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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 10:26 other posts 
I think sometimes people loose perspective of what a leader,or a President should do in some folks eyes.
Our President of course should be honest,but at the same time he is our leader and cheerleader of sorts.He is similar to a general on a battlefield.Can you imagine the moral of troops if the leaders only gave them the worst of news and the saddest facts only?. No the generals tell the troops they are making progress, reenforcements are on the way, the enemys moral is low and so on. YOu want the moral of the people-troops to be high,you want them to have hope,you don't want their dreams shattered,their lives filled with saddeness. And if you don't say what needs to be said,that is what will happen.The people-troops moral will drop,they will stop working for the better good-or fighting for victory.
By #610414 01,Sep,20 13:33
Phart you forget soldiers have to win battles. Regular civilians don’t. All they want is truth
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 21:09 other posts 
So you don't think the Wuhan virus is a battle? You don't think Drugs and drug overdose is a battle? What about violence in the streets? Domestic violence? All are battles in their own ways.And I am sorry about the miss spelled word.I used to have spell check on my old XP computer but this damn W7 box aint got it.
By #610414 02,Sep,20 08:05
The battle is fought by doctors and nurses. The patients recovery is the win. The responders need ventilators, they need protective cllothing, they need a gun to execute Wuhan spies. Keeping the morale of first responders up is a must. Keeping the average citizen enlightened with the truth is enough
You, Phart,you just exist. Trump or Biden, you don't have to do anything more than watch TV
By #188992 01,Sep,20 16:39
It's fucking "MORALE"!

It's only a small error (I guess) but the 2 words have such different meanings, and you put it in your post so much, I feel obliged to correct you.

Totally agree: keeping up morale is a good thing for a leader to do.

There's a ton of fucking other stuff too: competence, diligence, honesty, policies, character, eloquence/communication skills, etc.

If you just want a figurehead who tells you "Yee Ha, all is good." I know exactly who you should vote for!
By #551147 01,Sep,20 19:18
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020!, 2024?, 2028? 🇺🇲


Haters will continue to hate!
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 21:21 other posts 
And while focusing so much of their effort on hate, they miss out on opertunitys to do good.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 10:52 other posts 
10 clear goals for reducing police violence:

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By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 11:50 other posts 
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My President,Did anyone see this in the news? I doubt it, not negitive enough
By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 23:46 other posts 
You know that is date March 24th, right? I saw it then.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 10:23 other posts 
Yes,I had listened to the speach he made that day but had not known of the videos until yesterday.From what I remember Trumps dad taught him to run heavy equipment at a young age so he would understand some of what it took to build things. And to see our President actually has a sense of humor is refreshing.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 17:54 other posts 
Kyle Kulinski reacts to RNC convention bullshit:

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By #610414 28,Aug,20 18:42
By #551147 29,Aug,20 03:31
Hey Ananas,

Did YOU PERSONALLY watch all 3 + hours each day for 4 days? OR are you blindly accepting someone else's summary?

I mean, if you are calling regular everyday people that share their VERY personal stories of anguish, tragedies, triumphs, etc. as "bullshit". I truly thought you were better than that. I guess, my bad! Very disappointing...

As much as it pained me to do so, I watched both sides with my own eyes. ALL FOUR DAYS worth, two weeks in a row.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
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Is this ➡️ only registered users can see external links the "bullshit" you speak of? 🤨
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Is this ➡️ only registered users can see external links just more "bullshit"?
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

Those are "bullshit" BUT this ➡️ only registered users can see external links is perfectly acceptable, huh?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 11:58 other posts 
Hi phart,

No I didn't watch all of it. I've seen the whole speech of Nicki Haley, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Dana White. I heard about the speeches of Melania, Donald Jr. and Mike Pence from various YouTube channels. Those channels commented about the first three speeches and showed part of it. Then I saw the whole speeches to confirm if I agree with their comments. And yes, I agreed. They hurt the logic center in my brain.

The part about personal stories does apply to Nicki Haley, but the speeches of Kimberly Guilfoyle and Dana White are not. The are just sickening lies of propaganda at the level of North Korea.

I will watch the video's of Andrew Pollack and Herschel Walker later. I will do my best to keep an open mind.

