| I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".
Let's talk Trump! |
Time to wake up. Do something constructive beyond arguing over this and that totally unimportant thing! Earth is your home. NOT your country! Do something today to save it, even if it's just picking up a piece of trash on the street. Or realizing the Donald cares NOTHING about you or your planet...
Hi Two and Phart-1st, I am REALLY wondering if these pictures will show on here. They are of Galaxies, Earth in our Milky Way Galaxy, etc. Just to show my viewpoint about countries with their meaningless borders compared to how incredibly isolated our tiny planet is. Even the US, my country of birth and the best country on Earth, means nothing if this planet is threatened in it's totality. At least it WAS the best country until couple years ago.
One day, I am quite sure not SOON enough, the over 7 Billion people living on this tiny 'life boat' may actually wake up and see Earth is what is important. Borders will cease to exist in any struggle to save our beautiful, MICROSCOPICALLY small planet compared to anything else in it's galaxy, the Milky Way. Compared to the Universe, Earth is immeasurably small. No country on it's surface will matter at all if Earth is threatened by another asteroid? Global warming that becomes UNDENIABLE even to those too dumb to see the obvious. I am NOT talking about HOW it's happening. Just that it IS happening...A pandemic that science cannot stop? Like the Flu pandemic in 1916 (?) that killed more people than combatants in the 1st World War?...On a planet overloaded with 'humans', (there were only 1 Billion of us in 1800!!), those types of pandemics become even more likely. When that or anything else happens, it will be the day of the 'awakening', when EVERYBODY knows without a doubt, this planet, one of Billions (?) in the Universe, can actually DIE and it will NOT matter compared to the unimaginably huge scope of the Universe that contains it. Keep in mind there are also BILLIONS of galaxies.
Phart-As has been stated lots of times, it will likely be cockroaches/bacteria that will inherit this earth after us. Assuming they unleash the many thousands of Nukes owned by 9 countries. If one of them launches, it will be like a match in a fireworks factory...My bet is that is a foregone conclusion. Like the Stock Market, it's just a matter of timing. Something that is impossible to do.
Two-USA ground is not firm when looked at from a point in the center of this Galaxy. Likely not firm just because our country is dying, having lived it's 250+ years, historically speaking.
Too bad, so sad, but the truth is hard to accept. Simply because every person on this beautiful planet thinks the SAME thing...It CANNOT happen to them.
Do I have an answer to what I see as inevitable? Hell NO! Not as long as Earth is collection of countries out for themselves. Funny, that sounds JUST like the US Congress and it's idiots, all supposedly elected by the people...Dream on. That is an allusion and has been probably since 1776...--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
This did not show in previously. Earth in our galaxy.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
Holy Crap! One little edit and the pictures evaporated!
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Last picture is from Hubble in just a tiny sector of the Universe. Those are mostly Galaxies.
I aint given 1 bit of a damn about how tiny earth is.But during my few seconds on it,I am going to TRY,notice i did say try,to be happy and help those around me in need.
And I am NOT giving up the standard of living I have worked hard for just to suit the greenie weenies.
In the 60's we had fine,decent looking powerful cars and fine homes with style.Now we are expected to drive cracker boxes and live in partical board wonders while eating tofu and drinking bottled spring water that actually came from the local river.
So, in a nutshell, no more 60's gluttony with nice homes, cars, food...mainly food. There will soon be not enough of that for all of 'us'. Same for water.
I say this while owning a car with a fantastical handbuilt engine. Dual overhead cam V-8 with 6 (!) bolt mains, hemi heads with 4 valves stuffed in them and totally aluminum. It's a thing to behold...I wish it could be the 60's forever, too.
As for here in the US, Immigration and the immigrants ways of making big familys is taking it's toll on our resources.But there again,can't say anything,violating their "rights". Some of the problem could be curtailed,if people would act senseably. Stop making babies!
Immigrants...ARE US, Phart. Remember? This country was built on immigrants fucking their brains out. We 'Baby Boomers' are just the 2nd or 3rd generation of that massive wonderful coupling that 'made this country great'.
