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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 26,Nov,23 20:18
Dgraff, you posted in Bella!'s thread:
"It’s a crock of shit is what it is those police officers should not be in prison in the first place and for what doing there job and quite well i might add"

They murdered Floyd. He was a human being. Those officers were tried and convicted by a jury of their peers. They didn't get railroaded. One man did not act as their judge, jury , and executioner like they did with Floyd.
Floyd may not have been a good person, but he deserved his day in court.
If you are a prime example of what the MAGA crowd believes in, then, yes, we do need to scrub the USA clean of the scum.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,23 20:28 other posts 
Floyd died of a drug overdose to much crack cocaine his heart exploded that’s why he couldn’t breathe they just convicted 4 white cops to make a good showing
By #610414 26,Nov,23 21:05
Bullshit. That's the type of trash talk you racists like us to believe, but a jury is a jury and no amount of 💩💩💩 can change that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 04:27 other posts 
So I guess you don’t believe that innocent people are found in jail
I believe they’re is a law firm that strictly handles cases like that
By #610414 27,Nov,23 16:45
I do believe there are innocent people in prison. That does not make Floyd’s killer innocent. He killed Floyd. Accept it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 17:02 other posts 
Accept it hell I honer the brave police officers that did their jobs and took out the garbage off the street we should have hundreds of officers just like them in every city
By #610414 27,Nov,23 17:19
Yes, I know your point of view. It’s very similar to what I wish about a lot of people too.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 00:27 other posts 
You dumbshit. They weren't all "white". Keep sucking those trump turds.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 04:30 other posts 
Yes they were the 2 that were black were wana be whites
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 15:51 other posts 
...well, if you say so
By #610414 27,Nov,23 16:45
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By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,23 07:49 other posts 
I honestly hope this woman is joking.
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But Ben is right if she is telling the truth.
Can you imagine going to the litter box instead of the toilet to shit? Where does the toilet paper go? Do you walk into this persons house and trip over the liter box on your way in?

By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,23 11:56 other posts 
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UM, has Marvin got his space modulator about ready??
By #610414 26,Nov,23 17:20
The British are coming?
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,23 17:53 other posts 
For what another ass kicking like they got the first time
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,23 23:30 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,23 23:41 other posts 
In a cosmic ray?? This could really mess things up. I know the other day my gps speed was way off. I was doing 55 and it said 30.
and it was slow to show where i was to.
This type activity can affect electronics.

By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,23 13:36 other posts 
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Nothing to see here,
By #610414 20,Nov,23 17:41
You are right. The watchdogs are doing their job. Those crooked justices have to go
By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,23 18:22 other posts 
You didn't pay attention, dark money,most likely, as in george soro's money,is paying for people to dig up shit.
By #610414 21,Nov,23 09:26
I don't care who's money they use. If a Supreme Court Justice is crocked, it doesn't matter who brings it to the light. That's true for any judge or government official.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,23 09:32 other posts 
Being a worse crook to try to frame someone is worse.
"Republicans, noting there were no laws at the time requiring disclosure of the travel, pushed back on allegations of impropriety."

""In fact, they are partisan propagandists doing the bidding of their left-wing billionaire donors, who have given these front groups the assignment of attacking the constitutionalist justices at all costs by manufacturing phony ethics scandals to undermine trust in the Supreme Court."

Your not being disturbed by this," bankrolled by progressive megadonor and philanthropist George Soros." is far worse than someone taking a trip on someone else's ticket. This is flat out crooked letting this soro's guy decide who can and who can't be on the supreme court .He is not a elected offical, he is a financial terrorist who has tried and probably succeeded in bankrupting 2 nations.
By #610414 22,Nov,23 07:31
BULLSHIT!!! Taking undisclosed favors from people that have business with the court has always been illegal. I don't care if Soros or Trump, or Freddy Krueger bring in the allegations. It's wrong and no amount of diverting the chat to some real or imagined left wing conspiracy will change that. It's not trying to frame someone if it's true.
BTW. Soros may be a billionaire but he's one of the biggest phylanthropist in the world. He tries to do good with his money.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,23 09:17 other posts 
It's not his money,
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By #610414 22,Nov,23 09:46
Yes it is
Dark money to Republicans is used to MAKE UP SHIT.
If they would actually DIG UP SHIT, I would agree.
But anytime they present any shit, it's fabricated nonsense.

