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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jan,19 19:59 other posts 
"You can't impeach someone who's doing a great job."

-Donald Trump
By #491031 20,Jan,19 22:43
"And Mexico will pay for it!"

-also Don the Con
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jan,19 23:04 other posts 

By #491031 21,Jan,19 12:05
"I will proudly own the shutdown."

-Trumpty Dumpty

(The question is: Was he lying THEN or is he lying NOW? Okay, that's actually a trick question. He's ALWAYS lying.)
By #491031 22,Jan,19 12:20
Um...the American People?

-any American who realizes that they were lied to
By #577391 21,Jan,19 08:12
Did he just agreed we CAN impeach him?
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.”

Dr Martin Luther King
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 08:44 other posts 
Wise words from a registered Republican that was always denied a concealed carry permit.He wanted to carry a gun because he feared for his life. Most of the men around him had concealed guns.
By #188992 21,Jan,19 18:53
Hi phart,

Not trick questions (I'm genuinely interested to read your reply):

What do you think makes a Republican, or what does Republicanism mean if you prefer?

Do you think Trump is a Republican?

PS. re your comment regarding Dr King: 1964 is a helluva long time ago and I'm pretty sure that, whatever Republicanism is, it's changed somewhat since then. I'm, also, not sure what your criticism of Dr King IS!? Is gun ownership a left/right issue .... really? Plus, he was damned right to fear for his life .. wouldn't you agree?
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 20:28 other posts 
No criticism meant there at all sir.
It just may shock people to find out he was not a democrat.
And that he felt a gun was good protection.Another non democrat thing.
That is what I was getting at.
He was a smart man.
People just weren't ready for what he had to say.
IF he were alive today,giving that same speach he gave to a middle school class,he would be just as hated now as he was then by alot of people.Young kids of any color nowadays do not want to be told to go out and be the BEST Doctor, or the BEST trashman.They want to be told how to push buttons or get welfare or what the best caliber pistol is.
By #188992 22,Jan,19 09:42
It surprised me (a little) that Dr. King was a registered Republican. Although, having said that, my limited web-based research seems to indicate that this might be less clear-cut than you make out.

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Perhaps you could tell me what YOUR sources for that assertion are?

In addition, it would still be nice (if you have the time/inclination) to hear your thoughts about Republicanism and whether Trump is a Republican.

"And that he felt a gun was good protection.Another non democrat thing. " So you DO think gun ownership is a left/right issue? Surely it's more nuanced than that?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,19 22:27 other posts 
Sometime when i have the chance I will look up the meaning of that long word and get back to ye. But as far as Trump being a actual Republican,naw,best I can remember he was a democrat for years. But when he wanted to run for office,he knew he didn't have a chance with a 3rd party.
And yes,I do think gun ownership is along party lines.At a meeting just tonight 1 of the guys wore his NRA hat.The democrat at the table was not impressed.Of course,her face coulda been because me and another fellow were both wearing our Trump hats.
By #188992 25,Jan,19 11:26
You may "think" gun ownership is along party lines, but I still contend it's more nuanced/complicated than that. The article below seems to point out that, although you're more likely to be a gun owner if you're a Republican, your views on assault weapons; background checks; allowing teachers to hold guns; concealed carry etc can equally be down to your gender and whether you are a gun owner.

If it was as simple as you make out I would contend that there wouldn't be as many as 17 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning adults who are gun owners. That's a pretty significant minority!

Are you also skating over my contention that perhaps Dr King actually wasn't a Republican, or at least that you should provide sources to back up your assertions? I think you're a polite guy who listens to the other guy's views, phart, but you appear to have a tendency to make pretty wild claims without bothering with such drawbacks as facts or evidence.

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By #578610 10,Feb,19 17:23
Young kids of any color nowadays do not want to be told to go out and be the BEST Doctor, or the BEST trashman.They want to be told how to push buttons or get welfare or what the best caliber pistol is.