Eh, did you mean to post the video of Cardi B - Wap? I don't see how that applies.
By #551147 31,Aug,20 14:00
I'm NOT Mr.Phart, 🤪

Thanks for admitting that you made your conclusions based on cherry picked portions of the event. Speaks volumes about the typical lefties/liberals closed mindset.

I think that is a very disingenuous way to sum it up as, "RNC convention bullshit". But, whatever, right?!

I DID mean to post Cardi B's, W.A.P. or Wet-Ass Pussy video.

That's just one nut-job that was allowed an interview of Joe Biden. By which one might think he endorses such a person. You know, the kind of person that openly admits to drugging men during the course of prostitution and then robbing them. A fine upstanding pillar of our society.

I wonder how may times the known prostitute aficionado Leopoldij has been drugged and robbed. I bet in some rather strange way, he actually enjoyed that part. Cause he's a sick, twisted piece of shit.

Here's a portion of the interview since you apparently missed it. only registered users can see external links

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 15:05 other posts 
Hi Scorps,

Sorry I called you phart.

First I will react to the video you linked about CardiB and Biden. I agree it was pretty cringeworthy at the beginning.

But while you seem to have problems with CardiB in this video, I have problems with Biden.

CardiB stood up against Biden, telling him what she wants for her people. She wants:
- free medicare (because of what is happening right now)
- free collage education
- black people to stop getting killed

I hope you know that these are Bernie Sanders' policies and Biden made clear he doesn't want to do anything like it.
That's why he doesn't say shit about it.

She continues:
- we are just asking for equality
- and justice
- we want to feel like Americans

He answers that young people will change things (he sure as hell will not). He will not break his word about anything he said he will do. (he didn't say shit, so that's easy)

I agreed with everything SHE said. And I thought Biden was weaseling out of answering to it.

In that RNC convention, I have only seen people sucking up to Trump. If you think that is not true, I would be very interested to see him get challenged on things his base want and he doesn't want to do. Or does that not exist, because they don't think for themselves?

And also tell me what was your beef with CardiB ON THIS VIDEO. Are you just triggered by her appearance and then you couldn't listen anymore to what she was saying? Speaks volumes about your close-mindedness.

--------------------------------------- added after 56 minutes

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About Andrew Pollack, the father of a student who died in Parkland school shooting. That was a very sad story, about a brave girl who was gunned down in a school shooting. Then he brings up Trumps new school safety recommendations and how the media doesn’t want to talk about it. He said gun control didn’t fail my daughter, people did. The school ignored all the warnings about the gunman. Then he blames the Democrats for policies that blame teachers for students failures, instead of the “discipline and safety” rules, which he says makes school shootings more likely. Somehow the Parkland policies were forced into schools across Amerika. It meant the world to him that Trump ended those policies. Biden campaigned on bringing back restorative justice. But, Biden didn’t even know when it happened. So Mike Pence was vice president when it happened, thank God. (how did that help then?). And the president was Trump and he took action (but he didn’t say what). Everyone loves Trump. God bless America.

Final report of the School Safety Commission: only registered users can see external links
It’s primarily about training school staff. I would be interested in the budget for the resulting program. Or is it just this report?

So mister Pollack said gun control didn’t fail his daughter. I think it did. Because this doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world. You need to search in real shithole countries to find the same level of violence. Trump doesn’t want to do anything about gun control, because the NRA doesn’t like that. Mister Pollack was put in front of this audience, because he is one of the few sufferers of school shootings who don’t care about gun control.
What about all those kids, who almost died in that school? They do want gun control. They called out politicians who need to do something, but haven’t done shit all for decades. Those kids got treated fucking shameful by your president.

At least Obama tried to do something about gun control. With every mass murder, he reminded the people that you need to have better background check, no more high capacity magazines, no more assault rifles, etc. The Republicans fought like tigers to keep everything as their NRA donors want it. Even NRA members wanted better gun control.
At least mister Pollack didn’t lie that Democrats want to take your guns, like so many others.

