Strange, How you jump right on this as being true, since you hate Trump, but when others show the "vaccine" pushed by others has caused many more deaths, you call it lies and bs.
You honestly expect me to believe this ,when others won't believe other things that are proven fact and were proven early on by the Germans in the fiasco? felchy lied, people died.
The vaccine was pushed by trusted scientists and medical people. Like it or not, those vaccines saved millions of people and they continue to do so. What Trump pushed was none of these. You and Dgraff talk a lot and push the Trump diarrhea, but, to this day, the vaccine is recommended as a yearly thing. If it's so bad, how come, after 4 yrs, there's no one saying, "let's get the shit off the market"?
Billions of dollars,speak louder than any words, and the pharma is making it,and doling it out under the table to those that encourage you to continue to drink the koolaid.
“Today’s memo proves we struck a nerve by highlighting House Republicans’ actions to eliminate 2,000 Border Patrol agents and weaken our crackdown on fentanyl," White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.
Then these Repuckers complain the administration is not doing enough. Hippocrates
Yes, Repuckers want for a cut in border agents. Read this article, dated March 2023. Repuckers make a lot of noise about the border problem yet they stand in the way of funding.
MEXICO CITY (AP) — A top U.S. delegation is to meet with Mexico’s president Wednesday in what many see as a bid to get Mexico to do more to stem a surge of migrants reaching the U.S. southwestern border.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he is willing to help, but also says he wants to see progress in U.S. relations with Cuba and Venezuela, two of the top senders of migrants, and more development aid for the region.
Both sides face strong pressure to reach an agreement after past steps like limiting direct travel into Mexico or deporting some migrants failed to stop the influx. This month, as many as 10,000 migrants were arrested daily at the southwest U.S. border.
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I hope something comes of this. The migration problem in the southern border has to be resolved.
That's a good solution that is impossible to carry out. Most illegals cross at non-controled sections of the border. That's why a wall or fence won't work. Human presence is needed and that takes many more border agents and a huge load of money. And you know what the Repuckers will say about that.
You still will be able to write him in.
And besides,I don't think they can legally do that,the supreme court will have to step in and fix this issue. states can't decide who is on a federal ballot.
It's complicated. Every state has the power to bar a candidate from appearing on their primary ballot. Primaries determine who runs representing a political party, but, invoking the 14th amendment, they can keep someone from appearing on the Federal election IN THAT STATE. As much as I hate Trump, unless the Supreme Court keeps him out, I'd prefer for the voters to decide.
“The numbers are in 64 percent of the population says they are living paycheck to paycheck due to the high inflation they’re is nothing left to save
Joe Biden approval ratings are down to 33 percent I guess cat is the only one that thinks he’s doing a wonderful job
It is to laugh 😂”
Ok, first of all, there’s this:
“More than half of Americans earning over $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck. So what's going on? Many experts point to a phenomenon called lifestyle inflation as one of the culprits. Lifestyle inflation, or lifestyle creep, is the pattern of spending a little more as a person's income increases. Dec 11, 2023”
Then, there’s these facts reported in December 2023:
The economy continues to benefit from very low unemployment (3.7% in November) and solid job growth. In addition, there are significantly more job openings than there are available workers. In the third quarter, consumer spending was a primary driver of the ACCELERATED GDP growth rate.
4 days ago
In October of last year, the model of the US economy showed a 100% chance of a recession happening in 2023. But, here we are more than 12 months later, and US economic data keeps coming in relatively strong. UNEMPLOYMENT remains near multi-decade lows and INFLATION is pretty close to the Federal Reserve's 2% target.
5 days ago
JOB GAINS continued at a very strong pace in 2023, although down from the torrid rates seen in 2021 and 2022 immediately following the PANDEMIC RECESSION. Monthly nonfarm payrolls grew by 232,000 per month on average in 2023, 55,000 MORE JOBS per month than the average pace in 2018 and 2019.
7 days ago
The United States upholds its status as the major global economy and richest country, steadfastly preserving its pinnacle position from 1960 to 2023. Its economy boasts remarkable diversity, propelled by important sectors, including services, manufacturing, finance, and technology.
Dec 4, 2023
Ok, I know there’s plenty to bitch about. Mostly about the price of food and other staples, but, while many people blame the President for this, I can’t think HOW he could remedy it.
After Covid we, all, went on a buying streak. That, coupled with a shortage of goods, brought on the inflation.
