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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 17:44

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By #502711 30,Jun,21 16:57
Coronavirus: Health experts join global anti-lockdown movement:
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Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order:
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By sherryann [Ignore] 30,Jun,21 18:15 other posts 
Good links. I hate how the pandemic changed the world. They're not gonna stop, the new variant is here.
By #502711 01,Jul,21 22:27
I keep hearing idiots on TV saying how we're half way through. They were saying this when we hadn't even had a vaccine yet. These idiots don't know what they're talking about. I'm in lockdown here, probably not because of the virus, but because of some political move to look good, but under the guise of an outbreak. I'm going crazy, & i'm sure millions of people around the world are literally going crazy. I feel like it. This feels like living one of those shit movies about zombies, only less exciting. It's actually more like a prison movie.
By lildicktoronto [Ignore] 02,Jul,21 21:02 other posts 
lock down.. no easing of restrictions at all..

the only thing to consider.. even after a small pox vaccine was created.. it took 25 years for it to be eradicated...

you're right about politics ('selfishness')
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the first line was meant to be a question. even we're moving out of restrictions.... and our next door neighbour is the US.
By #485312 03,Jul,21 02:34
yeah, 25 years !! and pushing vaccines into people as fast as they can now .. how much testing on the next gen has been done?? I havent heard one thing about women who are pregnant?? or want to get pregnant?? untested.. it will take years to get over the ripple effect, and then there is the fact that there will now always be new variants ??? outsmarting the vaccines and becoming resistant ??? I cant see this ever ending in my life time... *lix*
By #502711 06,Jul,21 17:50
We were pretty lax for most of this virus in NSW, but some miniscule outbreak has caused a state-wide lockdown. But it's all politics, nothing to do with safety. We can't travel interstate, but the celebrities & politicians are allowed to go to the Tokyo olympics & everywhere else. Aussies stuck overseas still trying to get home, but the priority is the celebrities...
By sherryann [Ignore] 03,Jul,21 10:27 other posts 
Yeah Aussieman, the lockdown order causes one to go crazy, plus it is eerie in that state. Tons of small businesses closed, the streets are like ghost towns which breed more violent crimes if you're already in a high crime city. It's so depressing. Plus now they're saying those of us unvaccinated people are gonna get hit hardest from the new variant of the virus. Add all the what they call "unrest" to the mix, it's a total disaster.
By #502711 06,Jul,21 17:54
I'm not worried about the virus, i'm worried about the vaccine, because that's the thing that has been killing my generation during this pandemic, otherwise we would be totally fine. We're sacrificing the youth to save the sick & dying & I can't say that enough, because THAT is madness... I'm honestly about ready to elope from society & start my own society, of anti-totalitarian regimes. I wanna get all William Wallace & fight for FREEDOM!!! They can take our lives, they can inject us with vaccines, but they will never take... OUR FREEDOM!
By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Jul,21 18:14 other posts 
Agreed it is (shot) killing many. Lots of us are worried about the shot hence refuse it. The whole deal all around is bad & will get worse I'm afraid.
By #502711 06,Jul,21 18:41
It also bad when you have people on TV saying "you can mix & match the different vaccines", then the next day "DON'T mix & match the vaccines, it's been causing blood clots!". So you can't even listen to the "experts". I'd rather listen to my brain, which is telling me "everyone else is an idiot & also crazy, run to the hills"
By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Jul,21 19:33 other posts 
yeah i run for the hills is right. All msm (main stream media) are liars! Dont listen. When it comes to our health, listen to your gut, your own good common sense. Ive heard blood clots from the shot as well as some form of neurological damage. Scary stuff!
By #502711 06,Jul,21 20:00
Yeah but you're a "conspiracy theorist nut job" if you question the official narrative.
By sherryann [Ignore] 07,Jul,21 06:48 other posts 
yeah aussieman i am. But remember, they're "woke"
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,21 16:29 other posts 
Sadly alot of IDIOTS have moved to our hills and even they are not safe!
Shelter in place is about the best idea.
By sherryann [Ignore] 08,Jul,21 17:25 other posts 
those idiots bring their views & voting pattern to your hills too.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 13:14 other posts 
Yea, Asheville is essentially ruined. They even have a fucking garden tax! You can't grow your own food without paying tax based on the square footage of your garden spot!
By #502711 10,Jul,21 18:47
Ridiculous hey! We can get fined here for having water tanks to collect the rainwater, because the government wants us to pay for the water.
ANARCHY! Bring down the establishment! ANARCHY!
By #502711 08,Jul,21 18:43
I'll dig into the hills, go underground like the Vietcong

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Jul,21 03:41 other posts 
I've watched your two videos and understood one point: "We're all fucked!"
Yep, pretty much.