--------------------------------------- added after 81 minutes

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About Herschel Walker. I have no reason to not believe him. He gives his endorsement on the basis of a personal friendship and I have no problems with that.
Off course I think he is mistaken when he says Trump cares about people, social justice or that he is fighting to improve the lives of black Americans and all Americans and that he is working night and day.
"He has accomplished so much."? I would say "He has done so much damage!".
"If you love America and want to make it better, Donald Trump is your president."
Not even to American standards!
By #551147 01,Sep,20 02:31

Way to start this conversation off...

"What SHE wants for HER people"? Are you referring to, Black people? Prostitutes? Entertainers? Criminals?
Please clarify!

IF you are referring to, Black people, that's rather racist don't you think?

Would it be perfectly acceptable if I had demands for... "My People"? 🤔

Next, who appointed her as the voice for said Black people?
I mean, I know crazy Uncle Joe said, they (Black folks), are monolithic, ideologically speaking. But I didn't think you really took him serious.

As far as the things she said, I disagree with ALL, except the "killing of Black people". There IS a tremendous problem! It's called abortion, 44 MILLION black babies killed since 1973, and the killings of Blacks by other Blacks totaled 3,685 in 2019. OR are YOU OR HER referring to the 9 (THAT'S NINE), "unarmed Black people" in 2019 by Police officers?

The rest is TRASH! What they want and expect is MORE "special treatment". If it's not ok for one race it's not ok for another. I could list NUMEROUS things they (Black folks) have, that other races do not. But I won't go there.

Name ONE LAW or ENTITLEMENT that, "White People" have, that Black People don't? Take your time...

Sucking up to Trump, huh... It's NOT possible that they were merely attempting to dispel ALL the lies that have been circulating. Of course not, because all those supposed lies ARE TRUTHS. Riiiight! Like that "Russian Collusion" farce for THREE YEARS!

The Song... I think it was incredibly vulgar and repulsive and dangerous. We have youth able to freely look at that garbage. You may think that it's ok for YOUR children all you want. I don't think it's ok and certainly wouldn't want MY Daughters acting that way. Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from a typical man. You know, the kinda man that believes all women are sluts and whores and are solely on this Earth for mens sexual gratification. Disgusting pigs! Triggered? Hardly! There's places for that kinda shit, welcome to SYD/SYC! But on You Tube! Gimme a fucking break.

They might as well acquire Porn-Hub and start offering ALL the hits in split screens along with your favorite porn. I suppose you'd be fine with that. Could give a whole new meaning to Michael Jackson's Beat it...

As far the rest of what you said, those are YOUR opinions of which I'm not too much interested in. (no offense)

More gun control laws, jeebus! Not sure what more you people want. I just recently acquired my Mini 14 tactical rifle, unno, with upcoming events, just in case. 😉 👍 They raked me over the coals, had to give everything except a blood sample and I had to wait 14 days. Everything from fingerprints to being run through the N.C.I.C. database. Once again, what more do you want ffs? Do tell! Laws vary by state, good fucking luck trying to sort that mess out.

It's a BIG LIE, MYTH, walk in to buy most guns, plop down the cash and walk back out with it. Just another BULLSHIT lie by the party of nut jobs.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 06:06 other posts 
Hi Scorps,

Her people is what she said.
I can't say 'my people', because I'm not black.

There might be black people who don't want free medicare or free collage education, but it looks a lot like they all want black people to stop getting killed.

You're really calling abortion killing people? They are not killing babies, they are killing embryos and fetuses. I agree abortion should be unnecessary, because we invented contraceptives. However, I think it's better to stop an unwanted pregnancy then to force unmotivated parents to raise an unwanted child.

Sure, 9 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019. They were probably not counting then.
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How about this for racism. If white nationalists have a protest, they are armed to the teeth. The cops are there, but they treat them like royalty. Black unarmed protesters have been treated like criminals from the start.
How about the drugs laws, that for the large majority incarcerates black people and was designed to do so.
So you want me to give examples of racism, but you didn't give examples of the "special treatment" for black people.
Since you don't acknowledge anything that is unfair for black people, you might be a racist as well.

Most of the stories about Trump, that you call lies, are verifiable true. There is not a lot behind the Russia story that CNN has been pumping for years, I agree. However, he has been breaking rules as standard.

For me it is absolutely clear the man is con artist. He doesn't care about anyone other than himself. I don't believe even his family loves him, because they are exactly like him. They all only love themselves.

