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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 14,Oct,21 17:41
After white students displayed Confederate flag at school, Black students suspended for planning protest | TheHill

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Nothing new.
By #574505 14,Oct,21 18:14
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 07:17 other posts 
So why do blacks get to express themselves and we don’t I will fly whatever flag I choose mine happen to be a snake Pennsylvania timber rattler with the saying don’t tread on me
By #610414 15,Oct,21 07:35
You missed the point, Mountain Man. I think the Confederate flag is a symbol of oppression and traitorous behavior. It is the flag of a defeated and disgraced enemy, but, first amendment, yara yara.
The point is that those white students were protesting and nothing happened to them and when the black students tried to protest the protest, they were punished. Don’t you think that is a double standard and borderline racist?
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 10:05 other posts 
I guess so
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 10:43 other posts 
To a point it could be. BUT we are not being told if the black protest was peaceful or violent or disruptive.

Tolerance should be shown for all or NONE.
The flag my ancestors fought and some died under should be able to fly in their memory without all this bullshit. Let the blacks fly theirs, long as we can fly ours. BUT lately,it has been that double standard you speak of.
By #610414 15,Oct,21 10:59
If you read the article it says that the protest was peaceful. The dean of the college called it disruptive,but, so was the white demonstration.
I see. You want the blacks to fly a flag that says, ‘HEY, MY GRANDPA WAS A SLAVE. I’M SO PROUD.”?
Your ancestors fought and some died fighting under a flag that stood for oppression and traitorous behavior. You want to honor them? Erect a memorial with their name, an explanation why you are honoring them, and fly the Stars and Stripes over it. Flying the Confederate flag in a demonstration shows you don’t care about the citizens that find it offensive. You just think blacks are the only ones that object to that disgraced and defeated flag. There where 100,100 Union soldiers that died in that conflict thanks to the Confederacy and it’s flag. Some of MY ancestors fought on the side of the Union. You want to call me black?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 16:32 other posts 
I don't want to call you as in the democrat- liberal leaning types, anything negative, just practice the same tolerance and acceptance you expect of others.
By #610414 15,Oct,21 18:07
Only if it doesn’t do harm to others

By #610414 15,Oct,21 08:23
Ah, Fox News.

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By #610414 15,Oct,21 06:35

Bella! posted
Some folks make the most frivolous referrals to the Evaluation Panel. A new member, Queenfay got her panties in a knot because talktomr1976 posted tribute pictures of her.

Twowarmtts3, I responded
Did he ask if he could post a tribute pic? Some members don’t like it.

Also, today I referred a member to the panel. I won’t mention who he is. I had no proof of what I was accusing him of. I panicked because he started to PM me and I know how strict Admin is with this type of violation.

Bella response

So it never occured to you to ask him for his age before you panicked and reported him without any proof of him being under the age of 18?

No, never did. My bad


It surprises me that anyone gets in an uproar with regard to tribute pictures. In talktomr1976 tribute pictures, his penis is the "main character" and the person he has tributed is only a small, supporting character.

Another observation and question posed to you. When you snagged pictures from various member's pages to use in a malicious way, did you ask for their permission first?

If you are asking me, I have a collection of over 500 tribute pics from all my accounts past and present. Not only did I get approval, but I asked them if they had a preference on the pic I’d use. Once I had it I always asked if they liked it and would they like me to post it on my pages. I always tell them that they own the pic to do as they want including having the right to have me delete it from my pages. Before I post it they have to ASK me to post it in our private msgs. And last, but not least, they have to vote “HOT” on the pic. Of course, you never believe anything I say so, find anyone I’ve made a tribute for and ask him. BTW. most consider it an honor, a point of pride, to appear on my pages.
One last thing. I very seldom volunteer to make a tribute for my pages. Most ask. And b4 you complain about shit tributes, they happen because some people are deserving of it.

"most consider it an honor, a point of pride, to appear on my pages." Whatever you say but you skipped over my question.

I specifically asked you about pictures that you snagged when you trolled various member's pages. Those pictures must have been on your page as they were often posted in the forum. The pictures were used in a malicious way and as many times as I saw my picture posted in various threads, you did not request my permission first. My guess is when you used a picture from a SYD member's page to insult his "pee-pee" you never asked for his permission, either.

