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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
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So what should he do to stop the pandemic? Or should he just allow to let hospitals overburdened even more? What if someone you like needs any medical attention?
The GOP cancelled Saule Omarova, because she was born in the soviet union.
Shame for the US public, because she actually knew something about finance.
If you want the backs to screw you even more, just keep putting in stupid, corrupt,
bank lobbyists, to oversee your national banks, like the GOP always does.
SHE was NOT a goood choice.
You can just see from their track records that Democrats are better then Republicans, when it comes to banking. Both parties take their money, but the Dems do at least something to prevent the banks from screwing the public as hard as they want. Republicans let it all up to their 'good intentions' and it creates financial crashes every time. I'm sure the next one is right around the corner. I don't know if Saule Omarova would have prevented it, but you can be sure a Republican approved candidate won't. But, you will off course blame the Dems, when it happens.
I hope the Dems find an old, white US-born banker, with the right intentions, to be bank-cop, so the Reps cannot block him on just bigotry.
Trump, decemeber 7th
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I don't have high hopes for all the other Democratic-candidates-in-line either.
It's a pathetic line of milk toast corporate sellouts.
At least the Republicans are proud and loud corporate sellouts.
The Democrats can't seem to find strong candidates. Some of them are talking about Terry McAuliffe, who just lost in a safe blue state. They have horrible advisors and horrible instincts. Team Hillary wanted Trump to win the primaries, because they thought she had the best chance of winning from him out of all the candidates.
How stupid are they?
Progressives would like Katie Porter or Ed Markey to run. Maybe Raphael Warnock
or Jon Ossoff. Bernie is too old and Elizabeth Warren has no backbone to trust her instincts over her stupid advisors.
I don't want a clinton in the same hemisphere as the USA, much less back in the white house.
Blow me tecsan when your done with Brandon
Let’s go tecsan let’s go tecsan
--------------------------------------- added after 236 hours
Drink Putin's diarrhea, straight from the asshole
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He simply wants confidence in the election system to return. Do you trust the system right now? I sure as hell don't.
Will I send him 45 bucks? No, Will I vote for him or the man he supports for the job in 2024.Hell yes FAR better than the alternative.
I hope you see that they are NOT bringing back the confidence in the election system.
They are trying to disenfranchise millions of voters and trying to make it easier to overturn election results, when they don't like the results. They are NOT working on making the elections more SECURE and they are blocking every single proposal the Democrats have on that subject.
On top of that, the Republicans can now already win with 8% less total votes than
the Democrats. If you think that is fair, you don't care about democracy.
What are they 'saving the country' from?
Democrats making the country a little bit better for poor people?
Giving employees basic benefits, that are standard for most of Europe?
Is that going to destroy America?
Or are they referring to the Fox News culture-war bullshit?
Would it be sooooooo dangerous when a tranny pisses in the women's toilet?
Are you missing those Dr. Seuss books soooooooo bad?
These are your ideas for SAVING America:
- No fucking immigrants
- Deregulation, so employees die during their work and Americans get poisoned
- Tax-cuts, tax-cuts, tax-cuts, mostly for the holy job-providers
If you got any other ideas, I would love to be surprised
NOT immigrants that fill up the parking lots of every county health department while taxpayers that fund them have to wait in long lines behind people that NEVER FUCKING PAID into the system. AND DON"T INTEND TO.
Deregulation so company's can stay afloat and keep people employed instead of having to close and the jobs be LOST.
Few people die in work places that are the employers fault .IF you would get off your high horse and research it, most work place accidents are folks that are under the influence of those "soft drugs" you love so much to talk about.
OSHA has been there to help with preventing work place accidents for decades.
Tax cuts, you wouldn't need pay raises if people were not paying 36% of their wages in state and federal income tax,39% of the cost of fuel in state and federal fuel tax in my state, others are higher, 2 % of cost of food in tax and so on.
