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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:07 other posts 
The question is: Did Trump manage to fuck Karen McDougal or did he only get a blowjob?

Trump recorded discussing payment to Playboy model
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I guess Melania doesn't suck his dick. I don't blame her. She only got married for his money.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 08:24 other posts 
Weather he fucked her, paid hush money or not is really irrelevant. He didn't break any laws. Marriage vows, yes but not any laws. It all happened before he was president.

I'm sure his wife is good 'n pissed though.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 09:37 other posts 
I don't care. I'd do the same.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 20:31 other posts 
Yea,it is very strange that Bill delayed meetings at the White house while Monica was getting stains on her dress and he kept his job. Talk about a double standard. Trumps escapades happened BEFORE he took office. Yea,I would rather he had not acted in such a way.I would rather people be able to look up to any president as a positive role model and breaking a marriage vow is NOT setting a good example for followers.
That is 1 point I will give Obama credit for.He was of mixed race and regardless of how he did it,he held the highest job in the US. So that was 1 thing positive that the younger folks can look at and say,"Hey I don't know who or what I am but if he can be Prez,so can I".
That is the type thing I am referring to as examples a Prez should provide.Trumps fucking around while married is a big bad example.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 20:41 other posts 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 17:44 other posts 
This is the same issue that did for Nixon. It was not the Watergate break in that caused Nixon's downfall but his attempts to cover it up.
Who Trump had affairs with prior to becoming President is really of no importance and certainly not a crime. However, it is possible that what he, or his 'agents' did in order to keep those affairs quiet may possibly cause him real problems. Once again the 'cover up' is the problem.
Will politicians never learn..if found out be honest 'fess up and you will survive; cover up and it will come back to haunt you.

By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 07:53 other posts 
"There was no collusion!", "It's a witch hunt!", "I have no ties to Russia!", excuse me while I have this private meeting with Putin. There will be no witnesses to what we say and do in that meeting, and there will be no record or transcript. You don't need to know the details. I'll just tell you after we're done how awesome my private meeting with the guy I am not colluding with went and what a great guy he is. Since I assure you constantly that I am not colluding, that should be good enough for you, right?
By #562152 20,Jul,18 09:45
By admin [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 09:54 other posts 
World leaders have private meetings all the time. I'm not sure what you expect a president do on account of false allegations. Stop doing his job? He needed a meeting with Putin so he held one. As simple as that.

Also, where is logic in that? If he was Putin's agent, why would he need a suspiciously looking meeting at all? He surely would have other means of communication.
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 10:08 other posts 
There is no evidence that the allegations are false other than the fact that Trump keeps insisting that they are. By that reasoning, every criminal who claims that they are innocent should be believed.

It isn't that simple. He had to know, if he is really the "stable genius" he claims to be, that a private meeting with Putin--with no witnesses or record--was going to look suspicious, yet he did it anyway. The meeting didn't have to be one-on-one. The guy knows that more than half of the people he is supposed to represent don't trust him. Why not take the opportunity to possibly gain their trust by doing things in the open?
By admin [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 11:26 other posts 
Allegations are false until proven in court. That's how it should be in society based on law. Otherwise we can start discussing long list of people whose untimely death was too convenient for Clintons.

As for the earning trust part - I don't think those people who are against him would change their mind no matter what he does. And I think you know that too.
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 13:44 other posts 
This is probably just a language issue, admin, but there is a difference between "false" and "unproven". False means that something is factually untrue. It implies that a decision on the evidence has already been made. The assumption of innocence prior to trial does not mean that the allegations are "false"--just that they have not yet been certified as "true". Until that has been decided, the allegations are merely "unproven".

Perhaps he wouldn't "earn their trust" (nor, for that matter, will the people who support him ever believe that he is guilty--no matter what evidence is provided), but how he handled the meeting, and the press conference afterward, certainly did nothing to make him look better in the eyes of his critics.
By admin [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 14:14 other posts 
All proofs I've seen so far are a pile of shit which does not withstand critical analysis. And that is what makes those accusations false in my eyes. The difference is - if they are proven in court I will take it. But what should happen for you to stop believing them to be true? I bet if they fail to prove them you will still believe they are true.

That's the problem - it's much more hard to prove that something does not exist than that something exists. Same with the accusations - you can prove them true, but you can't exactly prove them false. If something was not revealed it does not mean it did not happen. So it's a matter of opinion. And mine is - they are false.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 17:23 other posts 
It's TDS, admin. Trump Derangement Syndrome. I posted the link to this 30 minute video elsewhere, it's an interesting discussion:

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Candace Owens covers it very well on YouTube, too:

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By admin [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 19:13 other posts 
Regrettably this is deeper. All the time that Obama was a president I was looking at it like that boy from "The Emperor's New Clothes" story, like "what the fuck, the king is naked, why you all keep praising him and kissing his ass?!?"

