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Portland had a chance to get their mess cleaned up back in the summer and they hated Trump so bad they turned it down.
THe rest of the country laughs as Portland burns I guess will be the new normal.
When a policeman shoots a black man,his name is plastered all over the media.BUT so far,I have yet to see or hear the name of the cop that shot a unarmed WHITE woman in the name of protecting a bunch of crooked politicains.
Could it be that since she was white,there was nothing to gain by disclosing his name?
(of any color, including children) being shot by the police?
By the way, the police also shoots many dogs. Dog lives matter!
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There should be MORE police and they should be able to work to protect the people and do it safely.This is not to say they should not be held accountable for stupid shit.BUT they have to be able to deter crime,stop crime and protect lives. Instead of shooting at cops, listen to them,you might live.
They are not protecting lives. When are they there when you need them?
If you call them, someone gets killed. It's not supposed to be like that.
The problem is; they aren't held accountable. To fix that, you need to change policy.
IF I am threatened,and I call the police,apparently in most cases MY LIFE or the life of someone I care about is being threatened and could be killed.
Are you saying the crooks lives matter MORE? I know you aren't but your statement kinda leans that way a bit.
The crook has already decided for him or her self for us that their life does not matter or they would not be threatening the life or lives of others.
When a mother called 911, because her 13 year old son, who has autism, has run away and she specifically asks for an intervention team, they still sent the cops and the boy ends up in hospital with almost a dozen bullets in his body.
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But it would help if they train the police to know; being black is not suspicious:
A sheriff's deputy killed an unarmed black man entering his own home.
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It's not just the killing that is a problem. The police paraded an innocent woman naked through her street, when they arrested her. They were looking for a 23 year old guy with a gun and raided the wrong house. They had no reason to arrest her in the first place, but how dangerous can one woman be? They couldn't risk her putting on some clothes?
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When the police does things like that, they are allowed to obstruct investigation, without repercussions. There should be checks and balances to protect the public. Would you really like to live in a police state? Is that freedom?
So, for a 13 year old autistic boy, a man on a ledge, an angry dog, a neighbor who collects his trash inside and attracts rats, neglected horses, a crazy naked guy, etc., they can send some professionals trained for jobs other than overpowering suspects and using lethal force. That will save lives and might even save money. Most healthcare workers are cheaper than cops.
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will treat all your problems like a nail.”
You send out the cops,they decide what needs to be done.
Counslers would at least need to be armed
You are completely unreasonable, nothing will be done, so that will make the protests justifiable. If this escalates to whatever violence thinkable, don't look for sympathy from me. If you need to suppress that violence with counter violence and many people die, it's all because of your type. History will show how you've treated black people like shit again. Yet another shameful chapter in the history of the evil empire.
Another thing,fix the pay scale so the job pays enough to get and keep good people on the job.
Another thing, get rid of this idea of hiring cops with low to average IQ's and hire those that are smart enough to make quick adaptations to their conditions.if you don't know what I am refering to,look up on google about 1999 case of a man in new jersey turned down for a cop because his IQ was TO HIGH>
Another change that would help is not to the cops,but to the people that are not yet criminals. Teach them respect for law and order,and teach them value of life.
Then over the course of a few years,your police brutality problem would dwindle.
1 more detail,as long as BLM burns down bussiness's and cars and harrassing people,Far as I am concered,to hell with them and whatever it is they are whining about.
Still, you might have a point that they don't like smart people as cops. They might start investigating the most harmful criminals, the people in power.
However there is 'some indication' that poverty and hopelessness are linked
with crime. But I'm sure you don't want to do anything about that, even if the benefits would out-way the costs and it's just the moral thing to do.
I don't know if you are a Christian, but this atheist advises you to listen to Christ more. He was quite adamant about helping the poor.
I can't quote it 100% but I do remember 1 preacher explaining that if people didn't work,they didn't eat.
It's a quote by Paul the Apostle and there are so many more about helping the poor and the rich not going to heaven.
Always the same answers from you; poor people don't work hard enough. There a poor people working three jobs. People with disabilities, who can't work, are not taken care off.
I don't think Jesus would agree about how society is organized now. I think he would be a socialist if he lived in this time or when he comes back.
(of course I don't believe the coming back part, but the socialism is definitely in line with his character)
Did they have a home and a family and lost it in a hurricane?
Did they have a home and family and decide to smoke dope and drink whiskey and abuse the family members until the family fell apart and left them where the doper,drinker belongs,in the gutter?
Are they 3rd generation welfare folks that were never TAUGHT the value of work?
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You all can't even keep up with your own stupidity...
However 10.1% of white people are poor and 20.8% of black people. Native Americans are doing even worse; 25.4%.
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I made the statement "Dog lives matter!" on purpose, to see who would be triggered by it. Interesting to see it was not the same people who were very triggered by the statement "Black lives matter".
would you step in front of a black person and take their bullet because your life is worth less to them than yourself?
Oh, wow. You've managed to turn the victim into the bad guy. What's next? The little old lady who gets her purse stolen is guilty because she was carrying a purse? Perhaps you think the perpetrators of 911 were unlucky those big buildings were in their flight path?
As far as the second part of your question is concerned, yes, I would risk my life trying to save a person from attack. But, no, only an idiot would stand in front of a bullet, willy nilly. The kind of idiot that would ask such a question.
That is why people carry guns,to protect others from attack,so they don't have to put themselves in the path of a bullet,they can operate remotely with a point and clic interface system.
.Raped women are not all asking for it,but provacativeness does tend to draw the scourge out of the wood works.
Some,not all blacks tend to act violent,listen to violent music and so on,and prompt others to feel threatened and to feel like perhaps they don't care about life.It is the BLACKS that tend to devalue their own lives by their own actions.
They could stop the intimidation tactics too, I walk by a group of blacks and they immediately start talking about me and try to act all innocent...I am sure there are cameras around filming the incident...
Know your allies and your foes.
I pointed out how many dogs are killed by the cops, because that happens mostly when they just need to enter someones backyard and there is a dog there. I've seen a video of a cop shooting a dog that was wagging its tail. Your cops are trained to kill, before taking any risk (to themselves) whatsoever.
Why do I point it out with the dogs? Because a policeman should consider all dogs innocent. There are no criminal dogs. Even if the owner is a criminal, is their dog complicit?
Few members were serious or concerned. Most ran the gamut from "It's a terrorist organization" to "they get treated better than whites"
Some, like phart, thought we were talking about Martians and how they would take over the 2024 elections.
Contrary to local belief, I'm not a rabbid radical or civil rights nut. I just see how different people get treated differently and I don't like it. Colored or financially challanged people should get treated like anyone else . So, I bristle at the attitude of many of our members.
A big part of the problem is that the cops are excessively violent and they are almost never held accountable. Fixing that will solve most of the problem for black people as well. For the rest of the problem you need to solve the systemic racism.
The discussion here is whether Black lives matter or ALL LIVES MATTER. My point was; that cops are trained with the attitude that NO LIVES MATTER, but their own.
The US has made it the purpose of the police to serve as a deterrent, to keep people in line and no person or animal should stand in their way, or they will be killed. In my opinion that is not freedom and shows little respect for life.
That's such a profound statement
Good job buddy!
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