I didn't get the 'modernity' part. It just looked like people being idiots, to me.
Maybe being an idiot is modern. It's at least fashionable.
By #502711 02,Jul,21 20:22
Historically people have always been idiots, the modernity thing is how men have lost testosterone & are becoming indistinguishable from women & also paradoxically women are becoming indistinguishable from men. The paradox is that men now look like women while women look like men. People with mental health problems somehow get to convince other mentally ill people to that have power to change or make new laws on gender pronouns etc. The other day on the news I heard how there is discussion about whether or not we need to ask our babies for permission to change their nappies... Is this not the definition of madness? While we're on the topic of madness, let me say that sacrificing the future & the mental health of the youth (the future generations) to prolong the life of those that have past their contributions to humanity, is madness...
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I wanted to say a lot more, but then I would be ranting
By #485312 03,Jul,21 02:44
yeah, the nappy thing was ridiculous to me... why are children still in nappies at an age when you make that kind of conversation with them??? they should be out of nappies by 2. not this 5 year old thing, where their parents are too stupid to make them even use the fucking toilet!!! I guess androids and phones cant tell them to use it either...??? yeah, we're a smart lot, and getting 'smarter' by the millions... *Lix*
"prolong the life of those that have past their contributions to humanity"? How are we doing that?

There are lots of people who never contributed to humanity their whole lives. What to do with them?

I don't think you see men and women turning indistinguishable from each other physically, unless you are referring to a tiny number of transgender people, so you must be referring to behavior or gender roles. I still see big differences there generally, but it's true that in some households the roles of parents are exactly equal or in some cases even reversed from what was the norm historically.
So what exactly is your problem with that?

About 80 years ago women started protesting the fact that their only prospect was being a mother. Some of them wanted to enjoy the development from having a career.
It became normal for both parents to work, about 30 years ago. Two wages gave them prosperity. Then employers didn't raise wages to keep up with inflation, for 30 years. The result is that now both parents have to work, to pay for the cost of living.
Parents have to share and switch roles in parenting, to maximize their careers and living standard. So, if you don't like that, you can thank employers for making it indispensable
for women to the work.

Personally it only bothers me that both partners need to work to even pay the bills.
The other facts of modernity are fine with me, except for some ridiculously woke nonsense you are referring to and which I've never seen in real life.
By #502711 06,Jul,21 18:22
You know, I don't have a problem with women working, the household gender roles don't bother me. I even admire the old Norse people for allowing their women such freedom. But historically, women have always tended to the family, while the man went out to hunt food. Obviously times have changed. I support & respect any woman that makes it in this world. The only problem I have is that parents aren't spending enough time with their kids... When I said "prolong the lives of those who have past their contributions to humanity", I recognize the the things some elderly contribute to humanity, but should we prioritize them over the youth? What I mean is that we have re-arranged the entire structure of society to slightly prolong the lives of people that are almost at the end of their lives anyway & we are sacrificing the mental health, the education & the physical health of the youth to try to keep the elderly & sick alive. In other words, we're constantly producing Ferrari's, but are neglecting them so we can keep the Ford Model-T going. The Model-T is old, rusty & has to be replaced... No one lives forever, accept it... But even if your grandmother does die, you can't attend the funeral anyway, because restrictions. Would you rather be isolated from the world in the last days & have none of your family able to attend the funeral, or die today with all of your loved ones around you & able to attend your funeral?.. Now to answer the thing you said about men & women becoming indistinguishable, in my experience, while a majority are [almost] normal, I have run into a large number of humans that I could not distinguish their gender... Do I have a problem with that? Yes. Why? Let me answer a question with a question. Do you have a problem with living amongst Nazi's, if they're not hurting anyone, but constantly protesting that you don't recognize their Nazism, would you have a problem? Because I feel similar to that. I don't like using this word, but I feel like i'm living in a world full of "Karen's". These people, LBTQUZXIJ community, & anti-White liberals dominate television & successfully brainwash the population to accept this madness... Humans have lost their way, we used to be spiritual & have standards. Now we do whatever we want, while corrupting our soul. We have no standards, other than that we must accept everyone... I have standards, while sometimes i'm not totally innocent of degeneracy, I do to listen to shame. This is what the world has become, the world of shamelessness... Come to Australia, it must be great in the Netherlands, we're filled with degenerates. That is the result of people with no lives that have nothing better to do than to be social fascists while claiming to be liberals.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Jul,21 15:01 other posts 
That makes your opinions a lot clearer. You are referring to the Covid-19 measures as “re-arranged the entire structure of society to slightly prolong the lives of people that are almost at the end of their lives”. It’s true mostly the old and the sick die from Covid-19. We could choose to do nothing, keep the economy going and just take care of the people who get sick. Your argument is that the old and sick had their time and we should focus on the young and healthy.
To begin with, I think that goes against our humanity. All lives have value, not excluding the old and the sick. If it was only the old and the sick who would be in danger of Covid-19 I think a better solution would be to just protect them. However, it’s not just the old and the sick who are in danger and the problem is not just death. Many people get ‘long Covid’ which makes them sick for a long time, maybe the rest of their lives. A study in China found that 76% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were still experiencing symptoms six months after first getting sick. Maybe you know that half of the people who are hospitalized are younger than 50 years old. Only 1.5% of people younger than 29 ends up in the hospital, but 27% of young people still have health issues after 3 months. From all infected people 20% have health issues even longer than a year. Do you understand how many people would be permanently suffering from Covid, if we would actually let the virus loose? It might look preferable in the short term, but in the long term many people could be debilitated. That would cost society a lot of money. Or do you suggest euthanizing them all.
Additionally, any virus has the potential to mutate to a much deadlier form. It's only luck that young people are less affected from it. There is no reason that property couldn't change from a mutation. Any infected person is another possibility for the virus mutating. That's why we should contain the virus to a minimum. The problem is that no western country acted quick enough. All of them allowed the virus to escalate before they acted. If they acted immediately, with much stricter measures, they would have been necessary for a much shorter time. They way governments acted, ensured the minimum effect of the maximum length of repressive measures.

