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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 16:45 other posts 
Oh my God the US is being invaded! Not from their arch enemy to the north, Canada but by 7,000 homeless, unarmed men, women and ch1ldren walking thousands of miles to take over!!
Grab y'er guns Ma 'n Pa they're a comin'!!

End sarcasm
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 16:49 other posts 
Some of those so-called "ch1ldren" are actually Middle-Easterners and terrorists in disguise.
But, never fear! Trump will just lock them all in wire cages like he did with the last batch...
By phart [Ignore] 31,Oct,18 10:11 other posts 
I am thinking trying to sort out the legit asylum seekers from the evil folks would be like separating fly shit from black pepper.Very difficult.I hope no one gets hurt,but I do wish folks would fix their problems at home instead of bringing them here.
Think of it as your Broth@r-in-law and **** coming to live with you and them not having a job and also having marital problems and 3 screaming babies.
By #562152 01,Nov,18 13:34
the US conservative movement has almost entirely divorced itself from mainstream institutions, norms, and standards, developing its own media, think tanks, legal scholars, and historians — a hermetically sealed ecosystem of knowledge, news, and information in which nonsense and conspiracy theories flourish.
In other words, the hicks are taking over.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Nov,18 00:57 other posts 
MAYBE.... Trump could consider building a wall along the border to keep them disease ridden vermin out...all that smallpox and leprosy. He's had two years; I wonder why he hasn't built a wall yet. It's probably Obama's fault.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Nov,18 11:39 other posts 
Well,until recently I had only heard the "don't let the bedbugs bite" as a joke. Since the immmigration thing has taken off,the last 5 years or so have been differnt.Motels having issues with bedbugs from immigrants.
The county I live in has problems with the ambulances carrying bed bugs.The local firedepartment just spent 5000 dollars on equipment to sterilize fire suits and clothes to prevent the volunteers from accidently carrying home bed bugs to their familys.I know this because my vote was the deciding vote on spending the money. This was not a problem 20,or even 10 years ago.
The wall has not happened because of some Rino's not supporting their President. Republican in Name only.
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:54
Phart, this is laughable even for you. Are you aware of those flying things called airplanes? Did you know that the majority of i,llegal immigration flies in and overstays their visitor visas? And most discriminating bedbugs would rather fly than track through the southwest portion of North America
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,18 11:09 other posts 
You mean a machine that flys by it's self? WOW!
Yes I am aware of aeroplanes.
BUt that does not change the bed bug issue. They come from backward countrys that don't stay clean.We got rid of them for the most part here in the US a long time ago.
By #562152 03,Nov,18 12:38
Not really. New York hotels are loaded with them
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,18 20:07 other posts 
Another good reason to stay away i guess.Yuks,

By #568769 29,Oct,18 14:55
[deleted image]
Wonder if all these photos will post?
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Are there ANY similarities?????????????????????????????
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Sorry. I be an idjut dat cain't see nuttin' beyond me knows.
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NOT sayin' trumpily bumpily be Hitler. There can ONLY be one of him But, there can be someone very similar, that does things in a less MURDEROUSLY way. Who knows? How will this all end up looking @ what has happened in just 2 years...Wake the fuck up all you dumbass Trumpian IDIOTS! ...History is a MEAN bitch. And you are joining a very similar history...
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 19:36 other posts 
You know,i typed a response but if you can't look at the obvious and see that TRUMP is not HITLER, what the fuck is the use of trying to explain it!?
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 22:37 other posts 
Um...he actually said that he wasn't saying that Trump was Hitler. (Do you actually read these posts before you start typing?)
What he DID say is that Trump is a lot LIKE Hitler.
If YOU can't see the similarities, what the fuck is the use of trying to explain it?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 10:58 other posts 
Hehe,yes I did see it but I felt he was implying it.
I get some of it,the flaunting and such but still,We are better off than we would have been with the Hillary.
By #568769 01,Nov,18 15:03
Tee f'in' HEE...Here I beee! To 'splain myself. First, even tho I done sayed 'History repeats itself' It's never EXACTLY the same as before It may get to a VERY similar and bad place again, but it keeps you guessin' about exactly how that will happen. Makes life on Planet Earth with a shitload of giant IDIOTS fun!! Did I mention that Trump ala Dump is one of the BIGGEST...and...DUMBEST ever to hold office? ...Here's the OTHER fun and COMPLETELY historical part...'They' deleted pictures of dear sweet Adolf standing EXACTLY like Trumply Frumply with his arms folded and looking just like a (dangerous) lil school boy with LOTS of weapons at his disposal...Censorship is the beginning of a downhill slide into HISTORY...Try and look out 20 years and imagine what it will hold for this country. Can you say the US will be BETTER for Trump?...If so, join the LEGIONS of dumbasses that cannot see beyond their nose.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Nov,18 11:43 other posts 
Censorship is a problem,regardless of your politics,it is a violation of free speech.
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:46
There's a lot to be said for shutting some people's mouth even if it is a violation of his free speech

