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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 20:44 other posts 
Oink Oink!
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By #275407 20,Aug,22 16:55
By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,22 10:11 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 20,Aug,22 16:04 other posts 
those peaceful folks at it again.
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Remind me again who is peaceful? Sure as hell aint muslims.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Aug,22 16:54 other posts 
Ok,so you don't want guns.You go to bed and at 2 am, this thing comes up the stairs.
Do you wait and see if he has evil intentions? do you ask if it wants a snickers bar?
Or do you just lay there and be eaten?
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By phart [Ignore] 19,Aug,22 11:15 other posts 
Let Trump try to put a fence up to protect America and he is called racist and all other kinds of names.
BUT it is perfectly ok to put a public funded fence around bidens house.
Why is biden so much more important than the rest of us?
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By phart [Ignore] 18,Aug,22 21:06 other posts 
And liberals wonder why blacks are not well thought of,look at how just their former presence in a building affects it's value.
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By #275407 17,Aug,22 17:24
By Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Aug,22 17:31 other posts 
Cody, Don't bring a knife to a gunfight... Think that goes out the window with that stash
By #275407 17,Aug,22 17:31
There's several guns with that collectionthose are plastic knives and squirt guns
By Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Aug,22 19:10 other posts 
We always thought Cody was gangster

By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 17:32 other posts 
I have been down with a sinus infection, miserable.
but getting better with rest.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 18:57 other posts 
Get well Phart.... Sinus infections suck ass. I haven't had one in years, but used to get them every other week and from an early age. Some extremely debilitating. When young it was treated as a migraine headache. Good ole Aussie Dr's 😆
By #610414 16,Aug,22 20:05
I’m sorry for you, baby. It’s not Covid, is it?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 20:24 other posts 
no, it is a sinus infection, i have had them for years. I had surgery a few years ago to remove a bunch of polyps caused by frequent infections and felt SO much better for several years but this is the second 1 this year .This 1 has lasted a day or 2 longer than average .most of the time the real "pain" and issues last 2 days and I recover.
what really makes me mad,we are having some GREAT cool weather right now,and my shrubs are over grown.I coulda delt with them in 2 hours yesterday,but no,here I am plopped down in a chair.
I am feeling 10 times better now than monday morning.
but still weak.
This 1 may have been prompted by exhaust smoke from the road as I did go for a short trip to camp over the weekend.
Exhaust is what used to trigger them on my job.
If I cut a certain wood like maple with a saw,and inhale any of the dust,Oh hell, lookin at a couple days of blah
By #610414 16,Aug,22 21:19
Get better.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Aug,22 13:16 other posts 
Got to the bottom of it, neighbor was sick with the same issue. Turns out the farmer whos pasture is her front yard and my back yard, mowed the pastures over the weekend ,over 20 acres, and it was Ragweed that put us both down. Same thing happened last year as she keep records of things. I am going to tell the fellow next time give me a heads up so i can leave town or something!
By #610414 17,Aug,22 14:08
I don't blame you. I have asthma and my major problem is dudt from the Sahara desert blowing into Florida. I'm glad you are recovering.

By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Aug,22 01:38 other posts 
The border is a mess. And democrats tell me our border is closed. Maybe to legal crossings. What about the ILLEGAL crossings?

By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 21:03 other posts 
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Damn,what a way to go, burned to death in your sleep because of a bus race.
By #610414 16,Aug,22 21:20
People are dumb

By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 17:31 other posts 
Why not just serve HOT frys?