I guess you missed the last sentence. Typical. You see only what you want to see. Tell me, why do you always pick on me. Would you like for Crazy Candy to resurface? You asked me to be civil to you. I have. I haven’t called you a BITCH even though you act like it, so why? All I want to do is comment on threads that interest me. Why don’t you lay off and go drive a bus?

Here's another expression; "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression", so feel free to call yourself whatever you like.

You are and always have been a fraud. And my suggestion to you is you better treat your new group of friends with the respect they deserve.

Dev01 jumped in
What she was actually asking was, What gives you the right to download manipulate and upload another members pics, regardless of deserving or not. I'm sure you had not asked approval.
There is a difference between malicious and tribute pics.
Just saying

Bella .
Yep, there is a difference between tribute pictures and pictures that are manipulated with malicious intent.
Call 'em "shit tributes", whatever. Apparently, she chooses not to answer that part of my question.

Dgraff posted .
I will answer your question Bella no she or lix ask my permission to use my pictures in anyway it was theft and when I ask admin to remove them from the forum thread he told me he couldn’t find them so I took that as an open invitation to do the same thing

Yeah, I knew the answer. It amazed me that she had the cajones to wonder if talktomr1976 had "approval" when she, herself doesn't operate that way. She felt justified in calling me a "bitch" and using my image as a "shit tribute" because I got tired of her foul mouth and her combative attitude and blacklisted her for that reason.

She's a piece of work and if you feel that she's worthy of your friendship, peace be with you. Personally, I feel she needs to apologize to some folks for her nasty attitude and abhorrent behavior but the sad thing is, if she did apologize I wouldn't believe her. Her words are empty and she is not remorseful.

Bella continued
When the going gets tough, some folks just choose to ignore.
Apparently, she feels justified when she's posted her "shit tributes". I just would like a straight response on why she's felt that she can do whatever she wants.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

And it pisses me off that she feels free to verbally insult folks just because. Perhaps that falls into the "some people are deserving of it" category.

Yep, if some folks feel that she deserves another chance, cool! I'm still not convinced that she's fully transitioned into a "nice person" persona.

You Bella!, think you are justified passing approval on me? You dumb ass. You think because you have this little fiefdom you are the new Big Fish in A Small Pond? Hardly. You are a dried up old prune that needs to make other members miserable. And, lady, you just did it to me.

If you think I'm passing approval, you would be sorely wrong.
You are trying to reinvent yourself because your biggest ally is no longer here and gosh darn it, you are that mean girl in the schoolyard that no one wants to play with. You have blown smoke up the asses of some but your new "razzle dazzle" didn't fool me.

I'm sure you're familiar with the expression, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear... you, TWOWARMTTS3, are still a sow.

You fight your battles your way, Dev01, and I’ll fight it my way. What gives you the right to criticize me? You, with your “Holier-than-thou” attitude, go back under that rock you crawl out from under.
I’ve tried to be friendly and non-confrontational, but, you MOTHER FUCKERS, can make a saint loose it’s cool. Lix was right. You are all garbage willing to be nasty just because.

It was just a matter of time.

I bet you are proud of yourself

There's nothing to be "proud" about but I will and do "calls 'em like I sees 'em".

Twowarmtts3 to Dev01
Just saying, just saying….HAHA. Get some balls Aussie, don’t be vague Either say what you mean or shut up

Yes heart surgery lady. You sound like a politician only don't run for shit. Have a nice day

By #610414 10,Oct,21 19:10
A Navy Chief was going to visit family and friends and was flying from Jacksonville to San Diego on Southwest Airlines.
Shortly after take off, the plane had reached its cruising altitude, the Captain announced...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain. Welcome to Flight 293, non-stop from Jacksonville to San Diego. The weather ahead is good, so we should have an uneventful flight. So, sit back, relax, and... OH...MY GOD!!!"
Silence followed.....Complete silence.....
Some moments later, the Captain came back on the intercom...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry if I scared you. While I was talking to you, a flight attendant spilled coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!"
From the back of the plane, the Chief yelled out...
"For @#*#!* sake...you should see the BACK of mine!!!"

By #610414 08,Oct,21 15:10
Most undocumented immigrants didn't enter this country through Tijuana, where news cameras have captured images of thousands of immigrants seeking refuge during recent months.

And they didn't enter near the border town of McAllen, Texas, which the president visited Thursday during the 20th day of a partial government shutdown fought over constructing additional barriers on the Southern border.