About the CardiB song. Agreed, pretty vulgar language. Just put an R rating on it and show it late. The internet is full of porn and it's not harder to find then YouTube. This clip just fades in comparison. About them being sluts; sure and they want to be. Sex is fun! That's Freedom bitch!

I don't care how much guns you have or how easy it is to get them. I only care about democracy, because it's fading all over the world. The majority in your country is for (even) more stringent gun control, but your politicians are bought.

Yes, these are my opinions.
By #551147 01,Sep,20 06:15

I like you! I don't care what the others said about you...

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

Look, it's easy to sell anything under the guise of...

FREE this! FREE that!

I mean, who the fuck doesn't want FREE shit?

The reality of the matter is, aside from the air that we breathe, NOTHING is really FREE, now is it? That being said, one of the BIGGEST mistakes the dumbasses said, was that, all that FREE shit should go to illegal immigrants, TOO!

NOW YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR! Must I explain that? Or do you see a problem with that statement?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 07:20 other posts 

Something is free, if you're not paying for it.
There is no such thing as free healthcare or free education. It can be completely payed by taxes. That means you wouldn't need to pay for it, once you need it. Which means you can have it, even when you are very poor. And at this moment the poor can't afford either.

You don't have to give anything to illegal immigrants. They shouldn't be in your country. Now you do have to let people ask for legal immigration or legal work permits. And when they do, you have to make sure they don't die in the process. If you don't want illegal immigration, you have to make sure that no one gives them any jobs.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 07:03 other posts 
Hi Scorps and Phart,

Here's a video of Kyle Kulinski, you might actually like. It's about Trump criticizing Bernie and Kyle admits (with pain in his heart) that it is mostly true. It also contains critique of Biden and Obama. Of course there is some critique of Trump, but you can ignore that.

Trump Goes After Bernie (And He's Not Completely Wrong):
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By #592419 31,Aug,20 14:12
Ted Wheeler, the wacky Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Mayor of Portland, who has watched great death and destruction of his City during his tenure, thinks this lawless situation should go on forever. Wrong! Portland will never recover with a fool for a Mayor. He tried mixing with the Agitators and Anarchists and they mocked him. He would like to blame me and the Federal Government for going in, but he hasn’t seen anything yet. We have only been there with a small group to defend our U.S. Courthouse, because he couldn’t do it. The people of Portland, like all other cities & parts of our great Country, want Law & Order. The Radical Left Democrat Mayors, like the dummy running Portland, or the guy right now in his basement (guess who)unwilling to lead or even speak out against crime, will never be able to do it!

By #592419 31,Aug,20 14:11
What happened?? Donald Trump is now up by 15 points now..Is it bad now? Wait until november....

By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 06:29 other posts 
My apologies go out to kebmo for engaging with Huxley resulting in the pair of us acting like 4 year olds now do you think Huxley will apologize to you I highly doubt it
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 09:43 other posts 
Just my observation, I believe that they have talked about what transpired. I say that because I saw 7 smiley faces on huxley's page from kebmo and a cold beer on kebmo's page from huxley.

We have been friends for a long time and from the "for what it's worth" department, both you fellas were going hard at one another. You talk street tough, huxley talks book tough. I understand it because I don't like it when someone calls me names. You have choices to consider, 1.) Keep huxley blacklisted so you never have to interact with that well educated, Englishman ever again 2.) Unblacklist him and recognize that you were 50% of the problem.

I don't know what came first, his "fuck you's" or your, "I'm going to twist your head off and shit down your neck". It doesn't matter. Both of you are proud men and neither of you wanted to back off or back down.

Another thing, don't get maneuvered into things that you think are going to go sideways.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 10:24 other posts 
Good thoughts good advice
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 13:20 other posts 
I do agree with Bella that enough is enough. You are both loosing track of the conversation. I have never had issues with you dgraff or you huxley and I would very much like to keep it that way.

