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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 19:13 other posts 
"President Trump is running a 3D movie, deception, deflection and distraction."

-Denny Heck

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 18:23 other posts 
"What you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening."

-Donald Trump July 24 2018

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 18:50 other posts 
The tariffs imposed by other countries on the US are obviously having an effect on the US, particularly the soy farmers but including corn, wheat and cotton.
Trump started his day by saying that "tariffs are the greatest" all will be great then a few hours the agriculture secretary offers a $12B bailout.
Tariffs are taxes and unsustainable. They are also subject to World Trade Organization intervention after a complaint is made because adding tariffs is considered an unfair trading practice.
Senator Rand Paul said it well in his tweet:
"Tariffs are taxes that punish American consumers and producers. If tariffs punish farmers, the answer is not welfare for farmers — the answer is remove the tariffs."

--added after 58 minutes
About $22B worth of soybeans are grown for export in the US each year. Half of those soy beans are exported to China.
The cost per bushel was $15 in 2014 and is now at $8 per bushel. When this crop comes off in the fall the farmers will have to do something with it. What?

*Numbers from CNN
By #562152 24,Jul,18 18:57
I agree. This is what all economists are saying. It will cause harm to US farmers and other people and it won’t solve anything
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 17:15 other posts 
It is also possible the Chinese will come off the hip and buy those soybeans as they are to busy making lithium battery's that blow up to grow their own beans.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 18:15 other posts 
China is now buying soybeans from Brazil and Canada instead of the US.

By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 16:02 other posts 

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 02:06 other posts 
"So now the US farmers know how Stormy Danial's feels. Trump screwed them and now he's going to pay them off."

-Trevor Noah
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 09:11 other posts 
By #562152 25,Jul,18 14:47

By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 13:11 other posts 
You can't make this shit up!!!!
Yesterday, Trump tweeted:
"I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump!" Seriously. So...

1. He has yet to admit, without qualifying it, that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, but he is "very concerned" that they will be doing it in this one. (Perhaps they just got the idea from listening to the "fake news".)
2. Why is he "very concerned"? If Russia couldn't have an impact on HIS election, what makes him believe they would have an impact on this one?
3. "Based on the FACT (because Trump is really good at recognizing "fact" ) that no president has been tougher on Russia than me..." I suspect that's what Putin told him to say during their private meeting. After all, Reagan let the Russians walk all over him.
4. "...they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats." Because, obviously, the Democrats and the News Media (except for FOX!) are definitely members of the "Axis of Evil".
5. "They definitely don't want Trump!" I guess he just wasn't paying attention after their little meeting when Putin stood right beside him and said that he DID want Trump...

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 03:21 other posts 
So now 12 audio tapes (and hundreds of documents) from Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen's properties are in the hands of the Mueller investigation. They are still private but I'm sure it's going to get more interesting as the weeks go on. It would be in Cohen's best interest to become a witness for the prosecution and receive immunity from prosecution.

Hunt those witches Mr. Mueller!
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours

Yes, the first tape has hit the news and it's Trump and his former lawyer, Cohen talking about paying off Karen McDougal.
Surprise surprise.
By #562152 24,Jul,18 19:21
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 02:57 other posts 
Cohen released a tape to the media today of him and Trump talking about buying the rights to Karen McDougal's story. The tape stops just before something important was going to be said by Trump in relation to how the payment will be made. Cohen knows that Trump knows what gets said next.
Cohen is in a shit load of trouble and he knows it. He has not been charged with any crimes....yet.

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 20:41 other posts 
Ivanka Trump is shutting down her clothing and accessory brand after it was dropped by many retailers including Hudson's Bay stores in Canada (owners of Lord and Taylor and Sacs Fifth Avenue) and Nordstrom.

I wonder if more "accidental" defects were in the products coming from China since her father became president.
I do know that sales have dropped since then.
By #551226 25,Jul,18 00:36
How's that great city of Toronto working out for you? First you have people mowing people down in vehicles, now you have "mentally unstable" (yeah that's what the liberal media calls it) Islamic idiots shooting people.

By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 12:30 other posts 
Trump says he'll talk to Mueller, but ONLY if he promises not to ask questions about OBSTRUCTION.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 18:28 other posts 
I doubt he'll show up unless he's dragged in kicking and screaming.
By #562152 24,Jul,18 18:59
Sorry your honor. I know I’m here about a robbery but I want to talk about my good looks

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 06:42 other posts 
“Canadians: We’re the illegals Americans don’t deport.”

-Martin Short.