I think you are out of touch with today's kids.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,19 21:07 other posts 
Eh,Nope I aint. See it every day.There are a precious few that excell in what they do and are working hard to get where they want to be I will grant you that.But the majority of the young are not motivated to do anything other than get up and drink a energy drink and grab their Iphone 10 and text all day

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 21:45 other posts 
The US government workers are now getting paid and going back to work. That's a great thing! They had N O T H I N G to do with the Wall; they were pawns. SAD.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,19 09:59 other posts 
I will agree it is sad.BUT as I have ask before,who decided WHO got the snip? I have yet to hear anyone on tv ,the internet or anything explain how it was decided who not to pay.
THat would be good information if you could get the truth.Reason being if it were democrats that decided,then we would know it was deliberate to make Trump look bad.IF it was republicans,then we need to figure out which 1's so we can vote the traitors out of office.
By #491031 26,Jan,19 12:52
Phart, the decision was made based upon the fact that the parts of the government which were shut down had not had a budget approved past the date of the shut down. The other 2/3 of the government which remained open had already been funded. When it came time to pass the rest of the budget--the part that would pay the workers in question--the House and the Senate approved a bipartisan budget, but Trump refused to sign it because there was no funding for his wall in it. All he had to do was sign, and those people would have been paid weeks ago.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,19 18:36 other posts 
Ok,looks like there is some changes need to be made so that security is funded first and then the other.
It woulda been best to have balked on the other 2/3's I guess and got this out of the way.
This 3 week thing is just kicking the can down the road.Typical politics.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jan,19 21:00 other posts 
Phart, who decided not to pay the government workers you ask? Donald Trump did. He said that he would own the shut down and because of the shutdown, the workers did not get paid.

The reason that the government workers did not get paid is because Donald Trump did not sign the bipartisan bill that BOTH sides put together and sent to his desk. Because he refused to sign it, there was a shutdown.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,19 10:25 other posts 
I ask who decided who would not get paid,not who decided not to pay them. Justwill's answer,makes the most sense of anything I have read so far.Those workers just got caught in a loophole.Had security and safty related departments been funded first, it would have been Department of agriculture workers ,the useless EPA the useless FCC and parks and rec and other not essential staff.
By #551147 27,Jan,19 10:57
You're SO partially right, he did in fact say that and then DID it! Then the pukes of the Dem party, a.k.a. obstructionist, just made sure it STAYED that way for the duration. Seems you forgot to mention that part... Oh! And the other part where they refused to sign the negotiated bills put forth by the Repubs. SO many seem to conveniently forget that the #1 designated use for tax monies in THIS country, was and is, for SECURITY! Not every fly by night gimme gimme gimme that these dimwits come up with.
By #491031 27,Jan,19 14:59
Scorpio, your side also tends to look at the situation through a cracked lens. The Democrats passed several bills in the house to reopen the government. Mitch refused to put them up for a vote in the Senate because there was no WALL in them. Trump doesn't actually care about "border security", he just wants his wall--his ineffective, money-wasting wall. You know, the one that Mexico, not the American taxpayers, is supposed to pay for.
Trump held 8000,000 American workers hostage for over a month because of his ego and his need to please the 35% of the population who wrongly thinks he is the Messiah.
The Senate and the House agreed to a bipartisan budget before the shutdown. Trump refused to sign it (after saying that he would) because a couple of conservative talking-heads called him a wimp. Those people worked without pay because Trump acted like a ch1ld.

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 21:24 other posts 
Roger Stone: Another one bites the dust. The next guy to flip on Trump is in the laser eye of Mueller.

Keep draining that swamp Mr. Mueller!! You're doing a great job.

By #491031 25,Jan,19 09:56
Donald Trump is the Charles Manson of the Republican Party.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 11:29 other posts 
I'm sure he's the 'greatest Charles Manson in history' with all the Helter Skelter going on in his world.
By #491031 25,Jan,19 11:56
Mitch McConnell is Squeaky From...

By #559941 25,Jan,19 00:58
Why can't trump declare a national emergency ? Why does he have to kiss nancy pelosi's ass?
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 01:08 other posts 
Because she won't let him fuck her.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 04:40 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 10:03 other posts 
SHEESH< I would fuck a grizzly bear before I would consider fucking her! YUKES.
I think the real reason he has not done that yet is he is trying to get the dems to work with him.We all know more can get done if all of them would work together.
To just declare a emergency, he would not be giving the other side a chance to negociate a better deal.
I can't spell that word.
Anyhow.I do wish the dems would offer 3 billion this year and 3 billion next year or something to get this thing moving again.