By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 15:01 other posts 
I realized that and backed out that’s why I apologize to you
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 15:08 other posts 
dgraff, accepted. Thanks.
By #610414 31,Aug,20 09:50
Not fair Kebmo. You didn't make him bring you the Holy Grail first

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 15:27 other posts 
f Trump were captain of the RMs Titanic

There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.
I knew it was an iceberg before anyone else knew
No one knows icebergs better than I do
We cannot allow the iceberg to stop our ship
Some of you have to drown
I blame the WHO

I am the best captain, ask anyone

By #610414 29,Aug,20 10:33
Good going, Bella.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Aug,20 06:43 other posts 
Biden just announced: 'No new taxes' for anyone making under $400K!

I can’t even find how small of a percentage of people that is in the US. Some data says only 1.5% of households makes more than $250K.
Scorps is right, the US can’t afford to do anything on climate change. How would the US have money to do anything? Will you just keep increasing your debt, by creating money out of thin air?

Your national debt is now $23,790 billion and your deficit is projected to reach $3,700 billion by the end of this year.
Republicans still want to lower taxes, especially for the rich.
Democrats want to raise taxes for only the 1%, and probably only slightly.
At some point that house of cards will collapse.

Both parties think it will be alight, they will just cut governmental spending for everything, except for the military.
There are really no two parties, there’s just the extreme right and the center-right wings of the corporate party.

America is just completely irrelevant, if the rest of the world wants to do anything to save humanity. We’d better try making deals with China and India.
By #610414 26,Aug,20 11:31
China's foreign debt, including US dollar debt, reached US$2.05 trillion at the end of 2019,

China's total corporate, household and government debt rose to 303% of GDP in the first quarter of 2019, from 297% in the same period a year earlier

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 08:42 other posts 
Hi Angel,

It’s much appreciated that you are using numbers as arguments. I actually didn’t know much about China’s debt. I did regularly hear about China using debt, to have power over especially African countries, so they can loot their resources. I didn’t know they are making those investments at the cost of their own debt. Now, it’s actually not that high if we look at it closely, but it is rising extremely fast and it can be a huge problem if they continue.

However, we do need to compare the two countries in the same way. I just noted the US national debt (or government debt) and you have included total corporate and household debt in China’s number. We are talking about government spending and tax revenues, which are mostly related to the government debt.

US government debt was at $26.7 T (trillion) just this minute, which is 136.6% of GDP. China’s national debt is about $8.9 T in 2020. China’s GDP is expected to reach $14.4 T by the end of 2020, so their government debt is 62% of GDP.
That high number for China’s Total debt is mainly due to their high corporate debt.

If we include total corporate and household debt in the US numbers, it amounts to about $55.9 T. This is 286% of GDP, in which the Government debt is the highest percentage. The only way to fix that is increasing tax revenues and/or lowering government spending. I suggest you find the way which will hurt the economy the least and if you’re smart really think about that in the long term.

You're right to say that all countries have an interest in preventing the others to fail.
We all have investments with one another and if one is injured, the others feel the pain as well.

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By #610414 28,Aug,20 09:04
Hi Pinapple

I believe in taxing the top 1% more. I believe in corporate entities should pay at least 43%. But, more than any exact plan, I believe the feds should just say, "Hey, fuck it. We have to do what we have to do to keep the country afloat. We hear you.Come back next year."
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 10:35 other posts 
Hi Angel,

I actually totally agree with all of that.

However, Trump raised the deficit back in 2018. There was no crisis back then. 85% of his tax breaks went to the 1%. Why don't you get it back from those who don't need it.

But, why stop at just the 1%. That doesn't do a whole lot.
How about increasing tax brackets for all income above the median household income ($63,030) and decreasing tax brackets under the median household income, maybe adding one or two tax brackets for the upper incomes, with the highest at about 60%.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

What you need to do to keep the country afloat is making sure everyone can pay their bills, whether they have a job or not.
By #610414 28,Aug,20 11:32
Yeah, good luck with that. It's easier to count grains of sand in the beach.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 12:59 other posts 
Raising taxes on the people that own the companys the median income folks work for is just going to ship more jobs overseas.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 15:07 other posts 
So the companies have you by the balls and you are just taking it.

Please stay big companies, we will do everything you want.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 20:24 other posts 
No,you can always go hungry? Do without. No big company nessasary for that.
By #188992 29,Aug,20 07:32
Economic illiteracy, again, phart.