In ages before people were kept in dark, did not have access to information, but these days you can find almost anything just in minutes, even despite that media are biased. And you can see records of what politicians actually said on youtube and not only that they said yesterday, but what they said a year ago, 3, 5 years ago, what they promised, etc. You can easily see their lies, the promises they did not fulfill. But people willingly choose to ignore the information that does not suit them.

Sure, I don't care what people choose to believe and what lies they choose to tell themselves while it does not affect me. But recent decades it's like watching a wagon that you are in and have no way to get out that people joyfully drive to an edge of an abyss.

Like those people in Venezuela that joyfully voted for socialism and now they are fleeing the country, leaving that little they had, often starving. I see them selling cookies in buses and under traffic lights. And who knows how many years more Venezuela keeps rotting until something changes to better. That is what happens when you vote for false promises and ideas that you want to be true and for people who talk sweet and look cool instead of voting for those who do their jobs and have some results to show and promise something real. "Yes you can" - pure example of wishful thinking. No one said how, no one shown you the plan. "Yes you can" - and people are betting their future on another confidently looking sweet talking swindler. Damn shame.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 18:09 other posts 
I agree it's a shame, but we in the UK might not be able to find any information at all, because our government is supressing free speech, criticism, and comment that is not approved:

"The British government has a new unit fighting “alternative news”
websites, driving their stories down search engine results and pushing
the official government narrative to the top.

Civil servant and government communication boss Alex Aiken said the
Cabinet Office’s new Rapid Response Unit (RRU), which has begun a pilot,
is not a “fake news unit” as it was dubbed when first reported in April.

In a blog post, he described how the taxpayer-funded unit “monitors news and
information being shared and engaged with online” and seeks to tackle
narratives, from outside the mainstream media, which the establishment
does not favour.

“There’s then the question of how we respond to public debate
online,” he writes, revealing the government will seek to hide news it
does not like rather than use “rebuttal”."

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We have s3cret courts, trials without jury, a PM threatening the electorate, draft legislation approved by Berlin, undercover government departments without an elected head, laws governing what we may say and secrecy for MPs misbehaviour.

It's George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Ministry of Truth', and it has come true!

It's a damn shame, and we can't get out of the EU, either! We're doomed!
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 19:34 other posts 
If the Mueller investigation clears him on charges of collusion, I will accept their findings. I believe in the rule of law, and trust that the decision they make--whichever way it goes--will be the correct one.
Trump will still be a putrid bag of human garbage and an embarrassment to my country and the office he holds.
He will just be a putrid bag of human garbage who didn't achieve that office by colluding with Russians.
By #559941 21,Jul,18 01:28
Because the Fake News is obsessed ! They think they are going to win the midterms with this rhetoric but this is becoming too easy. Meanwhile Trump is continuing to fulfill his promises..
By #551226 20,Jul,18 14:33
Obama had behind the door meetings with Putin too I guess you forgot about the selective memory people have.

By #550094 21,Jul,18 12:29
"A Closer Look"... at my photoshopped Pussy

[deleted image]

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 12:46 other posts 
Sorry, this is not a pussy, it's an asshole.
By #550094 21,Jul,18 13:19
True. it IS an asshole...
But I was making the reference to
Twitter's biggest Pussy. lol

--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

...besides That, to this day I'm violently shaking my head
in disgust, and disbelief, that our country had forsaken
its Integrity to vote for/elect that UNQUALIFIED Shithole.

He obviously haates this "dayjob", and the only reason
that he took it was for the Money.
As a POTUS, you can do Almost anything.
But this damn Shithole clearly has grabbed America,
and the world, by the pussy.

And those who support him are okay with this, because as
long as that Shithole is in Office them folks now feel
emboldened to openly express their Racism and Stupidities
wherever they are.
Until HE ran for Office, them folks were always racist;
but were too chickenshit to express it out in the open
or else they'd get throat-punched by communities everywhere.
Then HE ran for Office openly saying everything they
wanted to hear and That was the koolaide they doped up on.
Talk about Jim Jones doping up his followers to their deaths,
Drumpf served up some extremely powerful druug!
So, yeah, we need a War on DRUUGS now more than ever!

By #552168 21,Jul,18 02:21
Trump is a intersting person. He usually has a point when he talks.
( I'm Mexican living in Mexico btw)
By #562152 21,Jul,18 05:49
We all have a point when we talk. That doesn't mean the point is the right one. Case in point, you are Mexican living in Mexico. That means only you are Mexican not right.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:04 other posts 
You're always eloquent. I like it that you can express yourself in English (and Spanish, and....) and do so rationally.

