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Global Warming... What do you Believe?

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Started by #485312 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:50
Fact or Fiction.... is it really happening???
what do you think contributes to it and what is
being done to stop it?

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By zzick [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 23:05 other posts 
It's been changing for billions years, the planet has had, the scientists say, 4 mass extinctions.
Mother nature does what she wants.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 08:47
Yes, no one denies that. " Global Warming" doesn't describe the problem. It should be "Accelerated Global Warming". THAT is the actual problem. Mother Nature would eventually take us to whatever place she wants to take us, but, humanity, with the rise of industrialization in the last 200 years, has contributed greatly to global warming. Our fear is that Mother Nature just might produce A 5TH MASS EXTINCTION. You can hide behind the rhetoric of the deniers, but, I'm willing to bet that if you do some digging, like some of us have done, will find that the deniers come from a group who fixing this will cost them money.

By TxMeat [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 01:55 other posts 
I don't really see it as matter of belief at this point. The science is there and has proven every metric with consistency and it is happening all over the world.

By phart [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 15:45 other posts 
Grab that ass hole Algore and Maby john carry and his jet plane, and shove their ass's in these volcano's before they kill us all!!
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Like I said below in another post, climate has been changing for millennia and would continue to change if we went extinct in the morning.

I mean npr said it,so it has to be true,can't get any more liberal than them.
"The eruption of Tonga's Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano in January released an unprecedented amount of water directly into the stratosphere that is equivalent to 10% of the normal amount of vapor found in the stratosphere and likely affected the Earth's climate patterns, NASA scientists say, according to NPR."

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,22 08:10 other posts 
We just heard on the news that even our rainy country is preparing for drought again.
I didn't expect that, because although we had some very hot days this year, we have seen some rain every now and then. However, it wasn't near enough, so now the public is asked to reduce their water usage and two provinces expanded an already valid watering ban for farmers. That will certainly affect their harvests.

There was a discussion about our government planning to expropriate farmers. It's true that they do, but it's only for cattle farmers. Cattle requires much more water than crops, but you can't ask a cattle farmer to stop using water, because his cattle would die of thirst. One solution is to help part of the cattle farmers to convert from cattle to crops, so they end up using less water. That also solves the problem of environmental pollution from our manure surplus. Around 80% of our farmland is used to feed cattle. That farmland can be used more effectively, when growing crops to feed people, instead of cattle.
We will end up exporting less milk and meat, but that gap can be filled by other countries, who do not have to worry as much about using every square inch of the country with maximum efficiency, as our crowded tiny country. Less meat, more potato & cauliflower.
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By phart [Ignore] 03,Aug,22 09:30 other posts 
all part of that new green deal sponsored by 1 world government types. Eat vegi's not meat. Yea right.Knock some of the windmills out of gear and quit pumping away your water.
By #610414 03,Aug,22 10:15
And what's wrong with more veggies and less meat?
When windmills are pumping water from the land to the sea, it's because the land of farmers would otherwise be too wet for them. However, that makes droughts more risky. This is a delicate balance that we have the regional water authorities for. Farmers are asking for lower ground water levels and that hurts them when there is not enough rain. Even a country like ours, with lots of rivers and lakes, needs rain. We always had plenty, now we have less and more droughts.

You are hinting at some world government conspiracy. What are their goals then? Because solutions like I presented are just better for everyone. Are they 'conspiring'
to make the world better? Scary! When dark lords conspire to enslave us, they don't
do it by protecting nature, they do it by making education expensive, wages low and
by spreading propaganda about the 'others' coming to take things from you.

They enslave people by making people incapable of critical thinking, by eliminating that from education (like Ron DeSantis is doing) and by feeding people right-wing religious ideas, which are basically brain disease. That makes people obedient, hard workers, because people accept a lot of misery, when they are promised a better afterlife.

By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 16:59 other posts 
You folks worried about climate change, sheesh,we are going to get thrown off this big blue ball if it speeds up to much!
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 12:07 other posts 
Are you really worried or just trolling again?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 14:47 other posts 
Trolling? Naw, just trying to get people to understand that
this earth is temporary, we are temporary.And we need to ENJOY the time we have and quit worrying about a cow fart or some deseil smoke and enjoy the fruits of our hard labor.
Drive , travel,fly, fish,whatever it is,and quit worrying about some smog.Until China and others take it somewhat serious,what the USA is doing to it's self is a waste of time.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,22 07:22 other posts 
Easy for you to say 'ENJOY the time we have'. Being realistic about your health and your healthcare system, you won't probably have to endure the misery that is coming and you already have enough to worry about.

People with children should care about the future, if they care about them.
Their children WILL suffer from climate change. And since you say to care about farmers; they have been suffering already, for years now.

