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Care for the old is declining after obama care.
The only justice is the folks that love it so much, shall 1 day be served by it themselves and I hope I get to watch them whine and piss and moan on tv about they want help and insurance won't pay.
News 2060, "They paid for my transition in 2020 but won't pay for my prostate cancer treatment now" Boobooohoooohoo.
The passage of Obamacare allowed Medicare Advantage to function fundamentally as it had before. Medicare Advantage, also called Part C, is another way to get your Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) benefits through a private insurance company approved by Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans got their name in 2003 with the passage of the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA). Some Medicare beneficiaries choose Medicare Advantage plans because they might offer benefits Original Medicare doesn’t cover, such as routine dental, routine vision, and prescription drug coverage. Most Medicare Advantage plans are HMOs (health maintenance organizations). Some Medicare Advantage plans may advertise $0 plan premiums, but with Medicare Advantage, you must continue to pay your Part B premium (and Part A premium if applicable).
But these things were really cool.
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I put a sheet of parchment paper on a tray (for easier cleanup after it’s cooked) and bake it in the oven. This prevents splatter all over my stove and the cleanup that goes with frying bacon. After it’s cooked I put it on paper towel to dry and cool and then wrap it in individual packages of three pieces and freeze them. When I want bacon for a sandwich I open my freezer door and take a pack out to thaw.
Easy peezy lemon squeezy!
Here's a question; have you stolen, are you aware of any wrongdoing where you work or worked?
I'm going to start this off by saying that I have stolen, no matter how "insignificant" I think it was. Yep, when I was employed by BCBSM, I've been known to take pens, markers, note pads, Post-It notes, etc. When I had a job as a bartender, I served patrons drinks that were "compliments of the house".
Bottom line, no matter how "small and insignificant" I thought my actions were, it was theft.
When they get caught, they get fired and have a hard time ever working again.
When upper management steals, they steal the employees retirement funds
or millions/billions from the tax-payer. When they get caught, they almost never get punished. If the company crumbles or they are forced to leave, they still leave with millions in bonuses and go to the next company to do it all over again.
The more "small and insignificant" stealing is, the harder it's judged relatively.
So better not do it, because it only benefits, if you can do it by the millions.
My girlfriend works for a catering company. It's ridiculous how fast cutlery disappears and how much they keep ordering. In all my years at my company, I might have accidentally put one fork in my breadbox and not returned it, but at the rate it disappears some people should have noting but canteen cutlery at home.
For my employer, it would also be difficult to separate theft from legitimate use of pens, post-its, markers and notepads, because we work from home 90%. I have a big stack of post-its here, that I took from the office, but 99.9% I use for work. It's my system to keep track of all my small and big projects and little jobs resulting from it.
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A Washington state resident has spent the past year willfully ignored court orders to have her active and contagious case of tuberculosis treated and remain in isolation while doing so.
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Anyone who didn't have a covid-19 jab and is still living will probably be ok with someone walking around with TB...
What about religious rights also? Jehovah's witnesses are notorious for not following court orders regarding medication!!!
DAMMIT! I spotted yet another one of my grammatical errors,
If you travel to a country with malaria,you will take the shots and meds to prevent that!!!!
Polio vaccine cannot cure you,but is a preventive measure to reduce your risk of the polio virus..
It's individual rights versus collective rights.You have the right to refuse,but if you are in a public space , others have the right to breath uninfected air/be in a clean from disease space.
At least if all those criminals are in prison they are not stealing your shit...
One minute you want everyone locked up,but then you say there are too many in prison!!! Still fun to watch your cognitive dissonance remain strong!!!
Percentage of population is the metric I used!!
And the USA!!! Not the UK!!!
I also said if prison was PRISON, there would be less in there because they would learn NOT TO STEAL my shit or yours the first time.
But most go back because it is warm,they have tv,and gyms to work out in.
Take those nice things away and make it 4 grey walls like it used to be and there would be less in there and more productive people out in the world
So is it the land of the free,when so many people are in prison!!!?
Prison is not a deterrent anymore!! You have to look at why people commit the crimes they do and how to reduce the chances of those demographics from getting into a life of crime!!
Productive is what to you? working 60 hours a week for a company that pays you minimum wage!!!or go to college where you get ripped off for a degree and be in debt for life!!!
Working hard doesn't equal a good quality of life!!! working smart does!!!
And those boomerang prisoners are probably addicts!!so is better they are in prison or on the streets robbing to feed their habits?
It's easy to just point fingers and say this is what should be done!!but if you make enough people desperate and struggling to get through each day!you make a desperate way of life!! people crack under pressure!!
We have 40 hour weeks here, anything over that is over time pay. And the democrats tax that more,that is why it doesn't help as much as it COULD, if democrats would get out of your pockets.
You have to be smart from the start ,make good grades in school ,get Grants ,and Scholarships. THEN get a degree in a industry that has value, engineering, or pharma, Not basket weaving and social studies. To many of those out of work social studies grads .and alot of these new degrees in things that weren't even a thing 20 years ago like gender studies, those people are going to starve, and I feel nothing for them.
Prison is not a deterrent because of liberal policy's trying to make it more "humane". It is a nice place to go when you don't want any responsibility or don't want to work or have a family. That needs to change. I have often said we need to contract our prison system out to china. Any one over a 5 year sentence goes to china to serve. I bet when they come back,they will be a changed person for the better.As they will not want to go back.