As I have been trying to get across, countries are NO longer 'it'. Simply because our World cannot afford to have 195 separate countries out JUST for themselves anymore. Time for EVERYONE to wake up and see Earth for what it is...Forgive me for offending anyone of religious bents...as our TRUE SAVIOR. If we fuck it up by launching nukes, letting it warm to levels that start to effect the ecosystem, etc...we are ALL doomed and EVERY stupid disagreement between individuals or countries...will NOT matter in the least. We are at the tipping point in MANY arenas. Borders, fishing industry, crop industry, steel, aluminum, beryllium, politics, LUNATICS, etc...
I have said it is TOO late but who am I to say?? I will be (thankfully) shuffling off this mortal coil in the next 20 years...or sooner. We, you and I Phart, have left a big mess for those that came after us. I am glad I lived just when I did as it may have been the best possible time to live a basically peaceful life.
I WILL ask you this... Are you perchance driving a Prius with a "co-exist" emblem on the rear? 🤔
I COMPLETELY agree with some of what you are saying, we SHOULD be good stewards of OUR planet for sure!
Me and Mine do in fact do our share of attempting to give back to the earth i.e. helping clean up our local rivers from all the trash and debris that are in it. Along with a section of a major highway that we've adopted. Trying to recycle as much as we can, avoiding littering, and ensuring that our Automobile's are properly maintained.
Now, honestly, how many others do the same? Don't even get me started when I found out what REALLY happens to everyone's efforts to separate recycled items. 😠
All that being said. I agree with the other's take on what you're saying here.
ARE YOU OF THE BELIEF WE (HUMANS) SHOULD ALL TAKE LETHAL DOSES OF ARSENIC and just say fuck it? If SO you're faaar more fucked up than I EVER imagined.
This argument of yours is SO far out there, it will NEVER gain traction. And if it did, what the hell kinda place would we be living in? I think you've immersed yourself into the Star Trek world too deeply. Afterall, a lot of what you are suggesting plays out in that Universe. It will NEVER happen. If it did or does it will be looooong after you and I are gone. Guess what! President Donald J Trump has no effect on the things you are speaking about. Matter of fact, the shit you're talking about, needs it's very own thread topic. I'm being serious!
Lastly... Funny how you didn't even give the man credit for his 6th branch of the military, Space Force, as it will be obviously needed for the things you're speaking of. OR maybe we shouldn't be leary of outside races/species that may come a calling...
The maggots and buzzards would be in hog heaven but everything else would suffer for a while.
And as far as the trumpleheimer, NO, I cannot give him credit for ANYTHING as he just loves himself, NOT you, us or even his family!...As far a a 'Space Force', well VERY sadly, that is indeed needed. Simply because history has led us to this point...It's sort of like El Dingaling pulling out of Syria. Nice if history had NOT led us to the point of HAVING to stay there and help our ALLIES. The ones that did most of the heavy lifting getting ISIS to near oblivion. Now this country and others need a Space Force, just to survive on this planet. Just a natural progression of warfare...Which, leads us back to my main point that human'kind' is doomed. Because history of war after FUCKING war has led us to a point that has us ADDICTED to killing anyone/everyone that has different viewpoints/BORDERS than we have. We are so far behind the 'power curve' that there is little chance of ever recovering either ourselves or our tiny little planet from it's/our fate. Unless something entirely MAGICAL happens and we all wake up at the same time to this dangerous place we all find ourselves in. Which is living on a tiny, beautiful lifeboat in the infinity of Space. Not likely to happen in time.
I am being serious too. Donald J. trump (I refuse to capitalize that idiotic narcissist's name) is just the end result of 'recent' history, meaning the last 100 or so years. He is the MOST dangerous 'dictator' this country has ever had. I say that knowing America has never truly been a Democracy. Just a wonderfully presented illusion since WWII.
Lastly...funny that you don't realize how you have been had by this supposed 'man'. But I do understand how that has happened. He said all the right things at just the right time to convince a lot of disenfranchised Americans to vote for him. And now, all those that DID vote for him have seen what a mess he has made of both this country and it's place in the world. I know, believe me, I KNOW how nearly IMPOSSIBLE it would be to actually admit to voting for this dangerous lunatic. One that you all hoped would 'grow' after being president and represent this country WELL. He has NOT as evidenced by his recent withdrawal from Syria and how FUCKED up that has become. AFTER stating and I QUOTE; "that if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits" ETC.!!!
