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Had he been put somewhere a long time ago like crazy people used to be, the woman would still be alive.
But no, your solution is to lock everyone up for ever.
Mental healthcare is cheaper and PREVENTIVE.
Unlike locking up people, which you can only do AFTER...
Or do you want to lock up people before the do something?
Or it might be a neglected kid, in which case the kid is not at fault, but still could end up as a danger to society. It's only when mental healthcare is integrated into education and crime prevention, that it's actually feasible to preemptively lock up mentally ill people, before they inflict harm on people.
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If I were the manager I would have ask them again and offered a hours over time or something and if they kept up their "at lunch" theme ,I would say, you are on permanent lunch break, you are fired.
Customer service is priority for a business to STAY in business. Without them,no one would be working there.
why are people so oblivious to that? Jobs are provided so the employer can make a profit,you earn a wage for helping them profit,if they don't profit,you don't work. DUH????
But, without any information about the working conditions in this store, you assume
the employees are at fault. Employers are supposed to provide time for lunch and
many employers cut the staff to the bone and make that impossible. There is a limit at maximizing profits and I think it's likely that the limit was far exceeded here.
If it is just one employee, never willing to be flexible, you should not be worried that
the manager will not think of sacking that lazy mofo. Who are you kidding?
I find you very inconsistent about people getting fired. Sometimes you are happy someone gets $75,000 for unlawful resignation and at other times you want to run
over there to tell the manager to fire his employee.
Do you have any basis principles about it or is it just always partisan?
People are not entitled to a job, if able they are obligated to work to support themselves.
You assume all employees are lazy. And you say that about employees in a country that has one of the longest workweeks in the world. You have a major anti-employee bias and it shows in everything employer/employee related you say.
I hope at some point automation replaces most of these jobs that people think are worth so much money like flipping burgers and such.
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--------------------------------------- added after 66 hours
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Ubsurd, the tips being 20% of the bill? for TAKEOUT??
They aren't doing anything to "serve " you,simply are doing their jobs.
In a restaurant we still tip, depending on how good the food and the service was.
The tip is shared between all the staff and that way we reward everyone for their effort.
But no one gives tips in fast food restaurants anymore, because the only service they give is doing a process correctly and hand over the food.
A delivery person has only one job; deliver the food on time. That's the job, not an extra service worthy of tipping. So on that part I fully agree with you.
Strange as I am single and i am about in the middle of this scale.
But, I'm not married, don't have kids and don't drink beer.
I would probably end up like the last guy, otherwise.
I think the worst lie on the site is 'A Future That’s Built On Freedom'.
That they even dare to still say that, should make anyone angry.
They will leave you with the freedoms to work, pray and breed and that's it.
I mean really I could go on but what liberals like you have never explained is just where does it say that you are entitled to a life of ease and luxury on the backs of the few people that work??
And they are using those stupid talking points to make you want it.
But they will also take the freedom to protest, if that makes you happy.
Everyone will work, but only a few people will be entitled to a life of ease and luxury,
on the backs of the rest, who will be poor and in servitude, while working like slaves.
But you are too blind to see the trends leading to it.
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Let a white man kill a black man, the streets are chaos.
Let a black man kill a black man, the streets are quite and peaceful.
Their lives simply don't matter to them apparently. If they did ,they would not act in such ways. We all know the biggest issue, drugs. If the drug trade was dealt with ,would be a big start to slowing down the killing.
Everyone is going to get old and may need care,some may become disabled to a point they need care.Do you want your loved 1's or yourself to be misstreated in a nursing home??
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You are supporting the wrong party, if you actually give a damn.
Healthcare costs money and your party only wants to cut, cut, cut.
My grandmother was in a nursing home. Instead of trimming her toenails every week or so ,they allowed them to grow until they could call it "foot surgery" and charge 1500 bucks. Then a 3rd shift nurse would cut them with wire cutters and file them down, someone pocketed the money.
I know this to be fact for 2 reasons, 1 my father called the social security office and they said they did not have the man power to check things like this and some fraud was "allowable">
2, my former girlfriend went to work there later after my grandmother past away, and lost her job because she would sign off on 12 fake "foot surgery's ".This was 10 years later from when they did this fraud on my grandma, so waste is there, cuts could be made with no ill effects to the workers. .
You point out valid problems, but those problems are not solved by cutting the budget. Because it results in no one having time anymore to e.g. clip the toenails of elderly people, causing more expensive problems. That's what always happens; they cut money for prevention, escalating the costs of solving the resulting problems.