The first part was almost a necessity. We were out of everything. The second was mostly due to Trump’s disastrous trade policies.
I DO STILL THINK BIDEN IS DOING A GOOD JOB. God willing, so will a majority of the voters on November 2024.
The question is; where do you need to live, to make $100,000 a year.
If you need to live in New York City or Los Angeles to make that kind of money,
you either need to commute lots of miles per day or your cost of living is sky high.
In my country, the jobs that pay well are centered around the big cities Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam/The Hague and Eindhoven. Those are exactly the same areas where the costs of housing are the highest. The average house in Amsterdam costs around $500,000 to buy. The average room in Amsterdam is rented for $675 per month, a studio for $1113 and an apartment for €1747.
If you have a higher education that allows for a good job, you still need to live near the employer(s) who provide that job. They tend to be in one area. We call it a 'brainport'.
If you want to make lots of money being a self-employed service provider, you still need to live near people who can pay enough for your service to make it very profitable.
"“More than half of Americans earning over $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck."
Where did you get that information?
This source says that in total 16% ($100K-$199K) + 8% ($200k+) of Americans earning over $100,000 a year are living paycheck to paycheck.
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They also say "40% of those who earn over $100,000 a year, 53% of those who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year, and 72% of those who earn less than $50,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck." I don't know how they got to that 40%. 16% + 8% = 24% (the groups are of course of different sizes, but it doesn't compute)
I any case, they found several causes for it.
If you want to know, read the article.
According to a recent PYMNTS report, as of November 2022, 76 percent of U.S. adults who make less than $50,000 are living paycheck to paycheck, compared to 65.9 percent of those making $50,000 to $100,000 and 47.1 percent making more than $100,000.Sep 18, 2023
only registered users can see external links › finance
Living Paycheck To Paycheck Statistics - Bankrate
As former President Donald Trump seeks the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, he has laid out his vision for a second term that includes locking up political opponents, conducting sweeping immigration raids and searching for replacements for Obamacare.
On the campaign trail, he has engaged in harsh rhetoric to describe political enemies as “radical thugs that live like vermin,” said that immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood” of the U.S., touted himself as “the only one who will prevent World War III” and suggested suspending parts of the Constitution because of the “stolen” 2020 pr --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Shades of 1930’s Germany. The Grand Old Party (the GOP) is not that grand anymore. Kick that fucker out.
I fully support any and all raids to remove people here illegally. We aint taking about a few mexicans wanting to dig tators for dollars any more, there have been people from terrorist nations coming thru unvetted. The migration has gotten out of hand ,the drugs are out of hand,it is time for draconian tactics to fix the problem.
As for poisoning the blood, they have brought back measles, polio ,bed bugs, and sexual transmitted diseases. Stuff we had under control before hand.
And I fully support everything he wants to do Obama care flat out sucks immigration is a major issue with me and if he means going after the Biden crime family I fully support that to
An eye for an eye
If you ever actually priced obama care,it is not as cheap as you hear about on tv.
Sadly, the insurance that is sold as obama care is not the only problem.
It is the effects of the laws that are causing me problems. Everytime I turn around i have to deal with some stupid shit on my dad's insurance because it is so complicated now.
from 1959 until Obama care started, we seldom heard anything from his insurance,he was covered,he got a card each year,done.
Now the company is constantly changing providers trying to keep their cost down as insurance just keeps going sky high.
Forms to fill out, the employer can't pay directly to the insurance on his dental, I have to fill out a form each year, and send in a check every 3 months, then the employer sends a check to cover the cost. obama caused alot of the mess.
No, it's not, because Obamacare is a right-wing solution.
The individual mandate was proposed by The Heritage Foundation.
It keeps in place the for profit, middle-man, death panels; insurances
and it keeps in place the huge profits of the industry.
Did the clown after Obama make it any better?
I'm sure you believe he did, because you're the type to trust conmen.
Obamacare still allows big pharma and healthcare providers to price-gauge you.
There are only two methods to get good affordable healthcare;
1) Nationalize the whole pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
2) Regulate the fuck out of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
As long as you allow the industry to aks whatever price they think is 'fair',
they will screw you, because you will pay whatever you can, TO NOT DIE!
It's not perfect by any measure but it did partially solve the biggest gripe for the individual. Before, the only way to get group insurance (much less costly than getting personal health insurance) was through your employer. If that employment ended you had no insurance and couldn't get affordable insurance again until you had new employment. It was the reason group health insurance was used as a perk to work for a particular company. Now anyone can get group insurance. The screwup is that Repuckers have denied proper funding to keep prices down.