By #502711 19,Jul,18 07:56
I know Trump says this a lot, but all news channels are "fake news". The news stations are biased & they try to brainwash people into a certain way of thinking. I've seen (American) news where they invite people to interview, then don't let them get a word in edge wise & completely attack them to try & discredit them if they have a different opinion.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 08:38 other posts 
That's just not true. Fake means lies. To Trump, "fake" means anything that he disagrees with. In Trump's opinion, everything on CNN is fake news because they stomp on him all day, every day but Foxx is news because they don't.
The term Fake News is becoming ubiquitous around the world now too. If a politician disagrees with something that is said they just have to say "Oh, that's fake news". The term fake news is a cop out for thin skinned, mentally challenged politicians who can't or won't answer the tough questions that the journalists ask of them.
By #559941 19,Jul,18 16:59
Fake is Fake.... I hear Hillary makes fakes too..
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 19:44 other posts 
Hillary Clinton is not the President of the United States and neither is Barack Obama. They are both irrelevant in any conversations about what Trump is doing and that's what is so frustrating to me. "Yeah but what about..." It's a standard reply to back up what Trump does and says. "...but Obama did this and Clinton did this.." It doesn't matter what they do or did, they are not the President of the United States, Donald Trump is.
What about what your President is doing and has done this month? That's the real question you should be asking.

Max control on all caps!
By #550094 19,Jul,18 21:19
I caught THIS motherfaker at an ABS...

[deleted image]

By #562152 19,Jul,18 20:43
Baby,,i'm heartbroken,,you are entitled to your opinion, but, the main news networks are not biased. It's hard to report the shenanigans that occur in the White House and in particular, with Trump and not sound weird. Take this week. Trump's Helsinki's news conference. He said things that almost all denounced. The next day (even that same day) he backtracked it with the most laughable excuse. The networks have no choice but to report it. And they have to do it with a straight face. And then we have Fox News, a product of Rupert Murdoch, a countryman of yours associated with rag sheets from Sydney to London, selling sex to get profitable. He, and Roger Ailes decided they would work on the sensationalism of politics by Going after the Democratic presidents with innuendo, bias, and lies,,,and no one uttered "fake news". Trump is an aberration in the history of this country's politics. But, if you still think as you do, then do what i do,,,I listen for my news by listening to the BBC,,they are no nonsense, factual reporters with no ax to grind. They deliver the news in a serious demeanor. The only thing is that they too have to report on a fucked up president that's out of control. You are smart and out of this country,,,,see what Tokyo, Paris, Canberra, Buenos Aires, London, Prague or any other capital of any country and you will see that it's not the reporters but the subject.
BTW,,i still think you are sexy as all get out and would love a weekend with you,,AND THAT BABY IS NOT FAKE NEWS,,,
By #502711 19,Jul,18 23:26
Of course the news networks will show anything to make whomever they dislike look like an idiot. If they can't find anything, then they'll make it up. I'm not saying what Trump did wasn't wrong, i'm saying don't believe everything you see & hear on the news.
By #562152 19,Jul,18 23:29
that's why God gave you two eyes, two years,,and one mouth,,,, just use your noodle
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 23:57 other posts 
That's a pretty strong statement: If they can't find anything, then they'll make it up.
The media doesn't have to make it up, Trump keeps them supplied with never ending fodder.

In the next couple of days someone please show me an example of a credible news source putting out an actual lie. Credible means mainstream news like CNN, New York Times, Foxx News, CBC News etc. It does not mean the tons and tons of nut jobs that are out there, opinions or Facebook bullshit.
Everyone talks about fake news so show it to me.
By #562152 20,Jul,18 00:12
By #502711 20,Jul,18 01:33
Here's some:
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By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 01:47 other posts 
Of course this doesn't surprise me at all. I've seen the Fox list before. I think it was on Stephen Colbert. Usually "Fake News" refers to everyone BUT Fox.
Did you see how old this is? November 19, 2009
By #502711 20,Jul,18 02:43
Does the date matter?
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 03:11 other posts 
No, not at all. I just wonder how many apologies have been made in the last two years! I don't get Fox news so I don't watch it but if I did I would for the entertainment value.
--------------------------------------- added after 102 seconds