Wow...you make top dollar and are on this website. I make good money and don't even hit 30%
Add that to your 25% .
Then take the "bring home." and go buy gas, take that tax off the bring home pay.
Go buy grocerys, ah,there is a 2% I think,
um,ok you get a property tax bill on your home,land and property such as a car or boat. for the house here, it is 2200$ a year property tax.
And that is in the rural area of the county. IF I lived in the city,oh my there is a city property tax.
I could go on,but you should at least see a blurry picture here.All these taxes go up,long before wages go up,and then when wages go up,people try to improve their lives,say with a better home or better car,and wind up paying MORE in tax than before.
If you think that a person can really get ahead on wages alone without making investments for interest and dividends you are so far from right.It takes alot more to get AHEAD in life than a little pay raise.
Schools make up the bulk of property taxes. I work for a school and the people that get paid the most in many school districts are there strictly for the money. No Child Left Behind federal tax dollars opened school districts up for scheming kick backs. Curriculum companies butter up individuals with trips to Disney, sporting events, and all other kinds of things to select their Curriculum for a few years even though the Curriculum isnt a good fit. Even if the Curriculum produces positive results the districts refuse to buy the Curriculum after the original contract ends.. The company gets paid by grant money and the school board and a few Administrators get their kick backs. Back in the day we used a book for years until it fell apart. Now they get different new books about every 3 years. That's why education is lacking. The sharks are sitting in high places reaping the benefits and the kids are paying the price. Then they keep screaming that the schools need more money. The Teachers and staff are forced to teach Curriculums a certain way and to deviate from Curriculum can get you fired. I know a few teachers that have gotten caught deviating from Curriculum because their class averaged higher test scores than the rest of the district. When you sign with these companies the teachers are required to keep data. When the data doesn't match the teacher gets slammed even if their class is superior to the rest of the district. Teachers really aren't teachers anymore, maybe they are in some districts but not here.
For years I hear, mostly from teachers, that they are not allowed to teach in the most effective way. The teacher’s union is powerful in every county of this country. Why do teachers strike for more pay (and usually win) but they won’t collectively push back against these programs designed to profit companies that have no invested interest in the welfare of the students, just profits? Are the teachers also more interested in their pocket than the children?
I have met many teachers that had worked in many different districts. They all say the same thing, "there is no reason to jump the fence when you can't see green horizon to horizon." People that rock the boat or question anything get harassed to limit within maximum legalities. They get moved and given a larger class size in an undesirable location and heavily scrutinized and rode to mental breakdown or they submit, or just quit. It's all about the money in low income schools. I can tell you true stories that I have seen first hand that would make you vomit. The thing is that I'm more masculine than your average alpha male pack leader. I chew tobacco, from the country, Marine Corps service, dropped my first deer at age 11, so everyone assumes that I'm a strong stereotypical "good ole boy." My school is a polling place. Politicians and big union leaders following around those politicians come in and hang out. My presence for some reason brings out mans need to boast to compete for dominance. The things that have come out of their mouths would ruin your prospective on political parties and the future. It's all sickening.
Is that how you want to save the country?
How about healthcare, leave it as it is now?
How about childcare, leave it so expensive that mom working makes no sense?
Want to keep college and university at the same price?
Anything you want to do to help families or just let them fend for themselves?
When is someone al LEGAL immigrant. NO immigrants have EVER paid into the system, so if that's your eligibility for becoming a LEGAL immigrant, there can never be any. Those people at your border all want to be LEGAL immigrants. When would you let them? Can you read in their mind if they want to better themselves and America? Or do you know from their wallet, their nationality or their skin color?
What regulations still exist that hurt companies then?
The tax rates are for normal employees. Many rich people don't pay income tax, they make their wealth on capital gains. Shouldn't they pay the same tax rate as normal employees do?
When they cut taxes, where do you see opportunities to cut costs to pay for it?
Apparently, demented old geezers is what American voters want.