Your supreme court new Ethics Code is toothless, it's a scam.
They can keep taking money and presents, without accountability.
Your supreme court is the last resort for justice in your country.
It should be completely free from even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

No one should be able to dig up anything on them, but they are clearly involved in lots of corruption. If you really cared about 'law and order', you would want those judges clean as a whistle, not be angry about people digging up shit about them.
By #610414 24,Nov,23 17:16
The era of Trump has eroded what integrity this country had.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 17:49 other posts 
NO,it exposed the fact there was little to no integrity in this country before he got there.
By #610414 25,Nov,23 09:50
I thought I said that. Trump just exacerbated the situation to a untenable level.

By phart [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 19:18 other posts 
could this be the next big virus coming from china,just in time to fuck up the 2024 elections?
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By phart [Ignore] 23,Nov,23 16:26 other posts 
For those that still don't understand why most folks with common sense support israel instead of the terrorist, this pic should help explain it.
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Clue, note position of the baby carriage.

By #610414 22,Nov,23 17:55
DeSantis is, without doubt, the worst governor the state of Florida ever had.

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We’re tired of paying for Florida’s pointless fights over drag shows |

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis lost another round in court last week when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to reinstate the state’s anti-drag show law, on hold pending a court case. But you know who else lost? We did — the taxpayers of this state.

Because every time DeSantis uses our hard-earned taxpayer money to defend another one of his ill-conceived and self-serving laws — the ones he had hoped to ride all the way to the White House — that’s money and time the state won’t be spending on important issues that might do some actual good in the world. By the end of 2022, the state had spent at least $17 million in legal fees defending culture-wars laws, and the 2023 budget included almost $16 million just for litigation.


Meanwhile, real problems go begging for attention. Like fixing our insurance crisis so middle-class homeowners aren’t forced out of the state. Or helping us prepare for climate change so we don’t get swamped with every storm.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Nov,23 09:21 other posts 
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, also called the 5th Horseman of New Atheism, at one time,
now calls herself a Christian.
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Every reason that she provides for her 'conversion' is political.
She says nothing about her belief in Jesus' resurrection or other Christian claims.

Here's an analysis on her motives from an atheist philosopher:
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"... She is a brave person that has lead a very difficult life, and if she can find even a small measure of peace from Christianity, then I wish her nothing but the best."

"If I were a Christian, I would be deeply concerned with political conversions like this."
"Christianity has become so weak, that it not only excepts such conversions, but celebrates them."
"Personally, I think that Ali's conversion is a good sign..."
"... is perhaps the strongest sign of atheism winning in our time..."
"...The fact that Christians now embrace someone who explicitly states that she's a Christian for political reasons, demonstrates just how much Christianity has declined."
By #610414 22,Nov,23 14:10
Christianity, wow, I have so many mixed emotions and beliefs.
I do believe in a God. It doesn't make sense that there's not one.
As a Christian, I pray to Jesus, but, in periods of meditation, I
acknowledge that it's my way to put a name to that God. I also
know that I take comfort in believing there's more to my humanity
than some flesh and bones that got thrown together by some
whim of nature. Do I believe in Immaculate conception? I’d like to,
but, I can’t. Do I believe in the resurrection? That’s a tough one.
Why?Because, as a Christian, I believe that Jesus is the Son of
God, but no more than a good man and, perhaps, just that much more.
I believe there’s more to our being after death. I have to believe this.
I don’t believe in heaven or hell. Whatever comes after death is something
but……..what? I don’t know, God help me.
I understand how people need to believe they have a protector who
is responsible for being, but, I also believe that religion is responsible
for more pain and suffering, more death and injustice, than anything
or anyone else’s fault. No religion is blameless, certainly not Christianity.
What I really hate is how people push their views disguised as part of
their religion when, in reality, it’s no more than a self-serving agenda.
I’ve traveled in poor countries and one thing that screams at me that
religion is not as Godly as it claims to be, and in this case, Christianity,
is that in every poor village, the local priest is very well fed and prosperous
while the parishioners are poor and starving.
Anyway, I understand the deniability of a supreme being. I, personally, can’t
agree with that.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Nov,23 15:34 other posts 
This was mostly a post about Ayaan 'converting' to Christianity.
I accept your beliefs to be honest and hart-felt and the result of soul searching.
But read her motivation for 'converting' from atheism to Christianity,
and then tell me that she has found God and Jesus, like a 'real' Christian.

I don't think that of Ayaan. I think she's grifting.
Her political ideas have never been in the same ballpark as the atheist community in the US. She was already a right-winger when she lived in The Netherlands. She tried to get a foothold in Dutch politics, but not enough people were interested in her. I think that's why she moved to the US. That's where an ex-Muslim can have a career in speaking.
However, there is a divide in your country where most conservatives and right-wingers associate themselves with Christianity, of a very conservative variety, and where atheists mostly associate themselves with liberals or lefties. Since she has made a career out of voicing her opinion, she needs an audience to make money. The audience for right-wing conservative atheists is too small, so she either needs to pander to the Christians to make a good living or be at least a liberal to be accepted among atheists. There is not much money in being a liberal speaker, unless she makes it to the few most successful ones. I think she has decided to become a right-wing grifter, where the real money can be made. An ex-Muslim new Christian can shoot up the ranks very quickly. If she's hired by The Daily Wire, she can make many millions per year very easily.

