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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 31,Mar,19 22:15 other posts 
It re-enforces Gaston Glock's quote, "Americans are stupid".
By #578610 16,Jun,19 09:40
Austrians are not exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch either. They were responsible for the start of WWI and contributed to the support of Hitler in WWII. Great people
By #592419 29,Jun,19 09:16
I heard because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand..Oh well.. I can see you are making friends here,, now you are saying Austrians are stupid ....I have yet to read anything about you where you take responsibility for your mistakes yet it is everyone elses fault.

I know you are smarter than this. The key for us to be successful is unity

Instead of desiring to enhance your egoism which all democrats do. try desiring to achieve altruism? democrats never take blame or responsibility. They never try coming up with solution. If they get elected they already said our taxes will be unmanageable but then will blame the rich.

.Worry about what your responsibility is. Not asking you to be perfect but you can try just to be the best you can be..As long as you pass on blame you will never make it to the next level of critical reasoning.
By #578610 29,Jun,19 10:35
I make my shares of mistakes, but, the posting by Gntlmn was derogatory to Americans.The quote by Glock was something any American should find offensive and a response in kind deserved. Please show me where I passed undeserved blame to anyone for anything. Please don't quote the One Eyed Bitch Witch. Show me facts. My critical reasoning is not for you to judge as I haven't made any conclusions regarding you or about you. In any event, my reasoning is subjective to my experiences and not yours. You like Republicans. So do many people in this country. I like Democrats. So do many in this country. If they ever work together it will be good. The Republicans have controled congress for many yrs. Why didn't they solved all our country's ills?
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BTW, how many friends do you have on site?
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One more thing. Telling me what’s wrong with half the country (Democrats) won’t solve the ills of the country. Why not look at your fellow Republicans and figure out why they prefer gridlock to progress. And I won’t even mention the idiot that lives in the White House and the leader of the Republican party
By #592419 29,Jun,19 13:03
I have nobody,,, I am all alone. Nobody loves me.. That's ok though,, I still have my camera..

There are Republicans I hate...Democrats I used to love but they aren't alive since they were murdered by their own party.. What difference does it make? It's either they are good or bad.. Racism is when you label... Just like you label of me being a judge. I only go by what I see and have intuitions about. YOu place labels then you draw your own conclusions by judging others. To me it doesn't matter.
By #592419 29,Jun,19 13:16
only registered users can see external links Now your crosses are burning fast... What does this mean to you..
By #592419 29,Jun,19 13:48
I still don't know what he did that is evil to cause people to hat e him. All I hear is the name calling... There is nothing wrong with the country's ills. The solution is here. National Sovereignty, infrastructure, core-education, GDP is 3.2. stock market is surging. Looks to me the slope of progress is positive.
The "ILLS" of the country only has long legs because the Fake News Industrial Complex is obsessed What I see is that the extreme left is loosing its grip and is desperate to find a solution to get rid of this guy once and for all ,,, but it is not working. They have no solution.
By #578610 29,Jun,19 18:16
did you hear about the husband that bought his wife a mink coat, took her to expensive dinners at 5 star restaurants and murdered her? that is "he"
By #592419 29,Jun,19 18:29
He murdered his wife? What planet did you get this info from?
Like I said it doesn't matter. America is the strongest nation on earth now. If he was Jack the Ripper oh well..
C'mon, you are better than this and you know better..

BEsides.. Do you know how many cocks Bill Clinton sucked off in the oval office while Hillary hid in the closet while licking on Pocahontas's clit?

Russia did spy on us.. Want to know what they found?? Vladimere Putin caught Bill and Monika having phone sex in the oval office while Hillary was taking a back door dildo from Huma... That's the G-d's honest truth..

