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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
It's a no brainer right?
And, Yes, That Includes Melania.
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What a pathetic loser.
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I just wish the repubs wouldn't bog themselves into Jan 6 committee type shit and just drop some of these revenge issues and start fixing America.
Not much is going to get done the next 2 years but hopefully put out a wheel chock to slow down the runaway train.
We need to focus on healing our nation and it's people first,and stopping the bleeding will be a good start.
Can you do anything other than say 'inflation', without any argument why
if it was Biden who caused it, the rest of the world has the same problem?
Democrats proposed the Inflation Reduction Act and Biden signed it into law.
Where is the Republican Inflation Reduction Act or something to that effect?
Let's discuss their proposals for reducing inflation.
let's start with that 1.
By the way,before you say they will go after the big money not being paid in taxes,do you think the government will trust new hires with millions? no,the new hires will be trained on the middle and lower class people that are suffering the most.
Ok here you go, another issue.
UNDER BIDEN it says. Our oil reserves are the lowest since 1984.Yes the oil meant to help the US during wartime and other possible major disasters is being exploited to try to win votes to a short memories democrat base.
Florida's representative said,
""We have a strategic reserve for war, for in case of drastic emergency. It doesn't exist to bail out the president's party in an election year."
Seeing that Democrats never put up a fight, it will probably be horrible if Republicans even only win the house with the slightest majority.
Democracy is really on the ballot.
when Republicans were loosing their elections.
Trump wrote: “After the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen.…” If that is true, it's a crime. What is true, is that Ron DeSantis narrowly won his election against Andrew Gillum, by just 30,000 votes, while 83,000 votes were deemed invalid. Really suspicious... Are Floridians so inept at filling in a ballot? It sounds like there is some truth to Donnie's claim and he really did steal the election for 'Ron DeSanctimonious'.
However, the largest reason for why the people don't decide who is in power anymore, is because they vote for the politicians and not for the donors who control those politicians. Your government doesn't do what the voters want, your government does what the wealthy and corporations want. Then there are lots of stupid people, who think what the wealthy and corporations want them to think, because of 24/7 pro-corporate propaganda on your corporate media. In most cases the election candidate who is backed by the most money wins. Apparently Americans are just stupid enough to let some mind-numbingly pointless commercial of a politician shooting something convince them who to vote for. Democracy begins and ends with the voters understanding democracy itself and having any grasp on reality.
When people are turned stupid by their smartphone, democracy dies.
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Melania is certainly not fucking him anymore. So WHO...?
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It should have been expected because he is recovering from a stroke.
Recovery from any brain injury is a long ,drawn out process and it has only been 5 months.It has been 17 years since my accident and I still to this day when under pressure can't come up with a word sometimes.Names,poof. and etc.
You may NEVER recover some things that were lost.
Perhaps he could be appointed to a committee or something to contribute to his followers for the time being?
The simple fact is he is not able at this time.
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Republicans are always telling people to suck it up and go back to work.
Fetterman is doing that.
In that debate, even though Fetterman has a speech impediment, he communicated more than Dr. Oz did. Dr. Oz is fully capable of speaking, but he communicated nothing.
And whatever he did say were either lies or evasions.
If you believed in democracy, you would trust the voters.
When I vote for someone, I vote for their ideas, plans and record.
I don't care what they look like or if they have a disability.
I do care that they are honest about it, and Fetterman is.
I also care that they are honestly answering questions, and Dr. Oz isn't.
One thing no one is talking about is “the sympathy factor’. Fetterman might pull it off just because he’s hurt and needs help.
""At the end of the day, I think it is selfish that John Fetterman is doing this," Gaetz continued, "because he's not going to be able to articulate any of his policy views. He's not going to be able to advocate forcefully on behalf of his constituents to federal agencies when they need help from the VA or with colleagues."
Read that and tell me something that will prove it wrong?
while he has been associated with sex trafficking of a minor,
should have been a reason for him to step down immediately.
Does he think he still represents his constituents?
It is wrong, because having a disability, especially a temporary tiny one, should not be a disqualification to run for office. And you would say the same for any Republican. Actually, I think Trump is less capable of communication than Fetterman,
and while Fetterman will get better, Trump will get even worse.
The dr looked in him straight in the face and said "this won't get any better."
and once you have a stroke, there is a increase in chances of you having another ,and another.