The earth has at least 1.5 billion years left to support life, unless humanity destroys it. The earth spinning 1.59 milliseconds faster for a day is not a problem whatsoever,
for the earth supporting life. Humanity only has a history of at max. 45,500 years
(the first cave painting). We could either persist on this planet for 33,000 times as long or we cause our extinction now and end it in a few generations. We either solve our problems, in the way we survived until now or we become fossils, like all the other dead ends in the chain of evolution. The difference is that we would ruin it for all the other chains of evolution too, which the woolly mammoth and the sabre-tooth tiger didn't do.

By bearcub [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 06:56 other posts 
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Records begin 140 years ago but half of our record breaking hottest days in the UK have been within the last 15 years. We hit 40C for the first time *EVER* this year.

The UK government has begun preparations for the 2023 summer already, putting together plans for dealing with wildfires, substation breakdowns and droughts.

People saying things like "but it's 40C in other india/australia" seem to be forgetting that those countries are getting hotter too!

India has started having "fatal wet bulb events", where people sweat but cannot cool themselves because the air is too hot and humid. The outdoors becomes a time-limited luxury, if you spend too long outside in wet-bulb conditions you will suffer heatstroke and eventually die.

People must flee indoors to climate-controlled buildings and wait for temperatures to subside in these cases. This will lead to large scale sudden migration from hotter more humid areas to colder, less humid areas.

In Australia they see increasing wildfires every year, devastation to people's homes and chronic health issues caused by inhalation of the smoke. The wildfire season in Australia now lasts a month longer in 2022 than it did in the 80s.

The effects of climate change are evident, we have data all over the world showing that temperatures are climbing quickly and that it will negatively effect animals and people.

By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,22 11:36 other posts 
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Sheesh,how much pollution is going into the air from that melting fiberglass?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,22 08:03 other posts 
Like a millionth of all the wildfires happening all around the world.
It looked cool though.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,22 09:39 other posts 
you might consider just WHAT pollutants are being discharged.
Forst fires from lightning were happening long before man knew how to make a spark.
Fiberglass is a man made product, it could be emitting much more dangerous chemicals into the air than a 10,000 acre forest fire.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,22 11:26 other posts 
Burning fiberglass is off course more toxic than burning wood, but there are now whole area's where people have been affected by wildfire smoke.
There is no one who has been affected by burning wind turbines.
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It's true that there always were wildfires. See this global satellite data, which is actually pretty cool: only registered users can see external links

But those big wildfires have now become the standard for every summer.
Just the US: only registered users can see external links
The burned acres have been going up, due to increasing droughts, while the number of fires has been going down, because of huge efforts to prevent wildfires:
Just the US: only registered users can see external links

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By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,22 13:19 other posts 
And you folks are worried about climate change.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Jul,22 07:05 other posts 
Again, you find a tiny risk to humanity and fearmonger about that. "The effects of a 0.1 per cent shift – equivalent to 4.5 million kilometres in Neptune’s semi-major axis – could spread to Earth and Mars in just 20 million years."
The way humanity is abusing nature, thinking humanity and even nature will last for another 20 million years is laughable. In 2017 Stephen Hawking predicted we will have destroyed ourselves in 1000 years. However, that was 5 years ago and he hasn't heard the latest numbers. And if Russia and the US escalate the world into nuclear war, it will all be over within an hour.

Your fearmongering is just an argument to do nothing on climate change.
The risk of climate change is 100%. It is already happening and it will get more devastating every year that society doesn't do enough to reduce carbon emissions.
By #610414 10,Jul,22 07:24
As you walk through water up to your waist wearing a gas mask, remind the rest of us why that is
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,22 12:08 other posts 
Uh,you will be walking in water wearing a mask before I will, matter of fact sadly alot of your neighbors were a few weeks ago.
By biggg [Ignore] 12,Jul,22 15:15 other posts 
well, i guess i won´t still be around in millions of years so don´t feel nervous
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jul,22 15:25 other posts 
Well that brings up a good point. The people pitching a fit about climate change are not going to be here in a 100 years.
Folks 500 years ago didn't worry about the climate changing why should we break our neck and sacrifice our economy and comfort?
The nukes will kill the world long before the climate. Live comfortably and freely and hope you make it long enough to enjoy the bulk of your life.
By biggg [Ignore] 12,Jul,22 17:15 other posts 
Yep, climate may be worse for the next generations but at the same time everyone dumps plastic, chemicals radioactive waste and shit around them and likes to drive the next hugest electric SUV. Oh and have wars to blast depleted uranium shells around everywhere yee hah. Climate isn´t the biggest issue going on. Just my two cents worth
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,22 09:10 other posts 
Humanity is on several different routes to disaster at the same time.
Who said solving just one would save humanity?
We better solve all of them or the remaining route(s) to disaster will become reality.

