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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
Strange background in that photograph.
That thing behind Trump's head, looks like a rope.
Trump didn't say that
How old is that picture?
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--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
Oh so he said what your pictures portrayed. Well, I think most if not all men like younger women. It's just the way it is and always has been. Nothing wrong with that. (I mean of age women, over 21) Of course it's wrong to like **** women.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
Oh that word is minor
of Epstein's victims (and not just his name in flight records).
The real irony here, is that these documents were unsealed on Monday, at the request of Alan Dershowitz, because he is trying to discredit one of the witnesses. Because, he's also facing some pretty serious allegations, which of course he denies.
In doing so, Dershowitz caused the release of testimony of one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims, by the name of Sarah Ransom. She testified that her friend 'Jen' was one
of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump, including at Epstein's New York townhouse.
"She confided in me about her casual 'friendship' with Donald. Mr. Trump's definitely seemed to have a thing for her. And she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her pert nipples.", she testified. She then described in graphic detail how Trump allegedly caused pain to the victim's nipples, and claims she saw the resulting injury firsthand. "I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffrey's New York mansion on regular occasions, as I once met 'Jen' for coffee just before she was going to meet Trump and Epstein together at his mansion.
This report does not necessarily say that this was an under@ge girl. We cannot necessarily make any assumptions based on that. No actual charges have been filed against Donald Trump. No lawsuits have been filed against him. This is just what one of the victims of Epstein said, during her deposition. However, even if the girl/woman was an adult, Trump would likely still be complicit in certain crimes, because Epstein's victims were not 'working' freely.
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Clinton made the Democrats almost as corrupt as the Republicans.
He was better than the Bush's before and after him, but he was still not good.
Democrats didn't know about any of this, when they voted for Bill Clinton.
Trumpists would still vote for him, no matter what he had done.
I don't think their is any level of creepy shit, that you would not just deny.
However, I would support Clinton (either one) over Trump, in the GENERAL,
if those would be the options. In the PRIMARIES, I would vote for anyone else.
I would draw the line, if any of those Clintons actually had been found guilty,
and not served their time, for something even close to the things Trump is associated with and has been found guilty of. Then I wouldn't vote at all.
If Democrats would serve me such a candidate, I would say 'Fuck them!'.
But Clinton is not their candidate, Biden is. There are only rumors and lies about Biden and they pale in comparison to what Trump has already been found guilty of.
Luckily, I don't have that problem in The Netherlands. My candidates are spotless.
The only candidates that are of questionable ethics are on the right.
The list of crimes Wilders' candidates are associated with is several pages.
"I believe Trump kicked him..." Of course, you believe all the nonsense they tell you to believe or even what you made up yourself, and refuse to believe anything that you don't like, no matter how strong the evidence that supports it.
Trumpists keep supporting that conman, r@pist, traitor, IN THE PRIMARIES,
while they still have several candidates left, who are just as crazy, but didn't do
all those crimes. Trump is still far ahead, while he doesn't even try. Really!?
I don't think it works that way.
all Democrats would have voted him away, on February 12, 1999.
There are still people with a brain in politics.
The media just doesn't like them very much.
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Several people have come out to confirm that Trump smells like shit,
because he wears diapers, because he shits himself regularly.
Not because he's old, but because of his speed addiction.
It apparently is a very old story.
Now we know why Trumpists keep accusing Biden of wearing diapers: PROJECTION.
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Trumpists cannot handle the idea that they are following a guy who shits himself, so they feel a psychological urge to accuse the other side of doing what they're doing.
All articles and posts from before Biden was president:
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You just started saying it about Biden, because you cannot think of anything yourself.
The difference is that Biden is fucking old, so that's ageism.
However, Trump has been associated with wearing diapers for decades,
because of his drugs abuse. That's just pathetic.
Of course they were mocking Trump. They have done so for a long time.
Rumors about Trump regularly shitting himself on The Apprentice are from way before you started to call Biden 'shitty britches'.