Care to explain your reasoning for that statement. It should be rib-tickling, if nothing else. YOUR reasoning, mind you, not some cut-and-paste job from one of the wacky sites you get your drivel from.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 09:12 other posts 
IT is not drivel you idiot.
How many poor people do you work for?
Do you go to work each morning for a homeless man in some back alley building cars or radios?
No,if you work at all, chances are the folks that own the company are MUCH better off than you are finacially and if they have to pay even more taxes, they will be encouraged to move off shore,leaving you unemployed.
By #188992 29,Aug,20 09:19
Is that it?

Before I come back with my counter-arguments I want to make sure you feel you've had your say, and have made all the salient points you wish to.

I'm off to see my elderly father, shortly, so don't be surprised if my response is a little delayed too.

Feel free to elaborate or make further defence of your initial statement, and have a good weekend!
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

Hey phart. How's it hanging?

I thought I should let you know that you have a few more hours to make further observations regarding rates of Corporation Tax (or your equivalent in the US), because I got distracted by other threads this evening and I'm off to my bed soon.

Don't feel obliged, but be assured that I'll give you a "proper" response (with links and all that malarkey) soon!
--------------------------------------- added after 25 hours

OK phart.

I'm glad you came up with a "real world" scenario. I'll use your scenario to paint you a little picture:

You have a US company that makes radios. It has a highly-skilled workforce and makes radios almost exclusively for the US market, in a factory just down the road from you. To make it's radios it needs 3 parts (just as an example) that are trucked into it's factory from 3 US manufacturers that are all within an hour's drive. It currently has annual, taxable profits of $1,000,000. The tax rate is 25% so it pays $250,000 tax.

Now - the "naughty" government says they are putting up the tax rate to 26%. So, now, the company will have to pay $260,000 tax. An increase of $10,000.

So the owner think "bollocks to that, let's look for somewhere with a lower tax rate". Let's say Paraguay has a tax rate of 20%. Excellent, now we'll only pay $200,000 tax, saving us $60,000. What a win!!

But (and this is where your simplistic logic can break down). To train their new Paraguayan staff to the standards required will cost the company $50,000. To import the parts to make the radios will add another $50,000 to their costs. To export the completed radios to the US, where their markets are, will cost an extra $50,000 as well. To buy a new factory in Paraguay will cost an additional $200,000. The redundancy payments to their US staff will cost $50,000.

So, far from saving $60,000, they have incurred extra costs of $400,000.

In addition, how about if the US Government said that half of all the extra revenue raised, by the 1% increase in the tax rate, was hypothecated to pay for measures that benefit the business community? Things like improved infrastructure, 5G, fibre optics, better roads, better education, subsidised apprenticeships, low cost loans for capital investment etc.

In that scenario a modest tax increase might mean MORE jobs being created in the US.

All of this is in addition to what you feel is "fair" for companies to pay. All businesses benefit from infrastructure, the education system, good patent laws and all those other things that the government spends it's tax revenues on. So, they ought to pay towards it, yes?

You might also like to have a read-up on The Laffer Curve. Depending on where you are, on that curve now, an increase in the tax rate CAN lead to an increase in total revenues.

So, in summary, raising taxes does not necessarily lead to jobs being shipped overseas. Or, as I put it, "economic illiteracy" on your part.

By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 00:54 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

Somebody didn't do their job for Trump!
By #610414 29,Aug,20 09:17

By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 23:44 other posts 
3M is making a shitload of money from COVID-19. It was announced recently that they will be building a new plant in Brockville, Ontario to produce 100M N95 masks a year for Canadian consumers.

only registered users can see external links

By #610414 28,Aug,20 16:46
About 21.6 million viewers watched coverage of Trump's RNC address across nine cable and broadcast networks, down from 23.6 million viewers who watched Biden's DNC address on the same nine networks.