Even I, as an atheist, cannot deny that a supreme being is possible,
but there is no necessary pathway from that possibility to Christianity.
Even if I was convinced that the universe was created by such a supreme being,
I find the ideas in the bible, about that supreme being, very much offensive.
Even if I believed in a hell, I would consider accepting Christianity, as it is performed
in the US, a bigger assurance to end up in hell, than being a secular humanist.
Of course, I would not be an atheist, if I believed in a supreme being and hell.

By #610414 14,Nov,23 10:14
The Wall Street Journal

Inflation Cooled to 3.2% Last Month, Likely Ending Fed Rate Hikes

I guess Old Joe knows what he's doing.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 18:46 other posts 
No one is worried about that at the moment
We are gearing up for world war three
I’ve been playing Black Sabbath
War pig’s all week long
By #610414 14,Nov,23 19:17
Short memories. A few weeks ago you couldn't shout enough about the economy. Now, since the economy is no longer a viable argument against Biden, you try to frighten us with WWIII.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 19:23 other posts 
The inflation is cooling because shit aint selling and the prices are dropping to try to move shit before it has to be inventoried for tax purposes.
And ditto on WW3, we are fighting wars in syria, ukraine, and at home. At home it is a war of words, but this sudden anti jew stuff is going to come to gun fire and knives before long.What i have noticed is the transgender thing has took a back seat to the antijew thing.
By #610414 17,Nov,23 12:26
The inflation is cooling off because shit ain't selling? Hahaha 🤣. What do you think caused the inflation? Why do you think the Feds raised interest rates? Have you no idea as to the correlation between too much available money buying too much causing a shortage of product? It's the classic definition of the cause for inflation. Now the Feds have to be careful not to go overboard and create a recession. A little inflation is a good thing for the country.
It doesn't matter what party is in power, they way to fight excessive inflation or recession is the same.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 19:26 other posts 
It’s a fact read the biblical signs it starts in the Middle East and just look what is going on there
I was working on my bunkers all weekend
By #610414 17,Nov,23 12:27
Good for you. When you are finished, walk inside, close the door and wait till the war is over. 🤣
"biblical signs"
The bible predicted Jesus coming back in their lifetimes. They were 2000 years off.

Humanity is able to destroy humanity, but lets not do that over a bunch
of conservative Jews, who want to steal all the land for themselves,
from the other people who also lived there for millennia.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,23 09:58 other posts 
You didn't watch the Ben Shaprio video I posted last week explaining that israel had alot of muslims living there without a problem. it is the hamas terrorist and the folks in gaza that voted them in as government that is the problem
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Nov,23 14:55 other posts 
True, I didn't watch the Ben Shapiro video. And I told you why.
I only watch people who are honest. Even if they are wrong, I want them to believe their own words. Ben Shapiro doesn't believe his own words. I constantly notice that from all the fallacies he's using. They are too frequent and elaborate for someone who beliefs his own logic. It's just trickery to fool his audience.

He's correct that there Muslims living in Israel, but
what he's not correct about is that it is 'without a problem'.
Unlike the American constitution, Israel's laws are favoring Jews
over other religions. It's an apartheid state, even for those included Muslims.
And that says nothing about the Palestinians, who's houses and land have been stolen for decades. Did Ben Shapiro say anything about that?

By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,23 21:44 other posts 
If you think you are having a bad day, just think of all the highly motivated individuals who died trying to climb mt everest.
Had they stayed home, they might still be alive instead of being frozen in time for someone to find in 1000 years and say, "wonder what this idiot was doing up here?"
By #610414 20,Nov,23 17:40
Yeah, but what a life they led. All the way till their deaIh
By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,23 18:22 other posts 
Not much of 1 if you ask me. To look at a hill of dirt and decide 1 day to risk it all and wind up loosing it all for a view you can get with a drone?
By #610414 21,Nov,23 09:24
Again, you just don't get it.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,23 09:26 other posts 
No, it's kinda like getting bit by a shark.if you don't go bustin' into his house,he won't think Door dash has delivered his lunch.
By #610414 22,Nov,23 07:34
And yet, literally, millions of people go swimming in the worlds oceans daily. Let me repeat myself. You just don't get it.

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