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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 12:04 other posts 
I do regular oil changes and tire rotation but if someone asked me if I had a "tire socket", I wouldn't have any idea what in the heck they were talking about. I Googled "tire socket" and it kinda reminds me of my tire lock(s).

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By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 13:49 other posts 
Kinda like "your blinker fluid is low".
But in this case, i would think maybe the mechanic was dumbing down the wheel lock that is on alot of cars nowadays since people like to steal wheels.
it is a special lug nut that replaces 1 on each wheel to prevent theft.there is a adaptor ,usually in the glove box that has to be inserted into the lug wrench to remove the lug nut.Should come with the car when purchased.Most of us that live in areas of the country where wheel theft is not a real issue, we go by the junk yard and get 4 regular lug nuts like the rest and throw away those annoying special lug nuts.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 15:10 other posts 
Where is the blinker fluid reservoir located?

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 20:50 other posts 
Only in Chicago......"I'LL SUCK YO NUTS"

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By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 21:06 other posts 
Good lord will someone bash that nigga in the face and shut him up
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 21:29 other posts 
Drugs, the things people do and say while on them
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 00:46 other posts 
You can't tell? That's a WOMAN!
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 05:30 other posts 
Oh my mistake
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 05:56 other posts 
Seriously, you thought that was a man?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 06:01 other posts 
Yeah I did I couldn’t find my glasses at that time
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 10:37 other posts 
I kinda figured out it was a woman but not any woman I would want any part of, a drug crazed idiot is just that, a drug crazed idiot ,regardless of their genitals.
By biggg [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 17:21 other posts 
Hmm, would certainly like my nuts sucked, but not by this person....
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 19:42 other posts 
She would probably bite them off or eat your face while she’s at it
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 13:53 other posts 
yea, and you would have to go thru the rabies shot regime to

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 10:11 other posts 
What in the world were they thinking? Apparently, they weren't thinking at all!

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By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 10:29 other posts 
What the actual fuck. This is the kind of thing you let your buddy try to do, not your fiance
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 10:58 other posts 
Seriously, why didn't they trade places, she should have been driving and he laying on the mattress? And only a day before their wedding and she's all torn up.

I'm probably sounding like a typical woman however the wedding is all about the bride and it is her with road rash and broken teeth.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 13:53 other posts 
Well, please forgive me but what little physics i had in school, there were girls in the class to.
Frankly, she should have known better.
huge boats and ships have sailed the seas by winds much slower than 50mph.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 05:14 other posts 
An interesting article regarding Mark Cuban.

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By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 23:19 other posts 
How great is it to be a modern day hero, a member of a team of people that rescued someone buried in the rubble caused by a tornado? Yeah, you can't see the face of the guy in the blue t-shirt but (no pun intended) you can see his darn butt-crack.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,24 18:57 other posts 
My goodness they say crack kills but in this case it saves
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,24 22:02 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 21:14 other posts 
There is no liberals on here from this country for me to bash but I found a lot of them on Facebook I’ve had a few of my posts deleted so far but I keep on bashing most of the cowards won’t even answer me they just disappear
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 21:28 other posts 
My uncle is on facebook once in a while. Most of the time he piss's off 1 of the folks he served in nam with that are liberal and he goes to facebook jail.
I always called it Butt book because everyone shows their ass on there.

By White_Mamba [Ignore] 30,May,24 15:46 other posts 
To the democrats why do they use a donkey? Is that porn to them?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Jun,24 02:49 other posts 
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By White_Mamba [Ignore] 03,Jun,24 17:35 other posts 
so its porn then. I heard that all you have to do is yell HEE HAW and they come runnin,

I heard hey called "DEMOCRAPS" is because in colorado where the marijuna is legal its really marijuana flavored dog shit charging twice the street value. Wow, that's some heavy shit man. I wonder what great dane tastes like. LOL...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 05:06 other posts 
Are you arguing illegal marijuana is of higher quality than legal marijuana?
Come to my country then, we have the best quality weed in the world.
Whatever strikes your fancy, we got it for you.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 11:43 other posts 
So instead of great dane dog shit you use German Sheppard? lolBesides using dog shit they use technologies to get into your feeble brain lowering your IQ by 20-30 points. That' metric, not english measured points. To kill more neurons in the brain brainwashing mixed with stupidity. A fantasy "captain video assending to pluto excursions while smoking more dog shit"