And if you still don't believe me how did this article come out? It's all over the place. only registered users can see external links
By #578610 02,Jul,19 09:14
It’s a well know fact that he did not exist before 2014. The answer is in Roswell
By #592419 02,Jul,19 16:45
Roswell NM,, as in outer space? Are you saying that Hillary is an alien from another planet?
By #578610 03,Jul,19 08:02
Yes, she was born in the USA
By #592419 03,Jul,19 10:32
Where's the birth certificate.
Not to mention some of the fakes on here did a much better job photoshopping 15 inch cocks than Obama did his birth certificate.
By #578610 03,Jul,19 11:42
Well, you can’t make her a virgin or him not be an ex president. People that live in the past are past it
By #592419 03,Jul,19 17:50
So it's ok to do bad things just as long as you can get past it later?
By #578610 03,Jul,19 19:11
I did not say that. Nor did I say Hillary and Clint did either. The current president is a different story. He lied,he cheated, he colluded, he invited wrong doing. And, he is current. If the Justice Department is willing to not prosecute, who are we to try to do so?
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The Congress is another matter
By #592419 03,Jul,19 21:38
Trump only lied and cheated with your imagination..He's done nothing wrong and I stand by it. Not that I don't like Bill since he is smart on economics but he lied and cheated and Hillary was the worst infidel of the 2. She had lesbian parties in the white house while stealing everything after she left and also and watched Bill have sex in the oval office which is supposed to be a room for the people of the united states.
Congress is the worst I have ever seen at 4% approval rating they are making a mockery out of this great country. Yet, even their own constituents are shaking their heads. They too want to ask people if they are USA citizens but their congress people are going against the peoples wishes.
By #578610 04,Jul,19 07:49
All these gossips have been quoted by the opposition since old Clint was pres. Ok, prove it. And, may I remind you that he was pres. 20 yrs ago?
By #592419 03,Jul,19 21:44
Mueller said there was no Russian collusion with trump so why do you continue? Are you smarter than Mueller and know more? Mueller would do anything to get him out of office but no evidence. The person that came across this lie was Christopher steel who is British spy.... There was no collusion therefore no obstruction.. Why can't you finally accept the facts that he did nothing wrong?
By #578610 04,Jul,19 07:45
“Collusion” has no legal definition. But if the term means working behind the scenes with Russian actors to obtain hacked information damaging to Mrs. Clinton, then this section of the report describes just that — collusion that took place at Mr. Trump’s request. It just wasn’t successful.