Are you claiming LGBTQIA+ are in any way similar to Nazi’s or are you claiming people who allow LGBTQIA+ people to exist are similar to Nazi’s? Maybe a shock to you but Nazi’s killed a lot of homosexual people. Allowing people to be LGBTQIA+ is the opposite of fascism. ‘Fascism exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.’ Fascism is the exact opposite from Liberalism. Liberals respect or accept behavior or opinions different from their own. No one is forcing anyone to be LGBTQIA+ and no one is excluding or harming anyone for not being LGBTQIA+.

The term ‘Karen’ is mostly used for racist, ignorant white women, who use their privilege to demand they get their way. They are exactly the opposite of the underprivileged minorities you are referring to.

Humanity has been a bunch of blood thirsty savages in all our history. We would plunder, kill, r*a*p*e*, tyrannize and exploit anyone who are of different nationality, religion or skin color or just lived in an area that we wanted for ourselves. If humanity was ever spiritual at all, I would gladly trade that for being rational. Allowing people the freedom to express their individuality is not harming anyone’s soul. Shame is a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. There is nothing wrong or foolish about being LGBTQIA+.
Condemning people who are ‘different’ has been implanted into the brains of young people by religion for hundreds of years. It’s a remnant of our primitive tribalist instincts. It's time humanity finally transcends to a higher state of civilization.
By #502711 08,Jul,21 19:09
I believe in natural selection, so if the weak die, then it's doing humanity a favour. The bubonic plague wiped out a third of Europe over the course of 200 years. I doubt there will ever be an outbreak as bad as the times of the black plague, but we survived. So i'm most definitely not worried about covid. You know a lot of kids are born with health problems anyway, even before covid. But we allow them to live, in suffering... You know many cultures throughout history would "discard" their weak & sick children because they're a burden, not just on the family raising them, but also to society. The problem with today is that we're TOO humane & this has weakened humanity. You say that goes against our humanity, but we all know that the solution is more humane than ignoring problems. Let the sick die. Before you get all antsy, you know that MOST of the worlds population WILL survive this pandemic, even if we didn't lockdown the world. I think sacrificing the faulty humans is a price we should pay, for the mental & societal health of the planet... Now you say "Karen" is used for racist, privileged White women, but I think that's bullshit. I've seen that word get thrown around toward any woman that has an unpopular opinion, racist or not. Everyone talking about womens right & treating women better, but hypocritically teasing any that voice an opinion that isn't left-wing enough... & now your comment on history. People can express themselves, but I can also express myself, which is the public disapproval of degeneracy. The leftists are allowed to express their gayness, or their transgenderness, or the desire for a 50 year old man with kids to suddenly dress up as a little girl. But if you walk around with a Nazi shirt on everyone condemns you. Islam has been proven to be intolerant, but we can't criticize them. Double standards, mate. Freedom of speech & expression exists so long as everyone else agrees with it... Our tribal instincts are a natural state of our mind, not "civilization" whatever that is... I didn't say being gay is foolish btw, I said that kids who aren't gay, are acting gay to fit in...
Parents asking their babies for permission to change their nappies is not some woke thing, that's caused by the ridiculous prudishness in some cultures, that makes every father scared to death for being convicted as a child molester.

