wandering hands/fingers, but his penchant for young children.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 19:34 other posts 
NO say it’s not true old creepy joe has to use his fingers he’s that old his dick won’t get hard anymore

By curvy8 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 05:07 other posts 
Worst. Loser. Ever.

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