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New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Anthropological study 2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 3.No Collusion. 4.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 5.NOT TRUMP............NOT EVER TRUMP Comments: |
Instead of appreciting his efforts,the dems gave him a hard time thru out.
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In Forbes
I have written many times about the limited impact a sitting President can have on gasoline prices. Presidents can pursue policies that over a period of time can influence gasoline prices in one direction or another, but their ability to impact prices quickly is pretty limited.
However, this year President Trump did indeed impact gasoline prices.
Gasoline prices fell sharply because oil prices collapsed. President Trump influenced that by conning Saudi Arabia into increasing production and then letting Iran continue to export oil.
I would also point out that gasoline prices at this time of year are usually low, because seasonal demand is low (and it's cheaper to produce winter gasoline).
I think you should know by now that I don't post unless I run it by Google.
I'll take Math and reputable databases of information over your memory life experience any day.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
I still liked it better back in the 1970s when a man or woman was smart because of what they learned or what they lived now days any dummy can be smart it’s only a couple clicks away oh well at least the average person can feel smart due to google
To be confident one has good information it is best to spend more than a few clicks to read a few sources, similar to looking at a few different books in the library back in the 70s, but now digitally.
I also know gas became affordable once Trump took office.
His reversal of Trumps tax reform and deregulation will further cripple the industrys as far building refinerys.Again,all affecting gas prices. He can affect most everything we do within a short time.
His policys and ideas are already causeing lay offs and closures of companys in my area,they see the writting on the wall of lost military contracts and are closing their doors. Liberals just don't see past their noses.If a liberal has their gravy and biscut,they don't give a damn about anyone else having theirs.
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What’s more, he’s not the president yet. He can’t change law. You got ahead of the game there
--------------------------------------- added after 85 minutes
If there are layoffr, blame your darling conservative cadre
They clearly stated then,depending on the turn out of the election,as to rather they would try to stay open.Most of their work is aerospace and military,2 things Biden has not got the foggyest idea about their importance.So due to todays result,the doors on a company that has been around for nearly 100 years is shuttered.These were 20 dollar a hour jobs that high school grads that were willing to work could get without college educations.Thanks democrats.
It is bussiness.Not a good way to do bussiness but it is common .Singleing out Trump,for something 1000's of people do everyday is just childish.
For once stand up and believe in yourself, not what others tell you.
We should all rely on ourselves to critically evaluate every new story, whether it came from the supposed nemesis or one's one echo chamber. The lamest display of political discourse is a split room with everyone scrambling to copy and paste talking points from their favorite outlet. To adopt the entire thesis of an external entity is to concede one's voice.
He's managed to get them to open up their checkbooks for his supposed "cause", but in reality it's not clear at all what all that cash is going to be used for.
Keep sending the money in suckers. You can rely on the honest trump to look after it for you. Any donations not spent on valid legal cases will be returned.
This site is show your dick. not "show you're a dick"
Have you got a dick? Is it so pathetic you are too embarrassed to show it so you post a pic of a duck instead.
You havent posted a pic of your dick, Dick.
I assume you are too embarrassed so you put on a pic of some animals instead.
Putting my money towards Trump would be a better investment than Biden for sure.
Putting your money to either would be like throwing it in the bin.
Biden just wont care.
Trump actively hates you. Not just you, eveyone like you ... and me.
I've got a decent living. My company employs 16 and I sub out to 60 people, got 3 European supercars and a getaway forest lodge. Trump will still think I'm a dead beat sucker loser because I dont rip people off constantly and I hevent got a load of someone else's money. And I pay tax, so the money goes round. If he had any he would put it in a pile so no-one else could have it.
He is doing a good job of grifting money out of his supporters though. Add loyalty to his attributes.
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