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you can't prove otherwise
I've been here for about 4 yrs and while showing off is fun, listening to you, asshats, gets old.
The hatred of Clinton is soundly based on her attitude and words,"what differnce does it make" and other such things.
Hatred may not the best word,more like dispise and wish they were just away somewhere else would be better.To hate is to be incapable of forgiveing..I dispise Obama for example for ruining my insurance coverage and causeing me to spend alot more money on health care,if I choose to get it instead of suffereing in pain or sickness to try to make ends meet.
I had good insurance and could afford a doctor visit before he came along.That is what I mean by soundly based reasons.
I now have 70-30 with doubled copays and higher amounts that I have to pay out of pocket for hospital rooms and such.
All my cost went up.
How is that good for me?
Another case in point,a freind with 2 kids priced insurance thru the website and finally had to talk to someone over the phone.Just a basic plan was going to be over 1600 a month.and it was very high copays and such.
Sadly,I guess to some folks,I invested while I was working and my truck is worth about 3500.At my age I don't think it is wise to give up my investments just yet as the social security is broke and may not be there when I get old enough to qualify for it and medicare.
To get help you have to all but be on the can not have many if any fruits of your past labors.
kinda makes my having tried to work for a living a futile,and worthless struggle.
I guess we should all play by the liberal play book and just shit in the streets of San fransico and holler for free food or something.
I want to be self maintaining and be healthy enough and strong enough and financely capable of helping my neighbors when they are knocked down.
Can't do that when you are restricted in what you can earn,what you can own,what you can do.
By Freddy at 09,Sep,19 14:17⤴
you fucking nasty rat. You fucking fuck up brain is sagging like your old cunt. I know I am an asshole and proud of it.
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January 20, 2021, a day I will remember for the rest of my life. The day we, the people of this great nation, get delivered from the clutches of a megalomaniac. I will dance nude in the streets. I'll make love to strangers. I will sing. I'll probably will end up in the drunk tank, but, it will be worth it. My knees are getting weak.
"I'm the least racist in the whole world." What will it take for his base to disown him? Have they no shame?
I honestly feel that he should be concerned about those paid to protect him and the one who will "take one for the team". It's a real threat and the Secret Service is well aware of it.
Put the EXACT quote(s) up that gives you this fucking absurd "he's a racist" belief. YOU or Kebmo? Come on! Many of us are sick of hearing this stupid race baiting bullshit.
PUT THE QUOTES UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP! SOLID ones, not ones by stupid ass interpretation.
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When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
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1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks
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1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
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2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
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2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
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2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
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2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate.
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For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be totally damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist.
But when you put all these events together, a clear pattern emerges. At the very least, Trump has a history of playing into people’s racism to bolster himself — and that likely says something about him too.
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Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
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2. You have ZERO proof that that was requested by him. I would venture to say that if they did such a thing, they were the fucking racist. I make a request for something and the Casino obliges, who's worse? Maybe they took it upon themselves to boot all the black folks. Prove that it wasn't that way...
3. Heresay and not admissible in any court! Only the court of public opinion. Perhaps he was a disgruntled employee and God knows the biggest insult you can throw around about someone is to scream they are a RACIST!
Is that all you got? Is that the best you can do?
Until recently I lived in redneck heaven. If it wasn't for my blond hair, blue eyes and big tits I would have been dead for my liberal views. The few things all these yahoos that live around there believe in is that Donald Trump is God on a cleansing mission. They all think that getting a GED is having an education, and working at McDonald's is a career. They also love to blame all their problems on those "hordes" of undocumented immigrants or "foreigners". The funny thing is that most of those “foreigners” would look down on these yahoos as trailer trash. The men have never been to a dentist in their whole life. A smile from them is like a battle ground of falling and yellowed teeth with deep cavities. The Marlboro man, still packing three pounds of iron in his pants because it offsets his little pee pee.
And the women,wow,giving blow jobs at 12,getting pregnant at 14,marrying their “love of their life” and the baby’s father after the birth, The father, who’s best part ran down his mom’s leg, proudly buying everyone a quarter pounder with cheese. And taking mama and child home in his ten year old Ford F150 with gun racks.
Why am I bitter? My friend got deported a few months back. She was here seventeen years. Has two daughters and a WASP husband (that’s means White Anglo Saxon and Protestant for those that don’t know) whom she loves and took care off. Why is she gone? Her parents brought her here when she was eight, illegally. What happened to our humanity???
Oh, and one more time for the cheap seats...
For wanting to stop an invasion to our country. It's his #1 duty to THIS country to protect us from such things. How much more fucking clear does one have to be?
Lastly... Not sure who you're describing above, as I don't meet any of that description nor anyone I know. I will say this though... Sounds an awful lot like the Hotpussy_Wetnoodle monologues authored by Skittles. 😆🤣😂
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If you call a horde of undocumented aliens wanting to come here to work to help their families an invation, then you are a chicken livered coward. These are poor folks with little choice. But, why does he want to remove long time members of society who work and pay taxes and have US born kids?
