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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 17:44
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Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order:
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the only thing to consider.. even after a small pox vaccine was created.. it took 25 years for it to be eradicated...
you're right about politics ('selfishness')
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the first line was meant to be a question. even we're moving out of restrictions.... and our next door neighbour is the US.
Shelter in place is about the best idea.
ANARCHY! Bring down the establishment! ANARCHY!
Yep, pretty much.
I didn't get the 'modernity' part. It just looked like people being idiots, to me.
Maybe being an idiot is modern. It's at least fashionable.
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I wanted to say a lot more, but then I would be ranting
There are lots of people who never contributed to humanity their whole lives. What to do with them?
I don't think you see men and women turning indistinguishable from each other physically, unless you are referring to a tiny number of transgender people, so you must be referring to behavior or gender roles. I still see big differences there generally, but it's true that in some households the roles of parents are exactly equal or in some cases even reversed from what was the norm historically.
So what exactly is your problem with that?
About 80 years ago women started protesting the fact that their only prospect was being a mother. Some of them wanted to enjoy the development from having a career.
It became normal for both parents to work, about 30 years ago. Two wages gave them prosperity. Then employers didn't raise wages to keep up with inflation, for 30 years. The result is that now both parents have to work, to pay for the cost of living.
Parents have to share and switch roles in parenting, to maximize their careers and living standard. So, if you don't like that, you can thank employers for making it indispensable
for women to the work.
Personally it only bothers me that both partners need to work to even pay the bills.
The other facts of modernity are fine with me, except for some ridiculously woke nonsense you are referring to and which I've never seen in real life.
To begin with, I think that goes against our humanity. All lives have value, not excluding the old and the sick. If it was only the old and the sick who would be in danger of Covid-19 I think a better solution would be to just protect them. However, it’s not just the old and the sick who are in danger and the problem is not just death. Many people get ‘long Covid’ which makes them sick for a long time, maybe the rest of their lives. A study in China found that 76% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were still experiencing symptoms six months after first getting sick. Maybe you know that half of the people who are hospitalized are younger than 50 years old. Only 1.5% of people younger than 29 ends up in the hospital, but 27% of young people still have health issues after 3 months. From all infected people 20% have health issues even longer than a year. Do you understand how many people would be permanently suffering from Covid, if we would actually let the virus loose? It might look preferable in the short term, but in the long term many people could be debilitated. That would cost society a lot of money. Or do you suggest euthanizing them all.
Additionally, any virus has the potential to mutate to a much deadlier form. It's only luck that young people are less affected from it. There is no reason that property couldn't change from a mutation. Any infected person is another possibility for the virus mutating. That's why we should contain the virus to a minimum. The problem is that no western country acted quick enough. All of them allowed the virus to escalate before they acted. If they acted immediately, with much stricter measures, they would have been necessary for a much shorter time. They way governments acted, ensured the minimum effect of the maximum length of repressive measures.
Are you claiming LGBTQIA+ are in any way similar to Nazi’s or are you claiming people who allow LGBTQIA+ people to exist are similar to Nazi’s? Maybe a shock to you but Nazi’s killed a lot of homosexual people. Allowing people to be LGBTQIA+ is the opposite of fascism. ‘Fascism exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.’ Fascism is the exact opposite from Liberalism. Liberals respect or accept behavior or opinions different from their own. No one is forcing anyone to be LGBTQIA+ and no one is excluding or harming anyone for not being LGBTQIA+.
The term ‘Karen’ is mostly used for racist, ignorant white women, who use their privilege to demand they get their way. They are exactly the opposite of the underprivileged minorities you are referring to.
Humanity has been a bunch of blood thirsty savages in all our history. We would plunder, kill, r*a*p*e*, tyrannize and exploit anyone who are of different nationality, religion or skin color or just lived in an area that we wanted for ourselves. If humanity was ever spiritual at all, I would gladly trade that for being rational. Allowing people the freedom to express their individuality is not harming anyone’s soul. Shame is a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. There is nothing wrong or foolish about being LGBTQIA+.
Condemning people who are ‘different’ has been implanted into the brains of young people by religion for hundreds of years. It’s a remnant of our primitive tribalist instincts. It's time humanity finally transcends to a higher state of civilization.