By phart [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 11:48 other posts 
Trump is referring to himself as a Nationalist. Sadly of course the liberal media wants to steer their agenda so they put "white" in front of it to make it racist to want the country you lead to be the best in the world. What the fuck is wrong with people that they do not want our country to be on top?
Do you not want what is best for your country and your neighbors?

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists

a person who advocates political independence for a country.
"a Scottish nationalist"

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By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 12:20 other posts 
I'm not hearing anyone adding "white" when they refer to Trumpian Nationalism (except for the alt-right whack-a-dos who SAY that liberals are saying it). What they are reminding people is that Hitler was a "Nationalist" too.

1. often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
By phart [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 16:37 other posts 
Sadly I heard it alot the other day on cnn and another news cast
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 16:47 other posts 
What they are saying is that Trump needs to publicly repudiate
"white" nationalists, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists.
Of course, he will never publicly do such a thing because those groups make up such a huge part of his voting base...
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:29
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:24
Phart How many people do you know that go around saying they don't want this country to be on top? While we are at it, name one country that tops ours. Nationalism, like JustWill stated, is associated with people like Hitler and Musolini. They, too, championed nationalism, but, they used it to go to war, suppress the people, eliminate enemies. This was not for the betterment of their country but for their own benefits of power. Trump wants this. He wants power above and beyond the presidency. Calling himself a nationalists plays to the baser instincts of his supporters. A group of people that hid their bigoted ideas in a politically correct world. Now, they get to spout their hatred by hiding behind a president that spouts the same hatred "for the good of the country "

By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Nov,18 12:48 other posts 
In a typical "everything is about ME" rant, Trump complained that those two "maniacs"--the nail bomber and the synagogue shooter--ruined the "momentum" of the upcoming election by taking the news' focus away from politics.
Once again, the Asshat in Chief shows his complete lack of empathy...
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Nov,18 00:49 other posts 
How fucking inconsiderate of them!! Please do not murder people while it's inconvenient for me!!!
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:28
This is a man that gets up in the morning and asks the Allmighty what's in it for him that day.

By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 03:05 other posts 
Why would someone in the USA think that health insurance should NOT cover a pre-existing condition? So your baby is born with a heart defect and you have to sell your house to pay the medical bills?
You can't get insurance because of your cancer?
Am I misunderstanding how this works?
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 06:54 other posts 
In countries with socialized health care your baby may die while waiting for the surgery. Or may be a commission decides it does not worth to save your baby Don't be delusional, it only works nice while the society can afford it, when economical problems start it shows its ugly side.
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 07:06 other posts 
Also, I fail to understand the logic that if you got unlucky other people have to save you. They may if they want to, but they certainly don't have to. I bet you do not expect to be resurrected in case if you fall by accident, break your neck and die. I.e. you do not think universe owes something to you, but you think other people owe you. Why?
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 15:26 other posts 
"Thirty-two of the thirty-three developed nations have universal health care, with the United States being the lone exception."
-Wikipedia only registered users can see external links

I was asking specifically about the USA because it's a big election issue. The USA could certainly afford it. Obama instituted it and Trump tried to take it out, and failed thanks to John McCain.

I don't feel I'm being delusional, I feel I'm being compassionate. It is not unreasonable for Americans to want Universal Healthcare.