It all starts with money in politics. As long as we keep letting old rich fucks control everything, they keep destroying the world, for selfish reasons. They don't have much future left anyway and they make sure their children (if they have them) will be fine, living in their bunkers, on their mega-yachts or on their space station, safely away from the rest of civilization, which is suffering and dying in a hot, toxic, radioactive, dystopian hell. So either become rich enough to join them in their shelters or join the fight against them, with the people who understand who are the real enemy.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 22:24 other posts 
While we struggle to keep up with demand, the Chinese understand the need for power NOW .
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,22 08:10 other posts 
Than it might be a while before Beijing sees a blue sky again.
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But that's off course the least of my concerns.
They keep doing their part to guarantee a fucked up future.

The US is still the biggest emitter of CO2 in the world.
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Fortunately the US is growing pretty well in renewable-source electricity generation.
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Unfortunately, your government has nothing to do with it. It's just rich people seeing renewable energy as a good investment, because it's way cheaper and a great investment. If only your politicians were smart enough to see that too, so the taxpayer could ever benefit from it. But, they work for those rich people and not for you.

By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,22 12:50 other posts 
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Americans want energy to be affordable again. They want their lives back.
By #610414 18,Jul,22 17:35
Give me a break. Live with it
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,22 17:53 other posts 
How can any of us at the rate prices are going up? Are you growing a fucking money tree down there?If so I want some seeds.
By #610414 19,Jul,22 07:15
Gas went down$0.50 per gallon in the last 30 days
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 09:41 other posts 
true, and I hoped it would continue , but sadly, just yesterday oil went back up because of a natural gas situation in europe. Gas will inevitably follow.
By #610414 19,Jul,22 11:11
So you say
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 12:14 other posts 
well if you would come down off your high horse and actually watch the charts like I do,you would know what I say is correct.

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this website updates often.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 17:26 other posts 
if you check the chart I posted the link to, gas went up already today 6 cents wholesale, oil has went up to 104 up from 95 a barrel last week. bidens visit did nothing but make him and the US look like street Beggers. when whole sale price goes up,so it will go up at the pump.
Onshore wind and solar are now the cheapest sources of energy.
Before you start talking about electric cars, I'm not. Just convert everything that is using electricity generated from natural gas now, to electricity generated with wind and solar as much as possible. And for everyone who can, transfer your house as much as affordable and feasible from using natural gas to electricity.

That will lower the price of all energy, because all the compatible energy technologies
will be transferred to the cheapest source. If electricity doesn't cost fossil fuels anymore, there is more left for people who cannot afford electric cars, yet. Less natural gas used for making electricity will lower the price. Then more people will convert their cars to natural gas, lowering the demand for gas (petrol). Lower demand will lower gas prices.
I would like that too, because I don't drive electric yet either. (However, when my car was in the garage for maintenance, they borrowed me a Nissan Leaf and I loved it. So, my next car might very well be an electric car.)

Our electric connection will be changed from standard to 3 phase in September, so we can transfer from cooking on gas to cooking electric (induction). The conversion is expensive and not a good financial investment immediately, but eventually we will all need a 3 phase connection. Our government is phasing out the use of natural gas and the problems with Russia makes it urgent. Cooking on induction is cheaper to use, so we decided to switch now rather than later. Then the current natural gas prices will provide the return sooner, for the investment that I will have to do eventually anyway.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 14:11 other posts 
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I honestly had no idea heat affected them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Jul,22 11:53 other posts 
I do, I can see it in the watts they produce.
On a sunny cool day the week before the heat, they got close to their max 2500 W
and the day that was probably the hottest this year, they got to 2325 W, or so.

By milesbferry [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 16:01 other posts 
The Netherlands

Ban fertilizer and pestisides

No farms, No Food

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Have a look at Sri Lanka. Get Woke. Go Broke.

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What does the Dutch Cunt think of that?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 17:17 other posts 
I would hope he would think a little before supporting it.
especially if his belly is full.
No farms? We are the second largest agricultural exporter in the world, behind the US.
But our country is 236.7 times smaller than the US. Is it so hard to imagine that that would create problems?

There are just as many farm animals as people in our country. That produces an incredible amount of shit. You would say: "New Zealand has 5.6 sheep for every person!". Yes, but they have 47 people/mi2 and we have 1,316 people/mi2.
Those farmers are drowning our country in SHIT!

There are not enough places to live and houses are not affordable for most people.
I bought my house 12 years ago for around $270,000. It is worth now around $430,000.
'Good for you', you might say? Maybe, but most people do not make more money than they made 12 years ago, so they cannot afford to live like me. I saw this coming and was smart to buy a house. Young people are too late. If they want to rent a house, they will have to wait 10 years on a list or pay crazy amounts of money for a tiny home.
54% of our country is used by 50,000 farmers. The other 17 million people want
some of their land. Sorry, but they will be compensated fairly.

First understand the problem, then we can discuss the solution.