The Apprentice was 20 years ago. Trump was 58 then. Biden is 81!
I'm in the lucky position that my representatives are of impeccable behavior and are never associated with anything humiliating, but if any of them would ever be associated with something inappropriate or humiliating, I would have the mental acuity to not accuse any representative of my opponents of something that my own representative is associated with. Well, maybe if it's at least 10 times worse.
Speed makes you not want to eat does trump look like he doesn’t eat
Speed also binds you up so how do you think a man doing speed would shit himself if he doesn’t eat and is bound up and believe me when I tell you a man that does speed doesn’t live to be 78 or how ever old trump is
Just more ridiculous claims by a crack head socialist
The side effects of Adderall include chronic diarrhea.
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If you didn't know that uppers are very much associated with diarrhea, that's OK.
But, not everything that you don't know is bullshit.
Trump uses European Sudafed because the European version contains uppers, while that is illegal in the US. He's probably using lots of other uppers, but the Sudafed is proven. Trump is sniffing like a coke user in so many of his rallies. He also starts of many talks like the energizer bunny and within an hour slows down to a snails pace. That's the uppers losing their effect. He's clearly 'crashing' there. Don't tell me that you think that is normal.
Socialists are for legalizing drugs, not because we want to use them ourselves, but because 'legalize, tax and regulate' is the best way to reduce the harmful effects of drugs on society. My only interest in drugs is political, scientific and medical. I've only used cannabis twice in my life and it wasn't interesting enough to repeat those experiences. I also don't drink and don't smoke.
When rich people are addicts, they don't look like that.
It helps when you don't have to care about eating, when you spend $10,000 a month on drugs. It also helps when you get your drugs from the best available source, instead of from the local dealer who cuts your dope with any poison he has laying around.
Half of Hollywood spends time in luxury rehab clinics.
The billionaire class does too, but no one will ever know,
because those rehab clinics are 100% confidential and billionaires
do not have to be accountable, when they don't show up at 'work'.
Actors are still required to show up for planned recording days
and need an 'excuse' when they are in rehab and cannot work.
What you are doing is 'fighting a straw-man'.
Rich addicts don't look like your description.
Ever seen Trump without his face caked in orange concealer?
So, what is he concealing?
What is Donald Trump eating? Strictly JUNKfood.
"Adolf Hitler farted uncontrollably, used cocaine to clear his sinuses, ingested some 28 drugs at a time and received injections of bull testicle extracts to bolster his libido."
Now read what the results of his habits were,
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"Neither the rat poison nor the peasant poop had done Hitler much good…but they hadn’t done him much harm, either"
Trump is getting around just fine for his age,
I think Trumps enemys are just making alot shit up.
the more reading I do about hitlers health in his last days,some of it is comparable to putins,hands shaking and so forth.
And to add some humor,
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I wonder why biden hasn't met with Putin,to try to end the war? Trump wouldn't be afraid to.
Let South Korea 'work it out' with Kim.
The more attention you give him, the crazier he gets.
Funny, how you all accuse Biden of being a demented fool all the time,
but also want him to talk to Putin. Be happy that he leaves it to the diplomats.
I agree that Trump is not afraid to anyone, but he should be, because he's a fool and also in mental decline. Any time Trump is speaking to anyone, he's doing more harm than good. At least Biden understands his limits, Trump doesn't.
If we can't figure it out,or his ideas are false, then so be it,let him blow every last dime trying to make 1 missle that might make it half way. we can blow him off the map later if need be.
First start with lifting the sanctions on Cuba, before you even think about lifting the sanctions on North Korea.
If an American citizens like you are thinking "we can blow him off the map later if need be.", isn't Kim correct in assessing the US as a threat?
There is the taco bowl photo of Trump, in his Trump Tower office in 2016, with several boxes of Sudafed in the drawer in the background. That's European Sudafed,
which contains Pseudoephedrine, an upper. The photo shows several boxes.
