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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
Please explain what is CRT about it. Is it the Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning?
That's what children come to school for to learn. Do you want more stupid people?
Do you agree this is CRT? Than America is doomed, you idiots!
Or do you see now that Thinking and Reasoning is NOT ON YOUR SIDE!?
Do you still not see that the whole CRT thing is BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA!?
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours
Is teaching Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning a threat?
If your politicians are threatened by thinking skills, that's destructive to the American public. If education doesn't succeed in teaching the kids any thinking skills, it only creates burger flippers and warehouse workers. Try to run a business with any kind of more complex work and it will suffer from employees that cannot THINK.
All of those children will grow up making minimum wage. Your economy cannot survive on just the spending power of minimum wage workers.
Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning is only a basic type of thinking.
It's just a subdivision of Analytical Thinking. There are 6 other major thinking types:
The 7 Types of Thinking:
One: Critical Thinking
Two: Analytical Thinking
Three: Creative Thinking
Four: Abstract Thinking
Five: Concrete Thinking
Six: Convergent Thinking
Seven: Divergent Thinking
Are all of those CRT?
See this link for some explanations on them.
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while the reviewer found ONLY TWO that he flagged for having CRT in them.
And the flagged statement for one of the two books was "The United States has eradicated neither poverty nor racism." as 'Contains Critical race Theory which is prohibited in 6A1.094124 F.A.C.'.
In other words CRT means 'anything not completely positive about the US'.
But the other books he banned contained ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of the sort.
Republicans are the biggest fucking lying snowflakes in the world.
They have banned a math book that according to the reviewer contained NO CRT!
They are banning books, so the banning of schoolbooks itself becomes evidence
for there being CRT in schoolbooks.
It's all propaganda and you are dumber than Russians believing Putin.
tried to hinder supplies from Mexico, to screw Biden.
Mexico permanently moved the trade route to New Mexico.
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They lowered taxes on the rich and now they need more money from you. Suckers!
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To get in there everyone needed to be vaccinated and boosted.
"If you want to know how that works, ask your FoxNews host,
they're all in here, vaccinated and boosted!"
Not bad for dementia patient. Better than Trump's jokes about the media,
because this one is true! Just saying they're 'fake news' is lame, this SHOWS IT!
It's still a company, who can decide whatever TOS they want. Maybe he starts of unbanning some right-wingers and make you happy, but he has no obligation to the
first amendment. His only responsibility is to his shareholders and his companies.
He can decide to ban misinformation about electric cars, whenever he wants.
If you want freedom of speech only the government has the responsibility to provide it. That's why those large social media platforms should be regulated like public utilities.
Why do you prefer some random rich fuck, to give you freedom of speech?
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I just read yesterday they are forming a department to control miss information. Like that is going to do anygood to protect free speech. Disagree,and get deleted,that is the governments idea of free speech,only what they say can you hear.Kinda like russia? Gee,
But how did you come to distrust the government so much?
Isn't it because they're all a bunch of corrupt, self-serving assholes?
Then why thrust the people who made them corrupt?
Their money comes from the very people you prefer over them.
I don't like misinformation, but I also don't trust anyone to decide what is misinformation. Personally, I would allow anyone to say anything, only limited to actual personal defamation, inciting violence and other illegal conduct. That is what your law already excludes from your first amendment rights. I would just ban the algorithms that constantly confirms peoples biases and suck them in the disinformation rabbit hole.
It's up to the government to provide trustworthy information and not be untrustworthy
in the first place, by being corrupt.
It is ok to say now, "HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP" and "JOE BIDEN KNEW AND DID BUSINESS WITH CHINA WITH HIS SON" rather than getting banned for saying it.
You do know Trump and his children were even continuing business with rivaling countries while Trump was president, right? Trump's hotel rooms were all booked for 10x the price and no one ever stayed in them. And then he did favors for those countries that hurt the interest of the American people.
No politician has ever been as corrupt as Trump and you are blabbering about some emails and China, which all supposedly happened before Biden was president.
Not a real issue if biden was a common crook,but he happens to be taking up valuable space in the white house.
His being owned might alter his ability to do his job.
And all of them are trading stocks with insider knowledge that other people don't have. There are even funds that follow your politicians, because they know they have insider knowledge.
When you defend Trump for literally taking bribes from Saudi Arabia, that he rewards with weapons deals with Saudi Arabia and defending Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, you are a hypocrite when you attack the Bidens doing the minimum that (almost) all politicians do.
All these big social media companies should be regulated as public utilities.
That means I will support your fight against the 'disinformation board' when it (further) BLOCKS discussions on topics that are allowed by free speech laws. If they just add a tag that shows there is disinformation in the discussion and add a link to an information source, I support that.
Under Elon Musk, Twitter still decides their own TOS and screw with free speech.
It's now up to Elon Musk, in what way his company is going to screw with free speech. Or will he just copy/paste the first amendment into their TOS? I think not, but you can say 'I told you so' if it turns out a lot better than it was. Your arguments would then need to show that on Twitter anyone can say what is allowed by law (the current one, not the future Republican Sharia law, that will replace it sooner than later).
Biased and censored are better words.
Big corporations love right-wingers and hate lefties, while they pretend to be woke.
Their woke posturing is only intended to distract the customers, while they bribe
right-wing politicians to keep giving them tax-cuts and low wages and no regulations.