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By #610414 16,Aug,22 11:31
Classroom candor: Kids all over Florida are returning to the classroom and things are different this year. The thinning ranks of educators are facing an unprecedented series of challenges as a spate of new laws crack down on university research, discourse on race and gender identity and create an environment in which professors feel their political beliefs are being scrutinized at the risk of losing tenure.
Thank you, DeSantis
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 13:54 other posts 
Sounds like the priortys are being allowed back in the schools.
Reading ,writing and arithmetic.
Instead of going to school to be told men can have babys, they can go to school and actually learn something useful. Thank You Desantis, for being the first governor to grow balls and take a stand for our children instead of the woke mob.
By #610414 16,Aug,22 14:06
Phart, when was the last time you were in a classroom? I have 3 grown children with kids of their own. We've all been PTA members, have helped out in classrooms and my daughter has a teacher's degree and has home schooled 2 of my grandsons. That's why I can say the following. Your statement is complete BULLSHIT, from the school curriculums to DeSantis. STOP LISTENING TO THE LIES SPOUTED BY THESE NO-NOTHING-AT-ALL RIGHT WING NUTS. I'm not suggesting you become Democrat or woke or a Brandon supporter. All I'm asking is for you to use that marvel of humanity, your brain.

By #610414 16,Aug,22 13:54
Hey, Phart listen and learn.

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Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause: A lie embedded in American history...

By #610414 11,Aug,22 10:00
Hey, Phart, I created this poll. /polls/3754.html
Take a look at the results so far. Looks like you in the minority.
The small, small minority.
--------------------------------------- added after 66 seconds

How do you feel about the Flat Earth Society?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 10:26 other posts 
Far right, ultra conservative, fascist leaning, mostly white supremacist, individuals have low ability to think independently. Rather, they have been indoctrinated to protect the interests of mega-rich thugs even at the expense of giving up their individual human rights (such as the ability to think freely and independently).
By #610414 11,Aug,22 10:49
Leo, thinking can fry their brains even more than they are now.
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Take Dgraff's vote in my poll (negative). How does that go? "Of course the railroad tracks meet in the distance". 🤣🤣😈😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 07:34 other posts 
People who don't understand simple scientific facts or, rather, refuse to accept them shouldn't have the right to participate in any decision processes. They're stoopid.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 08:51
Perhaps, lollipop. I agree with you on the ones that refuse to accept them. The ones that don't understand DON'T KNOW they are wrong.
That's why Republicans are set to destroy education.
Teaching children to use their brains is not helping them.

It's also why Republicans love Christian extremists.
They teach kids to believe anything they are told.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 09:33
This formula for control has worked in every instance where one person or a group of people want control of the masses. The use of religion can be very successful. Jihads is one way. Max's repudiation of religion is another. Making one religion a plague is also a way to control the great unwashed. Keeping them ignorant is the most efficient way to filling their head with crap
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 12:01 other posts 
Max or Marx?

It depends what kind of 'repudiation' you are referring to.
Outlawing religion is never a good idea. All leaders who ever tried, only intended
to make themselves or their ideas the new religion.

I favor Freedom of religion and Freedom FROM religion.
That's why I would be in favor of stripping religion of a lot of exemptions that other organizations don't have. If a supreme court actually interpreted the constitution and amendments like they were intended, they would never allow favoritism for the church. And a religion would never be allowed to present their religion as science
in schools, until they could present scientific arguments supporting their ideas.
I would still allow schools to teach religion as a subject, but only if they teach all religions equally. Schools are intended to improve the brains of children.
If the parents choose to screw up the brains of children at home or in church,
that's unfortunate, but a consequence of freedom of religion.

If you think that is 'repudiation of religion', I'm OK with that kind of repudiation. Religion is personal and shouldn't be supported by a government.
The only reason they do is when it favors them.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 12:40
Marx. My finger is faster than my eyes 🤣🤣
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Freedom of religion is like wearing sexy knickers. You believe in it but you want it to be private and to be shared with just a few
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 20:12 other posts 
They teach their kids to believe anything they're told by crazies. They teach their kids to avoid what they're told by, say, scientists.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 18:08 other posts 
Well you folks are so blinded by hate and educated "scientist" you can see the immediate harm your bright ideas are causing.
While North korea and iran are playing with nuclear time bombs you folks keep wanting to tax us into the stone age.
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up to 8500 more dollars than previous cost for a truck that can only tow it's rated capacity 90 miles before it has to be recharged, what a fucking joke this green shit really is in the real world.
I know annans, transportation is only XX% of pollution but it is what directly affects Americans trying to get to work each day.