If I fall and break my neck in Canada (and live) I will be taken to the nearest hospital and receive all the healthcare I need and I will not receive a bill when I'm done (except for the ambulance trip). All Canadians pay for this service through our taxes and personally, I'll gladly pay.
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 17:18 other posts 
There is nothing free there is only other's people money. If your country run out of it, you will be taken to the hospital too, but I'm afraid they won't have much except anti-septic and aspirin. I lived in socialist countries at their late stage of development, I've experienced it first-handed when I had to buy everything for my mother and not in the hospital, I had to find it on a black market. Fuck, we had to bring even our own sheets there, since they did not have any.

USA healthcare costs are inflated at least 3 times as it is already. Nationalization will only make it worse. They will be siphoning state's (i.e. people's) money to private contractors while being irresponsible and inefficient. It's a curse of all mixed socialist-capitalist economies.

If anything, they should make it less regulated, not more.
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 18:08 other posts 
I don’t know about other countries’ healthcare but Canada’s isn’t private or for profit. It’s run by Provincal governments not by companies trying to make a buck off my Mom’s treatment. Of course the system isn’t perfect but it works for Canadians and other countries.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 19:16 other posts 
Admin,you are correct, when you don't make your own way and you use resources from others, when it runs out you are without.
People over 45 here in the US are used to working and getting the things they need as compenstaion.Salary,insurance, retirement.It is the lazy ass young people that want to sit back and text and go jump off into shallow water or run with the damn bulls and we pay the bill that is part of the problem.
Government regulations on medicine is another problem. Millions have to be spent to get medicine on the market and God forbid rubbing some of it on a rat's ass to make sure it is safe.
And medical degrees cost to much,so doctors salarys are expected to be high to pay all that back.

As with everything else, the liberal government wants to "fix" the wrong end of the problem.
If asprin came out now it would be 400 bucks a pill due to government regulations.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 12:20 other posts 
There is no liberal government... trump is president and the GOP hold both the senate and the house...
Trump and the GOP had how many years to come up with a replacement for Obamacare?
Problem is taxes,if big corporations paid their fair due in taxes there's is enough to go around,but the top 1% don't like that...
Corporations hold the power,they have all the politicians in their pockets..look at how many ex lobbyists are working in the present administration....
It's nothing new,but trying to blame just liberals for healthcare prices is can argue against the pros and cons of healthcare or a single payer system..
And regulations are for your benefit,you don't want to take an aspirin that cures a headache but makes you puke your rectum out at the same time do you ?

Did you pay for your schooling other than college ?
You got a hand out,did you drink clean water? Another handout?did you use public roads? Another handout...
Someone will always pay, that's why taxes are supposed to collected,everyone pays,everyone the elected officials can actually have the money to fulfill the pie crust promises they make...

Amazes me that military spending will always increase,yet there's not enough money for infrastructure....

I thought trump was going to sort out everything,so you saying if aspirin came out during Trump's presidency would be 400 bucks is an interesting comment...

By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,18 23:47 other posts 
Why hasn't someone proposed legalizing prostitution yet?
I mean really,police women would not have to dress goofy and get out on the streets to entrap men. They could sit around computer desk and try to find a republican that failed to pay a parking ticket 40 years ago or something productive.Ok so that was a bit over the top for sarcasm.

They could tax pussy just like anything else.

Just picture it,a whole street downtown with buildings full of willing women, no need to beg,no need to bribe,no need to do without,just look for the best price for the service you want and walk right in.
By #23212 19,Oct,18 00:44
Fifteen or more countries have legal prostitution:

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 17:20 other posts 
It's legal in many places.
By #568769 23,Oct,18 14:15
Prostitution will likely go the way of legal MaryJane. Once the government finds out how much 'green' they make pussy will be soon to follow! And then other drugs?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,18 16:52 other posts 
Well at least the fat,lonely,grey haired,short penis-ed,and old guys like me could get some for a change! Quick oral service 20 bucks plus tax = 23.35. Full penetration, 50 bucks plus tax, etc.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,18 12:21 other posts 
You're right. It should be legal everywhere. Prostitution has been with humans for thousands of years. The reason given for being 1llegal is to protect women. However, no matter how many laws against it, it won't stop. In fact, if it's legal there is more protection for women.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 01:20 other posts 
Can you imagine for instance,the reduction in domestic vio1ence alone? Men could just go down town if the old lady didn't want to.
Less drinking and doping because lonely people of both sexes could just go get exactly what they are lacking,good SEX.
That 1 thing is what alot of people are lacking that causes them to latch onto other crutches like dope and drinkin.
You could go fuck as long as you can or as much as you can afford to,and drive home tired and go to bed and s1eep well and not endanger anyone.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 17:08 other posts 
Absolutely. As long as safe sex is practiced,
providing it for a fee, legally, safely,
regulated, accepted, then it should be
no problem. As you point out, it would solve
lots of problems.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

 People argue that prostitution increases trafficking of women. But if it were legal, then there would be more control and it would be easier to find those who abuse women.  If one could go to a legal prostitute why would he choose to risk it and go to 1llegal ones?