Get drugs off the street and stop creating the desperate situations you speak of. Making way for druggies to use safely, is not going to stop them.Jail the users right along with the dealers, take away the market and the source at the same time. Problem will dwindle.
That's not reality!!!
For all you have just posted,you just state,that it's luck and not hard work that gets you ahead in life!!!
Why are you so bothered by how others live their lives!!?
It's not your money they are spending!!
And your on medication,so fuck off, you're an addict of corporate drugs!!!pushed on to you by a doctor making money off your bad luck!!!
Addiction is an illness and till people realise that you cant improve anything!
More Americans are addicted to prescription drugs than ill3gal ones!
Why do people do drugs phart? Explain why they do drugs?
People want to get high and need pain relief, always have, always will!!!
Why is working the thing that determines someone's value?
If half of the jobs are nothing jobs as you point out! someone still has to do them and be qualified to do it!!when things change, employment skills change!!
People get desperate when they have nothing,so if you born into nothing,what chance do you have!? Hope for that luck you speak off!! What if you have siblings starving,shitty parents hooked on hillbilly heroin? What you gonna do? just sit there and starve? You become a product of your environment phart!!
There's whole counties addicted to prescription drugs,cuz there are no jobs or prospects cuz the big town employer closed the place down!
And why should people have a family,who are you to tell them they should have k1ds,fuck off you fascist!!
I suppose you think you have the right to tell women what to do and when to do it?
Stay in your basement and live in your bubble of hannity, Limbaugh and newsmax!!!!
Cognitive dissonance is strong with you!!!!
You said nothing will stop the druggies!!!!yet you still want to lock them up and give them no chance to repent!!!or show remorse for their actions!or get addiction help!!
What about all the armed services who are addicted to drugs cuz of the trauma they have seen? Do you give them a free pass cuz they served your country? Or do just lock them up like normal junkies?
I cant' stand for my mind to be screwed up like those oxys and fentanyl does to you.
I am not saying people have to have familys,but that is part of how the species procreates and continues.
As to people having nothing, whose fault is it? I know to manyh druggies that go to rehab,get some church to get behind them,donate a car,give em a job ,put them in a place to stay,only to later steal the speakers out of the church wreck the car,and tear the wires out of the house to sell for crack.
1 guy, last count 35 times in rehab. not a veteran,just somebody that was in my high school class that got ahold of pot and then it was not enough. He is a thief thug,and sonof a bitch, and there is no need to waste time on him or others like him. Lock em up,keep them out of the working familys way.
I am bothered about how others live their lives when it affects the way I can live mine. Their stupidity ,their stealing,their begging and borrowing,only to waste and squander , that makes me and anyone else with some level of common sense mad and tired of the shit .And we are left wanting solutions and all we get are news reports about safe havens for them to keep pumping drugs.
You mention a few amenities found in some prisons. A tv is a way to keep the prison population distracted. People crowded together with no hope of getting free tend to plan mayhem/escapes. The TV's are more for the benefit of the staff. The same with a gym. It provides an outlet for tension. One of the reasons drug users are not jailed is that addiction is a sickness, not a crime, and, there's zero chance of getting those drugs off the streets. Your suggestion would increase the jail/prison population multi-fold.
Only reason they are a problem for staff is because they are not kept in their cells until their sentence is thru.
What is crueler,the way a man butchers someone in a murder,or putting his ass in a cell?
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As far as that woman in Washington state, I don't care wether she lives or d!es. I do care that she's putting other people in danger. This is the same argument we had with the Covid vaccine/shots. As long as she stays in isolation, then great. If not, then she should be jailed in the appropriate institution and kept in isolation.
YES, THIS IS AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE AND THE FOOLISH. It's also my land and I don't want TB, Covid, or any other crap carried by someone else.
to not get infected by a deathly disease begin.
The the right to religious freedom overrides most of American law at some point!! even though there is supposed to be a separation of God and state, every American president has said "god bless America" at some point!! So God comes first for a lot of religious people!!
As I said , individual rights versus collective rights dominate life!!!my right to say no to something versus a government who tells me I have to do something!!!
I'm sure you can find examples of religious rights overriding the actual law!!!!
I think there was a story bout a baker not wanting to bake cakes for gay couples, that religious right overrides equality!
Just cuz all religions discriminate as part of its indoctrination.
So their God/supreme being and belief in that way of life!
Overrides local laws!!
Before we get into a discussion on church mixing with state you should research how many countries have recognized one religion as the national religion. In Latin countries it's been the Catholic Church until recently. Maybe some are still like that. That's what it really means. Having a nativity scene outside the courthouse is only an appeasement to the rabid Christian right.
As for Buddhism, yeah it's more of a belief system than a religion,but it's the same point!!
What you believe dictates your life at all levels!!!if you are a true believer.
A ch1ld dying cuz of their parents inaction through religious belief happens all the time!!! As I pointed out in another post,Jehovah's witnesses don't follow the law of the land they follow the Bible!!!!
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I would buy a ticket to see it
But how about the champion system?
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I'm sure he would do better as president than either Trump or Biden.
Jehovah's witnesses follow the Bible, but, witch part?
Food was brought to those sick, medical care was over a computer monitor, social interaction was by computer or telephone.
OH my, how dare you endanger yourself like that,you coulda caught the wuhan virus!
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