They are restricted in the US, so Trump had to go to trouble to have them.
Is that normal? I don't think so, I think it's evidence of something more.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes
Those links were interesting, thanks for sharing even though I don't know what Adderall is I will Google it.
I say it's partly genetic, because my mother has way worse sleep issues. She is dependent on sleep medication. She has tried several times to get off from those and tried everything, but without it she just doesn't sleep at all and with medication, she manages to sleep at maximum a few hours, while spending time in bed way more than the average person.
For a while her sleep medication wasn't available. She almost died and she looked like she had already died. When it was available again, she recovered mostly, but it did additional damage, making her issues worse than before. It's debilitating.
I agree with you that recreational drug use isn't a smart thing to do, but most people do not get addicted from recreational drug use. Most people who get addicted suffer from some form of health or mental health issue. Lots of people go from painkillers to illegal drugs, because they suffered from pain or are suffering from chronic pain and their doctor takes away their pain medication in an irresponsible way.
The opioid crisis was caused by doctors handing out pain medication like candy and now they are causing another crisis by not providing any pain relief to people who need it. As someone who works in the pharma industry, I hear about lots of things that make me very annoyed with the pharma industry. I have not taken the Hippocratic Oath myself, but I see lots of healthcare providers, who have sworn to
'do no harm', do lots of harm to lots of people.
physical work would prompt your whole body to be tired at the end of the day, thus your body wanting and needing rest.
I slept much better when I was able to work a full time job. I came home,did a few things for a couple hours,I was fatiqued, and I would go to bed and sleep. on days when I am not very physical now, i do have trouble going to sleep because my body is simply not tired.
Also, my sleep is quite much dependent on mental challenges. If I'm doing boring work, I sleep the worst. If I have difficult problems to solve or I'm required to learn new skills, then I sleep much better. I think it's more my brain that demands stimulation than my body. It would be healthier for me if my body was crying out for action, but I was not built that way. My body doesn't protest at all if I sit behind a computer all day.
I am glad you pointed out recreational drug use, I never thought of that because here everyone is addicted to something.
My sleeping environment is close to perfect. It's absolutely dark and almost no sound from outside gets in, because I have electric blinds. However, in the summer I sleep with my windows open and that doesn't affect me much. We sleep in separate bedrooms, because we kept each other awake. We both snor and I turn around in my sleep about 20 times a night. Also my girlfriend is hotblooded and heats up the room so much that I cannot sleep.
It just takes a long time for me to fall asleep. Not because I'm worrying, but because I'm not sleepy. I always listen to some talks on YouTube (screen on maximum darkness with a dark screen app) until I doze off. Then I put it away and fall asleep mostly in minutes. Only occasionally I sleep until the alarm goes off. Sometimes I wake up a few times.
I know many people who have used drugs recreationally and never got addicted. None of them ever got into intravenous drugs though, but at least all forms of cannabis, XTC, snorting cocaine, GHB, magic mushrooms and maybe some others. If you don't have a physical or psychological need for it, it's not that hard to just use something in some weekends, sleep out the intoxication and get back fresh to work on Monday.
I just don't like it myself, because I don't like losing control.
When I was younger I was a drinker. Not anymore. I think drink & drugs are most done by young people, but then again, I know 70 something year olds who are drug addicts. How in the world does a person that age not know the ramifications of being a dope addick? Especially one with health problems already. I agree with you completely! I don't want any drug controlling me!
Often, their management or from other departments needs to be involved.
Then every implementation of every tiny detail needs to be documented and supervised by the Quality Assurance department. My job requires knowledge and ingenuity, but mostly lots and lots of patience. Many people would get enormously frustrated, when they try to do something, that they are sure is a great idea, but the whole company throws themselves on top of them like it was rugby or American football. Figuratively of course.