This is almost ten minutes of a guy talking about what shit Fox News spews to their viewers.
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By #502711 20,Jul,18 04:01
See, this is exactly what i'm talking about. Spreading disinformation & even at times straight up lying about events. I won't deny Trump does some less than savoury things or makes innapropriate comments. BUT, he is trying to do a job, not an easy job mind you, & everyone is just trying to point out every fault & character assassinate him. He is not a politician. He is just some rich guy, that happened to sway an entire nation to vote for him, either because everyone thought he was the lesser of two evils, or because they wanted someone who wasn't a politician, because they've been lying to the people for so long. I can understand that. I think he's handling things as best as he can, he's trying to solve hard problems that no one else has had the balls to solve. I believe he's done something to make it harder for people to purchase guns, people might not think that's enough, but the string of presidents beforehand did nothing even after several mass shootings during their presidency. Everyone calls him a racist because he wants to make it harder for potential criminals to enter the country, & those from countries in the middle east especially, because you know, terrorism. Not that every muslim is a terrorist, but a lot of them are a threat. Also remember that Muslims aren't a race. & he wants to stop ill.egal immigration from Mexico & has been exporting the ones already in America back to Mexico. They are ill.egal immigrants. Why should they be allowed to stay? He's not against Mexican's moving into & living in America, he's against people entering the country illegally... Everyone thought he'd start WWIII by now, but I don't think he's done a terrible job thus far. I'd prefer him as our leader over any one of our last string of politicians tbh. Sometimes to solve the problems of a nation, you have to do unpopular things. Maybe that's why America has been falling apart for so long. Maybe Trump will make America great again.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 04:48 other posts 
Fox News is his best outlet because they will spread his bull shit, tell his lies and manipulate the American public. It's propaganda.
He's a shitty neighbour, a "friend" that will put a knife in your back, a "leader" that has only his own interests in mind, a "diplomat" with no diplomatic skills and the biggest liar the US has ever elected to run their country.
He is using the Presidency to further his own financial gain, not unlike any despot.
I don't know why he's in Putin's pocket but he IS. He has demonstrated that over and over again. He is currently the most dangerous person in the world.
The red lights are flashing.
As for Muslims, you are deeply misinformed about their potential danger. In the last 200 mass shootings in the US do you have any idea how many were Muslim shooters? Less than ten. Americans are killing other Americans.
Thankfully Melania married him, just another foreigner doing a shitty job that Americans don't want to do.

Other than that though, he's a pretty nice guy.
By #502711 20,Jul,18 04:55
If that's the case then he's no different than any other American/Australian leader recently. Also just because more Americans are killing each other than Muslim terrorists are bombing, shooting & running people over, doesn't mean there isn't a danger. All of this political correctness is going to be the downfall of the West. I gave my 2 cents anyway.
By #559941 20,Jul,18 06:46
The left wing democratic party is much more dangerous than islamic terrorism now..
By #562152 20,Jul,18 09:53
Really?????? In what Galaxy are you living in, Godzillas?
By #562152 20,Jul,18 09:30
Well said Kebmo,
By admin [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 09:59 other posts 
Bullshit is when I see a title and a first paragraph that says one thing and the rest of the article that says totally another. And that I don't see on Fox. I see that on CNN, NYT and other "liberal" outlets. Worst of all being huff-post. They shit into your heads knowing that most of people don't read after 1st paragraph. And you can't sue them for stupidity of their readers.
By #562152 20,Jul,18 09:06
Baby, The USofA was not falling apart. While you can make everything better, the country was and is great already. TRUMP has not made it harder to buy guns. We all belive that **** aliens should be sent back and that the country should protect its borders. It's the method to do that that causes concerns. He's given orders to be harsh and that's not necessary. It's like a cop shooting any suspect no matter what. He has the right to shoot and kill but, can you imagine? Being a "racist", at one time meant you hated and tried to deny people the rights from a certain race. Chinese and African Americans were the main ones, but we use it to describe hatred to a large part of the population. I'm going to give you this one. No matter how many executive orders he signs, the real power rests with congress. They create the laws. He just approves them or not and give advice. All he has done is advice to tear down good laws that protected the nation from many dangers. He gutted the EPA. Why? It's not profitable to companies. Tell me, if this country is falling apart, why aren't the locals moving to Europe, Asia, or Australia? Why is every country in the world loosing their people to us? We are the land of milk and honey and we get this for a president? And one that really lost the election? Oh,you forgot about that. Hillary won the popular vote. More people voted for her than for him. Only because the Electoral College has antiquated rules that he won the presidency but, the majority of the people did not want him
By #559941 21,Jul,18 01:01
Maybe they will find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome but for now people suffer from stupidity...
Look guys,, at 10PM Spongebob Square Pants on Nick at night has higher ratings than CNN.. They'd rather watch Squidward than Rachael Maddow on MSNBC.. Their ratings are just about 0 and still fart out the stupidity..... Fox News dominates the ratings...
Why hasn't anyone moved out of the country yet when they promised? You should ask Whoopi Goldberg that question since she had a stroke on TV a couple of days ago..
By #559941 20,Jul,18 06:44
Fox News is more balanced because liberals and democrats come on to give their points of view which brings up the fairness... CNN and MSNBC are all propaganda activism to promote socialism...
You are entitled to your opinion.. Whoopi Goldberg assaulted Jeannine Piro after she was invited on the show.. Her like that rest of that stupid klan they should be thrown off the air... Their ratings suck and so does CNN..
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 06:52 other posts 
Assaulted? No Woopie didn’t assault anyone. That’s a lie and you know it. Jeannie was not assaulted so please don’t lie in this forum. K?
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 08:26 other posts 
What does "ratings" have to do with anything?
Are you seriously suggesting that TRUTH is a matter of POPULARITY rather than FACTS?
By #562152 20,Jul,18 09:42
Fox news has never been a source of straight news. They, more than any other network, twisted the news to fit their ultra right wing conservatism. And not even that, but the conservatism of the new evangelicals with their penchant to **** their views on everyone while complaining the rest of the country is not listening to them. The funny thing is that Trump used them in the election. If he had found a base in the northeast power base of the nuvorich,he would have talked shit about his current base. He's a self serving back stabber, and Fox uses him for the same reason. If you peel back everything to the basics, it's MONEY that moves them
--------------------------------------- added after 83 seconds

