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Started by #431354 [Ignore] 19,Dec,13 17:10
For those who are tired of the random negativity in forum feel free to post wild sexy topics and no attacks on anyone...

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By #502711 06,Sep,17 08:36
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,17 20:08 other posts 
The woman is talking from experience!
By #485312 07,Sep,17 08:25
[deleted image]
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Sep,17 13:06 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Sep,17 20:08 other posts 
By #536760 08,Sep,17 00:54
Don't you think your way to old to still feel the need to insult people, (Bad Santa?) or are you going to go out fighting? You need a cuddle ? :x
By #485312 08,Sep,17 09:04
[deleted image]
GOD l love this dude, he's so funny, he'd be a good reason to go to church just to hear him preaching morality and dip his balls in the holy water *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 19:02 other posts 
Ha ha ha. Where the fuck did you discover him?
By #485312 08,Sep,17 21:23
seen his pictures on the recent uploads and felt he needs some coverage here, l might buy a nuns habit next time and join him at the church gate for a photoshoot.. *lix*
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heres some more of his super sexy handy work *lix*
By #536760 08,Sep,17 21:37
That is funny and brave.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 08:28 other posts 
Nothing funny about it he's an inconsiderate old fool and some day he will pay dearly for that picture
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 13:50 other posts 
That's very funny indeed. He's 81 years old too!
By #485312 10,Sep,17 04:08
yeah and still rocking his socks off, he's more daring than me, l might get that good when l get that old.. heres hoping *lix*
By #502711 10,Sep,17 04:31
Wow. I thought that was photoshopped. But on closer inspection, I believe it is real! haha that's great!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 18:19 other posts 
If a woman did that she would not have anything to risk.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Sep,17 00:11 other posts 
I wonder who took the photo of the priest.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Sep,17 00:18 other posts 
His male partner of course. He's gay. Or, if he's Catholic, the altar boy.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Sep,17 01:42 other posts 
Maybe a naughty Nun?
By #485312 12,Sep,17 02:43
yeah she would, people wouldn't find it funny if they turned around and spotted it, being a bloke or a chick, a lot of people find nudity just wrong, l think the shock would make them hit you with hand bag lol, no one would get out scot free *lix*

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 18:23 other posts 
Some people say they like shaved pussy, others prefer natural. I just like pussy that wants to be fucked. Here's one that's not shaved:
[deleted image]
I do fuck her regularly.

By #485312 06,Sep,17 04:29
is common sense learned or gifted ??? do you achieve common sense by learning what is wrong and right through life, or do some of us have it instilled in us from birth?? some having more then others ?? *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,17 04:47 other posts 
I think it's both. However, the environment and upbringing plays a great role.
By #485312 06,Sep,17 07:39
l believe in the bad egg theory, some people are just born bad, when you get 10 kids in one family and they range from being great people, right down to at least one or two being criminals of some kind.. all brought up the same but all so different in nature, some kind, some not, its born in them, and no amount of parenting can change what they become *lix*
By #502711 06,Sep,17 07:54
I think that's a little different than common sense. Common sense is something like not pouring hot water on a frosty windshield because it would crack. Some would do it, most wouldn't. Bad eggs know the difference between right & wrong, but still choose to do the wrong thing from time to time. Some people just don't care about the consequences.
By #485312 06,Sep,17 08:47
common sense is intelligence to work out what might happen, its a judgement on the situation, weighing up the components and making an educated decision, and getting it right most of the time, pouring the hot water is educated thinking, knowing hot water will melt ice quick, but not realising what reaction the cold glass will have to it.. bad eggs might not care, or might not know the consequences to their actions and keep making the wrong decisions.. being caught isn't smart, bad eggs can have lots of common sense if they know how not to get caught. nature and nurture makes up a lot of the components to common sense, but like a bad egg, some are going to have more common sense from birth and some will never get it even after being taught.. *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,17 20:06 other posts 
I see what you mean....

By jayman73 [Ignore] 05,Sep,17 21:31 other posts 
So, this hurricane Irma believe it or not is the first hurricane I'm actually tracking Myself by hand, rather than just relying on the TV news.

It does give you that piece of Mind knowing exactly where the hurricane is and exactly where it is going. Let's hope it avoids Florida altogether, but if it doesn't I'll know exactly where it's going.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 05,Sep,17 23:27 other posts 
Almost all of the tracks that I saw take it directly over FL! And from what I've been reading it is going to be one of the most powerful storms to hit the US! I hope everyone who can get to higher ground or evacuate.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 05,Sep,17 23:48 other posts 
Worried about you, jayman.
By #485312 06,Sep,17 00:59
take care Jayman, its nature doing its thing, and youre best to stay under cover till it passes... its the mother showing us her power *lix*

By #485312 04,Sep,17 00:57
ever tried wasabi on your cock or cunt??? l like to tickle my clit after lve chopped chilli, lve heard of others using vicks vapour rub on cock.. whats your hot rod rub?? *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,17 10:55 other posts 
Wasabi? Have you tried it?