As for the Flat earth shit, I honestly would have thought Leo and Cat would be on the front row of those conventions. Because it makes no sense,like so much of the other stuff they push
By #610414 13,Aug,22 20:14
Phart, I'm blinded by hate and educated "scientists"? How dare you? Just because I abhor a lying, cheating, woman hating, racist, career criminal like Trump? He took my country and drvided it. He tried to overthrow our democratic form of government. He is a tax cheat and s bigot. There's enough there to give me reason to hate him. But, you know what really burns me up? All the people that close their eyes to that crook's crimes. I DO hate those people that close their eyes and kiss his ass. Those people are mostly Republicans, but, I'm not blinded. What I am is hopeful that these people will see the light. They and I probably won't agree on politics, but you can rest assured that I will be proud to know they are honest and politicking with good intentions.

The Kim family has ruled North Korea since 1948 for three generations. Since then we've had the following Presidents: Truman, Einsenhawer, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, and Biden. Why hasn't any one of these fine gentlemen done anything about North Korea? We fought a war with them. Technically, we are still at war with them. Why do you think we don't nuke or invade them? Could it be that the capital of South Korea is 190 miles from North Korea? There's been 6 Republican Presidents since 1948 (when the Kim family took over North Korea). Do you think, maybe, they had more control, had a clear head what a catastrophe it would be to push Mr Kim?
Iran hates us with a passion and rightly so. The “Shah of Iran” technically wasn't royalty. His father was simply an army officer who was crowned “King” by the British. It wasn't as if he was from a long dynasty of kings. Reza Shah Pahlavi was simply a puppet ruler who was used to replace the previous Prime Minister who was toppled by the CIA. As soon as Reza Shah got too mouthy, his keepers aka the CIA, replaced him with his son, “"the Shah”. This Shah was a playboy, spending at the expemce of the hungry population. His secret police, the Savak, were known for their brutality, arresting people in the middle of the night , never to be seen again. Many people were tortured and killed by the Shah’s regime. So, yes, when he was deposed, the CIA and by extension, Americans, were seen as the white devils. The funny thing is that we use to sell arms to Iran during the Reagan administration (Iran-Contra affair). Now, recently, Trump walked out of the Iran Nuclear Talks. All other major countries did not.
So, tell us, Phart, what should we do with these countries? Tell us how we should nuke them or invade them. Please, tell us.
Second,You tell us about a Ford product, the electric F-150. You complain how expensive it is and how useless it is. Then you say, "what a fucking joke this green shit really is in the real world." First, how many Ford Lightnings did you have to purchase to go to work? That's what I thought.
As far as the "real world" is concerned, I've stood in the sidewalk on Collins Ave and 15th Street, in Miami Beach with sea water up to my knees because of climate change. Right now Flagler Beach is fighting severe beach erosion for the same reason. You laugh when toxic chemicals get dumped on town's water supply? Is smog a laughing mater for you? Here's one for you, the milage for a gallon of gas in modern cars has doubled since the 1970's,maybe tripled. Is this s "fucking joke" to you?
As for the last sentence, we (Leo and I) don't make sense with all the stuff we push? What do we push? Equality for all men? Respect for women? Compassion for the poor and downtrodden? Environmental cleanliness? Peace for the coming generations? Yes, Phart, we sure don't make sense.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 21:24 other posts 
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Vehicles on America’s roads today get only about three miles more per gallon than vehicles back in 1923, University of Michigan researchers say.

As for overseas country's, pull all US interest out of them,tell them to keep their terrorism within their borders or receive every bunker buster we can muster for the next 10 years.If they want to keep hating,they can do it in their caves.
Respect for WOMEN, I want respect for women and men,both deserve it.
enviromental cleanliness. Sheesh, I made it a point to try to get a picture or 2 of that mess the homeless people have made at a interstate off ramp today when I passed by it but the phone camera blurred it to much.
Peace,you want peace but you want a nuclear deal with IRAN while we and Russia still have all our nukes, yea,that is some real peace right there.
By #610414 15,Aug,22 09:13
Let's see
A bale of hay is approx 1200 lbs. And sells for approx $20
A horse eats about 15 to 20 lbs of hay per day. A bale provides about 60 horse meals at $0.34 each
A horse can easily pull a buggy for 15 miles/day or $0.34. or $0.022/mile.
Average price of horse and buggy these days? $2500.
Power under the hood? 1 horsepower.