In The Netherlands we had the sexual liberation of the seventies take down religious sexual oppression. We didn't need stupid woke stuff, because we already had freedom. However the fundamentalist religious right wing in the US has been exporting their horrible values like McDonald's, and it's infecting our society too. When people start fighting back again, it's getting confused with stupid ideals from elitist liberals, as woke.

I think the elitist liberals do this on purpose, to fuck-up the debate about real problems, like inequality, because they are all rich and don't want solutions for those problems.

It's the elitist liberals who like to put gender pronouns into law, not progressives. Progressives like me, actually care about FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! I just think you're being an insensitive prick, if you don't want to address a transgender person
by their preferred pronoun. It's however your right to be an insensitive prick.
By #502711 06,Jul,21 18:33
You're right, I am an insensitive prick. Maybe these people should harden up & stop crying about what pronouns people are calling them. I don't care that you call me a prick, it doesn't affect me. "sticks & stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" remember? Most people have forgotten that. I think you're trying to say I have a problem with gays, I do not. My problem is that kids these days don't know if they're gay or straight, they go with what's "cool", so now we have generations of fake gay kids that aren't even really gay. Everyone is so confused it's depressing... We need standards, otherwise if we all fall into degeneracy, then we can never reverse our degradation... I'm a pro-transhumanist, what they used to call a eugenicist, because I care about the advancement of humanity. Sometimes logic is better than your "feelings".
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Jul,21 15:49 other posts 
I care about the advancement of humanity too. I just think the freedom of every individual to express and develop themselves is the most important value necessary for that advancement.

Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. I don't know if being LGBTQIA+ is hereditary, but forcing LGBTQIA+ people into standards does not inhibit their ability to procreate. In fact, it probably leads to the opposite.
By #502711 08,Jul,21 19:15
That doesn't even make sense. Are you saying that allowing ABCDEFG+ people to express themselves will encourage them to procreate, with the opposite sex?.. Look as far as i'm concerned the world isn't losing valuable humans if the gays don't procreate. Guess what, there will still be gay people 100 years from now, so don't worry. I'm just gonna say "gay" from now on, rather than spelling out the entire alphabet...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 02:52 other posts 
Wow, you didn't even understand my points.

The first part of my argument was about cultural evolution. Every time humanity conquered dogmatic repressions (gained freedom), society benefited from the individual development of its citizens. You cannot just suppress people's sexual preferences. That takes a repressive government, like a theocracy. Theocracies are not well known for their advancement of humanity. Or do you disagree?

The second part was about biological evolution, your point, which is determined by selective procreation. If behavior is indeed hereditary, then it is in peoples genes. Forcing them to behave against their biological impulses will not prevent those genes to be transmitted to the next generation. If YOU wanted to promote eugenics, forcing people to be straight has definitely the opposite effect of what YOU want to achieve. Allowing people to express their LGBTQIA+ preferences, does tend to inhibit their procreation, especially boys who go through a sex change operation.