And is 'Dutch Cunt' necessary? When have I called you names?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 08:14 other posts 
So many thnk you are a Dutch cunt. A miserable rat as well.

Without a strong ag industry, just look at Zimbabwe to see what happens. Taking land for woke experiments. Amazing.

How comes up with this compensation figure? The lazy government lackey?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 12:41 other posts 
'Taking land for woke experiments'? What the hell are you talking about?
Zimbabwe is one of the least woke countries in the world.

The most miserable person on this site is you.
I have never seen you say anything positive or constructive.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 09:31 other posts 
So you want to toss a few bucks at the farmer and put them out of work just so people can buy over priced homes? Why not quit having so damn many babies to feed and house?
The farmer may not want to sell their land,it is theirs.NOT yours to decide what to do with it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 12:38 other posts 
I just said 'compensated fairly'. Do some research about farmers being screwed out of their land for your border wall.

Our birth rate is 1.57 children per woman.
Our Population growth is almost fully caused by immigration.
About half of them are European migrants, which are forced upon us by the European union.

Sorry to tell you, but governments are allowed to take people's land or build a border-wall in it or put a pipeline through it, if they want. You don't give a shit if it's for your causes.

The United States exports $118.3 billion of agricultural products.
The Netherlands exports $79 billion of agricultural products. (#2 in the world)

Per square mile, we export 158 times more than the US.
So, don't talk about feeding babies? You cannot even produce your own baby formula.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 14:01 other posts 
We didn't have a baby formula problem until men started having babies.
As for the border wall, i do not support taking farmland. The wall is being built to far away from the border,should be built right on it so as to not take land.
I do support the wall.but not the theft of land
as for a pileline thru land,the routes are chosen to take as little useful land as possiable.thus going under lakes,under roads,along powerlines and so on.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 15:36 other posts 
"We didn't have a baby formula problem until men started having babies."
That's nonsense off course, 49% are born as fully male and 49% are born as fully female. Only 2%, at the max, is born as something in between. And even if all men have sex change operations to become women, they still cannot bear children.
And women who have sex change operations to become men cannot bear children anymore. So transgenderism is at most declining your birthrate a bit. If you are worried about high birthrates, than you voted for the wrong president.

The natives are worried about LEAKING pipelines, that would poison their whole land. Poisoning your land or getting your land taken away is the same thing, if you live from the land. However, in this case our 'natives' are poisoning the rest of the country with their shit. If your natives did that, you would just throw them in prison
or just wipe them out.

All the farmers and our government knew about the problems for decades and did nothing to fix it. Now the problems are so bad, that we have to resort to drastic measures, like forced buyouts. Still, I totally support any solution to switch them to sustainable cattle breeding or crop farming. The government assigned $ 61 billion
to fix this problem. That's 17% of our yearly state budget. But your media doesn't
tell you that. Creating dumb outrage is the only thing they do.
If you care about farmers, look how climate change is making farming in Texas impossible:

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Drought having big impact on crops and farmers in Waller County
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Increasing drought continues to affect Texas farmers
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How Long Can We (SURVIVE)? ~ 2022 (DROUGHT) ~ Beef Crisis ~ Saving Our Cows
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And it's not just in Texas:

"Drought pulls Europe’s farmers to the front line of a drying world"
"Heatwaves and low rainfall are forcing farmers in rich nations to use methods
usually suggested to those in East Africa."
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"Farmers in India fear irregular monsoon amid summer heat and drought"
"India's monsoon season has been slow to start this year. With intermittent rains and dry spells in some regions, many fear for their crops."
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In Australia it is a different season now, so they are happy they have some rain, AFTER 'YEARS OF DROUGHT'.
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--------------------------------------- added after 64 hours

I just said Australia were happy to have some rain.
They really needed it, but with climate change, when the droughts are gone, the floods come in.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 16:14 other posts 
Today in The Netherlands it was over 35°C (95°F) for the tenth time since the measurements began in 1901. The highest temperature was measured in Maastricht at the end of the afternoon. It was 39.5°C (103.1°F). This makes 19 July 2022 one of the warmest days since the measurements began. For a long time, the heat record in 1944 was 38.6 degrees. In July 2019, that record was broken three days in a row, today it happened for the fourth time.

From those 10 times that it was warmer than 35°C, 8 of them were after new-year 2000,
6 of them were after new-year 2018.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 16:28 other posts 
Try a holiday in Greece or Turkey in the summer. You would never survive! Or would you?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jul,22 17:04 other posts 
No, I would probably die pretty quickly. Heat is not my thing.
Heat resistance probably left the gene-pool of Dutch people thousands of years ago,
because it always has been a cold, rainy country. In my youth it still was.

We now have the climate of the south of France.
And the south of France now has the climate of North Africa.

My point was not that it's now hotter here than anywhere else,
my point was that it is now much hotter than it ever used to be.

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