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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By Cody8789 [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 01:17 other posts 
I have a question, I’ve been noticing cars 🚗 parking on my street after midnight, getting out of there cars and going around the back of my neighbors house in the dark and coming out with a bag of something and speeding off all night for about two weeks now. My suspicion is, my neighbor is selling drugs. What should I do. Nothing, inform police of suspicious activity at night, maybe I should just ignore it and mind my own bussiness. The wife is a drunk, the husband doesn’t work and the 16 year old sun is always in trouble with the law, but there friendly people. What would you do?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 03:17 other posts 
From what I sense, you live in a upscale area. You, your neighbors might not be in any immediate danger at this time however I suspect that things that begin small will have a tendency to grow. Meaning that the activity that you witness might be a small scale and organized drug sales but the potential is there for growth. ie more "traffic" in your neighborhood bringing folks that might not be so "thoughtful". Capiche?

Do you feel that your life or your home might be peril in the future? Report it.
By #719542 14,Sep,24 03:22
That's a drug business for sure (or another illegal business), what should you do, well, if you report it to the pigs (Australian term for cops), you may be implicated in the reporting, if it was me & it was not directly effecting me directly, I would ignore it, if it started effecting me directly I would report it to the pigs.

Secondly I would ensure security in your own home if you were out, keep every thing locked up mate
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 03:32 other posts 
I don't believe that Cody would be implicated in any way, the police would probably use Cody's "tip" to surveil the situation and build their case.
By #719542 14,Sep,24 03:33
Yer but pigs have loose mouths, in my experience anyways 🤷‍♂️
By #719542 14,Sep,24 03:37
Also if something went down & it went to court Cody my be implicated at that point then, well, stuff, from impications 🤷‍♂️
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 07:28 other posts 
I have a neighbor that is up all night riding around on a golf cart and a lot of traffic in and out of his driveway all night and I suspect they are dealing meth but I don’t get involved because that kind of activity don’t go unnoticed cops arnt stupid and the meth dealers will slip up and get caught on their own
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 07:57 other posts 
You have a neighbor that's up all night and riding around in a golf cart? How do you know that? Do you cross paths with the neighbor as you are riding around on your motorized BAR STOOL!?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 08:37 other posts 
No I see this activity when I get up to pee
--------------------------------------- added after 95 seconds

I ride the bar stool strictly in the day time
By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Sep,24 21:58 other posts 
New subject dgraff... About an hour and a half before I go to bed I quit drinking water until actual bedtime when I take required medication and I never get up in the middle of the night to go pee.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,24 23:01 other posts 
My god some times I get up three times and sometimes I just wake up to smoke a cigarette 🚬
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 10:38 other posts 
I think some photos and a anonymous letter sent to the police would be the best way to report it. They probably already know about it.BUT sadly, they may wait until half the houses on that block are full of bullet holes before they act.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 12:13 other posts 
Cody, report it as a abnormality and not as a drug operation. Do as the cops like to say, "See something, say something". Just say there's an awfuot of traffic during the night.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 20:50 other posts 
I think for now I will just lay low, I have a good friend in fdle and maybe I will tell him and explain to him not to involve me.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,24 00:14 other posts 
What is the "FDLE" an acronym of?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 15,Sep,24 08:56 other posts 
FDLE stands for Florida Department of Law Enforcement. They are the state police. They have the last say on police matters in the state
By #719542 15,Sep,24 00:59
Best option mate

By #719542 14,Sep,24 05:23
Lot of cunts here need to settle down & have a "banana paddle pop", or else ya will end up with a headache 🤷‍♂️
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,24 07:54 other posts 
Uh, "banana paddle pop"? Is that an Aussie term for something more ominous?
By #719542 14,Sep,24 08:11
CB term I used to hear locally (a tow truck driver on citizen band 2 way radio, AM before FM came out a over the trucky radio waves, channel 40 back in the day, not as bad as "I got a big cock" a power station back in the day, some of the guys tracked him down & bashed the shit out of him, then big cock was gone, the tow driver call sign was "Squeaky" always spoke in a squeaky voice, fun times, miss them)

If anyone got the shits with old squeaky & his antics over the radio he would always say,

"have a banana paddle pop & settle down or you will give yourself a headache" lol

Old mate squeaky never got tracked down, but things went to FM then he was lost to the obese sadly, he was so funny.