By #554098 24,Jan,19 22:19
If he wants to build a wall, build it North, on the boarder to Canada, to stop the FRIGID COLD AIR from invading!! That's a bigger worry now!!
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,19 22:28 other posts 
The air would just rise above it or sink below it!
By #554098 24,Jan,19 22:39
Come on!! Trump could build a wall tall enough!! At least in his mind!!

By #559941 21,Jan,19 11:11
You can keep your teeth,, Period [deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 20:29 other posts 

By #491031 17,Jan,19 12:46
So it has now gone from "there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia" to "okay, there may have been collusion between the campaign and Russia, but Trump didn't know about it".
Which means that Trump is either a liar or an idiot.
(I take that back. It isn't necessarily an either/or situation.)
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Jan,19 13:18 other posts 
He is not an idiot. He is a liar or idiot though.
By #577391 18,Jan,19 21:47
I must have left my brains in bed. Is he or is he not an idiot?
--------------------------------------- added after 34 hours

Well, wheather he is an idiot or he isn't, he is crooked. He colluded with Russia. No proof yet? He's changed his story more times than Melania changes undies (I'm assuming she does). A run of the mill person charged with a crime and being interrogated would be charged with the crime for changing his story so many times. Hmm, maybe idiot fits.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 03:59 other posts 
Let me rephrase what I said.
The statement he's liar or idiot is true.
The statement he's not an idiot is also true.
By #577391 19,Jan,19 08:36
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 08:51 other posts 
Well, if A or B is true and the negation of A is also true we're left with only one possibility.
I'm just using plain English.
By #577391 19,Jan,19 10:25
Allright, Leopoldj, in your opinion, no algebra, is Trump an idiot?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 12:54 other posts 
I don't know. My feeling is that he is not an idiot. But I can't be sure.
By #577391 20,Jan,19 08:25
Sorry. I still don't know how this posting works.
Well, wheather he is an idiot or he isn't, he is crooked. He colluded with Russia. No proof yet? He's changed his story more times than Melania changes undies (I'm assuming she does). A run of the mill person charged with a crime and being interrogated would be charged with the crime for changing his story so many times. Hmm, maybe idiot fits.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jan,19 10:29 other posts 
Could be. One could be crooked and idiot, or crooked but not an idiot, or idiot but not crooked; or neither. Four possibilities. Add the word liar and you got 8 possibilities. It's too much for anyone not in the underground world of politics to decide.
By #577391 20,Jan,19 11:36

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 13:30 other posts 
Trumpian economics:
When the stock market is doing great it's because of the actions of Trump. When it's in the tank, it's because of the actions of others.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 19:37 other posts 
I don't keep up with many stocks,just the 1's i own some of. So far mine has went up and stayed up a few bucks during the past 2 years.
The shares I sold because the company was bought out by a canadian company has since lost over 13 dollars a share.i lost a dollar a share and sold it before it started dropping off bad.
With WTI crude down to 45 a barrel,I don't who to blame or thank for it but it has helped alot of us be able to travel affordably during the holidays
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 20:10 other posts 
Phart my point is that he took all the credit when the market was high but now blames others because it's tanking. You can't have it both ways.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Dec,18 09:29 other posts 
I must say,this is a good time for him not to take credit as the market goes up and down alot regardless of who is in there. I can't believe oil is down to 42 a barrel and gas is 1.25 a gallon wholesale at the moment wow!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Jan,19 04:50 other posts 
What's wrong with that logic? It's perfectly acceptable for anyone who always wants to be right.
By #559941 19,Jan,19 12:50
See this is a false premise you have. For me it is not to always be right. My desires are to find out the truth.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 12:53 other posts 
Well, if the premise is false then my conclusion is false too.
By #559941 19,Jan,19 12:53
By #559941 19,Jan,19 12:59
To find out the truth is to develop a hypothesis, you draw your data to support this in order to develop a conclusion of whether the evidence supports the hypothesis or not. If it does it is considered theory. Until you develop evidence to rule out this theory it will remain as such.. If there is confirmation to this theory it becomes law... Did you take this in school or could it be true they aren't teaching this anymore since the globalists want sharia law now?
By #577391 20,Jan,19 08:11
Truth is overrated. Most times people don't believe you. You get ostracized and eventually you get blamed for what the truth brings. I say, lie,lie,lie,and lie.

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