*******= F O R C E
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 09:56 other posts 
Fox news tells them what they want to hear. Their viewers are not interested in facts, they just want to hear support for whatever they believe in. Any source that doesn't support those views is "fake news".
By #559941 21,Jul,18 00:21
You guys sound like Trump Derangement syndrome candidates to me... The people voted 2 years ago... You lost.. Get over it.. LOL
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 00:42 other posts 
I live in Canada and he's pissing us all off so I'll say what I want thank you very much.
By #562152 21,Jul,18 05:44
Ha, there it is. You can't defend your argument so you go with that old, tired, one. "You lost. Get over it."
What do you think this is? The Super Bowl? My country, MY COUNTRY, is being shunned by the rest of the world, it is becoming the laughter of the world, our citizens are facing mayor inflation from a stupid tariff war, and our enemies feel we are pushovers and you want us to "get over it"? The government of this country is designed to protect it's people and sovereignty. It is an ongoing job for a president. Trump won the election and took a crap since then. All he does is rant and rave because so many people don't like him. At the least, why doesn't he get a set and straightens his spine and do the right thing. But, then again, this spurred footed, Daddy protected, coward only cared to save his slimy skin. "He won so get over it"? Not on my watch. I will criticize and work to get this joke out and if Congress doesn't have the balls, then I'll work hard to keep him from getting a second term.
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 08:39 other posts 
What do they call the "syndrome" for people that defend Trump no matter how horrible he is? The folks who refuse to admit that they put a turd-sandwich in the White House? Lets go with "Chronic Deplorable Disorder".
When Trump took office, we ALL lost, and much of the damage he has done--will continue to do--may never be repaired.
But I get it. He represents all of the "values" that you hold dear (racism, sexism, ignorance, willful cruelty, dishonesty, narcissism, etc.). He's a perfect reflection of who you are as an individual. You folks have so much of your self-identity invested in this guy that you will choke down every bite of your turd-sandwich and smile past the taste of shit.
Because you "won"...and that's what really counts.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 23:36 other posts 
And the democrats were trying to put in a angel of mercy? Come on, No Trump was not a perfect fit,but America had no choice.Sure there is more than 2 folks on the ballot,but only 2 are even in the race persay.Those 3rd party candidates only take votes away.They don't get enough coverage or attention to make their sides known. So we only had 2 choices.A wealthy business man that likes pussy or a wicked dishonest bitch being investigated by the FBI for all kinds of shit she got away with in the end.
By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 11:42 other posts 
When you say "wicked dishonest bitch being investigated by the FBI for all kinds of shit", you are talking about Trump, right?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 13:50 other posts 
No,I am talking about Hillary being the wicked--- ! Is she a wealthy business man that likes pussy? Sheesh how could you confuse them 2 comparisons? lol
What was Trump being looked into before the election? Oh,maby that russian thing.Something drummed up and that may be partly true thanks to some hackers in a 3rd world country using russian servers.
By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 14:37 other posts 
So...Hillary was investigated because she is evil.
But...Trump is being investigated because it is a conspiracy?
Odd how that works.

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