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And he is a RACIST AND A SEXUAL PREDATOR. The last one by his own words and the first one by his tweets.
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And lastly, Skittles monologues? How does that asshole fit this discussion?
Nevermind. You are part of that group with the Bitch Witch that when they don't like facts, they do personal attacks.
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Get it through your head. Trump is the worst thing that happened to this country. I'm nobody so who will listen to me. The thing is, the people that count says so.
All the illegal people are not just hard honest working people is not true. Some drive drunk and then kill cops. Then run south back to Mexico
You said, "Why do you blame Trump for the wrong choices other people made"
I don't blame him for other peoples wrong choices. I blame him for his wrong choices. Illegal entry into this country is wrong, but, there are far better ways to contain the situation than splitting up families. Detention camps are not being kept in good humanitarian conditions. The SW is littered with closed military bases. There's room to put up air conditioned tent cities with proper sanitary facilities. Does it cost a lot? yes, but not much more than catch and release in their country and it would be easier to document and have hearings. His idea of building a wall is laughable.
You said, "Why don't you want to pay the taxes for all this great stuff?"
Who said I don't want to pay taxes for it? I'm willing to have my taxes go up a few hundred $ more in order to be humane, good neighborly, Christian, to these poor unfortunates.
You said, "You don't even pay enough in taxes to pay the current tax bill. It a joke"
I"m always disgusted at how little knowledge Americans have of the workings of their government. The tax bill, as you call it, is what the government will spend and that includes THE COST OF BORROWING MONEY in previous years to pay for whatever the government deemed was needed by the country. It's like getting a mortgage to buy a house at 6% interest. First, you don't pay your mortgage every year and the interest is always there. Your personal finances only cover THE MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO the mortgage lender. The last time we had a balanced budget was during the last 3 yrs of the Clinton administration. Since then we had a budget deficit. I pay about 14% of my yearly pay to the IRS. Those are the Federal taxes I pay every year, along with almost any other American that works and gets paid above the poverty rate. I know, it's a round number, but, it's very close to the mark.
The funny thing is that if an undocumented alien gets work, his paycheck is cut for these taxes and because he can't do his taxes at the end of the year (no papers) he pays more than the average taxpayer in his bracket.
Lastly, and I'm trying to be civil about this, I get my information by reading more than one newspaper and listening to various opinions on TV. I try to get this from both the liberals and the conservatives. I have had personal experiences from having lived through some hard times and I also know people who are affected, both good and bad, by different administrations. I've been a Republican for many years, a Democrat for many years, and now I vote my conscience. I don't get my information at the bar from my redneck friends that have the education of a 7th grader and doesn't know why tariffs cost the American public more money. MAGA is for fools. This country, defended by countless young men that gave their lives throughout the history of this great land, is the best in the world, even with Trump as president. The problem is that he if he stays around too long, we might loose a good amount of our collective soul.
You do know that lots of the illegals are just scamming our system.
If you want to cut spending on the wall and anything. Let's do it !! Because I know it will shock people to cut off all the stuff we are paying for. You will go crazy if we stopped paying for everything you want. You want to make it seem like we don't care.
You want to fix the tax system ? Look into the you only pay for what you use. It close all the loop hole because their are none. It's just sales tax that everyone pays when you buy something new. Rich guys like Trump like to buy lots of new things. So everyone will pay. Illegals will pay also, everyone will pay.
First, I don't make the budget, but, I do expect for Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Aid to Veterans, Emergency Income and Unemployment Insurance to continue. I also want Medicare for all to be established. I want good roads, a strong military, plenty of first responders and a good police system. Is there anything there you want to cut? I also want to see this country also have an open door policy to the world's poor and persecuted. It's the American way in me. My kids will find a way to get their, then, government to take care of it. Up to, and including default of the foreign debt. You think the next generation will be the first generation that had to shoulder the inherited debt? The Baby Boomers (like me) had to shoulder WWII and Korea debts, we also paid for Vietnam. The Interstate system was brought to us in the 1950's. Every generation has to do what it can at the time of the crisis. I'm not going to apologize for the needs of my present generation's need. If you don't like that then work to change it, but, in this country we go by majority rules.
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A report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found little to no effect on the wages and employment of native-born workers in the long-term by undocumented immigrants. Immigrants are also entrepreneurs who create jobs.
Given that the average immigrant-owned business hires 11 employees, these businesses would account for between 3.7 million and 5.2 million jobs in the formal economy.
Undocumented immigrants pay an average of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes a year. On average, an undocumented individual has about 8% of their income go to taxes. Moreover, all immigrants—regardless of status—will contribute approximately $80,000 more in taxes than government services used over their lifetime.