You fall asleep with horror stories? I think that would give me nightmares. I used to play zombie survival PC games, like Dead Island. Often in my dreams I was continuing with the zombie slashing and shooting. I prefer some more relaxed games now. At night, I mostly listen to politics (mostly American because you have just much more channels), science, philosophy, religion vs atheist debates. During the day, I also watch game-streams and lots of 'makers'.
Maybe my translation 'electric blinds' wasn't the best.
They are called 'Motorized Rolling Shutters' here:
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Nice video there, mine are a bit smaller.
I've never even been drunk in my life. My stomach has always warned me before intoxication really started. I never threw up either, I just needed to go home, from the pain.
Once in my life, a friend got me stoned, by grilling his whole cannabis harvest on his mothers stove. He said they needed to dry, but we were laughing our asses off about the smell it made. Later, I realized that it wasn't that funny, but we were just stoned. 'Stoned as a shrimp' we say, in Dutch.
As a group, we also tried space-cake once. It had a horrible taste, but I ate as much as I could. People who ate less than me were having some effects, but I felt absolutely nothing. It was a big disappointment actually, so I never tried it again. Since I don't smoke and never want to do that, I never smoked weed (intentionally).
As far as YouTube, no, I don't want nightmares and just discovered those night winter horror stories along with night driving stories. I only listen cause they are winter related and it's getting worse and real winter will be here by Saturday and for the long haul. I like different YouTube stuff and used to listen to Trump rallies but the noise and clapping in the background gave me a headache so I listen to rain sounds to fall asleep and always listen to religion videos.
Good you never drank or smoked,I did,but ages ago. I wouldn't now. Plus I hear the weed is way more potent now.
Oh yeah thanks for the info on the shades. Cool. They, too, are too complex for me.
and he's up with the birds and tweeting or truthing early in the morning.
Fact check it, and see.
It's not healthy to sleep as short as he does.
Most likely, it's a symptom of his uppers misuse.
There is hardly any doubt that Jerry Nadler shit himself up pretty good on live tv.
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If that man didn't shit himself, he was trying really hard not to.
There is video evidence of people hearing him fart and looking disgusted.
They are just stories, but there are lots of them, from many sources and not just from when he was president. Even more people who met Trump say he stinks horribly.
Heres another 1 on live tv!
Sharing the most liberal of all TV-shows?
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It's $5,000 for a piece of his suit. What a scammer!
Who will pay so much money for something that touched his disgusting body?
At least my preferred leader Lilian Marijnissen is a sexy lady.
I still would not pay $5,000 for a piece of her clothing.
Maybe $50 for one of her nicest panties.
I'm gonna miss her.
Our beloved Lilian took responsibility for the loss of the party.
Actually, no one I know blames her at all, but she thinks the party and its voters
would be better served by someone new, so she stepped back and all the local representatives voted for the new faction leader; Jimmy Dijk.
He's a nice guy and a tough fighter, but I'm not paying a cent for his clothing.
This is how we roll; we appreciate our representatives, we like them as people,
but we don't get attached to them as leaders. They need to be the best available
option to serve the party and its voters, or they will step aside and ask the party
to elect their replacement. Is this how your politicians serve their constituents?
Would YOU think of selling parts of your suit to raise money?
I doubt it. It's because he knows how to make money off people in ways you and I don't think about..
And there is nothing crooked about selling a piece of his suit. Which i wouldn't want a piece, I would want the whole dam suit so I could wear it after a good cleaning and taking up the seems,I am fat but not that fat,and I don't own a suit.
Phart, I bet you're not fat like you think you are. Some people are really truly fat. I think they call them morbidly obese and they look disgusting. I mean the real fat ones are beyond fat they look bad. The women wear skin tight clothes with rolls of fat showing and the men have the huge belly sagging over their pants its just really ugly but they think they look good
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Sometimes I do feel that way though,just as I was washing dishs, i reached in the cabinet for the dish soap and my back snapped and I let out a scream that made the dog bark way down in the backyard outside.
I might, but I would find it humiliating, especially if I was the president.