I personally prefer natural pussy juice. Far better than any other lubricant
By #535670 04,Sep,17 11:56
Never thought of it. Did you enjoy the experience ?
By #485312 04,Sep,17 13:14
yeah l love chilli, lve never tried wasabi, l was hoping the hear how it felt, to give it a try if it sounded good *lix*
By #535670 04,Sep,17 13:52
Wasabi is kinda hot sexy LickSipSuckIt
By #485312 05,Sep,17 00:45
yeah, lve never even tasted it, but l have a few little packets from the sushi bar that lve been tempted to try on my bits.. lve also seen that nettle used and we don't have it here l don't think, that's looks interestingly delightful too.. another burning sensation *lix*
By #502711 05,Sep,17 03:48
Wasabi tastes like gasoline. I don't like it. I think I rubbed some on your pussy once, & it burned, BAD. Or it was just regular chilli. Anyway it burned too much for you.
By #485312 05,Sep,17 05:07
did you?? l don't remember that, you'll have to jolt my memory about that, l know lve had chilli on it at yours, because lve made you guacamole at yours.. and if l cut chilli, l usually don't waste it before l wash my hands.. cant remember getting the wasabi out, *lix*

By #502711 24,Aug,17 02:22
What's with micro penis's? Seems like something evolution should have phased out long ago. Or perhaps, with humanities hierarchy of power, monarchs with tiny dicks could just have any woman they wanted, impregnated them, & passed the gene on to their progeny. Otherwise any other animal would not have that problem. Why do some people have huge dicks? Is that evolution? Would having such a big dick be a problem? Like what if you were in a war, like an old time war with swords 'n' shit? Does anyone think that the guys with tiny dicks had less a chance of having their cock severed off, while guys with huge dicks had many cock lacerations?.. These are some of the things that go through my mind occasionally...
By #485312 24,Aug,17 04:25
/blogs/33859.html heres a link to a blog l read recently about it, apparently its a medical condition for some, from the testicles not descending at birth, that's probably why they check them in baby boys... hope this helps your inquisitive mind young man.. and puts some new questions in your head for next time *lix*
By #535670 24,Aug,17 18:28
There is no problem Sir, you have a great mind! Most everyone wants a larger penis because most of us are average or what?
By #502711 25,Aug,17 04:21
I would say I have an average size penis. But I still feel like it's not big enough. I'd be happy with another inch. At the same time I don't feel ashamed of it either.
By #535670 25,Aug,17 23:52
I know what you mean AussieMan
By #485312 27,Aug,17 09:13
you have the perfect cock baby, and longer and you would have poked holes in me.. we fit together great *lix*
By #502711 29,Aug,17 07:10
Fuckin' oath baby
By onthelose [Ignore] 31,Aug,17 15:22 other posts 
I have a friend who has nine inch's. He says it is a problem most of the time because some women are afraid of getting hurt and the others aren't deep enough, so he only gets to use half of what he has. Ill never know myself because I am average.
By #502711 02,Sep,17 18:13
That's interesting. I think there's women out there though that would LOVE all of his dick up in there

By #485312 27,Aug,17 17:02
a question for the men... Do you find it attractive when seemingly intelligent women play "DUMB"??? is there any reason or situation they should put their 'dumb head' on?? *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Aug,17 19:23 other posts 
No I Don't.

Some women (and some men) are by nature dumb. You can do nothing about it. They're dumb. If, however, theu're attractive and want a fuck, no problem. I'll fuck them.

But that's not what you're asking. If a woman is intelligent and plays it dumb, there are two scenarios. Either I don't know she's intelligent, in which case I'll act as above. Or I know it, in which case, her acting dumb is off putting.

In any case, I prefer the woman to be what she naturally is. If she's intelligent, she shouldn't act dumb. If she's dumb she shouldn't pretend she's intelligent. And if she's more intelligent than me, great. I'll learn from her!
By #535670 27,Aug,17 20:23
It is pretty obvious they are playing dumb. What do they achieve is in their own world?

By #485312 23,Aug,17 09:29
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have you ever farted in an elevator???
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and did you blame it on someone else???

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Aug,17 18:40 other posts 
The few pleasures that bosses derive: fart and fuck freely. (My boss doesn't know I'm fucking his wife though. He he. )
By #485312 23,Aug,17 21:44
hahaha, that's evil and l love it, have you fucked her at his desk yet.. that would be the ultimate in 'fucking the boss' *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Aug,17 03:21 other posts 
No, not at his desk.
By #535670 23,Aug,17 19:09
I fart all the time in the elevator when my boss is there lol
By #485312 23,Aug,17 23:21
do you look around like its not you?? and add suspicion to others lol, ??? *lix*
By #502711 24,Aug,17 02:10
I do that at work, it's easy to get away with a fart, because everyone is so close together. & yes I do look around as if someone else did it.
By #485312 24,Aug,17 04:20
youre a bad boy!!! hopefully you saved some of them from last weekend to share with the boys at work *lix*
By #535670 25,Aug,17 02:14
No I pretend nothing happened and just keep smiling.

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