If we triple the current taxes you might be able to pay for the current stuff plus pay some of the 22 Trillion off. I'm not working 70 hours a week so 80% or some cazy number is paid in taxes because you want give madicad to all or open door to the world poor. People won't have any need to work. When that happen you have no taxes to collect. I will stop working 70 hour a week and get a minimum wake job and get the free medical that everyone gets. Their is no reason for me to keep working.
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Perhaps this’ll clarify it for you. I don’t give a flying fuck about any of it. No matter what I say you will rebuff it. Ok, you fix it, smarty pants
Racism as defined is 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race/////////// So how does this make him qualify if African Americans, Hispanics and Jews are benefiting from his kept promises?
How can he break up families when they are free to return anytime they wish? They are free to leave at anytime, just not into USA territory. Nobody forced them to come here. If you wish to come to America do it the legal and right way, not over walls trying not to get caught..
It's ok to say what you want based on free speech. I just want to hear your elaboration with specific details.
Show me these details with undeniable proof and I'll bow down to your justified activism and switch my vote to democrat..
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You seem to imply that a mother can walk to the other room, grab her kid, and walk back out of the country. If you believe that you are a bigger fool than I thought. I, personally, would prefer you stay out of the Democrats party. We don't need any more bigots with their twisted agenda.
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If you are so blind to all that has happened to this country since Trump came on the scene, then I hope with all my heart it eventually touches your life. I hope the same compassion you have for these poor people is shown to you in your hour of need.
Focus on RACE... Show that Trump has been bias not to what situations were but shows that he has hatred towards races in general.
The Casino of keeping Black dealers off the floor I'll have to investigate but that was 38 years ago and that rule could have been made by one of the pit bosses and I will get to the bottom of it honestly but the rest of your article is subjective and divisive.. This is how Al Sharpton made a million dollars..
Anyone with an open mind with 75 IQ can see this is not racism.
Another point that was made was Obama was illegally accused of being illegal.. The fact is that it is true. Obama was born in Kenya, his birth certificate was photoshoped, his wife was a man born in chicage that had a sex change operation to pose as the first lady. Their children are adopted.. Its not because michelle could not have children,, its because she was a man.. To elaborate further, his phony social security number was taken by some dude that lived in CT during the 1930s which is impossible because up to day nobody can have the same number, not from any generation..This is not racism, this is fact.
What breaks my heart with you is that you are spending time trying to promote activism on racism which is your right and we can elaborate on this.. What upsets me is while you are pointing fingers at Trump which are subjective,,,in the democrat party there are 4 people that have already admitted to being racist and you know who they are...If you wish I will go back in history as far back as the 18th century to show you who the racists are and who the constitutionalists are that support equal rights.. But for now my visions remain the same..
if you want to spot the racist just go to the LEFT in the democratic party. I do not believe there is one that doesn't have anything to do with justice but rather using race under their sleeves should they be out debated..
You just gave me some extraordinary visions on good wisdom a couple of days ago so you are not stupid.. Let's see you show some good wisdom here..
No, I'm not pulling on your leg.. Most Jews are not liberal,, there are left wing jews like Orthodox which is a radical form that have politicized Torah.. Just like some Americans that have politicized our constitution. The other side of Judaism is a conservative Jew that follows moral code law to the T ... Now that's a fact.
Politics by itself under moral disciplines does not exist and has no basis for leadership other than abuse of power. With no politics the result is justice and moral law.. I choose choice B...
If this topic is very compassionate for you I suggest you read the passage on "Plato's Republic" This book by far has been the most inspiring passage of journalism I've ever read..
That sounds a lot like conservatism. Why are we talking about Judaism and Israel? Is Israel the 51 state of the union? Will Simon Perez run for the presidency?
Plato believed the task of convincing people what the truth is can be a hard or impossible task. Then, again, he was an unwashed Greek.
I have given you the opportunity to display to me how Donald Trump is a racist and criminal.. So far you have not shown this evidence.. I'm still waiting..
Something we cannot achieve in the physical world yet must thrive and desire to reach, which is the philosophy of many religions..
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Racism is a very big accusation without presenting the facts that prove this to be a concern.. Just because you do not agree with someones opinion does not show they are racist.. If you just blurt out Racist,, this is a slander thing if you have no substantiation. Some people can sue for this... Obama is not in trouble because he is black.. He is in trouble for breaking the law..
I noticed Obama is really sweating Barr's efforts.HAHAHA, it's laughable, lollipop.
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I have over 200 tributes in my PC
If you think i'm going to give up my views for a cock, baby, you are just as wrong as your political views.
By bella! at 27,Jul,19 11:18
You will find that SrCums , aka Godzillas, aka arir39 will do and say what he pleases until he is banned, ONCE AGAIN, by admin. Frankly, I'm surprised that he didn't post something about Jews or post a picture just to prove that he doesn't have to follow any guidelines.
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WOW, SrCUMS got his knickers in a knot. It seems he doesn't like his AKA's posted in public. He gave me an earful in private message. Supposedly "I defied him". This is the week of the jerks.
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