Woody pays $170+/- per month for his and mine is free through my last employer. I don't have a problem and neither does Woody.
All the people that bitch about it conviniently forget how difficult it was to have health insurance. They forget that you couldn't get any insurance if you had a prior condition
Yes, Obamacare was better than anything you had before in decades.
And Obama did what he could with the seats that he had.
Trump only tried to destroy it. Biden made it a bit better.
Trumpists will talk bullshit about it until they die,
but none of them ever had an idea to make healthcare better.
They just shit on Democrats, while their own party has never
done anything to improve the things they talk about.
Immigration IS a major problem, but, it’s not with what needs to be done. The issue is how it’s done. A wall is mental masturbation. Incarceration until deportation is okay, but, you, Repukers won’t support the expense to build containment facilities. You are too cheap to pay for what you want. You don’t want to pay the taxes to put a border patrol guard every quarter mile of the border. You are not willing to give Mexico a 10 billion $ loan to be administered by us to eradicate the drug cartels (you’d be surprised what a million $ in the pocket of the Mexican President would accomplish)
And what is this eye for an eye 💩💩💩? You equate Biden to The Clown? Didn’t you get tired of drinking bleach? You poor fool.
Leo,You are just a idiot. IF you were actually as intelligent as you try to present yourself to be, you wouldn't stoop to the level of calling someone a nazi. You just disagree and are to vile of a person to come up from the gutter and offer solutions or alternative ideas that would work.
calling me a nazi does nothing to solve a problem, or sway an opinion.
You obviously do not care any more than you claim I do, or you would offer up better ideas,solutions.
No you just sit back with your latte and keyboard and spew hatred and foul words. You are the low life here,not me.
Phart, you are not a Nazi, but, what The Clown’s rhetoric the last few weeks is exactly what the Nationalist (Nazi) party was spewing in the early 1930’s. If YOU agree with that then you are fair game, my friend.
Perhaps, knowing that The Clown is a favorite of yours, you should qualify what you like and repúdiate the rest.
Well, sadly it is like hiring a plumber Cat, the best man for the job may have the truck leaking oil, and his ass crack showing, but I need the plumbing fixed.
Trump has his faults, tweets to much, but damn it he understands what America needs right now Moreso than most.
Not just any one will run for that office. Would you personally want to live with constant scrutiny of every move you made? from what you ate to ever word you uttered taking a shower?
Would YOU be willing to decide to bomb a city or take the life of another world leader?
Think about this, Trump did not and does not have to run for office,he has several gigs that make him money,a hot wife,a nice place to live,but yet,he is still wanting to fix the country. I admire a man willing to put up with all the bullshit he does just to try to do right. biden doesn't even know he is in the world,has to be lead around all the time,even by the easter bunny.
He was a failed businessman who became president to avoid bankruptcy.
In that sense, he's different from Hitler. Hitler actually believed in the shit he was shouting about (he could only shout and bark, he couldn't speak, like Trump).
But Trump believes in nothing else but his pocket.
Yea,i agree the times here in the US are very similar to what was going on in Germany
about 100 years ago actually.
"Paying the crushing reparations destabilized the economy, producing ruinous, runaway inflation. By September 1923, four billion German marks had the equal value of one American dollar. Consumers needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough paper money to buy a loaf of bread."
The loaf of bread I bought the other day was over 4 bucks!
"Hitler pledged to restore prosperity, create civil order (by crushing industrial strikes and street demonstrations by communists and socialists)"
Yep,we are having alot of street demonstrations the past 3 or 4 years.By socialist and union workers.
Also check this out,
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"Barely coherent, Gill explains that he initially imposed a form of Nazism/Fascism upon the lawless Ekosians because he believed it to be the most efficient system of government ever devised"
Graeme Massie
A drug infamously touted by Donald Trump has been linked to nearly 17,000 Covid deaths in a new scientific study.
You honestly expect me to believe this ,when others won't believe other things that are proven fact and were proven early on by the Germans in the fiasco? felchy lied, people died.
Then these Repuckers complain the administration is not doing enough. Hippocrates
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Happy New Year!
"The screen name reflects WOODY58 but the spelling says otherwise. By the way, there's no need to post your driver's license, what would that prove?"
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he is willing to help, but also says he wants to see progress in U.S. relations with Cuba and Venezuela, two of the top senders of migrants, and more development aid for the region.