By Jamie [Ignore] 06,Sep,24 23:02 other posts 
Site getting boring .
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Sep,24 00:59 other posts 
Well let’s get naked and Jazz it up some!!!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Sep,24 12:12 other posts 
Jamie, what you need is for your partner to play with you while you post in the forums. Getting head while typing that Tacos are the best Mexican food can make it very exciting.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 13,Sep,24 06:35 other posts 
Seriously nothing but a political dump for people that have no lives.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Sep,24 09:48 other posts 
We all have lives, just some people are so damn dumb you can't help but wonder how they manage to wipe their ass without a government loan to buy the paper that is taxed at 7.5% and a county inspector to confirm their ass is clean .And a county inspector to make sure the shit is handled in a environmentally safe way as to not cause a skin rash on the local mole and army worm population ..
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 13,Sep,24 14:36 other posts 

The dumb ones are the ones I was inferring to as having no life.They would shit the floor if someone yanked to hard on their tits.
By BirdDog [Ignore] 13,Sep,24 23:24 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,24 10:23 other posts 
Hard to believe it has been 23 years since 9-11. The empty skys, the flags. a brief moment in America's history that people displayed some patriotism. I saw no flags out today at half staff or anything.everyone just going on about their day.
It should be a national holiday to give people a chance to remember or to learn about it. there are millions of people voting in our elections that were not even alive that day,that don't have a clue what happened and how easy it could happen again. To busy trying to get in the wrong bathroom or standing in line for the new iphone 16. Not realizing their little bubble could be poped at any minute.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 11,Sep,24 10:57 other posts 
Phart, I don’t think people have forgotten 911, but time marches on. Look at these and tell me why we don’t memorialize them. The first number is the injured. The second number is the fatalities. I listed only the ones that had 3 or more deaths.
Columbine High School
Littleton, CO
Heritage High School
Conyers, GA
Rocori High School
Cold Spring, MN
Red Lake Senior High School
Red Lake, MN

West Nickel Mines School
Nickel Mines, PA
Virginia Tech University
Blacksburg, VA
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Chardon, OH
Oakland, CA
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Newtown, CT
Santa Monica College
Santa Monica, CA
University of California, Santa Barbara
Isla Vista, CA
Reynolds High School
Troutdale, OR
West High School
Manchester, NHMarysville Pilchuck High School
Marysville, WA
Umpqua Community College
Roseburg, OR
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Parkland, FL
Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe, TX
Oxford High School
Oxford, MI
Robb Elementary School
Uvalde, TX
St. Louis, MO
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Fuquay-Varina Middle School
Fuquay-Varina, NC
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Covenant School
Nashville, TN
Huguenot High School
Richmond, VA
Source: Center for Homeland Defense and Security K-12 School Shooting Database (1999-2022), The Violence Project Mass Shooter Database, Mother Jones Mass Shooting Database (2023)
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,24 13:07 other posts 
You find school shootings to be equal to 9-11?
Yes they are tragic but nothing like what happened on 1 morning on 1 day.

Some say 9-11 was preventable.
Most would say school shootings are preventable and evidence clearly indicates alot of warnings and red flags were in place that coulda stopped the shootings. but the rights of 1 or a few basement dwelling sicko kids doped up on Physico meds are more important than the potential victims.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Sep,24 09:44 other posts 
Phart, I don’t equate both to be equal, but, my response was not for the severity of the crime but for the fact that most people don’t even know, much less honor the dead of Sandy Hook Elementary.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,24 10:19 other posts 
True, but that tragdy was limited to a small area and a small number of people.
so of course folks living 1000's of miles away are less apt to remember it.

The skys being void of aircraft was something hard to get used to. I won't forget the time I saw the first jet after 9-11 shutdown flying over head, i was like "WOW" we are getting back to normal" had no idea how wrong I was as there was never a return to the normal pre 9-11.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Sep,24 10:44 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Sep,24 12:27 other posts 
Almost 3,000 lives lost that day in the biggest act of terrorism against the United States of America on our soil.