Do you see how many times I make similar arguments? "If we don't do ... now, the resulting problems will be worse/more expensive." It is the worst in politics. No where are more short-sighted people, than in politics. However, I often see examples of that in the company I work for. Someone has been cutting corners and I can solve the mess. Fortunately, I'm also often in a position to avoid such things.
And the waste isn't even the worst problem of healthcare, the worst problem is people making lots of money, without adding anything to healthcare.
I'm talking about health insurance and all the bureaucracy that is involved in that system. And the owners and shareholders who get on average 5% for just owning stocks. And the managers who get paid millions of dollars per year, mostly for squeezing more profits out of an industry that should just focus on saving lives
and providing people with a better quality of life.
Capitalism is not the right system for healthcare, because people pay any price,
if their life and health are held hostage. In addition, capitalism is a system that relies on competition, to provide choice for customers and keep prices fair. The pharma industry is allowed to have monopolies, by means of drug patents, even when most
of the development of pharmaceuticals is funded publicly.
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Listen to it all and think about this.
A man that has something gone haywire in his brain ,Putin ,is threatening to use nukes. Other country's that hate us all, are stepping up threats.
1 thing that seems to not be mentioned. The simple fact is there are people out there,terrorist ,that could highjack a nuke and launch it,without Putin or anyone else doing it.Which would then cast the world into the blame game and then a bunch of mushroom clouds and we could be gone.
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Strangely, I would feel better if all the rumors about Putin being terminally ill would be false and he had a future to lose.
Never underestimate your enemies. Thinking they are stupid is how you lose.
It might be the best strategy to let him have the parts of Ukraine that he held his sham referendum in. Ukraine can just send all those Russia lovers to those parts
and then arm the remaining parts to the teeth, so the Russians will never be stupid enough to attack what is left of Ukraine again. It will give Putin his win, so he can die in peace, end the war and save many lives. However, a risk of future hostilities from
the Russians remains.
An alternative strategy is keep arming Ukraine with even more weapons, so they kill all the new troops that Putin is sending. These are reservists of which many are unwilling to fight and it is increasingly causing unrest in Russia. If the Russian people are willing to fight for ending their dictatorship/sham-democracy, that could change Russia for the better. If not enough Russian people revolt, Putin will just worsen the dictatorship. It also increases the risk of escalating war. I think world leaders are considering whether this is viable, worth the casualties and worth the risk.
If that was not the case, we would probably not sit here and talk about it now.
If the line of Gorbachev had been continued, Russia would have become a productive country with a improving economy.
However, the people preferred a strong leader, who lied to the people, saying he would restore the glory of Russia (Make Russia Great Again), if they gave him all the power he needed. They voted for him and he used his power to accumulate enormous wealth for himself and his friends (any resemblance to other persons
is purely coincidental ). But, off course he still wants to be remembered for ever.
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Some of his former friends think he is going to far, but they end up regretting it deeply, because they are all committing suicide.
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So does this mean we can expect a more fair election and gas prices will be coming down and suddenly covid is gone? I hardly think so as a couple folks I know just got over covid a couple weeks ago.
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Still, the idea that declaring the pandemic over is truly a matter of semantics is a fraught message coming from the nation’s top public-health communicator. Especially during the rollout of the country’s first Omicron-specific boosters, some experts and insiders worry that the declaration could have real consequences:
He didn't deserve 1. Granted,he would still be alive had he been left in the explorer until medics arrived ,
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And there is another, more personal, question lurking in the background: Is a 73-year-old white man the best person to confront those issues?
So now suddenly,race is a issue for who can be royality in the UK? It was not long ago that a poor fellow was highly scrutinized for picking a wife from outside the "box". So now someone needs to marry someone from another ethnic group to bring diversity into the palace?? come on,the whole shebang is out dated.
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And think deeply
Just takes some MAJOR moves to change it.
We can't just lay down and let the Aoc's and the "squad" lead us down the road to the caves and dungeons like their ancestors came from.
If they are not slowed down or stopped America as we have known it for our entire lives will be lost.
We have already lost freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Try speaking your mind about something in public and it not be in rhythm with the mainstream. You will be sued, canceled, harassed and so on ,because you don't actually have freedom of speech any more.
It's the fifth economy in the world, compared with countries.
They do have a housing crisis, just like my country. It's because they don't build enough and what the build is too expensive. Existing home owners are blocking apartment projects, because they think it will attract poor people and lower the price of their homes. Their cities are expanded to the maximum, so they need to build some new cities.