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By #592419 04,Jul,19 12:15
He didn't do anything wrong HP... Muller was hired as a special prosecuter to put people in jail and he couldn't do it. Collusion is not against the law and yet every president since the coup of 1963 has colluded with russia, vatican, ukraine, china, mexico and all the pissing countries that ripped us off,,, yet if you are republican they say you are breaking the law. This is bullshit..
Muller was a political movement to divert things away from the truth, meaning Hillary colluded with Russia and Ukraine. He has businesses on the side that colludes with the hollywood elite as well as the entire democratic party to promote child sex trafficking, ****philia, importation of illegal drugs, and fucking off the american tax payer..
How they hell can you even protect these people? They are dangerous and they will fuck you over while stealing your soul 100 times over if it means they have to cum then just spit on you..
What are you getting out of protecting these apostates from hell anyway?
By #578610 04,Jul,19 12:25
Truth, fairness and a better life. I don’t know how old you are but I voted for the first time for Nixon. I was a Republican then. Soon I found out every time a Republican got elected, my buying power went substantially down. My pay is substantially more than 1966 and i can’t afford what I could then. On top of that, my country went from shit to diarrea when Bush II bankrupted the country. Yeah! Go Republican. Go Trump. Make America great again. Fuck us all. Buy us fried chicken
By #592419 04,Jul,19 12:46
The last "Republican" to be a TRUE Republican was Abraham Lincoln. I don't give a shit what party since it was watered down to be the same establishment of anti-democracy.
Before you pass judgments on policy learn the constitution. You have an issue? Then take it up with your congressman.. That's how it works..
Educate yourself more,,Stop arguing with 7th grade mentality ... Bush's(both of them) are ****phia Nazi anti-jew and black racists. Boy did i put down a REPUBLICAN? No since they are not republicans.. its bullshit.. Obama was neither a dem or republican since he was hired by globalism. An illegitimate president from no birth certificate documentation. He's a fucking liar and so is his boyfriend Michael..I don't protect people because of their political party. Since you segregate in that way many people do consider this racism just from what party you belong to..
By #578610 05,Jul,19 11:37
I bet I know the Constitution better than you. You, and others like you, always fall back on your interpretation of the Constitution. You believe others are ignorant of the meaning. You also give weird meanings to every day definitions of words. You still have not proven your point of view except with half baked gossip.
By #592419 05,Jul,19 12:21
Show me how much more you know. How much non-political spin of bullshit... Show me that the interpretations of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments and how they relate to our nation and what message it gives to us.. Since you know so much more of america than I do then give these 3 amendments of the constitution full meaning and what it means to Americans.. Show me how these amendments protect our people and what they truly mean? How does this relate to national sovereignty?..What is National Sovereignty to you?.
What does the United States of America mean to you?
By #578610 07,Jul,19 08:48
1st amendment, this country has freedom of religion, press and no fear from congress to change that.
2nd amendment, the Congress will create a militia and the citizens have the right to bear arms.
The fourth amendment prohibit unlawful serch and seizures without probable cause. This is a somewhat simplistic explanation of these rights but, it's clear enough.
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If you want a civics lesson go back to the 9th grade
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National sovereignty is the control a nation has over the land and people within it's borders.
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The United States of America is a union of 50 countries and territories under a Federal government
By #592419 07,Jul,19 11:19
Very good,, you looked up the definition on internet of questions. But that is not answering "what does the USA mean to you"?
By #578610 07,Jul,19 11:47
No sir. I did not. If I had I would have copied and pasted. Anyone who finished high school 45 yrs or more ago should be able to answer your questions. Today's high schoolers would be ignorant of the answers
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The USA is my country. Right or wrong, it's the best country in the world with the most caring people in the world even though many of our citizens are bigots.
By #592419 07,Jul,19 11:58
The problem with this is just the logical definition, but the answer requires more than logic. What does america mean to you? Not by its definition
By #592419 07,Jul,19 12:01
A hint would be its allegiance..For which it stands, one nation under G-d with liberty and justice for all.. What does this mean?
Not just illegal immigrants while middle class breaks its back to put a loaf of bread on the table while drug dealers and ms13 get free everything.
By #578610 07,Jul,19 10:21
You seem to think that Republican or Democrat describes a set rule of governance for a political party. These names are a quick description of the current politicians. What Lincoln stood for, while very honorably, has nothing to do with present day position of these parties. Conservative, liberal, pro-life, pro-choose, socialist, these are the true descriptions. What’s more, if you live in the past with Clinton, Hilary, Obama, Bush, Regan, then you are not helping the betterment of this country today. Only present day political entities can fix the problems of today.
By #592419 07,Jul,19 11:31
The problems of today are its political struggles.
Here, let me make this easy for you.
The constitution is our law. There is no politics, no bullshit, only laws that derive from platonic philosophy that describes the best method to obtain utopia.
The only way this will work is with ideas to form a more perfect union, not what politicians tell us to do, who to worship or who to hate. Politics is who can promote the best lie in order to stir up followers but it has nothing to do with the right thing.