By the way, Thomas Jefferson had a point too. And if he was alive he wouldn't believe that the country that is called US is the same as the one he lived in.
By #562152 21,Jul,18 08:02
A nation has a life of it's own. Like people, it changes through the years, and change is needed to keep both, people and a nation, fresh. Remember,the same man that wrote, "We, the people, in order to create a more perfect union,,,etc" was a slave owner.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:09 other posts 
Trump said: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

Can you explain what his point was?
In english, en español, по русски, it doesn't matter.
By #562152 21,Jul,18 08:04
If I could understand what goes through this man's mind I'd be a millionaire
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 08:43 other posts 
You live in Mexico? According to Trump, that makes you a rapist, a murderer, or a dr*g dealer. Which is it?

By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:49 other posts 
Paul Manafort faces 25 criminal charges, mostly tax fraud and money laundering. Mueller is seeking immunity for five witnesses in his case so that they will tell the whole story. Apparently he's really, really rich but his tax returns don't reflect his homes, cars, jewelry and lifestyle. There are 500 pieces of evidence in his case and he has connections to the Ukraine and Russia regarding his alleged money laundering.

He was out on $10M bail and repeatedly spoke to witnesses in the case after being told not to so his bail was revoked and he was put back in jail where he is now because of obstruction of justice and witness tampering.

These charges all came about from the Mueller investigation and currently isn't connected to Trump in any way but this information came up during the investigation. The trial has yet to begin and Manafort has not been convicted of any crimes. There were, however, the 12 Russians indicted on cyber attacks in 2016 but we can be sure that they will never again set foot on American soil.

As of now in the Mueller investigation there are 192 charges against 32 people and there are probably a lot more to come. There are many trials to come so we can expect a lot of information to come out in the coming months.

This is a huge investigation with upcoming repercussions that will prove that this has not been a witch hunt.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Correction: This investigation has secured five guilty pleas. So far.

By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 05:56 other posts 
Here are some related blog stories that I've posted.

By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 06:11 other posts 
Someone on CBC News described Trump's tariffs against Canadian steel and aluminum (because Canada is a threat to US security) and the threat of tariffs on Canadian cars (because of our retaliatory tariffs) like this:
"It's like watching a slow motion train wreck instigated by an insane engineer while the passengers are egging him on and cheering."
Said another: "We now realize that Trump, despite his wealth, has the business acumen of a used car salesman."
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 21:00 other posts 
Trump could be dumb as a rock,but he is wealthy.He didn't get that way being stupid.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 22:10 other posts 
Here's some info on his finances from The National Post.
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By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 23:16 other posts 
Oh my,so Trump is the first man in history to get a loan from family? or a boost or a handout? Only 2.9 billion instead of 10? Once it hits a billion, the zero's get kinda fuzzy.And to, remember,what the numbers show is usually determined by the 1 adding them up. 10 bullion may be total net worth,as in cash,assets,buildings,and so forth.

Assholes may be the 1's getting wealthy most of the time but I doubt that is the standard.
If you want to talk asshole wanna beez fucking up stuff,like I said, read the recent interview of George Soros.
That is a first class WEALTHY asshole that brings down country's for a profit. He could buy out Trump with the interest earned on the money he has made bringing down entire economy's.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 22:29 other posts 
For someone to get wealthy it's not so important to be smart but rather be nasty. Assholes are typically the ones who get wealthy. The ones who are nice guys don't. Accumulation of wealth requires gangster mentality. Wealthy wannabes have no qualms in fucking everyone up who stands in their way, that's how they get wealthy.

By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 15:21 other posts 
Everyone seems to forget that Bush jr and Putin were getting along so well that Bush was driving him around his ranch in Texas. Did Obama ever get along with Putin that well?I doubt it.
Was it not more peaceful during that time because the Eagle and the Bear were united in the fight against terrorism?
Would you rather Putin and Trump be fighting tooth and nail or even drag our country's into war? I would much rather they got along well enough to prevent that. Russia may not be a collection of angels but we sure as hell don't need them pissed off at us or any other country for that matter.

Liberals know as long as the US and Russia are not getting along that there will always be a profitable shit storm.
Thus the current shit storm putting 1000's into lawyers pockets and making sure all the alphabet groups like FBI cia and what not have jobs. This stupid thing keeps cutting my post off short,I had to recheck and retype! .
Check out the recent Soros interviews if you want some good reading!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 16:05 other posts 
Who are the liberals man? Every single politician in the US is conservative. Hilary is conservative. Bernie is conservative. Trump is conservative. They're all conservative. Name a single liberal please!
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 20:57 other posts 
The term Liberal around here for the most part means democrat.Sorry if it is a misuse of terms.Perhaps I should edit it and say democrat.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 21:08 other posts 
Ok. Thanks. There are no liberals in the US. Actually, the two parties are both conservative. They have different policies, but their ideologies are the same.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 16:07 other posts 
Trump likes to fuck.
I've said it before, he should get an honorary membership here.