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By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,24 13:05 other posts 
Yes, and people try to compare it to anything else in history other than war, and they come up very short.
I just read yesterday that the deaths afterwards due to exposure to chemicals is now about even with the lives lost on 9-11.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,24 00:23 other posts 
A woke wack-job......

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,24 09:41 other posts 
Luke, I am your father.....

James Earl Jones has died at the age of 93.

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By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,24 12:15 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 08:11 other posts 
I just don’t understand why the good people of California don’t wake up and see what a mess there democrat politicians are making of that state the good people should pack up and leave all the democrats behind then we can blow up the fault line and set them adrift in the ocean
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 10:24 other posts 
Many people of means as well as celebrities have left the State of California. They are not changing their political ideology only their zip code. We will have to wait to see what transpires in their new digs.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 10:30 other posts 
If that’s the case they should just stay in California because i don’t want their woke bull shit here we have enough nuts like that here already
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 17:11 other posts 
yea that will do no one any good if they don't change their ideas about politics and such.if they bring the Sierra club mentality with them to whatever state they go to, it will be fucked up soon.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 19:52 other posts 
In 2020, in wake of the George Floyd protests and subsequent public reconciliation of systematic racism in public history, the Sierra Club described their own early history as intermingled with racism.[11] In particular, the early Sierra Club favored the needs of white members to the exclusion of people of color, and Muir and some of his associates, such as Joseph LeConte, David Starr Jordan, and Henry Fairfield Osborn were closely related to the early eugenics movement in the United States.[11][12] Michael Brune, writing as the executive director of the Sierra Club, disavowed founder John Muir in the summer of 2020,[13] but some board members said Brune's characterization of Muir was not representative of the organization.[14]

Hear hear. BTW, the organization is committed to saving the environment through proper management of US public lands. This is good and in no way does it get involved in the stupid Republican politics.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,24 21:38 other posts 
the sierra club is the main reason the power line right of ways are not maintained to prevent fires, they don't allow trees to be cut down.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Sep,24 08:17 other posts 
Show us where that is written
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,24 08:28 other posts 
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"in the U.S., the Sierra Club advocates for ending commercial logging on federal public lands. This will not only safeguard remaining primary forests, but also allow proforestation across wide areas."

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"What is Section 4293 of the California Public Resources Code?
Public Resources Code 4293

It requires: 4-foot minimum clearance for powerlines between 2,400 and 72,000 volts. 10-foot clearance for powerlines carrying 110,000 volts and above. Removal of dead, diseased and dying trees that could fall into the powerlines."

4 foot,now where would that have come from? a advocacy group with money,
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Sep,24 12:53 other posts 
In the first part "it advocates". Do you need the definition for advocates?

In the second part, those are established separations between electrical transmission lines. What's wrong with that?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Sep,24 13:29 other posts 
2 small a area. A tree 10 foot away can fall with alot of force, knocking down a power line. around here it is about a 25-30 foot minimum along unpopulated areas. in town it is a bit closer but they ruin the trees with the method they use, and they usually split and fall on the house because the weight is 1 sided on the tree.

I can't quote the websters on the meaning of advocates. But it boils down to the group raises money and it's lobbyist pay that under the table to the policy makers. They buy their lunch, send them some wine, shit like that.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 09:24 other posts 
Ok, I don't know anything about it. I thought they were talking about the separation of the cables themselves. I bow to the informed one.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 11:57 other posts 
well, you can ride out into the county and ride the rural roads and see the clearances around lines better than you can in town.
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 12:02 other posts 
Did they get around to raking the forest to prevent forest fires? 😜
By CAT52! [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 12:12 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 19:19 other posts 
no body has enough sense to do it out there.
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 20:21 other posts 
It was Donald Trump’s idea.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

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By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 21:37 other posts 
my father was in germany back in the 50's and he told me the 1 thing he noticed first was there was not a loose stick laying around in the woods. kept clean.probably stuff was used for firewood but still, clean,without dead stuff laying around to rot and fire foder.
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 22:11 other posts 
That would be because the war effort made the wood valuable for every day life and for soldiers. It was trampled on, bombed and burned.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 09,Sep,24 08:25 other posts 
Do they rake forests anywhere in the US? The world?

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