Both sides face strong pressure to reach an agreement after past steps like limiting direct travel into Mexico or deporting some migrants failed to stop the influx. This month, as many as 10,000 migrants were arrested daily at the southwest U.S. border.
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I hope something comes of this. The migration problem in the southern border has to be resolved.
Maine disqualifies Trump from presidential primary ballot, citing insurrection clause
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How embarrassing! It's never happened before with another president. He should be in jail.
And besides,I don't think they can legally do that,the supreme court will have to step in and fix this issue. states can't decide who is on a federal ballot.
“The numbers are in 64 percent of the population says they are living paycheck to paycheck due to the high inflation they’re is nothing left to save
Joe Biden approval ratings are down to 33 percent I guess cat is the only one that thinks he’s doing a wonderful job
It is to laugh 😂”
Ok, first of all, there’s this:
“More than half of Americans earning over $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck. So what's going on? Many experts point to a phenomenon called lifestyle inflation as one of the culprits. Lifestyle inflation, or lifestyle creep, is the pattern of spending a little more as a person's income increases. Dec 11, 2023”
Then, there’s these facts reported in December 2023:
The economy continues to benefit from very low unemployment (3.7% in November) and solid job growth. In addition, there are significantly more job openings than there are available workers. In the third quarter, consumer spending was a primary driver of the ACCELERATED GDP growth rate.
4 days ago
In October of last year, the model of the US economy showed a 100% chance of a recession happening in 2023. But, here we are more than 12 months later, and US economic data keeps coming in relatively strong. UNEMPLOYMENT remains near multi-decade lows and INFLATION is pretty close to the Federal Reserve's 2% target.
5 days ago
JOB GAINS continued at a very strong pace in 2023, although down from the torrid rates seen in 2021 and 2022 immediately following the PANDEMIC RECESSION. Monthly nonfarm payrolls grew by 232,000 per month on average in 2023, 55,000 MORE JOBS per month than the average pace in 2018 and 2019.
7 days ago
The United States upholds its status as the major global economy and richest country, steadfastly preserving its pinnacle position from 1960 to 2023. Its economy boasts remarkable diversity, propelled by important sectors, including services, manufacturing, finance, and technology.
Dec 4, 2023
Ok, I know there’s plenty to bitch about. Mostly about the price of food and other staples, but, while many people blame the President for this, I can’t think HOW he could remedy it.
After Covid we, all, went on a buying streak. That, coupled with a shortage of goods, brought on the inflation.
The first part was almost a necessity. We were out of everything. The second was mostly due to Trump’s disastrous trade policies.
I DO STILL THINK BIDEN IS DOING A GOOD JOB. God willing, so will a majority of the voters on November 2024.
If you need to live in New York City or Los Angeles to make that kind of money,
you either need to commute lots of miles per day or your cost of living is sky high.
In my country, the jobs that pay well are centered around the big cities Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam/The Hague and Eindhoven. Those are exactly the same areas where the costs of housing are the highest. The average house in Amsterdam costs around $500,000 to buy. The average room in Amsterdam is rented for $675 per month, a studio for $1113 and an apartment for €1747.
If you have a higher education that allows for a good job, you still need to live near the employer(s) who provide that job. They tend to be in one area. We call it a 'brainport'.
If you want to make lots of money being a self-employed service provider, you still need to live near people who can pay enough for your service to make it very profitable.
Where did you get that information?
This source says that in total 16% ($100K-$199K) + 8% ($200k+) of Americans earning over $100,000 a year are living paycheck to paycheck.
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They also say "40% of those who earn over $100,000 a year, 53% of those who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year, and 72% of those who earn less than $50,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck." I don't know how they got to that 40%. 16% + 8% = 24% (the groups are of course of different sizes, but it doesn't compute)
I any case, they found several causes for it.
If you want to know, read the article.
only registered users can see external links › finance
Living Paycheck To Paycheck Statistics - Bankrate
On the campaign trail, he has engaged in harsh rhetoric to describe political enemies as “radical thugs that live like vermin,” said that immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood” of the U.S., touted himself as “the only one who will prevent World War III” and suggested suspending parts of the Constitution because of the “stolen” 2020 pr
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Shades of 1930’s Germany. The Grand Old Party (the GOP) is not that grand anymore. Kick that fucker out.
As for poisoning the blood, they have brought back measles, polio ,bed bugs, and sexual transmitted diseases. Stuff we had under control before hand.