I say again...REALLY? That one CRAZY statement by your prez does NOT speak to you about who he REALLY is? A King wannabe. A Dictator like all his best buddies, Putin, Xi, fat little N. Korean smarter than trump fuckhead? Who writes him 'love letters' that are so beautiful?
Admitting the truth would be the same as admitting he is an abject failure as leader of America. As well as admitting to your own mistake in voting for him...It's OK. We all make mistakes, but most of us cannot admit to them
Hugh Hefner did the very same thing when he assessed his models, do you hear any outcry about him? NO!
I wish he had just ridden off into the sunset and never gotten involved with Trump.
I bet that Trump will throw Giuliani under the bus by Halloween.
What awaits him is unknown at this point but I doubt it will end pleasantly for Rudy. He will probably go down in history as an associate of Trump now. SAD.
the EXACT kind of "DISINFORMATION" you speak of?
I implore you to find a transcript that says any sorta bullshit like he just spouted off. So, I'm curious if I got your definition correct. 🤔
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes
Here's the actual conversation along with the written transcript viewable in the back. ➡️ only registered users can see external links
Guess which version MOST of America and the World saw...
Did you guess the lying piece of shit, in the first clip(the top clip)? If so, then you would be correct.
Now, what part of what he said was "illegal" OR "unconstitutional"?
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That being said... It's still NEVER going to happen. This is nothing more than a distraction. In the words of Texas representative Al Green... The only way we can beat him, is to impeach him. Right on Al! ✊ Now there's a politician that speaks SOME truth. 😉 It will be shot down in the Senate like a Japanese ZERO in 1942. Therefore, a COMPLETE and UTTER waste of time. To hell with their constituents. Unno, they have been talking about impeachment since 2 hours after being sworn in. You don't find that just a lil ridiculous or suspicious?
Of course if I could predict the future I'd be into sports betting in Vegas.
Since you're a betting man, put your money, errr points where your mouth is... I will bet you, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW 500 syd points Donald J. Trump remains the President of the United States until 2024. I AM a g.a.m.b.l.i.n.g. man and rarely lose.
Really it censors g.a.m.b.l.i.n.g.
This is from FOX News.
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I understand why some people could have been misled by his promises and voted for him, but I really don't understand that so many people still believe his lies and would vote for him again.
OUR President has NO affect on either of you. Therefore, feel free to continue to bathe in your unfounded hatred.
You should try taking the position I have about YOUR leadership. I know NOTHING about them, don't care to know ANYTHING about them, and quite frankly, could CARELESS about them. They have ZERO affect to MY life! If YOU two believe you live in a utopia in your respective countries. I applaud you for your patriotism for your country's and their/your way of life. 👏👏👏
Why hate on another Countries leader? I feel safe to say, it MUST be out of jealousy. If you think it's SO bad here, why do SO many want to be here? I don't hear of people knocking down the doors to enter Europe (muslims don't count) OR Canada for that matter. GEE, I wonder why...
Had you ever bothered to consider why people just want to visit your nations and not stay there?
If the U.S. under Donald J Trump is SO fucking awful, why are there not droves of people trying to get into Canada or Europe and leaving this pisshole of a country under this President?
Just a few pointers for your information.
-Your President put a lot of Canadians out of work when he put tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. He has a lot of affect on Canadian exporters. I wrote a blog story about it and this is it. /blogs/36975.html
-I know you know nothing about the Canadian government. Most Americans have no idea what is happening in the Parliament Buildings of Canada. Generally, the further south you live the less you know about Canada. Canadians know a LOT more about the US than Americans know about Canada. Did you know that in 38 American states their biggest trading partner is Canada?
-The reason you don't know about the Canadian Immigration system and the numbers of people who choose to come to Canada, including Muslims is because your information is probably derived from a source that speaks primarily about American news and not International news. You just don't know what happens outside the US boarders.