This is no tiny problem, this could well be a permanent problem that will only get worse with time.
"This won't get any better"
"Once you have a stroke, there's an INCREASED CHANCE of having another."
"And another"
"This is no tiny problem"
"It could be permanent"
"It will only get worse"
"Your pee pee could fall off"
"You might turn green"
It's good that after a week from the stroke he's able to communicate with you and see with his right eye. That doctor should go back to med. school to learn giving "HOPE" to a patient.
If you don't mind me asking; how old is he?
Is he at retirement age or does he still have to work for a living?
And if he is fit to work, is he not also fit to be a representative?
It might even be a job that would fit what he can still do.
Would you support his right to do so, if he wanted to?
He is a hard worker ,always has been.
As for hope,yea, I reminded him that Dr's PRACTICE medicine,that means even they admit they aint got it right yet.
Apparently his contractor thought he would be capable of being a consultant and he listened to his qualifications and experience,
instead of focusing on his stroke.
But you don't want the voters to decide between Fetterman and Dr. Oz on their qualifications and experience, but instead of focus on Fetterman's stroke.
Maybe you think Dr. Oz's qualifications and experience don't compare positively with Fetterman's qualifications and experience.
That might even be a bad strategy for people who do think Dr. Oz would do better, because it might be that most people don't like someone being judged unfit, because of a stroke. When you are pressed on it, you defend your friend for being a hard worker and swinging back from his stroke pretty spectacularly and making more money now. Other people might do the same for Fetterman and vote for him out of sympathy and for being judged unfairly.
'Yes Mr. billionaire, you are allowed to sell more loan scams.'
'Yes Mr. billionaire, you can evict people for one missed payment.'
'Yes Mr. billionaire, you can deny cancer treatment over a pimple.'
'Yes Mr. billionaire, we will eliminate social security.'
'Yes Mr. billionaire, we will eliminate medicare and medicaid.'
'Yes Mr. billionaire, I'll suck your dick.'
Did you get to vote for those billionaires?
That's the point of a government. Get it?
What the fuck is clean air in 300 years if we are hungry today??
The only thing they know is tax-cuts for the wealthy and deregulation.
Massive inflation? -> tax-cuts for the wealthy and deregulation
Very low inflation? -> tax-cuts for the wealthy and deregulation
High unemployment? -> tax-cuts for the wealthy and deregulation
Labor shortage? -> tax-cuts for the wealthy and deregulation
How smart and successful are they, if that's the only thing they know?
Ever seen a Republican bill to do something about inflation?
No, because they have no ideas and like it when people suffer.
Then they can blame Biden, for something Trump, Covid and Russia caused
and the whole world is suffering from.
Crops are withering away now, because of heat, drought and water shortages, not 300 years from now. Babies are still poisoned by lead and mercury in the US, because of deregulation of water quality standards. And your politicians only deny, deny, deny and blame the Democrats, while being completely useless
on anything important for people's lives. And are the billionaires fixing it?
What party is in charge in these citys that have the bad water? Didn't we talk about a city down south last month that has been democrat run for decades? ANd their mismanagement has bit them in the ass and now they want a bailout? And how long will the new stuff last considering their track record of lack of Maintenace??
Democrats always talk about building new and better and they do little if anything to take care of what is already there.You can't build something on a rotten foundation.
It's the fact that you still have people being poisoned by lead pipes, 30 years after the EPA regulated the amount of lead and copper in the water, that is embarrassing. There are still some privately owned houses in The Netherlands that have lead plumbing, but the national water grid is completely lead free since 2005. And we didn't have acidic water eating away at those lead pipes.
Six of the 10 states with the most lead pipes are Republican:
Illenois - Democratic
Ohio - Republican
Michigan - Republican
New York - Democratic
New Jersey - Democratic
Missouri - Republican
Wisconsin - Republican
Indiana - Republican
Texas - Republican
Minnesota - Democratic
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Your last statement is somewhat true, but you vote for Republicans who don't even talk about building new and better and never improved anything ever.
If we are talking about a rotten foundation, it's people who don't even want anything to ever improve, like you. You don't ask, so you don't get, except for things that do not improve your life, but only make the life of others worse.
Then Republicans are sure to answer your request, as soon as they can.
Actually I prefer politicians to make decisions on pure reasoning,
to decide what's in the best interest of their constituency,
but I'm sure you've never seen that before either.
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