Phart, get a horse and buggy and you can go back to 1923. 😆
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Let's see. No more oil from Saudi Arabia or any Middle East oil producing country. No oil from Venezuela or Mexico. No imports from China. Not even cell phones or computer chips. No airline flights to any country that has terrorists. Jail ALL homeless and ship them to the Arizona desert. Stop women from driving, getting an education, or walk down the street unless they wear a burqa and be clothed from head to foot. No foreign shipping into the US. All illegals captured be given a minimum sentence of 10 yrs.
Who wants peace? Let's go back to the 1960's. We could win a nuclear war. We would loose every major city but, hey, we don't need so many people.

By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 13:04 other posts 
All this action in regards to Trump and his supporters, could very well back fire on democrats.
They may loose alot of seats.
By #610414 10,Aug,22 08:10
You may be right, Phart.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 07:37 other posts 
Maybe it's Trump himself who asked his friends to invade his house in order to accuse his opponents and so gain in popularity. We have to get into the mindset of thugs like Trump to understand how far he's willing to go. If he can order invasion of the Capitol what stops him from ordering invasion of his house?
By #610414 13,Aug,22 08:44
I have the feeling that this could be a game changer. We'll see.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 20:10 other posts 
I agree with Ananas2xLekker below for the simple reason that Trump supporters are mostly crazies. They won't change their minds even if Trump fucks them up. Take for instance those who died of covid in order to prove Trump right. Or the Christian Evangelicals who, if they practiced what they preached, should have excommunicated Trump for being precisely what that define as "immoral", "antichristian", etc. Someone who fucks prostitutes, steals money, creates fake organisations (c.f. trump university), takes money from the poor and give to the rich, etc. Trump has violated every single commandment from the Bible of the Evangelicals. Despite that, Evangelicals die for him.

Which is to say that no matter what Trump does, even if he fucks his daughter (as he wanted), or even if he murders his wife (hypothetical) his supporters would find a "reason" to love him more.

Remember when Oliver North was taking money crooks and giving them to other crooks? The so-called Iran affair. Well, his lovers said that he did nothing wrong, he simply wanted to make some more money, that is, he simply was doing the American thing. North was seen as being an overzealous American. Likewise, there is nothing that Trump can do that can convince his supporters to change their minds.

This is precisely the ideology of cults. Cult leaders have the ability to hypnotise their supporters en masse and order them to commit suicide. Or kill others. These things have happened. Trump is just another example of a dangerous cult.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 20:33
We, Americans ( aren't we conceded?) Have a very short memo. Our attention span is that of a child.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 20:55 other posts 
It's not just Americans.
Most people in the world choose to
forget or remain uninformed about
anything that has happened more
than a few years earlier.
History, people think, is something
that belongs only to the past.
They don't realize that history repeats itself,
that our civilisation can easily be in peril,
that Trump-like figures have existed in the past
(and have caused great damage)
and that nothing is unavoidable
UNLESS we know that it may happen.

No, people argue, we're modern, we now
have advanced technology, we know
right from wrong, we're going forward...

And then Trump appears. And Corona virus.
And Russia's aggression.
First in Syria (but nobody cared because
Syrians don't count), then in Ukraine
(and people alarmed because Ukrainians
are white and look like the average Joe).
And the weather is getting bad.
And we know that, for sure, when ice melts
the viruses trapped in it will cause
damage orders of magnitude worse than
the recent one.
But people don't care. Especially those
who shout about morality, those who
support crooks, those who believe
whatever their god or boss tells them.

Perhaps the existence of such people,
like Trump crazies, is like forest fires
or weeds that kill plants,
It's nature's response to overpopulation.
Nature creates disturbed individuals
to control the uncontrollable growth
of humans. Who knows? There must be a natural explanation for the existence od idiocy.
I don't think so. Trump supporters are not a majority in the USA, even if they think so.
Everyone who doesn't support him blindly, like phart, will be convinced by real evidence. And there is just such an enormous shitload of it, that only loyal Trump supporters can keep denying it. His criminality and treason are clear for everyone without blinders.