I heard today, on the radio, that the famous Austrian composer Anton Brückner was very sad because no woman ever wanted to be with him or marry him.  Probably, he never had sex.  He actually drove himself mad and ended up in a mental clinic.  If he could go to a prostitute, if he could have sex from time to time, I bet he would have been happier. But it's not only that prostitutes were not available, it's also that it was totally against the society to go with any of them.  He was very shy and could not attract any women.  If he was more aggressive and self- confident he would not have had problems getting laid.  So, there you go.  Society punishes those who, for one reason or another, can't get sex. And they need it.  Society is cruel.  Legalizing prostitution and, moreover, making it socially acceptable to go with them, would alleviate many problems.

By #568769 29,Oct,18 14:22
May I please settle this back and forth about 'caravans', borders and just exactly WHO is going WHERE?! It 'be' simple. Even fer simpltons NONE of it is about borders. NONE of it is about politics. NONE of it is about countries...It's ALL about population. On a Planet that cannot support any more of 'US'!...1 Billion of 'us' in the year 1800...7 + Billion of us now!! Do the math. 1800 years to get to 1 Billion. 218 years to ad 6 BILLION!!!...Face it, we be rats. We be a plague. We 'be'. Dat be funny!...But here be da latest...We be SCARED...

By #534627 27,Oct,18 23:41
You have to admit: No one knows how to stop his train.

This president is the perfect con man. He can spin anything to his advantage. He can contradict himself in the same sentence. And his cult goes along with anything he says. He is impervious to facts, truth, law or principle.

A nut mails a bomb = It's a stunt by the democrats. His twitter popularity declines = Someone erased his followers.

By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Oct,18 12:28 other posts 
Idiotic Trumpian quote of the day: "There’s no proof of anything.There’s no proof of anything. But they could very well be."
Once again, the guy just makes shit up and proclaims it as "truth"--without any grounding in reality.
That being the case, it is "truth" that the bombs sent to Clinton, Obama, and CNN today were most definitely sent by Trump himself.
Sure, there is no "proof", but it "could very well be".
Trump is a bomb-sending terrorist...
By #551147 24,Oct,18 12:33
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,18 17:18 other posts 

He didn't a bit more send those bombs than bernie sanders did.But rest assured the media's talking heads are blaming him!
It is just some wacko kook out there trying to make things worse before the election.
Who in a semi right mind thinks Hillary Clinton walks out to the mail box or the porch in her bathrobe and bed room shoes to get the mail? "AH, I got a package from someone that loves me,let me open ----BOOOM!".
IF by some small chance the damn bombs worked and they got in the hands of someone that opened them a innocent employee would be hurt or killed.The lazy ass politician would be unaffected.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 hours

well it appears they caught the kook, trump supporter and of course the media is all over it.Just as it was planned.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 16:39 other posts 
Well, they didn't Arrest Trump for sending the bombs.They did arrest a guy living in his van that apparently has been a unstable kook for a long time.

By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 10:26 other posts 
You know,after watching the libtards on tv the other night saying that Trump did not say enough in response to the mail bombs I just wondered,"what could Trump do correctly that would please the libtards"?
IF he hung himself on the white house lawn the libtards would complain he did not give the media time to set up cameras. IF he invaded Mexico and made them the 51'st state so they would not have to move up here, the libtards would complain.
THere is NOTHING he could do that some libtard would not complain about.

By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 05:06 other posts 
“A blizzard of bullshit.”
-Pundint on Bill Maher referring to Trump’s campaigning style.

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Oct,18 08:15 other posts 
Hyperbole is my least favourite word of the day. It's used by Trump supporters as a synonym for lies. They are not the same thing.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,18 12:22 other posts 
The opposite of hyperbole is hypobole.

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