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I stumble,trip,fart and fall to much already!
Use the lyric to the twist it fits well
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Nothing more sexy than a big boned hairy bitch with no front teeth
--------------------------------------- added after 59 minutes
Oh and did I mention she wears size 12 pumps bright red
Even the site medical officer would not be able to put her back together!
"it" alone in a dark alley and help "it" transition with a snip here and a wack there.
Really? When he says "they let them out", he's referring to jail or prison. For real, the folks released from prison are being being given drugs and/or alcohol?
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Obama's death panels that were kinda shoved under the rug were probably the first steps towards something like this in America to get rid of enemys of the state .Democrats could put this into operation and use it.. Just imagine 3 am , 2 vans pull up to Trumps home, Donald is put in 1, brought out dead and slid in another and 10 minutes later his ashes are tossed into a flower bed.
Next morning, Where's Trump? how can we prevent our country from going this far when so many people support socialism which is entry level communism?
This is how government fools liberals,
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falling asleep during a speech while KNOWING he is on camera and this is not the first time that has happened.
Hopefully in November we can send him back to his front porch to a rocking chair and let his dog sit by his side and bite the paper boy or something instead of our secret service agents.Trumps dog never bit anyone.
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Even funnier is old rat Joe is speaking at an anti-gun rally.
Guns are bad okay! But my junkie piece of shit son needs one!
More trouble ahead with his taxes.
Will daddy help him?
My quesion is,why did he buy the gun and only keep it 11 days? What did he do with it that he couldn't return it for a refund? that was not a cheap pistol.
Just the legal system working how it should.
How you feel about it is directly related to who his father is.
If it was Donald Trump Jr. it would be a shit show and a
witch hunt and yada yada yada and we all know that’s a fact.
I do know that his girlfriend threw it in a garbage can at a grocery store.
That's why it wasn’t returned to the gun store.
Alot of irresponsible actions there.
Trump was just "convicted". so he had the gun long before.
he had the liquor license before the "conviction". And until all the appeals and such are done ,that is in wait I would think.
Besides, sub contracts will handle the license at the golf clubs. that is why you hire lawyers , to combat over regulations .what will it matter if golfer buy liquor at a golf course with Trump 1000 miles away??
Do you know who Senator Robert Menendez, representative Henry Cuellar and Representative Cori Bush are?
They are all Democrats currently being prosecuted or under investigation by Biden’s department of Justice. Democrats! What the fuck is going on here? Why isn’t Joe letting all these people off?
It’s only wrong when it’s a Republican. Right?
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Boy old sleepy Joe sure is doing a shitty job of rigging his justice system!
And the 10% for the Big Guy isn't forgotten either.
And besides, some wild animals eat their own. And maybe they didn't give 10% to the Big guy?? ever thought of that?
got to be.
Also pretty well confirms who's white stuff was found in the White house to. Boy that sure did get pushed under the rug. When mad cow desease got rampant, they found the 1 cow where it all started.But yet,no one knows who's dope it was. Yea right, no finger prints,no hair static clingy to the baggy,nothing clean slate.
As a convicted felon Donald Trump is not allowed to own a gun in Florida but he told his probation officer yesterday that he has one in Florida so he’s had it illegally about the same length of time the Hunter Biden had his gun.
In New Jersey a convicted felon is not allowed to have a liquor license. Donald Trump has golf courses in New Jersey with liquor licenses so he’s going to have to dance around that one too.
But of course that was all the sham trial, nothing but a witch hunt orchestrated by the guy that could have shutdown his son’s trial before it even began.
All they had to do was follow along and the truck would run out of fuel. Did NOT have to reenact the Shoot out at OK corral .
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What shocked me was a video that wasn't shown much on the media repeats, was 1 lady in a car ran over a cops foot as he was literally putting HER sitting in her car between him and the ups truck and she put a stop to that, he had to hunker down behind the left rear quarter panel. Still putting her in jeopardy.
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