A while ago, I thought the Democrats didn't have a chance in hell.
Than the Republican/right-wing christian extremist's stooges in the supreme court
did away with Roe vs Wade. A large majority of Americans support pro-choice laws.
The crazies in the supreme court are now threatening to make the US a theocracy.
Most Americans wouldn't like that and that alone might be enough to vote for Democrats. Most Americans, who don't vote, think both parties suck. But at least Democrats are not determined to turn the clock back 70 years. They might vote against that.

Republicans could still win, because they cheat better and because lots of voters don't know anything or don't care enough. But, Democrats could easily win, if they defended their case better and grew some balls. Hopefully, they are just waiting for the most effective moment to arrest Trump. That's what Republicans would do. And in this case, playing politics, like they do, is necessary. If they are weak again, they will lose.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 09:21
Ananas, "lots of voters don't know anything or don't care enough", is so true. I'm really encouraged by the misstep of the Supreme Court. Repealing Roe v Wade gave the Democrats a rallying cry if they push like hell. Getting the economy to improve, even if just a little bit, would help too. As far as arresting Trump, that could be a double-edged sword. It goes back to the first sentence here.
We should also remember that whatever Trump is facing, if his lawyers are any good, he would eventually end up in the Supreme Court. Does this bring back the acid reflux?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 11:08 other posts 
If they don't hold Trump accountable, it sends a signal that Republicans are allowed to do anything. Notice how angry they are for even thinking they aren't allowed to do anything they did.

There is so much evidence on the fake elector scheme, it would be easy to at least get a lot of Trump's cronies. It is very clear that his son was involved and all the people close to Trump, but I don't know how much evidence they have on Trump himself. The guy never does anything himself, he always gets his loyalists to do all the crimes. That's why they all asked him for pardons. If they all go to prison, maybe Trump cannot find any loyalists anymore to do all those crimes for him. That would help too.
This flows down to his lawyers. He can't get good lawyers, because he never pays them. Look at the loser team he had before. Now he dropped those lawyers like stones, who is he going to find to protect him? The Republican party or their big donors could easily pay those lawyers, but I don't think they will. The Donald has served them well, but he caused to many problems. He gave them taxcuts and justices, but he's stirring up too much shit. I think they would prefer Ron DeSantis. He's a good boy who does what he's told without much controversy. Trump only cares about himself. Maybe they'll protect him because they don't like someone on their side losing or they will just drop him, say it's all good now and go on destroying democracy, justice, human rights and the middle class with the new guy.

You have a point about the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter how much evidence they have, those Republican appointed judges will protect him no matter what. He could have led the charge into the capital, captured a handful of Democrats, had them strung up next to Mike Pence and they would still acquit him.
I don't know exactly how your system works in a case like this, but isn't this going to the Supreme Court of the state that is charging him with seditious conspiracy, where they have the most evidence for the fake elector scheme? I heard that the Georgia Supreme Court is involved and they have so far been lawful on this subject.
I don't think the National Supreme Court has jurisdiction then. Democrats are weak, but they understand the law. They know the National Supreme Court cannot be trusted to respect the law. They cannot afford losing, so they wouldn't do what they are doing now, if they knew the National Supreme Court would just dismiss everything.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 11:25
That is partially true. First, this (the FBI case) is a federal matter and a indictment would be in Federal Court. That bipasses all state courts. The Georgia case IS a state court case...... however, when all state courts are done with it, he still has a right to appeal to the Supreme Court, and that takes us back to the original point. The only bright point is that time stands still in these cases, so he will be held back, maybe past 2024
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 11:34 other posts 
OK, 'interesting' times ahead then. Maybe Democrats are actually willing to win this, because they might understand that revenge will be vicious if they lose.
I imagine Republicans don't need much evidence, to just execute the whole lot.
But, maybe under a one party 'democracy', the Republicans will actually need to
do something for the people once in a blue moon, because they wouldn't be able
to blame the Democrats anymore.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 11:42
That is true but, what a price to pay to get them-tub-of-lards to actually govern
By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 18:14 other posts 
Before biden went in, our economy was recovering.
Planting papers in Trumps safe is not going to prompt people to forget gas less than 2 bucks a gallon and food being affordable and low unemployment rates. Those are the things that matter to most people. this constant squabbling over who did what when and how is not fixing America, it is filling lawyers pocket books and further dividing the country.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 20:05 other posts 
'Before biden went in, our economy was recovering.'
And by what metrics is it worse now?
With Trump, you used to refer to the stock market; doing well
Or unemployment percentages; lowest ever; 3.5%
Inflation again? That's actually a sign of an overheating economy.