When it comes to people in the country without proper documentation, the majority of them didn't cross the Mexican border at all. Most of them came to the United States legally — but then don't leave.

About 700,000 travelers to the United States overstayed their visas in fiscal 2017, the most recent year for which the Department of Homeland Security has published figures. DHS estimated that, as of Sept. 30, 2017, the end of that fiscal year, more than 600,000 of those travelers were still in the U.S.

By #610414 05,Oct,21 11:25
I just got my yearly FLU shot and my Covid booster
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes

New development. My brother called me all upset. He said his balls inflated to the size of a grapefruit. I feel responsible
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 12:24 other posts 
That happened to me one time right after I picked up a 200 lb transmission and set it on the transmission Jack the doctor told me I’m to old to be lifting like that I’m risking a hernia
By sherryann [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 13:26 other posts 
may i ask if that was from getting those shots? or is this a joke?
By #610414 05,Oct,21 14:19
Dgraff, did the doc, you know, handled them gently?

Sherryann, joke baby, just a haha.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 21:36 other posts 
Mine really happened
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 22:10 other posts 
Well,when I was about 13,I had the testicular torsion, I know what it is like to have baseball size balls, and the PAIN and fever that goes along with it.
2 hours later for the surgery, doc said I would have lost them. I guess they would have put me on pills for testosterone and put some plastic easter eggs in my sack?
By #610414 05,Oct,21 22:16
Nothing makes a man get more nervous than when he’s totally nude and his balls are in a woman’s 🙌
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 03:47 other posts 

By #610414 05,Oct,21 09:38
This would be funny if it wasn’t for the stupid death it brings. Mr Graham is a staunch supporter of the GOP and Trumpism.

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Republicans Shout Down Lindsey Graham for Pushing Vaccine
--------------------------------------- added after 118 seconds

This shows a direct correlation between uneducated people and their beliefs. Take your horse medicine. Maybe, it will expand your brai. All fools
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 09:57 other posts 
There can only be one reason for Lindsey Graham supporting vaccination;
the pandemic is hurting his donors and they want people to vaccinate.
By #610414 05,Oct,21 11:24
What ever the reason, I’m happy
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 15:10 other posts 
By the way, 'pushing' is a big word. He asked them to THINK about getting the vaccine. Republicans are now so anti-THINKING that they booed him off the stage.
By #610414 05,Oct,21 15:16

By #610414 05,Oct,21 09:22
Conservatives used to complain about the Supreme Cour due to it’s liberal views. Now it’s us, the liberals, turn to complain about the Supreme Court’s conservative leanings
In the New York Times there is an article that talks about this.

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By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 10:59 other posts 
Hey we survived the liberal views so hunker down and cope.
By #610414 05,Oct,21 14:21
You mean pull down my panties and bend over? Will I get a dinner voucher at Denny’s?

By #610414 05,Oct,21 09:29
Biden Officials End Ban on Abortion Referrals at Federally Funded Clinics

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It’s about time. The last Clown saddled women with yet another block to an abortion. Son of a bitch not only wanted to be in every woman’s panties , he wanted to control their vaginas

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 01:34 other posts 
only registered users can see external links voyeurism
By #610414 01,Oct,21 08:21
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 10:12 other posts 
and 2 hours later a family of 4 sits down at the public picnic table to have lunch. Sheesh.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 14:03 other posts 
I wonder why you're on a sex site. Likewise, why is bella on a sex site. And many others. You have a choice: quit so you don't have to look. Join a site that generates laughs instead, such as only registered users can see external links
By #610414 01,Oct,21 15:37
There’s all types. Take it in stride
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 16:28 other posts 
Leo,it is not the video,or the peeing that is the issue.it is pissing all over a public picnic table that other folks that MAY NOT BE into pissing would want to use.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 20:42 other posts 
Bj [deleted image]
By #610414 27,Sep,21 21:33
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 21:54 other posts 
Even my small cock gets bjs

By #610414 27,Sep,21 09:42
A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. 'Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!'
A smart ass student in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, 'What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?' The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shook her head and sweetly said, 'Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand.'
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 11:30 other posts 
I thought this was
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 17:59 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,21 21:58 other posts 
An American Indian a Puerto Rican and a cowboy having a drink at the bar
The Indian said once we were many now we are few
The Puerto Rican replied once we were few now we are many
The cowboy replied that’s because we haven’t played cowboys and Puerto Rican’s yet
By #610414 23,Sep,21 22:16
You made me remember this joke:

An Iranian man met George W. Bush when he was president. He asked George W.,
‘Mr. President, my son, who is only eight years of age, is deeply disappointed that the Star Trek movie has all kinds of people – Chekov who is a Russian and Sulu who is Chinese and Scotty who is Scottish – but there are no Iranians in the movie. Why have Iranians been left out of Star Trek?’
George W. looked at him and said, ‘Because that happens in future.’
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Sep,21 20:25 other posts 
Ahhhahaha good one

By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Sep,21 18:54 other posts 
Here's me getting my drug: an orgasm

[deleted image]

By #623135 22,Aug,21 13:22
SherryAnn I saw your post in Bella!s thread
thisisme, if anyone is dividing tbis nation, it is the current administration. Have a nice day.
Do you remember the Obama administration? Republicans hated him. Not because of his policies so much but because he was black. So along came Trump with his far right ideas and the way he acted, and, all along Democrats hated him. He won the presidency and before he was even inaugurated, the Democrats wanted to impeach him. Old Joe is not Black or a jerk. He’s been in office exactly 7’months. Are you really going to tell me he’s dividing the country when Obama is still hated for ObamaCare and Trump still insisting he’s the rightful president? Please, I suppose you could blame him for insisting that the world is round.
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Aug,21 14:15 other posts 
Angel, yes, look at the current situation. I think too, like obama, he is good at dividing our country regarding race. Both are extremely anti-white. Please look at pharts post as well, he said it better than i ever could. We can agree to disagree. Everyone i know, every single person, thinks like you do, and i actually did too, long ago. I know how you feel about Trump, you have made it crystal clear, but here's something you may like: at his rally last night he told us to get the shot saying that he did. No matter how much i like him, i don't like him enough to let him change my mind about the shot.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

regarding your post about Mr. Abbott angel, he was vaccinated i see but still caught the virus. So if one is vaccinated or not, if you can still get the virus, why get the shot?
By #623135 22,Aug,21 14:29
Personal choice, I understand that. I try not to push too hard on this. It involves your body and you have a right to do with it what you want. That is why I support a woman’s right to have an abortion.
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Aug,21 14:44 other posts 
years ago i had many abortions and never ever wondered until now what those kids would have been like, how they may have turned out and possibly helped me now at this time more than the kids i did have do(which is nill). Funny (not haha funny), what we think about after so much time has passed.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,21 14:48 other posts 
Heheh, you are missing the point, abortion and the shot are NOT the same.
Sure we folks that choose not to get the shot can borrow the phrase, "our body our choice" from the pro abortion folks.
BUT that is where it ends.
In the case of abortion, there is a SECOND BODY INSIDE of the woman. So it suddenly should be the choice of the unborn, but since they can not talk, someone else has to speak for them. That is why I wish women had to by law, listen to the heartbeat of the baby before the coat hanger goes in and actually see it on the scan.
PERHAPS a slim chance they MIGHT understand,"Gee,I fucked 45 times last week,so that is what happens?"
By #610414 22,Aug,21 19:19
Hehe, I’m not. I knew if I made a statement about abortion some MAN would step up . You call it a second person growing inside me. I call it a cancer growing inside me. And stop insinuating the woman is promiscuous and that’s why she needs to abort. HE DIDN’T USE PROTECTION AND HE WANTED TO FUCK TOO. I say cut his balls but that’s for another discussion. You might find it interesting many if not most abortions are by women that are not promiscuous or in the Sex game. In any event, you don’t see what is inside my body so you don’t get to say what goes inside it. So I can choose not to get the shots and I get to stop the cancer. Your last sentence shows how racist and wrong you are about women. Some female should slap you silly. Boludo
By #610414 26,Sep,21 16:52
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Texas is run by a bunch of fools starting with it’s governor
By #623135 22,Aug,21 14:38
Why get the shots if you can still catch Covid? Let me ask you, Why use your car seat belts if you can still be in an accident. Even die? They both can prevent harm to you. Neither is 100% effective, but, USUALLY, it helps.
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Aug,21 14:48 other posts 
ok yes i know you are trying to help me and i DO appreciate it and understand your seat belt example completely.
By #648364 22,Aug,21 19:38
I have taken both and want the booster. They have been working with Coronavirus since the 60's. Nutters are filling the news with political BS, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. Don't be one of those people on the news saying, "only If."
By #610414 22,Aug,21 20:45

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