-I am probably more informed about what goes on in the USA than the average American. I'm something of a news junkie and in Canada we get all of the American TV stations, and I watch Fox, CNN, and NBC news regularly. I also watch the main Canadian News Networks, CTV and CBC so please don't assume that because I live in Canada that I don't know what goes on it the country of our biggest trading partner.
- One final thing; my brother works in the steel industry in Hamilton, Ontario and he was laid off because of the tariffs imposed by Trump, so yes his actions do affect me personally.
Trump will either be a one term President or will do his two terms and life will go on; he's but a blip in this moment of history and we're all along for the ride.
Kembo,Sorry about your brothers lost job.I hope he is able to find another to replace it.
But here locally a company,has doubled it's work force.They make metal for military projects and jet aircraft.
Trump is trying to fix America.While past leaders,even Bush,have spent to much time trying to fix other countrys while this 1 has went in the toilet.When we blew up Afganistan,we should have stuck our flag up in the middle of it.Not rebuild it and sit there for our men to be killed and maimed by bombs.
IF America can get back on it's own feet and take care of it's own people,perhaps there will be time and energy that could be applied to helping our neighbors. To many steel mills up north have been closed down and jobs lost by the 100's because of imports.
Perhaps Canada,like the US, needs to look at improving it's infastructure.Which would provide jobs in the steel industry and others to rebuild bridges,pipelines and so on.
IF America does not soon improve it's electrical grid alot of us are going to smell smoking wires and be in the damn dark.ALot of the grid in this part of the country is over 50 years old and underated for the load that the electric car will put on it
But... Alberta has only 4.4 million people and it's just a bit smaller than Texas which has 28.7 people so the problem is bigger in more populated areas but there are areas where it does help.
I don't think electric vehicles will replace gas powered vehicles this century because, as you said, the need for so much electricity just can't keep up.
I saw on PBS the other day that Amazon is ordering 100,000 electric vehicles to be delivered in the next decade. Spread out over North America, it will be easier to deal with.
Electricity is all about infrastructure, just like roads, gas stations and airports.
This is the PBS story: only registered users can see external links
point taken and I concede I hadn't the foggiest idea about how the U.S. may have affected you Canucks. You're absolutely right, I ONLY pay attention to news about THIS country. Albeit I'm sorry to hear about your brother due to steel tariffs, I'm equally as happy that hundreds were remployed by a local steel producer near me that was shut down during the reign of Obummer. I certainly don't mean to sound selfish, but it is OUR interests (the U.S.) that should be #1 priority. If you think it is in fact selfish to be that way, then let me remind you... ANY given disaster in ANY part of the world, the U.S. is the biggest contributor of aid to those in need. Whether it be financial aid, to supplies, to using OUR military. That being said, other countries have been taking advantage of the United States for a very long time. It's about time we have someone, a business man, put his foot down and stop all the leeching. Whether you like him or not, he's done more in a short period of time then the last 3 presidents. For that, I applaud him and hope he continues to drain the swamp of the politicians that just don't give a damn about us, the people. Notice how they pushed their stupid healthcare bullshit, yet not one of them politicians on either side of the isle gave up their Cadillac government plans. They are NO better than the rest of us and surely shouldn't get preferential treatment over the rest of the citizens. But they do anyway.
Scorpio and Phart: When Trump put tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) he did it to countries who he thought were "threats to the US National Security". That's when we lost it. Canada a threat to the US National Security??? What we did then is put tariffs on $16.6 Billion worth of American imports into Canada, especially stuff made in "red" states. How did Trump reply to that? Do you know what he did Phart? Scorpio? He did nothing! He just let us do it because he knew we were right and he started a trade war with the closest friend and ally and the biggest trading partner of the United States. That's not how friends treat friends.
Putin, Un et al. are in his "good books" while Canada is a threat to the National Security to the US. SMH
American media is just opinion now,no real journalism takes place cuz it costs too much,so it's all click bait....
And the media that is any good ends up behind a paywall...
So the media that offer free viewing can shout loudest as it were....
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I agree that draining the swamp is needed badly in your country, but there are no republicans who will ever do that and maybe only one or two democrats. Sorry you have such shitty choices.
Why would I care? Because all the downturns start in your country. We are still recovering from your last one and you're heading fast to the next one.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours
And, you Scorpio69, are a liar
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