You never show any relationship between anything Biden did and inflation,
because there isn't any. It's like blaming Trump for Covid.
Trump didn't CAUSE Covid, but he fucked it up big time, by lying about it and allowing the media that is loyal to him to spread lies about vaccines, masks and social distancing. That's how he exacerbated Covid and caused over a million deaths.

Biden didn't CAUSE inflation, but you expect him to do something about it, right?
OK, WHAT THEN? I told you what Trump should have done. Your turn...
Republicans are fighting Biden for everything he tries to do to lower prices.

'Planting papers in Trumps safe' bullshit, I told you a long time ago Trump stole those papers. He took them when he left office and that was generally known.
It is very likely he was selling secrets to Saudi Arabia, because they bribed him through his hotels. Jared Kushner also got $2 Billion from the Saudis. And Trump is not the man who just hands out good deals to his son in law, without getting something himself. The guy is corrupt to the bone.

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By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 21:09 other posts 
Yea right.
Trump didn't fuck up the wuhan virus.
He just didn't jump thru ALL the hoops the dems wanted him to.
He made a BIG mistake in letting fauchi tell us we didn't need mask to prevent the virus for over 2 months. Virus's travel thru the air.But yet,Trump let that ass wipe lie to America and any other country that put any stock in the USA. He made sure the lab got the money to make the virus and he made damn sure it got around the world as quick as he could. Granted,I didn't wear the damn thing except in very limited cases and got by just fine.But there are plenty of vulnerable people that put stock in fauchi.
biden and inflation. If you can't look at the time line and see for yourself, you are the 1 with a issue.
87,000 irs agents. Does that sound like biden gives a damn about the PEOPLE that are SUFFERING in this bad economy? Hell no, enjoy your fucking audit you whiny ass middle class American. that is his and his administrations attitude.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 12:56 other posts 
If the government organization appointed to protect Americans from infectious diseases tells a president "Sir, we have a problem!", than that president should have the brains to listen. Trump was an idiot from the start. He understood it was a big problem, there are recordings of him saying that, but he tried to cover it up. Any other president, even a dumb-ass like Bush, would just have asked 'OK, how do we deal with it?'. Trump went the exact opposite way and called it a hoax, motivated the right-wing media into fake news and closed the borders when the virus was already rampant in the US. He was only doing a blame game against China and not even thinking about protecting America.

People like you would have followed him blindly, if he would have said that real patriots take vaccines and wear masks, to defend their country. You would have all walked in MAGA-masks and took the Trump-vaccine, if he had chosen a different route. And you know what? He would have been effective, would have saved hundreds of millions of lives and he would have easily won the election.
However, Trump is a complete idiot, who is incapable of making the right decision on even the easiest of choices, he is only interested in what sounds profitable for HIM at the time, and thereby hurts everyone who believes his bullshit.
And you have nothing to say about it, besides 'but, but, Biden...'.