"It's because he knows how to make money off people in ways you and I don't think about.. "
You word it correctly, 'making money off people' is what he does. It's a loser way to make money, but I condemn the fools who fall for it, more than the conmen who do it.
Just like if people still fall for the Nigerian prince scam, I consider it a stupidity tax.
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I have no expertise at all, but my eyes say they are not worth their money.
However, drugs can enhance the creative abilities, so maybe he made something
very creative that the experts like.
But time will tell who's right. We will see where the value of Trump's crypto currency TrumpCoin, his Digital Trading Cards, NFT's and the pieces of his suit will go to, in a few years. And we will see if the one who bought Hunter's painting for $225,000 can ever get rid of it for any significant sum again. It's probably very much dependent on what happens to old Donny and Hunter. I expect the price to go down, if either of them ends up in prison. I know people will sometimes remember celebrities for decades and keep buying stuff that once belonged to them for lots of money, but I don't think Trump will be one of them. I think, even you will forget him very quickly, after he's dead and some other fascist picks up the gap that he leaves open.
Well if some dumbsumbitch will buy a banana duct taped to a wall, i guess hunter biden has a chance!
Then Hunter's art if definitely worth much more, you must admit.
The new movie 'The Kill Room' would be fun to watch, related to this.
"Jackson's Money Laundering Scheme Turns Into Real Art. The trailer for the upcoming dark crime comedy The Kill Room showcases the reunion of Pulp Fiction stars Uma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson."
You guys were tired of the Russia Russia hyping, but at least several of Trump's staffers went to jail for that. Liberals are at least honest enough to stop talking about something, when the investigation doesn't turn up enough evidence to prosecute your guys on, even though Trump was obviously guilty of several counts of obstruction, which he wouldn't have needed to do, if there really was nothing.
Mar-a-Lago is frequented by Russian mafia and Trump talked with lots of shady Russian characters, that he shouldn't have had any reason for. He was obviously dealing or trying to do dark deals with Russians, but if there's not enough evidence, then honest people shut up about it. Trump is associated with so much corruption, crime and violating the public trust, that our side focuses on the worst and most evident offenses.
You keep going for ever and ever and ever, over much less or nothing at all.
Did anything fuzzy happen? we won't know until 75 years from now, like the wuhan vaccine research,75 years before the facts become public.
WHY? Why can you think such stupid things?
If they did that, they are not telling! Not after 75 years, not ever!
Hell, most of your corporations hardly pay any taxes.
Did he do anything against the law, is the question.
Hunter has probably broken some laws and he is facing the music now.
There is however no evidence to link any of it to Joe Biden.
You don't have to wait 75 years. Hunter and Joe gave up everything that was needed to debunk the Republican claims of fraud and corruption, TODAY!
Why would we need to wait 75 years for 'wuhan vaccine research'?
You think there is some CIA conspiracy going on, that they would put in their records that will be made public in 75 years? What?
How long do you think banks are required to hold their records?
"Banks are required by law to keep most records for at least five years,
although many banks and financial institutions usually keep their members' account statements available for up to seven years."
"For data collected in the context of research with a medicinal product a minimum retention period of 25 years is required."
And you think that some truth will come out after 75 years?
When all records have long been destroyed, you think the truth will come out?
It's not an archeological dig, it's a records investigation.
If you want the truth, pressure your government to investigate it within 5 years, before the first financial records are getting destroyed.
OH my goodness could it be that we were right???????
70% of the art work was sold to democrat donors
There is absolutely no evidence that Joe Biden was profiting of anything.
Meanwhile James Comer, the Republican leading the Hunter Biden probe,
has been implicated in doing exactly the type of shady business
that he had accuses Joe Biden of, but has absolutely no evidence for.
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James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K
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The difference is that James Biden paid back that loan, six weeks later.
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Another difference is that in 2018, Joe Biden was NOT A POLITICIAN,
while James Comer is doing his shady businesses as a politician.
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