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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 14:01
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.examining Trump Derangement Syndrome..Defined, symptoms.. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME DEFINED 4.Symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome.. 5.Signs you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.. Comments: |
A ssholes
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Vote Dumbocrat.
I just banned CAT cuz of being a nazi.
how wrong you are. That pic with the Nazi Swastika was created by Sir-Skittles. I don’t like ANY type of repressive government or movement, not the Nazi, the Communist, not MAGA, nor any other.
However, being banned by you is a relief as I hate to see your 💩in any thread.
This guy is as ignorant as they come. TS6, there are Encyclopedia Britannica sets still available in the used books stores. Get a set and read some real facts. Didn't you go to school at all?
I can't remember his name but 1 general wanted to go ahead and take over russia while we were close by and it didn't happen. Now look at the shit storm we are living in.
And you think the US should have double-crossed them and conquered them?
On what principles do you even base your ideas?
BUT putin said at the start of his invasion of ukraine was to stop the nazi's.So perhaps it wasn't the best idea to invade russia.
but you are all running towards it with blinders on.
Whatever Putin says is pure propaganda. Whatever he says, hear the opposite.
He uses the term 'Nazi' to kill everyone he wants to kill, you use the term 'terrorist'.
how can you verify every thing putin says is propaganda? or can you? Just because neither of us are happy with what he is doing does not mean everything he says or does is a lie .Just we don't agree.
Hitler was a evil ,brutal man. But some of his ideas changed the world in a positive way to this day, the Autobahn, the Beetle .And alot of the cancer treatment ideas were stolen after the war from research he directed. that was his biggest fear, dieing of cancer.
We never hear of those things credited to him because everyone hates him.
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How old was he when he took a shit on the Vatican floor?
If he was 3, OK, if he was an adult man, as an atheist, I would find that based!
Transparent eh? "I've never meddled in my sons business" "I'm sitting here with my father waiting for your reply. If we don't get our money the shit is coming down" Message to china-- Well this shit did come down.. In the vatican for sure..
Socialists are atheists. The meaning of a country or by definition is not the same comparing us. That's why we disagree. I wasn't surprised when you said this. Therefore, you look at governments and countries logically and not inspirationally. We can't talk about democracy and utopia with each other because you have no common frame of reference. You have nothing to compare it to and that's why it doesn't make any sense to you.
You look at it through logic only, no inspiration, no under God. Just numerically.
If you actually have some evidence, than I'm very much willing to accept it. It's not like the family of politicians never misuse that fact to improve their own status in life. But you randomly quoting lines that you're not even linking to sources, is not evidence.
"Socialists are atheists. The meaning of a country or by definition is not the same comparing us."
Is this supposed to represent something I said? I happen to be a socialist and an atheist, but there is no link between those life views, other than that I base them both on rationality and humanism. True, I try to base almost everything on logic, even compassion, because I think compassion makes the world better. But all of it is inspired by this idea: I want the world to be a better place and I want humanity to survive. Why would I want this? Just 'numerically'? Do you want this? Is that a common frame of reference? If so, is that enough to base a discussion on?
Do you think democracy makes the world better? I do. So does my Socialist Party.
But, why support someone who praises the least democratic leaders in the world, like Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un and Mohammed bin Salman?
I have never heard Trump praise any democratic leader, as much as he praises all of these authoritarian monsters. Do you define democracy differently?
I think utopia is a fantasy; one person's utopia is another person's hell.
The best we can do is respect people's human dignity, provide everyone with the basic necessities for life and self development, respect other people's rights and freedoms, and do our best to work together to achieve those goals.
You might be correct that we are incapable of understanding each other.
That common frame of reference is facts. If we cannot agree on facts and reality itself, it will be hard to agree on opinions about them.
I think a belief in a god is limiting, not inspirational; it reduces all the questions in life and fascination about the complexity of nature and reality, to one simple answer: "God did it!". I prefer searching for the truth, over having the answers.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt. I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."
-- Richard Feynman
Eh, I think when he met the Pope it scared the shit out of him.
thankfully the pope didn't slip and fall in it.