Most people saw his failures and voted for demented uncle Joe over Trump.
That's how much of a loser he is. And you would vote for that loser again.
You did give two metrics for why it's worse now, inflation and extra IRS agents.
Here is why you're wrong, AGAIN:

Inflation: Trump made the debt worse than ever, and set a new record
in 2020 at 129% debt to GDP. He broke the last record of 1946.
He made 'the flu' (according to you) worse than WWII !!! (poetry )

2017 - $20,245 billions - 104% - Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018 - $21,516 billions - 105% - Trump's tax cuts
2019 - $22,719 billions - 107% - Trump's trade wars
2020 - $27,748 billions - 129% - COVID-19 and 2020 recession

(difference between 2019 and 2020: $ 5 TRILLION!! and change)

Biden inherited a recession, a health crisis and a huge deficit.
Biden will reduce the deficit eventually, like Democrats always have repaired the damage done by Republicans. They cry about spending anything on people and give huge handouts to the rich and corporations, blowing up the debt and the deficit. That is what caused your inflation. The people, who were suffering, got almost nothing. Remember the food-lines and how 60 million Americans almost lost their homes? That was caused by employers fucking over their employees, while simultaneously taking huge handouts, adding $5 trillion dollars to the wealth of the rich AND to the national debt. How much did people get again?

87,000 IRS agents: they are going to address tax-cheats. Your country is losing a TRILLION per year from TAX FRAUD. That is not from normal people or small companies making a mistake, that's from the wealthy and big corporations, doing it on purpose, to further enrich the already wealthy. Because of them, YOU pay more taxes and the government can spend less on YOU. Then they are going to cut on your disability and on plans like Medicare and Medicaid, which are YOUR only hope to ever get the medicine YOU need. Republicans will literally cause you to die younger. Strange how they are always out to kill their own voters.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 20:26
Who says we planted papers in his safe? You? Did you see how many new jobs where created in the last quarter? Do you have a job? Businesses are begging for workers. Gas is a private business problem. I asked you if you would approve nationalizing the oil companies. We cut the middle man. You didn't answered. That constant squabbling could have been avoided if the Republicans had convicted Trump on his first and/or second impeachment trial. Don't come crying now.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 21:14 other posts 
Can you show me evidence they DID NOT plant evidence? We are talking the same fbi that took that dossier thing and made a big stink out of it and it turned out to be a big hoax.No jobs are "Created" People just ran out of fucking money and had to take a job that has been vacant.
I am not very versed on nationalizing something,so I can't say much about it.
This squabbling could have been avoided if the dems had let the election be fully investigated at all levels and either vindicate themselves and restore trust in the system or vindicate the republican's and again, restore trust in the system.But no, let's let the public wonder and squabble and fight and fuss and DIVIDE the nation yet some more.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 21:57
I, or anyone else, don't have to show the FBI did not plant papers at Trump's home. You bring a conspiracy THEORY to the table, it's on you to prove that. Whatever the cause for more people employed, they ARE employed. Nationalizing business is when the government takes over that business and continues to operate it. The previous owners are out.
All Trump had to do was concede the election. Case closed, but, no, poor looser and traitor.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 07:25 other posts 
Yea,with your mindset all ukraine had to do was surrender after the first shot back in February.All the US had to do was surrender to the japaneese after they bombed pearl harbor.
I could go on.
But when there is millions of Americans that are upset,something positive should have been done to squelch those feelings but the dems have only poured gas on it.
Mark my words the sexually transmitted monkey pox will prompt the mail in ballot thing again so this upcoming election can be fucked up as well. a virus that is supposedly spread by a limited number of men, is suddenly the next plandemic.
VOTE once,and vote in the voting station of your district.
By #610414 14,Aug,22 08:56
Doesn't compute (that's a reference to a machine that solves math problems. Just wait. Its coming in your life time) An election is a contest solved by the public by VOTING for the PREFFERED person to hold office. No one gets killed. No one has a firearm. Not so with the attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese or the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. You keep alluding to an irregularity in the 2020 election, all fueled by the lies told by that criminal, Trump. If we are going to measure smarts by this yardstick, you Republicans are dumber than an orange.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 10:00 other posts 
You should know how dumb oranges are, you live among them. and the big snakes.
By #610414 14,Aug,22 12:09
🤣🤣🤣 I know. We have DeSantis here to show us.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 20:49 other posts 
Trump has his supporters but the rest of the country will not support him. Lessons to learn from the 2020 election.

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