Trump recorded discussing payment to Playboy model
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Nothing wrong with that, if I had money I'd fuck her too.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 16:26 other posts 
Leo, don't you mean that if you had money she'd fuck you?
I saw that on CBC News this morning. I wonder how many other recordings Cohen has of Trump.

The Mueller investigation is going to find a lot MORE witches if Cohen turns. I look forward to his findings.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 17:23 other posts 
No. I mean I d fuck her. But I wouldn't mind it if she licked my ass too or stuck a dildo in it. But I d like to cum on her face.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 11:34 other posts 
There are so many critics out there for Trump.
But if any of them were worth several billion dollars,would any of those critics took the job he did?
I doubt most would consider it.
I also doubt most critics are qualified for the job.
SO therefore are not really qualified to judge him.
2020 will be interesting. The liberals have not got anyone to run that has a well known name that is not on the chopping block for something or 87 years old.
The repubs ,well, after Trump was elected and tried to fix things and got talked stone trash about by everyone, most folks are not willing to put themselves in that job. so chances are Trump will run again in 2020.And unless there is some divine intervention,I will vote for him again. He is perhaps not the best man for the job, but as usual I will have to vote for the lesser of 2 or 3 evils.

Just look back at the "hearings" last week of that asshole that works for the FBI. He was on 2 important cases,married but fucking a coworker and using a government phone to talk about insurance policy's against Trump getting elected.
The repubs asked questions,trying to get to the bottom of the situation. The dems' they stumped about some shit that was not related to the particular case at hand. Their concerns may have warranted discussion,BUT not in that forum. This to me was a blatant display of not giving a damn about getting the TRUTH out there to the American people. To them it is all about bring down Trump,bring down,------- fill in the blank.
That is why folks like me can't stand liberals attitudes and find it hard to support them even when they could have a leg to stand on.
Regardless of your party,the truth should be of interest to you. And yes,I know,for the average person,it is hard to get due to bias in the media.

As for Russian meddling, well, blame it on them if you want to.But it could have been a 3rd party hacking their servers to hide behind and knew it would cause problems for Trump.
And if all the sudden we had a confession of wrong doing,what would the US do, bring Hillary out of the moth balls and shine her up and rerun her? I mean really.
By #502711 20,Jul,18 02:53
I agree with you, mate. Also if these government agencies are so sure that the Russians were responsible for Trump's presidency, then wouldn't they have just cause to impeach him? Maybe they did have a hand in it, maybe not, but would Hillary really have been a better choice? Wasn't she also being investigated by the FBI for something that all of a sudden the charges were dropped? The FBI doesn't investigate people for something innocent. If she was president, I bet North Korea would be a pile of smoking embers by now. I'm sure no one cares about NK, but diplomacy is said to be the better option over war.

By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 18:06 other posts 
Talks are underway for a visit from Putin to Washington. It's going to happen folks, Putin will be in your White House.

By #562152 20,Jul,18 00:14
if he steps on our soil maybe we can revoke his diplomatic immunity and arrest him,,try him,,sentence him and Trump can give him a pardon,,,

By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 07:17 other posts 
I bet the Russian translator that was in the room with Trump and Putin is now deceased. Maybe hit by a car or some other "accident".
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 10:54 other posts 
I read that U.S Senators are trying to use existing powers that they have to receive a copy of the notes taken by the U.S translator in that meeting. I am guessing that wont happen but it sure would be interesting.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 14:38 other posts 
Notes? I didn’t know any were taken. I thought it was a ear-mouth-ear transfer of information. Interesting.

I just read on (fake news) that Sen. Bob Corker (R) floated the idea but dropped the idea after Trump "clarified" what he meant. From Corker:

"I know in this particular case, the person (the translator) was a direct employee, but if we are going to start getting translator's notes, I think we are moving to a precedent that -- unless some crime has been committed -- is unprecedented and just not appropriate."
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 17:25 other posts 
I hadn't heard that the idea of getting the notes had been dropped, but that is possible as it may well have been a real hassle trying to get them.
However, the very idea that Trump should have an off the record private meeting with Putin was totally ridiculous.
Who knows what promises were made by either side ? - no one.
Putin did not get where he is today by being a fool or a push over. Trump really does think he is the big 'dealmaker' but in Putin he will have met his match.. or worse.
In a democracy the people deserve to know what their Head of Governement is promising a nation that is widely seen as being an enemy state that is interferring in it's democratic processes.

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