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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
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Trump doesn't listen to them and they don't like losing.
Especially because he never pays them, when they lose.
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So what inaction caused it?
The supply chain issues did not start under Biden.
The whole world has similar problems. Is that all caused by Biden?
"During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. suffered one of the worst supply chain crises in modern history. Severe shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) had to life-and-death consequences and contributed to many unnecessary COVID-19 infections and deaths, especially among health care workers and nursing home residents. Aside from medical products, another supply chain crisis in 2020 led to widespread shortages of toilet paper, hand sanitizers, electronic products, meat, dairy, and eggs, among other goods. These shortages lasted for months and caused major disruptions to millions of U.S. households. Even as recent as January 2021, a lack of coordination at both the federal and state levels led to a COVID-19 vaccine supply chain crisis that left millions desperate for getting a vaccination whereas a large proportion of vaccines were sat in freezers unused. Finally, it is important to point out that the ongoing supply chain crisis has a great deal to do with the changes in consumption patterns dating back to 2020."
Besides that, manufacturers are creating shortages, to drive up the price.
Are you calling for 'socialism' to stop that capitalism induced effect?
That is what Biden should do.
Sinema and Manchin can be pressured, because they are breaking many anti-corruption laws. Biden could have them and their family investigated,... or not,
if they were loyal to his cause.
Sinema and Manchin are also lying to their voters, who in large majorities support Biden's policies. He could buy commercials in their states, showing how their senators are blocking popular policies.
But I think only threats of things like that would be enough to get Sinema and Manchin fall in line.
But instead, Biden gave Manchin's wife a nice cushy job, while Manchin was already fucking up his agenda. What a cuck move.
The 'left wing' media is doing corporate propaganda against Biden's agenda.
How would Trump have reacted to that? Would he say nothing about it?
Biden is not doing any of that, because his agenda is pro-people. His donors are not pro-people, they are pro-filling-their-own-pockets. So either, he never intended to actually implement his pro-people agenda, because he himself is not pro-people
(he just said it for the votes) or he doesn't want to upset his donors.
Biden can also do many popular things, just by executive orders.
If he doesn't do any of that, the Democrats will lose in November.
But he might actually want to lose, to take off the pressure to do anything good. Then after he lost, he can do many horrible bipartisan things, that screw you over,
but gives his and the Republican's donors what they want.
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Like I said, CLOWN
Gee thanks biden. You could have left our energy sector alone and we would be in much better shape.
Launching a Federal Trade Commission investigation of oil companies for collusion has long been the go-to response by politicians eager to shift the blame for higher gasoline prices away from their own misguided energy policies (“Biden’s Gas Price Diversion,” Review & Outlook, Nov. 1.
Most branded retail gas stations aren’t owned by Big Oil; they are owned and operated by independent franchisees, who set prices themselves. Those prices are set partly in response to wholesale prices, which again are not set by Big Oil, but by supply-and-demand conditions faced by independent wholesale “jobbers.”
The run-up in gasoline prices has been caused by the reduction in domestic production and inelastic demand. According to U.S. Energy Information Administration data, domestic crude-oil production increased by almost 50% from about 8.9 million barrels per day in January 2017 to 12.9 million bpd in November 2019. By May 2020, however, production had plummeted to 9.7 million bpd, a 25% decrease. This year, production has averaged around 11 million bpd.
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As usual, your right wing phobia makes you spout theories that are just plain wrong
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I wonder,will he be able to score big and tie with Nixen?
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biden promised the moon and has given nothing.
You must be getting better,I can't help but see you are getting warmed up~!
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Are they going to repair all those crumbling bridges themselves?
BUT if they are going to tear out roads and bridges like buttileg said in a speech to reunite black neighborhoods, that is bad and a waste of money. A neighborhood split apart in 1956 when a interstate hwy was put in, as part of the Eisenhower system, those community's are not going to suddenly grow back together. only registered users can see external links
This bill in total will increase carbon emissions.
There is only $7.5 billion for zero- and low-emission buses and ferries (thousands of electric school buses) and $7.5 billion for a nationwide network of plug-in electric vehicle chargers.
Here's what's in the infrastructure bill:
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Pollution and climate change are killing birds too, because insects (the bottom of the food chain) have been reduced to a fraction.
But what's the shit I'm spouting here?
Do you think that bipartisan infrastructure deal does pay for windmills?
If 19 house Republican voted for that and 6 progressives didn't, that means
it's full of lucrative deals for business and nothing for normal people.
So relax, people still get almost nothing, but only some fixed roads and bridges
to go to their minimum wage jobs, like you love it.
OK, there might be some money to replace some lead water pipes, so people
don't get sick, so they can keep working.
I don't mind. I don't like him either. Biden did almost nothing to get HIS OWN Build Back Better Plan passed, that was supposed to be voted for simultaneously.
That bill contained a lot more provisions for climate change remediation.
If the US people in majority was against all those plans for infrastructure and social benefits, fine by me. But the large majority wants those things. It's just your rich people, your corporations, your corrupt politicians and your corrupt media who
deny your people from having it.
And you're just a victim of daily brain washing.
During Covid, demand for oil was low.
The price of a barrel of oil was NEGATIVE $ 37.63 per barrel, on April 20th, 2020.
Oil producing countries lowered their oil production. Now that demand for oil is back, OPEC decided to not ramp up oil production fully again, so to inflate the price and recover the lost profits.
Do you like being that dependent on OPEC?
Do you know what would help? Electric cars!
Electric cars are at the moment very expensive to buy, but the are much cheaper per mile to run.
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Take note that the are talking about Tesla's. The most basic Tesla model 3 has
241 bhp. You need at least an engine with 122 cubic inches for that, running
at best 30 mpg. And that basic Tesla will kick it's ass.
Even if you charge your electric car with electricity from coal, it's still better than running on petrol. It's true that it does take a while to compensate for the production of the batteries. Running on electricity from wind and solar would be much better, especially if people can charge during the day. It would even be possible to use your car battery at night, to use solar power more efficiently. Those few kWh people use for lighting and watching TV are peanuts for a electric car battery.
It would be great if I could charge my own car with my own solar panels. It would suck if I needed to rent some company's charger and get billed top electricity prices. Together with a sensible price for a new electric car, those are details they need to solve to convince me to go electric. I imagine it takes a bit more to convince you.
I hope that still will happen at some point. They say driving an electric car once convinces most people. I haven't tried it yet.
NO free rides
As for Opec,we aint seen nothing yet. DIPSHIT biden is drawing from our oil reserves that Trump filled up while oil was dirt cheap. Those reserves are meant for HARD times like war.DUH.
Once the reserves are drawn down, Opec will know the US's hands will be tied and the oil price will sky rocket.
We need drills in the ground, oil being pumped.Remind the middle east they need us for food much more than we need them for oil. We can grow food and pump our own oil. They have oil and SAND that won't grow much to eat.
The oil left in the US takes a lot of dirty chemicals to extract. And it will either
be very expensive or they will poison your land and water. Then you also can't
grow much to eat.
You are right, there are NO free rides. Every decisions has consequences.
a woke friend than to a conservative friend.
And that's not because woke people have a higher chance to be non-straight, looking at the population density of conservatives on this site.
Of course there's nothing wrong with looking at cocks (and salivating).
Or is the money just gone?
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