The ending moments of Star Trek, Changling has a better idea, beam him out and CAPPLOOY
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--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours
It has became obvious a certain gentleman has been posting here and I can't see him without logging out. Why hide? skeered ? you musta banned me ,that means I can't read your insults. must not be your photos on your album page, that person has gonads.
Just because we don't agree on anything doesn't mean you have to hide from me. we are miles apart,don't know each other, no real danger of either of us harming the others reputation except on this forum, so why are you hiding?
Putin was complacent until biden stole the election.,,no ukraine, iran, putin, china.. now we are one switch away from nuklear war I hope you are close to one of them
a 73 year old shit for brain trailor park fucktard full of hate. What a waste. Did your mother bring you up or were you born and raised on a pig farm pen of pig shit. I gather it was choice B. You're just waiting for death and a wasted filth of flesh animal better off not breathing not only for yourself but for your victims you even come close with contact. The best thing you can do for the best is to just die. A sad sorry excuse of excrement.
You're fucking disease waiting to be just not existent anymore.
I sorda in a way feel sorry for what I guess you could call moderate democrats. they don't have a president or anyone running that has any business outside a looney bin.
You know nothing about NATO or the UN. The idea is fine but for what its used for is another. Sort of like a money laundering scheme to promote freedom for child sex trafficking. If you want to be a democrat fine its just that its not what it was before 1988 not to say its a different idea. Know the history and compare that to evil. The use the UN and NATO for money laundering schemes to cover up their crimes... There is no other reason its used for other than the UN propaganda is Israel committing genocide..Nato and UN need to be dismantled. Period.
If you open your mind coupled with the idea for a good "Just Country" know the facts. I know what they use that for and its not to donate to the red cross or the greater good.
BUT I do agree, nato is not in America's best interest. Until Trump held their feet to the fire, we were footing most of the cost of defense of europe. Not fair to the American people.
Fix nato or break loose from it and the paris agreement.
Neither help us,only hinder us.
the jourmey consists of hijackers, drug cartels and bandits. They know the people going to americaa are poor and promise mothers they would take care of their children for a given price. Once in their hands they do what they want and sell them to the highest bidder for sex slavery. So suffering in not only on the border but on the journey as well.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
what were his words exactly. Bill O'reilly would have covered this since he is an intependent.
Bill clinton developed nato. Since that time our jobs went overseas so less jobs with higher cost of living. Bill Clinto was a p edophile frequently visiting pizza gate and l olita express of jeffrey epsteins island that needed ways to launder money and coverup his crimes. The other atrocious crime was developing the clinton foundation for money laundering and selling top classified documents to the highest bidder. So jobs leaving our country especially after 911 because of him and bush I went from upper middle class to dirt poor. Comey did say she had unauthorized possession of classified documents but didn't press charges which proves they both committed the highest acts of treason. When her server was suppoenad to appear in court she disregarded the suppoena by deleting 30000 emails. if you don't like trump vote democrat if biden goes off the ballot.
I'm not stupid cody and i don't bullshit. Up to this point everything Trump has said as to every intention of journalizing information has always checked out.
However if you just don't like him then don't like him. Donald trump is the best president for the job since abraham Lincoln. I know you are very oversensitive about things and if you want to vote for a democrat other than joe biden then go right ahead and do so or not to vote at all.
The demofuck_tards use the word democracy but use it in politics NOT by its definition. Don't just talk bad about someone with generalizations then suddenly disappear. If you are going to say bullshit at least show data confirming your conclusion.
You didnt answer my question about what Trump said. What did he say? Did he say anything you didn't like or has the cat got your tongue?..lol
You came in here giving accusations about Donald Trump.. This is the 2nd time I've asked you. Take your personal hatred away for 2 seconds to evaluate. As president he did everything right except choose is cabinet unwisely. So far it is determined though critical reasoning Trump is not guilty of anything. When you get offended and pissed off it is because its a truth you already know but are not emotionally ready to deal with it.
MR and MR Obama
The Clinton’s
And The Biden family
I feel sure he was on steroids and other pills, just to keep him upright .and probably had his ear peice in.
"Breath in, breath out, read the teleprompter, breath in, breath out, read the teleprompter, you are doing good joe ,breath in, breath out"
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