Woke messaging make Liberals think "That's a company that cares about us!" and then choose Disney+ over Amazon Prime. Apparently those companies think conservatives are not as big as a market as liberals or in the end (after burning
their Nikes) don't care who sells them their products.
If the politicians, who those woke companies are paying, are banning abortion or next gay marriage, that's all nice to keep the people divided, so they're distracted and not going to ask for things that cost money.
Sure, it was written in anger, Ben Shapiro's ignorance does that to lefties,
especially when they're also transsexual and get vilified by Ben every day.
But, Twitter says this is hateful conduct. She has been called a 'dumb fucking bitch' thousands of times on Twitter. Is it only allowed to call lefties 'dumb fucking bitches'?
What makes Twitter a leftwing stronghold then?
Twitter doesn't claim to be 'family friendly' in their TOS, so saying 'fuck' and 'fucking' should be allowed.
Or is this a gender thing? Can you not call men 'bitches' anymore?
Is this Tweet calling for violence and is there now a mob of lefty transsexuals
surrounding Ben Shapiro's house?
I'm interested to hear if you think this lefty transsexual went too far or if you think
her first amendment rights were violated by Twitter.
Remember this video ? I doubt it because no one would show it.
It was shown on every channel in the world.
Trump was egging the rioters on the whole day.
The first time he asked them to be peaceful was at 15:13.
That video was released at 16:17. Mike Pence had already been evacuated from the senate around 14:20. He managed to escape his hanging, from the gallows that was waiting outside since 12:53.
So what is that video showing in your opinion?
Isn't it a damage control video, from a traitor, who knew his coup attempt had failed?
Oh sorry, that turned out to be another Trump scam.
We are using something similar at this very moment.
I have no idea how much effort went in to this website,
but I don't imagine billions of dollars were available for it.
And I must say the freedom of speech is pretty good here.
If it worked pretty well and I wasn't helping Trump with it,
I would very well like the challenge of joining Truth Social.
I imagine I would be very popular.
Because it's impossible to give your opinion, without hate speech getting banned?
The progressive left are already getting banned just as hard or harder from social media than right-wingers. Understand that social media is controlled by massive corporations, who pay almost no taxes. They see the progressive left more as the enemy than right-wingers. They just want to appear respectable and therefore don't like hate speech.
They love right-wing politics, because it made them all rich and powerful.
That last part is calling for violence. You would be outraged,
if Democrats would make something like that.
Whenever I see those right-wing videos their type of humor is so simple. It's so lazy making fun of Biden's gaffes. This video is two years old. Was there nothing better to make fun of? Even liberal comedians make better jokes about him. Off course the liberals spare him (not real progressives), because he's all they have going for them, but they find topics other than his inability to talk. And, there are lots of videos making fun of Trump messing up his words and never finishing a sentence, but they found a million other subjects to ridicule him for.
Are left-wing comedians just smarter or is the right-wing just an easier target?
That is not an answer to "Did you see left-wing videos calling for violence?"
Everyone knows he has these issues. Showing them every day is just propaganda.
Lefties show Trump like that too, but only if it's new and looks worse than before.
Besides, many of the videos right-wingers show are cuts. If you see the whole video, there is often a good explanation for him looking around. You only see the video of him looking and then they cut it. I saw the video of him finding the person he was looking for 0.1s after the cut and introducing the person to the group. There are several of those videos like that circling round.
Like showing him 'falling asleep' and not showing him answering the question
0.1s later, with clarity. He was just listening and thinking.
If right-wingers need to do that to keep the propaganda going, it only shows
your bias and their dishonesty. But you like being kept for a fool.
Hell look at the polls...Half his own party is abandoning him...Surely you are smart enough to figure that out...Name one good thing he has done...Bet you have a blank stare like most when I ask the same...
BTW, I have talked to four dems that said they are definitely voting rep in 2022 & 2024...These have been four I have debated with for years...I know you want to always show facts on the internet, but live TV does not lie like the four dems told me...Their words paraphrased...
Hiss polls are horrible, because he isn't doing anything he promised.
People were not voting FOR Biden in 2020, they were voting AGAINST Trump.
They might do that again in 2022 and 2024.
If we see an hour of him talking, we can conclude ourselves that he has problems, but not what those short clips are trying to present.
If we look at an hour of Trump, he is showing at least the same signs of dementia. And it was going on way before Biden. Trump had his sharp moments, but he often fall into a cliff, not being able to finish his thoughts, not finding the words, becoming slow and confused. The left also shows his worst moments, but they can show the whole 'speach' and you get the same impression. I think his base is starting to notice too much now and they don't want to know, because he cannot get even small crowds together, to listen to him anymore. It's too painful to see the person you idolize decline in that way.
Democrats suffer less from that idolizing. They don't put their exalted leader on a pedestal like that. Even Bernie, who is the most loved by the lefties, is not loved because of who he is, but because of his message. He gives it a voice in a consistent way, but he as a person is expendable. The problem is that he is unique, because no other politician is as incorruptible as him. They all bow to the money in the end and disappoint their base.
Trump doesn't have a message and never has, he just blabbers some incoherent lies about immigrants, woke people, China or whatever other enemy you choose to blame your own mess on, to get a stupid crowd cheering. Trump started out with the purpose of enriching himself and
it was his main reason for every decision he made.
and you're in prison for a decade or two.
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