USA to me is unity, different in cultures but forgetting about laws that were imposed on its people but to find a place where everyone has a saw of putting into law.
The way it works is this. You have an idea or suggesiton, you make a petition, send the petition to congressman,, Afterall you are his constituent base so he has to provide you a response or else he will lose that base. He sends the idea up to the floor to lay his case,, If they motion a vote and majority rules then it is debated with the senate, if the senate approves then it is sealed by the president.
Here, the democrats not only want to take your say away from you but they want to tell you what to do. They want to take the power away from the people. This will only lead to am empire that will eventually destroy itself. All empires throughout history have fallen.
The only problems that exist today are the democrats forcing open borders destroying our national sovereignty , they want to create a welfare system milking the taxpayer by creating a sanctuary country.. with that said, you can see Europe destroying itself.
i am helping by giving examples because it is tools for learning. Trumps approval ratings are higher than ever at this point. I call this america because more and more followers are starting to believe in him since he remains well within constitutional values.. I do too..
Socialism has never survived through the years yet you support it by dissolving guns.. YOu want socialism?---move to Iran. This place is more suited for you.
By #578610 07,Jul,19 15:42
I'm not arguing against your position. You, believe the Constitution is the law of the land, inflexible, for ever and ever. Not true. Our Constitution is a starting point and a guide. This is so our form of government can adapt to the changes of this crazy world. As long as we follow it's principles, we can interpret this wonderful documents to fit our modern world.
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Petitioning our representatives is a good way to right a wrong or change some laws that no longer fit, but, if it's not listened to, then, we have the right of protest. Remember, we were born of revolution.
By #592419 08,Jul,19 07:47
By #578610 08,Jul,19 09:13
Just like a man. Wants to win an argument with sex. Ok, I bow to your superior argument, Chupete.
By #592419 08,Jul,19 13:35
The constitution is NOT something to just put on the wall. It is an official document that protects the abuse of power over its people.
Petitioning representatives is our responsibility. Whether the elected congressman does his job or not is his responsibility. If he is smart and the number of signatures is high in his voting base he'd better do his job or its another one bites the dust.
By #592419 08,Jul,19 13:35
You couldn't resist me.
By #578610 08,Jul,19 18:31
It's the name and it's promise.
BTW. Almost every major federal law is SOCIALISTIC. Social Security, medicare, 40 hr weeks, minimum age, the establishment of the IRS, etc. Any law that is passed for the betterment of the public is socialistic. Why are people so afraid of that? Also, The Democrats did not invite hundredth of illegals to seek refuge in our country. We should stop saying so
By #592419 08,Jul,19 20:46
Illegals are their bread and butter..
By #592419 08,Jul,19 21:37
You have to understand that the LEFT is NOT internal with our country. It is a globalist market and all LEFT WING politicians from each country are the true LEFT. The LEFT we have here is just a sub-division.
By #578610 09,Jul,19 06:23
That's like saying the right is controlled by a Nazi splinter group in Bolivia
By #592419 09,Jul,19 07:42
Nazi's were funded by the left,,, Including Bush's father during the 1930s Some Republican today are really LEFT, although pretend to be on the right. or even in the middle.. An example is Marco Rubio.
The entire structure is run in Europe with major clients being China, North Korea, Russia, the middle east. Used to be Mexico also but Trump won that trade war and is working on china where he is winning that one..He is also out of Paris accord wich was a mile stone, the iran deal and NAFTA.
By #578610 09,Jul,19 12:00
Labels do not define individuals. The Nazis were as far right as you can get. They were fascists.
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You are the sexiest loony toons here. Only Skittles and Phart are loonier. Still love you, chupete.
By #592419 09,Jul,19 12:41
completely invalid point.. Roosevelt was Left and worked with Nazi's so industrialists in america could profit from the nazi movement.. Churchill praised Hitler in 1938 as well as time magazine making Hither man of the year. Roosevelt hated Jews so much he refused entry of refugees into america by turning them back to the gas chambers in Poland..The KKK had the same plans for blacks and jews as the nazi movement..KKK was created by the left,, not the right..
By #592419 26,Jul,19 21:23
Another thing I suggest you try and practice on is not to judge by using stereotypes... Racism is not as broad as you think,, its just politicized more than it actually exists.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 07,Jul,19 00:01 other posts 
Well...stupid is as stupid does... Americanlook what got elected president
By bjuk [Ignore] 07,Jul,19 13:48 other posts 
By #592419 09,Jul,19 07:57
When you are smart its ok to think stupid people are stupid,, But what about the stupid ones that think smart people are stupid?.. Because they are stupid that's why..
By #578610 07,Jul,19 15:47
Stupid is making a mistake and repeating it

By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,19 10:33 other posts 
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Good news to me.But,we have to keep in mind poll numbers can be skewed in either direction depending on the goals of the poll taker.
By #551147 25,Jul,19 17:38
Atta boy phart ! Rub it in...
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,19 21:38 other posts 
It is not really meant to rub it in.It was meant to show that the old saying "it is the economy stupid" is true.The people tend to stand behind a leader when the economy is better. And right now things are better and would and could get better if the dems would just stop throwing out things to stumble over.

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