In The Netherlands we had the sexual liberation of the seventies take down religious sexual oppression. We didn't need stupid woke stuff, because we already had freedom. However the fundamentalist religious right wing in the US has been exporting their horrible values like McDonald's, and it's infecting our society too. When people start fighting back again, it's getting confused with stupid ideals from elitist liberals, as woke.
I think the elitist liberals do this on purpose, to fuck-up the debate about real problems, like inequality, because they are all rich and don't want solutions for those problems.
It's the elitist liberals who like to put gender pronouns into law, not progressives. Progressives like me, actually care about FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! I just think you're being an insensitive prick, if you don't want to address a transgender person
by their preferred pronoun. It's however your right to be an insensitive prick.
Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. I don't know if being LGBTQIA+ is hereditary, but forcing LGBTQIA+ people into standards does not inhibit their ability to procreate. In fact, it probably leads to the opposite.
The first part of my argument was about cultural evolution. Every time humanity conquered dogmatic repressions (gained freedom), society benefited from the individual development of its citizens. You cannot just suppress people's sexual preferences. That takes a repressive government, like a theocracy. Theocracies are not well known for their advancement of humanity. Or do you disagree?
The second part was about biological evolution, your point, which is determined by selective procreation. If behavior is indeed hereditary, then it is in peoples genes. Forcing them to behave against their biological impulses will not prevent those genes to be transmitted to the next generation. If YOU wanted to promote eugenics, forcing people to be straight has definitely the opposite effect of what YOU want to achieve. Allowing people to express their LGBTQIA+ preferences, does tend to inhibit their procreation, especially boys who go through a sex change operation.
Or are you promoting actual eugenics, by forced sterilization and abortion,
which are human rights violations by international law. You would literally be
what you accuse your opponents of; a Nazi.
What great inventions have been denied to humanity, because of its ignorance.
It can't talk. It can't walk, it can only eat,shit,cry and sleep. It is up to the PARENTS to know when it's diaper needs changeing.
Crazy Shit some folks are coming up with.
As for the old people, In a few short years you will be begging those old people to teach you how to live and make do with what little you have left and will asking 80 years to come to work because the woke BRATS of the modern era are to FUCKING LAZY to work.
I recognize the importance of parents. That is why I advocate that parenting
is a conscious choice, preferably of 2 people who love each other.
However, if a person just wants to be a single parent or ends up as a single parent, than I am in favor of supporting them in that important job.
I also recognize the value of our old(er) people.
Is your question related to LGBTQIA+ people somehow?
You could just move to one of the countries which criminalised LGBT people:
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Or just move to Hungary. Viktor Orbán hasn't criminalised LGBT people yet,
but he has them suppressed quite effectively.
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Tom Macdonald - Fake woke
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--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours
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However, you might want to question what you read more.....you can't, thankfully, 3D print an AR15 that will successfully operate for more than a couple of shots.....3D printing as most people know it is something done in sheds using poor quality plastic and requires software and other skills to even look neat. 3D in industry is a marginal technique that demands extensive knowledge, equipement and space.
Additionally, it is fortunate that auto weapons require a supply of consistent ammunition to operate and even those capable of making viable firearms can't usually make the ammo in their sheds.....fortunately!
The whole 'plastic gun' scare is larfgely the product of media......but has been the source of fools trying to duplicate. So, not just "anybody" has all the requirements and facilities to make a machine gun and ammo....fortunately!
So the liberals, that support this reprogramming, want to take our guns,our liberty's in general to help facilitate this reprograming. It all started with books going the way of the internet. Here on the net that reliable info source you use can be edited any time to make you a idiot for claiming something was there that "Isnt". But it was yesterday.
Paper is hard argue with.
People that are afraid of their kids being around guns,
part of that is they never taught their kids how to handle a gun,or to simply NOT TOUCH THE DAMN THING. As in get spanked if you try. Lack of respect for property in general is part of the issue.
I don't have a large gathering of guns.But of course i own a couple outdated but effective 1's for protection of myself and my property.
BUT I would considered very far right nutcase by some because I feel like the only way America will be safe and truely secure,is if the citizens can be equaly armed as the military. As the military is the tool of the government, and citizens with not enough firepower will be dead or become subjects instead of citizens.
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