If you start with ChihuahuaDog breed little turds first you can gradually work your way up to great dane.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 13:04 other posts 
Personally, I'm using nothing. I don't smoke, not cannabis and not tobacco,
and I don't drink alcohol (or at least at maximum once or twice per year.
I just support the right for people to use it, 'because freedom' and because
some people benefit from it.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 14:02 other posts 
Sad that you need a weed to make you happy.I thought you lived in Utopia, and now you tell me you have legal weed.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 11:30 other posts 
You know The Netherlands has legal weed. We talked about it many times.
I didn't say I use it myself. I don't smoke (anything) and I don't drink.
That doesn't mean I don't know about it. We had several friends in the past that used weed regularly. We still have a neighbor who uses it several times a day, for medical issues. Just because we 'live in Utopia', doesn't mean everyone is happy. People can still have health and mental issues.

My mother has used weed for medical problems. She made tea from it, she didn't smoke it. She needed weed with high CBD and low THC. The seller knew exactly what she needed and had several choices. The average pharmacist knows less about their products.

That's how I know that my country has great quality weed and qualified people who sell it. If our government would also legalize the production, my wish to legalize, tax and regulate would be fully met. That illegality causes problems now.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,24 09:41 other posts 
Every thing is about porn to the liberals
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 04:59 other posts 
Meanwhile, this site is overrun by right-wing conservatives.

Red states tend to view porn more often than blue states.
And they view more gay and transsexual porn too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 06:35 other posts 
So last i checked we were all adults on here
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 11:53 other posts 
Whatever gave you that idea. Liberals go crazy when you challenge them then look to smoking dog shit. It's cheaper if you look on the ground first before spending a fortune at the smoking pot dog shit store.

Natures way of cleaning up the envirnment I suppose
I'm not the one whining about porn, talk to White_Mamba.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 11:48 other posts 
are you saying you love smoking dog shit rather than having sex?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 11:56 other posts 
I repeat; I don't smoke (anything).

Just because we can get it in my country, whenever we want,
doesn't mean most people use it. We probably use less than you.
Most people will try it once or twice, and that's it.
I've been stoned ones, which was fun. In a party, we tried space-cake ones, but it didn't do anything for me. I never tried either again.

I prefer being sober, even when everyone else is not. At least I can step in when people get out of control. In any case, I'm the one who can remember everything
and I never have to worry about doing things I regret later.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,24 09:53 other posts 
have you not saw AOC?
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 04:55 other posts 
I must admit; a striking resemblance.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 08:53 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 09:17 other posts 
When Kamala Harris laughs, I feel that her face resembles that of a donkey when it brays. phart posted a short video on democrats that apparently didn't grab the attention of many members.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 09:33 other posts 
What's with the strange 1930's vibe?
Do they want it to look like the awful pre-war propaganda?
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 10:18 other posts 
1930's vibe? Golly, it looks so 21st century to me.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 13:07 other posts 
It looks to me like a cheap attempt to make your opponents look stupid,
because that is easier than arguing principles and policies.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 14:06 other posts 
as always you want to ignore the times when the democrats show their true selves, perhaps when the drugs wear off?
sadly that video shows the sad reality we Americans have to endure every day while the dottering old man joe makes us the laughing stock of earth.

If the aliens landed today in my back yard and said, "take us to your leader!," I would say " gladly, just please take the sumbitch with ye".
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 12:02 other posts 
Like that is showing Democrats at their true selves.
If their true self is so horrible, you wouldn't need to dramatize it.
That's what 'my media' does; they just play what your side is saying.
And it's always stupid and horrible, no matter how long we listen.

If you do that, play what 'the libs' are saying, it's at best 10 seconds.
If you presented what they say a bit longer, people might like it.
That's why you don't even dare listening; you are afraid you'll like it.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 15:23 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 16:07 other posts 
You said a mouthful!
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 16:12 other posts 
I posted a comment and it ended way down here not making any sense down here, so I deleted my statement
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 17:41 other posts 
Actually, when tapped, the ⤴️ takes your post right to the comment you were posting on.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 18:54 other posts 
Didn’t know that, never read that right in front of my face

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