"The U.S. Department of Labor has reported that drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace causes 65 percent of on-the-job accidents" it's data from 2014, but I can't find any newer.
The risk of accidents in traffic are increased about 3x with cannabis use,
while the risk can increase up to 200x with alcohol.
So can you substantiate that it is the drug abuse and not the alcohol abuse?
And should you criminalize alcohol?
Ananas,I want to see the evidence that you get your impressions from that all the immigrants crossing the border want to be legal and pay their fair share as part of being a citizen.
When I was still doing landscaping work in subdivisions, the immigration folks could pull onto a street, you would hear some noise, the woods was full of workers, and nothing would get done at that jobsite for days. They weren't paying taxes, the employer wasn't either.
nothing legal, but there I was making about 5 bucks a hour,paying tax out of it. damn right I noticed all that.
No mind reading needed,watch their actions.
As I have said before,
The desire for a higher education is supposed to motivate you to make high grades in school so that you are able to get scholarships to go to college. IF your grades are subpar, what the fuck do you need college for in the first place???
The desire to have health coverage,is supposed to be motivation to get a better job than flipping burgers at Hardee's. Get a job that OFFERS medical coverage as a benefit. A large company can get a better price for coverage than you can by yourself.
If a man gets married,his job and wages should be able to support the home and family so the mother does NOT HAVE TO FUCKING WORK> This functioned for centurys and suddenly in the past 20 years women drop 3 babies and rush to work ,letting a non family member watch them get bigger instead of growing up learning from their parents and family.
A great system for raising children has been lost to the liberal theory of the "village" raising the kid.And folks wonder why the murder rate is high,the sucicide rate is high,divorce rate is high and etc.
GEE,look back when the numbers were lower and compare how things went.
enter the US illegally (just like other countries) it’s almost impossible to become legal. If you don’t have a green card (proof you are legal) you can’t get regular work. The work available is menial work where you don’t get a regular paycheck. Taxes are not withheld because your employer can’t legally do so. An employer that hires you like a legal worker can and is fined thousands of dollars. They hire illegals under the table. Why? They can get away paying less than minimum wage. They don’t have to pay overtime or provide health insurance. The illegal employees have no option.--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutesWhat’s more, they face immediate deportation if caught. An employer who wants to lay off one or more illegal worker all he has to do is call immigration. His company doesn’t have to pay unemployment. Any illegal would gladly pay taxes. That would mean they are LEGAL.--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutesAs far as thinking health insurance is only available through a good job, that’s not true
More recently, they have concluded that Obamacare coverage is 10 percent less expensive than employer-based coverage. Comparing average employer-based premiums to the second-lowest cost Silver benchmark Obamacare plans, the Urban Institute scholars found lower Obamacare premiums in 38 states plus Washington, DC. '--------------------------------------- added after 20 minutesYour argument about working women is skewed. Having children is a life goal for most women and becoming a father is a wish of most married men. The new (not really that new) trend for women to go out to work is a direct result of the economy. One paycheck is not enough to have a comfortable life and poor wages don’t help.--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutesYou think this theory of the village raising the kid is a bad liberal idea. You missed the point. It’s a necessity, it’s a second best choice.
The problem is that they can get work at all. If your government really punished employers hard, when they abuse the system by employing illegal immigrants,
you would have less of them, employers wouldn't be able to exploit immigrants
as much and legal citizens wouldn't have to compete with that cheap labor.
No it won't, hiring an army of workplace inspectors will pay for itself.
I'm not saying "don't have immigrants", I'm saying "don't have illegal immigrants that can work". Part of your economy depends on those immigrants. But you don't want to facilitate that in an illegal way. Legalize, tax and regulate is also the solution for this problem.
You make sure employers cannot use illegal immigrants, by giving them massive fines and jail-time for the director, if they do. Then you register and check every person who walks over the border and give them a license to work. Then you make the employers record every worked hour and make them pay some income taxes and regulate their minimum wage, working conditions and living conditions. Then you also regulate the percentage of work from those those LEGAL guest workers per business sector (exceptions possible).