By #610414 27,Aug,20 10:45

Well Huxley I think I have you all wrong . I thought you were just a dick from another country that thought he knew everything about the country i live in threw the news and google. But I’m wrong and for that I apologize. I now understand that you can’t help your self because you are a teacher. We have one on this site just like you from the United States my home state for god sakes. But I’m gonna get long winded and tell you a story about a 17 year old boy from the mountain ranges of north central Pennsylvania in a failed school system . This boy had an English teacher that would go out of his way to ridicule humiliate and make fun of the students.we all hated him. One day as he was making fun of my name calling me giraffe because of my height . And I said something about it he hit me a crossed my temple with a close fist. Well I snapped I opened my desktop pulled his arm in the desktop and slammed the lid on his arm. I later found out I broke his arm in two places and pulled his shoulder out of place. So I was forced to quit school to keep them from pressing charges and the school teacher was fired for his part in the mess and it really didn’t matter to me because I had a full time job now in math and science I had good teachers and I achieved good grades. I left that school a hero in the eyes of my fellow class mates for standing up to the ass hole teacher so now you know my story as to why I don’t get along with over opinionated arrogant dicks

DGRAFF, I don't have a dick, but, I am highly over opinionated and arrogant.
Now, why are you the only one in the room that can be opinionated? And why was standing up to an asshole bully shaped your life into people hater?
--------------------------------------- added after 26 hours

I want to apologise to kebmo, huxly, and bella. It seems this copy/paste from another post has rubbed people the wrong way. Even Dgraff who is the author is upset.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 11:06 other posts 
I like my dog and my younger brother a little bit he’s just like me I taught him every thing he knows
By #188992 27,Aug,20 11:12
So your brother knows fuck-all, too?

Being a shitkicker must have a genetic proponent to it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 12:10 other posts 
I would rather be a shit kicker then a shit licker like you now you fuck off bitch
By #610414 27,Aug,20 12:18
The choice is clear, but I don't think you have to kick a load of horse manure to show you don't burry your nose on the same pile.
By #188992 27,Aug,20 12:44
Nah, stick it up your arse fuckface.

You've previously conceded that you're fucked when it comes to a battle of wits with me (even if you couldn't fucking spell it properly!) and I think you're now discovering that I will NOT be physically intimidated by a crusty, old, cunt.

Feel free to fuck right off, again. And when you next see your brother tell him he's a cunt as well.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 15:01 other posts 
Bite me bitch you’re nothing your daddy should have shot that load in the coal bucket 56 years ago or let it run down your mommas legs
--------------------------------------- added after 108 seconds

Now fuck right off to you dick head
By #188992 27,Aug,20 15:06
Nope, still falling short of anything that even makes me smile.

I can almost hear all 4 of your brain cells rallying to assemble a coherent thought, or a decent insult.

As the bard himself said: "I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed".

You remind me a bit of a slinky: not much use for anything, but watching you fall down some stairs would make me smile.

Don't fucking bark if you can't bite, crusty.

Now fuck off, yet again.

If this is a pissing match I think you have a damp trouser leg, you ugly cunt.
By #610414 27,Aug,20 16:35
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 21:26 other posts 
What are you laughing about tell him how long a feud lasts on a sex site you and I went at it for a couple years before we determined it wasn’t worth the time and I been feuding with lixsipsucket ever since she became a member some 4 years at least I’m not going away it’s till death do us apart
By #610414 28,Aug,20 04:43
You've got to admit, this is funny.

If this is a pissing match I think you have a damp trouser leg, you ugly cunt.

By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 05:47 other posts 
Hey I to think it’s funny but kebmo won’t when this thread gets dumpster
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

But if hurly don’t care neither do I
By #610414 28,Aug,20 06:14
Why would it?
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 19:31 other posts 
And you haven’t struck a nerve yet either I have a job to go to every day I don’t sit in my moms basement playing with my computer and my dick like you do I bet you have pictures of your queen you jack off to
--------------------------------------- added after 40 minutes

And I can’t play with you tomorrow night either my Friday night booty call is coming out to stay the night what are you gonna do stay home and jack off you poor pathetic sole
By #188992 28,Aug,20 05:03
Not in it for the "long haul" then, shitkicker?

If you've been following my posts you will have noticed that I'm an anti-Monarchist so ... guess what? Comprehension skills are still in the remedial (that's thicko, in case you didn't know) class.

Coming online to mock someone for spending time online is, how can I put it, .... lame as fuck!!

Pathetic "sole" (sic)? That put me in my plaice. Cod knows how I will recover from that. Speak up - I'm hard of herring.