An eye for an eye
Sadly, the insurance that is sold as obama care is not the only problem.
It is the effects of the laws that are causing me problems. Everytime I turn around i have to deal with some stupid shit on my dad's insurance because it is so complicated now.
from 1959 until Obama care started, we seldom heard anything from his insurance,he was covered,he got a card each year,done.
Now the company is constantly changing providers trying to keep their cost down as insurance just keeps going sky high.
Forms to fill out, the employer can't pay directly to the insurance on his dental, I have to fill out a form each year, and send in a check every 3 months, then the employer sends a check to cover the cost. obama caused alot of the mess.
The individual mandate was proposed by The Heritage Foundation.
It keeps in place the for profit, middle-man, death panels; insurances
and it keeps in place the huge profits of the industry.
Did the clown after Obama make it any better?
I'm sure you believe he did, because you're the type to trust conmen.
Obamacare still allows big pharma and healthcare providers to price-gauge you.
There are only two methods to get good affordable healthcare;
1) Nationalize the whole pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
2) Regulate the fuck out of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
As long as you allow the industry to aks whatever price they think is 'fair',
they will screw you, because you will pay whatever you can, TO NOT DIE!
Woody pays $170+/- per month for his and mine is free through my last employer. I don't have a problem and neither does Woody.
All the people that bitch about it conviniently forget how difficult it was to have health insurance. They forget that you couldn't get any insurance if you had a prior condition
And Obama did what he could with the seats that he had.
Trump only tried to destroy it. Biden made it a bit better.
Trumpists will talk bullshit about it until they die,
but none of them ever had an idea to make healthcare better.
They just shit on Democrats, while their own party has never
done anything to improve the things they talk about.
And what is this eye for an eye 💩💩💩? You equate Biden to The Clown? Didn’t you get tired of drinking bleach? You poor fool.
draconian does not have be death or harm,it can be simply, "get on the damn bus you are going back home".
Remember, exactly year ago, Trump has suggested the US Constitution should be torn up.
No, sorry, you're not a nazi yet, you're just like one of these idiots in the Weimar Republic who voted for Adolf.
calling me a nazi does nothing to solve a problem, or sway an opinion.
You obviously do not care any more than you claim I do, or you would offer up better ideas,solutions.
No you just sit back with your latte and keyboard and spew hatred and foul words. You are the low life here,not me.
Perhaps, knowing that The Clown is a favorite of yours, you should qualify what you like and repúdiate the rest.
Trump has his faults, tweets to much, but damn it he understands what America needs right now Moreso than most.
Not just any one will run for that office. Would you personally want to live with constant scrutiny of every move you made? from what you ate to ever word you uttered taking a shower?
Would YOU be willing to decide to bomb a city or take the life of another world leader?
Think about this, Trump did not and does not have to run for office,he has several gigs that make him money,a hot wife,a nice place to live,but yet,he is still wanting to fix the country. I admire a man willing to put up with all the bullshit he does just to try to do right. biden doesn't even know he is in the world,has to be lead around all the time,even by the easter bunny.
He was a failed businessman who became president to avoid bankruptcy.
In that sense, he's different from Hitler. Hitler actually believed in the shit he was shouting about (he could only shout and bark, he couldn't speak, like Trump).
But Trump believes in nothing else but his pocket.
I repeat:
No, sorry, you're not a nazi yet, you're just like one of these idiots in the Weimar Republic who voted for Adolf.
Those who supported Hitler were not nazis to start with, they were people who wanted to Make Germany Great Again.
As you know, the failed.
Hitler behaved exactly like Trump.
Or, rather, the other way.
Take a look at Octavius too. He convinced everyone he'd make Rome great again. And what happened to his triumvirate? And eventually to Rome?
Yea,i agree the times here in the US are very similar to what was going on in Germany
about 100 years ago actually.
"Paying the crushing reparations destabilized the economy, producing ruinous, runaway inflation. By September 1923, four billion German marks had the equal value of one American dollar. Consumers needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough paper money to buy a loaf of bread."
The loaf of bread I bought the other day was over 4 bucks!
"Hitler pledged to restore prosperity, create civil order (by crushing industrial strikes and street demonstrations by communists and socialists)"
Yep,we are having alot of street demonstrations the past 3 or 4 years.By socialist and union workers.
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"Barely coherent, Gill explains that he initially imposed a form of Nazism/Fascism upon the lawless Ekosians because he believed it to be the most efficient system of government ever devised"
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