My own country get this wrong too, we have immigrants sitting in camps, doing nothing, costing money, having them wait for years until they are sent back.
I would check their identity and if they are not criminals and then give them a license to work. Let's find the optimal way for them and our country to help each other. When they are finally sent back, have them return with some savings and good jobs training, so they can develop their own country.
If you think you need to check every company every day, no off course not.
But employers weigh the benefits of using illegal immigrants, with the chance of getting caught and the punishment for getting caught. If the benefits outweigh the risks, they will keep doing it. If you turn that around, they will stop doing it.
Just a few restaurants with some illegals washing dishes isn't really hurting anyone. But it's estimated to be 8 million illegal immigrants working in the US:
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8 Million is 5% of your workforce. We have between 0.3% and 0.7% illegal immigrants working in our country.
An estimated 7 million undocumented immigrants are helping to lift up major sectors of the workforce, 5 million of whom are serving alongside their fellow Americans on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic response as farmworkers, construction laborers, custodial staff, home health or personal care aides, and more.
Key findings in the report include:
Undocumented immigrants make up approximately 3.2 percent of the U.S. population, but 4.4 percent of the country’s workforce.
There are more than 7 million undocumented immigrants working in the United States.
In 41 states and Washington, D.C., there are more than 10,000 undocumented workers, and in 16 states that total is greater than 100,000.
I just don’t think they are a huge problem. Especially as the only difference would be a document that says they are legal. The work positions are already filled. In many respects they are essential
In my opnion education is meant for destupefying the masses. It's good that an education makes people more productive to society, but I think education is mostly important for helping people not being taken advantage off. Medical coverage offered by employers does exactly the opposite. It keeps people dependent.
Government can get a better price for coverage than employers can, because they don't need insurance companies who make profits from scamming people. Government has the incentive to keep people healthy, because healthy people make productive citizens, who pay taxes. Health insurance companies have an incentive to deny you the care you need, because your care eats into their profits.
Liberals didn't want women to work because they wanted kids to be raised by the 'village', liberals want women to be independent of men, so they can take care of themselves. Progressive like me think that work and raising kids should be equally divided by the father and the mother, not by childcare givers or grandparents (because childcare is too fucking expensive) or the oldest sibling or "the village". The reality is now that both men and women have to now work full-time to make a good living. That's not caused by liberals, that's caused by employers, who took advantage of the new reality and by right-wingers like you, who think it's a good idea to let employers decide how much or HOW LITTLE they pay their employees.
Minimum wage laws are always a day late. What I don’t understand is why non-management people would not support them
Because people believe the propaganda that a higher minimum wage will hurt
the economy and they will lose the job that barely supports their existence.
It's the same reason for why American workers fear any other worker benefit, that workers in all other developed countries already have. Any time any expansion on social benefits for normal people are proposed, Republicans scream bloody murder about SOCIALISM, but as soon as it gets adopted and people see it doesn't destroy the country, but it help them, they always end up loving it.
Propaganda makes old people on social security and Medicare say:
"Americans don't need payed vacation or family leave" and young people say:
"Americans don't need Medicare with dental, hearing and vision".
Most people turn around whenever they need some social benefit themselves,
but regrettably they often only turn around on their own needs and can't imagine that society would benefit as a whole, when more people's needs are met.
I may be convinced to vote for a Republican who shows good character and good ideas. I may, but, if equals run against equals, I’ll vote Democrat. I would never got e for Trump, his children, or anyone remotely involved in the past with that Clown.
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By the way, what a shouting lunatic is Ted Cruz.
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Again, another page about it. Can you believe people are stupid enough to believe ANYTHING hillary clinton says? She and her cohorts were LITERALLY trying to steal the votes by making Trump look bad.
Well, they got away with it but perhaps,just perhaps,justice will be had
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