Or are you promoting actual eugenics, by forced sterilization and abortion,
which are human rights violations by international law. You would literally be
what you accuse your opponents of; a Nazi.
By #502711 10,Jul,21 18:34
I'm not arguing to enforce sexual behavior, i'm talking about re-education. We've all been brainwashed to accept degeneracy. Everyone is committing sexual sins. It degrades & shames humans. I think that these people you defend live in shame & if you feel ashamed of your sexual preferences then it's probably bad. Look around, the world is now filled with mentally ill people, like Bruce Jenner for instance. You might think he is a hero, I think he's got mental problems. He wants to be a woman, but he was born a man. Modern humans have a mental disease where they want to be anything other than what they are. I don't have a problem with legitimately gay people. It's not even really about sexuality for me, i'm more concerned with the state of mind humans are now in. We're mentally weak, because of all of this luxurious living & chasing of pleasures of the flesh. Living for physical gratification is unhealthy for humanity, THAT is my problem. I'm all for cultural evolution, but people like me think that's it's going in the wrong direction. I agree that a Theocracy should not be in power, I believe in secular states... Now I wouldn't supress sexual impulses, if it were up to me, but remove the influence of "pop-culture" from a childs upbringing. Television, music, internet is all unhealthy to the minds of those that absorb its content, because kids don't have direction & so they fill their minds with mindless & unintelligible media, like Hanna Montana or something. Kids looked up to that girl, then as soon as she turned 18 did the flip & started acting like a whorish tart. Movies are filled with "woke" crap to brainwash the kids with. Kevin Sorbo had a whinge about it on Fox news... Take a look around, open your eyes. I'm seeing grown men walking around in public with animal onesies on. We're neutered. My whole point across this entire argument is about our masculine devolution... We're actually going against nature... Also I don't think forced sterilization or abortions would be too extreme for some people that deserve it.
In the second world war Alan Turing broke the German Enigma code, which helped the Allies to win the war. In March 1952, Turing was charged with “gross indecency”, for being gay. He accepted chemical castration treatment, as an alternative to prison. However that treatment made his life horrible, so he committed suicide in 1954.

What great inventions have been denied to humanity, because of its ignorance.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,21 16:26 other posts 
Without digging to deep into all this, JUST HOW do you ask a baby if you can change it's diaper? And IF the baby was HAPPY in that crappy diaper why in the hell is it crying?
It can't talk. It can't walk, it can only eat,shit,cry and sleep. It is up to the PARENTS to know when it's diaper needs changeing.
Crazy Shit some folks are coming up with.
As for the old people, In a few short years you will be begging those old people to teach you how to live and make do with what little you have left and will asking 80 years to come to work because the woke BRATS of the modern era are to FUCKING LAZY to work.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 03:05 other posts 
Are you even going to try to argue?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 13:10 other posts 
HUH? I ask a simple question hoping to hear some logic.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 13:30 other posts 
OK; you can ask a baby to change it's diaper, but most babies I know are not capable of doing that themselves. They indeed need parents to do that.
I recognize the importance of parents. That is why I advocate that parenting
is a conscious choice, preferably of 2 people who love each other.
However, if a person just wants to be a single parent or ends up as a single parent, than I am in favor of supporting them in that important job.
I also recognize the value of our old(er) people.

Is your question related to LGBTQIA+ people somehow?
By #502711 08,Jul,21 19:16
Who knows, maybe if the Germans had won, then the world might have turned out better than it has now...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 03:08 other posts 
You seem very frustrated with democracy. Shame how people disagree with you.

You could just move to one of the countries which criminalised LGBT people:
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Or just move to Hungary. Viktor Orbán hasn't criminalised LGBT people yet,
but he has them suppressed quite effectively.
By #502711 10,Jul,21 18:44
Maybe I will move to Hungary, I really do have a problem with modern democracy. because in the 21st century democracy no longer exists. When I was a boy, we had the right to real freedom of speech, which meant I could call someone a name & not get arrested. Now it's freedom of speech so long as you don't say anything someone else doesn't like. If I go to the shops without a mask I get a fine, that's not democracy... I've already had enough of Australia, government here is the strictest of the fun police. Can't have guns, can't have fireworks, can't have airsoft. Buy some land, but you can't build anything you want on it, even though you paid for it & the documentation say it's yours, but it's really just temporarily yours until the government decides it wants to build something there... Sure we have some freedoms, but it could be better...

By #502711 08,Jul,21 19:29
“Death and destruction are necessary to the health of the world, and therefore as natural, and lovable, as birth and life. Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance.” - Ragnar Redbeard.

By #502711 26,Jun,21 18:18
Tom Macdonald - People so stupid
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Tom Macdonald - Fake woke
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By #502711 15,Jun,21 04:42
I hate the 21st century.
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By #502711 06,May,21 16:41
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By #502711 05,May,21 06:06
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By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 09:29 other posts 
It is shit like this that prompts the hatred for and the desire to remove guns from the world.Not much of a way to resist a powerful army wanting to drag you away without them.
By #502711 21,Apr,21 03:13
Shit like what, mate?.. Anyway, Australia has abolished most types of guns here, & getting a license is a rigorous process. But there are still shootings here, though we haven't had a mass shooting since the Port Arthur massacre. But I know a person can get their hands on some automatic weaponry if they know the right people. Plus with 3D printing, anyone can build an AR-15 or whatever they want & go on a shooting spree. I've heard of people making fully automatic sub machine guns in jail. Where they get the materials for that is amazing, but humans can be resourceful creatures... Hey, they might ban cars soon, because they're being used to run down crowds of people lately. Humans find a way.
By #6568 21,Apr,21 03:30
You're right that 'it's not weapons that kill people, it's people that kill people'.....