Democracy does have it's downsides; it takes a lot of effort to get everyone committed to take a big decision like that. Authoritarians just push it through, no matter who it hurts. China has built more than 600 new cities since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949. They don't care about relocating a few farmers. If they didn't want to move, they were probably never seen again. It's not how I like my government to treat people, I would like them to be compensated and given choices to start over new somewhere else. That's tough, but is it worse than an ever increasing number of people who cannot afford a place to live?
“The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”.
Build that's off course an alien concept to capitalists.
Why not keep all those people in 1 area, and not scattered all over the place?
when you lower property values, you also lower TAXABLE values, Sales tax amounts , realtor fees , and etc, which hurts cities economy's that operate off those funds.Look around and SEE how those homeless people live.Dirty,trashy,laying around shooting up dope.No one that actually trys to do right and work to support home and family wants that shit around them.
Trashy has nothing to do with being homelss. They could pick up the garbage around their tents and throw it in a trash can,they could not take dope and put that money into good food and clothes to help them be healthy, clean ,hirable for a job.
Tell me,would YOU want this on YOUR street?
Now BE HONEST.I know you want to see people be better off,but DO YOU WANT THIS ON YOUR STREET?
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The last link does not work because of the code but it from the same fellow the second link is from,joe bidens home city, it talks about the low income people,crime and so forth,just a short distance from joes mansion.
Yes, why not build a wall around them and let some of them fight each other in an arena each year, for the amusement of the upper class? On which side of the wall
will they put you, you think?
Funny how you think of drug using criminals, when I am just talking about average hard working people.
If you put only lower class people together, they will stay lower class forever.
Because those areas get much less investments and much less job opportunities.
Funny how one right-winger is angry that house prices are so ridiculously high in California and another is supporting exactly the policies that are causing the problem.
I don't consider it entertaining that those folks struggle, if they are really struggling. Truth is, if you provided them homes with lights and heat, they would tear them to pieces in a few short months. they DON"T CARE . IF they did, they would be out looking for work ,if it was just scraping gum off the side walk. they would show a effort, a desire to do better.
I mentioned a particular homeless encampment near the interstate not far from me to Cat in another thread. Turns out 1 of my friends knows 1 of the fellows living in the tent. My friend is recovering from drug addiction and has a good job now and doing well. And clean. He stopped and talked to the fellow and turns out he was just sitting there with a needle in his arm, high as hell. Has money for dope, but not a pair of walmart steel toe shoes so he can accept a job offer doing construction clean up just down the street from him. That salary might would put him UNDER a ROOF! He prioritizes dope over a job and a home. My friend told him, "you try to get clean and I will help you out with some work" . the fellow just sat there high as a kite.didn't say much. he did ask for a pair of wire cutters. I guess the street lights are keeping him awake at night and he wants to clip the wires?
I'm not talking about the homeless, I'm just talking about people who cannot afford the price of houses today. And I'm not talking about building slums, I'm talking about building nice, spacious, but affordable apartments, that they will rent or buy, not 'be provided with'.
God damn, you really spit on the working class.
I am not spitting on anyone actually, I just know that alot of homeless people are that way more so because of drugs than loss of job due to economy and such.
I am glad you are investing in a home instead of renting a house.
that is the smartest thing anyone can do.
Problem with the area I live in , manufactured housing,mobile homes, have been the "affordable housing" for decades. They are zoned out, parks bought out and so on.
Citys are actually trying to get rid of ALL of them because there is little property tax value to them.
IF the government would stop trying to collect more taxes,and let people buy a mobile home for a fraction of what a house cost and live in it in peace, there would be much less homeless in our state.
By the way, those people in the apartments are actually paying more in rent, than I am paying in mortgage, for my much bigger house. it's not evenly distributed in the world.
We all know that much of Cali's economic status is because of large cities (ex. LA) which is declining because of stupid loon socialist values.
The dense pop in Cali really does not mean a whole lot when socialist minded democrats shut down many natural resource sites. Maybe you should worry about your own country!
I believe cow farts and climate change are your two largest issues. I bet neither of the latter very far, but it does provide entertainment for the gullible democrat loons and want to be socialists (the same probably).
2. Texas - 1,772,132 million.
3. New York - 1,705,127 million.
4. Florida - 1,111,614 million.
5. Illinois - 875,671 million.
6. Pennsylvania - 788,500 million.
7. Ohio - 683,460 million.
8. Washington - 632,013 million.
So it is Texas, with an economy 57% of the size of California.
California economy ranks 3rd-best in US, survey says
For economic activity, California ranked No. 1. Texas is 12th.
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These numbers are from June. How is California's economy declining?
I worry about my own country too, but I just like showing your errors so much.
You all hate spending money on infrastructure.
It's still the national government that decides the budget, don't they?
Why California has blackouts: A look at the power grid
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