You are, and will remain, a crusty, old, semi-literate, cunt. Now fuck off.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 05:37 other posts 
Hey douche bag have you checked your points log lately don’t you know after all these years if you post something on some ones wall and they delete it that cost you points oh and you sick fuck I can’t believe you have pictures of the lard ass from Australia in your favorite section your site name should be hurly you sick pig you will fuck anything with a pulse I guess
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I’m such a doofus I haven’t checked your page properly you have some thing stirring in my trousers what’s that all about my god man a naked picture of your queen gets some thing stirring in your pants
By #188992 28,Aug,20 05:51
You really are a thick, ugly cunt. Here's my points log for the last few days:

+10 points for your pics and/or actions on the site (186 cut by you daily limit) - Aug 28, 01:00
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 20:29
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 20:29
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 20:29
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:13
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:13
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:12
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:12
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:12
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:12
0 points - your comment on this member's profile was deleted by that member - Aug 27, 19:12
-5 points - you have sent a gift to Ananas2xLekker. - Aug 27, 18:54
-5 points - you have sent a gift to bella!. - Aug 27, 12:06
+91 points for your pics and/or actions on the site (59 cut by you daily limit) - Aug 26, 01:00
-10 points - you have sent a gift to phart. - Aug 25, 17:04
-7 points - you downloaded fcqhaj59x054 file. Problems with the video? - Aug 25, 11:25
+72 points for your pics and/or actions on the site - Aug 25, 01:00
-3 points - you voted for 4439a1kvlq66 pic - Aug 24, 16:17
-10 points - you have sent a gift to mr_blue. - Aug 24, 16:00
-150 points - you have sent a gift to bella!. - Aug 24, 15:56
-3 points - you voted for 4439a1kvlq66 pic - Aug 22, 16:09
-10 points - you have sent a gift to Ananas2xLekker. - Aug 22, 16:08
+2 points - Ananas2xLekker voted for your pic vsnbz24fuc11 - Aug 22, 14:02
+2 points - Ananas2xLekker voted for your pic s2e8e8wsc5sf - Aug 22, 14:01
+2 points - Ananas2xLekker voted for your pic nsx5t3dfrse6 - Aug 22, 14:01
+2 points - Ananas2xLekker voted for your pic jwqz4t9ztmjw - Aug 22, 14:00
+2 points - Ananas2xLekker voted for your pic 0x3utifyvx2k - Aug 22, 14:00
-3 points - you voted for u5zshkq6bxlg pic - Aug 22, 10:13
-10 points - you have sent a gift to 1RonG. - Aug 22, 09:55
-10 points - you have sent a gift to kebmo. - Aug 21, 14:18
-5 points - you have sent a gift to bella!. - Aug 19, 12:58
-10 points - you have sent a gift to Scorps. - Aug 19, 12:57
+150 points - donation from member bella! received - Aug 18, 01:01
+15 points - donation from member bella! received - Aug 18, 01:01
By #188992 28,Aug,20 06:02
How peculiar that your points total is now hidden! Ha fucking ha.

My personal tastes are just that - personal. Just like some young, weirdo fucks around Lebanon, Pa will let you near them. There's no accounting for taste, is there shitkicker?

The comment about a "stirring in my trousers" was for a pic of Bella's beautiful boobs. My points total is public, and healthy, as winding you (and Sr Cums) up has cost me zero points. You really are an ignorant, unobservant, decrepit, old cunt.

Ha fucking ha. I don't strike a nerve? Let everyone have a guess as to who is the ONLY member EVER to visit my shrine and leave a comment?

You piss-stained old cunt! Beyond parody, shitkicker.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 06:19 other posts 
Hahaha now that’s funny
By #188992 28,Aug,20 06:21
Is that it, you crusty old fuck?

Nothing about my basement or whose pics I like?

You're losing your touch (not that you had much of a touch to start with). Get back to work, shitkicker.

By the way: you're a cunt.
By #610414 28,Aug,20 09:09
Hey, you two, everything was ok until you've got into the points system. It is the most convoluted and absolutely least useful of site design.
By #610414 28,Aug,20 09:39
Dgraff, you blacklisted Huxley999????I thought you were a tougher hombre.

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