However, you might want to question what you read can't, thankfully, 3D print an AR15 that will successfully operate for more than a couple of shots.....3D printing as most people know it is something done in sheds using poor quality plastic and requires software and other skills to even look neat. 3D in industry is a marginal technique that demands extensive knowledge, equipement and space.

Additionally, it is fortunate that auto weapons require a supply of consistent ammunition to operate and even those capable of making viable firearms can't usually make the ammo in their sheds.....fortunately!

The whole 'plastic gun' scare is larfgely the product of media......but has been the source of fools trying to duplicate. So, not just "anybody" has all the requirements and facilities to make a machine gun and ammo....fortunately!
By #502711 21,Apr,21 04:15
Yes, I realize this. The 3D printing technology is primitive at the moment, but in the future people will perfect being able to build anything. I'm just saying anyone with the resources & the determination could build one, or buy a real one from guys that can "get things". What are we talking about? People wanting to "take yo guns away". Well personally, being an Australian, I would love to be able to buy high powered machine guns, explosives & whatever else. Why? To shoot stuff & blow shit up, that's why. Would I feel unsafe with the fact that everyone else is also able to buy those things? No, because I also would be armed to the teeth... Is it right to be able to have easy access to these things? Probably not, but I'd like it to be, but that's just me... Now some might say that they don't want to live in a place where your kids are growing up around guns, I get that. I don't have kids, so that doesn't bother me...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 14:37 other posts 
The threat of being reeducated,reprogramed.The threat of that is why we like our guns,to help prevent it.
So the liberals, that support this reprogramming, want to take our guns,our liberty's in general to help facilitate this reprograming. It all started with books going the way of the internet. Here on the net that reliable info source you use can be edited any time to make you a idiot for claiming something was there that "Isnt". But it was yesterday.
Paper is hard argue with.

People that are afraid of their kids being around guns,
part of that is they never taught their kids how to handle a gun,or to simply NOT TOUCH THE DAMN THING. As in get spanked if you try. Lack of respect for property in general is part of the issue.
I don't have a large gathering of guns.But of course i own a couple outdated but effective 1's for protection of myself and my property.
BUT I would considered very far right nutcase by some because I feel like the only way America will be safe and truely secure,is if the citizens can be equaly armed as the military. As the military is the tool of the government, and citizens with not enough firepower will be dead or become subjects instead of citizens.
By #502711 22,Apr,21 04:37
We've all been getting "re-programmed" ever since the radio was invented & leaders discovered that they could influence their people with it. TV made that worse, the internet is filled with disinformation, which is why it's a good idea to fact check through multiple sources... I also think that making a big deal of guns is what makes kids want to get a hold of them & shoot them. Tell kids they can play with guns, responsibly, & they won't even care about them anymore. It's like teaching your kid to drive early on, once they get their license by the time they're 20, they won't care about doing burnouts & driving like a dickhead, if that's a similar analogy... Also some shooting deaths are caused by idiots, I remember something like an 8 year old girl shooting an instructor, accidently with an uzi. That's the fault of the instructer, for allowing an 8 year old girl to shoot an uzi, for starters, but also that he didn't even physically guide her. Surely he knew about recoil... I don't know what's right, I only know what I want. & I also want to spark some consciousness into people, that have forgotten the old world. The world before social media. & I also want people to be aware of the decline of our civilization, because we all have it so good, that we are now too bored & have all of this time on our hands to live in a fantasy world & be anything we want. The only catch is that no matter how hard we try to be something or someone else, that we are still who we are...
By #539214 29,Apr,21 21:12
So true
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 04:43 other posts 
By #613564 26,Apr,21 00:23
@AussieMan187, Sorry, mate, that is a load of shit. The 3-D printed ones are not reliable, and anyone making those, then using them, risks losing that hand!! If you wank with that one, then don't take the chance!!
By #502711 26,Apr,21 03:01
I know that, i've seen them shoot off a few rounds though before they break. Who knows when someone will figure out how to 3D print with more durable materials, is what i'm saying.

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