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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
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even when some of your opinions are correct.
It's like a math test; if you said 'x=5', without showing how you got there,
you still got 0 points, even when x was really 5.
Because you don't, I am always more right, even if I'm not right.
To go back to math:
You just say 'x=5', without showing how you got there. (your lacking arguments)
Even when the answer is correct, you get 0 points for that.
The teacher will say; "We are not doing guessing here!".
I do use arguments to substantiate my opinions. I present my thinking process leading up to the answer, and I show how it is supported by verifiable facts, data
and logical argumentation. I also point at logical fallacies that others use.
Those are like the steps leading up to an answer in that math test.
Even when I say incorrectly 'x=3', I'll get points for every correct step before it.
I might get up to 8 points, even for an incorrect final answer.
Then the teacher will put a circle round the step where I made a mistake.
Now we are in an argument about a math test, where I say 'x=7' and you say 'x=8'. You want everyone to trust you on the answer, by just calling me wrong.
Meanwhile, I'm showing my steps leading up to my answer and pointing at the chapter in the math-book that explains your mistake.
Who should people trust to have the correct answer to this math test?
What is common sense, when there are people who are absolutely sure
that the earth is flat?
And even if there was some common sense, how can you use it as an argument?
Telling a flat earther that it's common sense that the earth is spherical,
will not convince them. Neither will the common sense argument convince anyone.
I can tell you that it's common sense to have single payer healthcare.
Does that convince you?
If I can prove I'm right, then I am. What else is proof?
But do explain why you think I'm 'two faced'. Have I claimed anything different
to you in the private chat, than I've claimed in the topics?
Do you have reason to say that I say unpleasant things about you to other people, while seeming to be pleasant when they are with you? I think I'm just as blunt to you in person as I am in public. I might even be more of a dick to you sometimes in person. I only do it when I think it's called for and I don't mind you being a dick to me back. I think you even like it that way. Or would you like us to tone it down a bit?
The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast:
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There has never been such a clear case of 'Actual Malice' before, in media law cases.
According to the law professor, this case would be too easy to use as a test example
for law students to argue if the laws describing 'Actual Malice' are applicable to the
example's case.
There is first person communication evidence, where Fox'News' executives, staff and hosts are explicitly stating, that they know Trump is lying, and where they called everyone who pushed that lie fucking crazy and dangerous, but that they had to help Trump spread it, because Fox'News' is dependent on viewers who want to hear that lie and they don't want them to go to OAN, Newsmax and other competitors, who were spreading that lie with even more enthusiasm.
And that was just the evidence that was so far permitted in court. Fox'News' successfully litigated against other evidence being fully available to law professors and such, because it makes their 'journalists' look bad. So there are whole pieces blacked out, with just a lawyer's remark under it, stating that it's even more explicit evidence for 'Actual Malice'.
from a person who described herself as an 'internally decapitated time-traveler'.
She collected evidence that the election was 'rigged', by time-traveling as a ghost.
That evidence was convincing enough for Sidney Powell to send to Fox'News'
and then Fox'News' invited her to come over and talk about the 'evidence'.
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No one at Fox believed Trump's bullshit, but they still all parroted it.
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I also read this morning that biden caused problems for jimmy carter not wanting a appointee that had misshandled documents back in the 70's .So why ,if it was such a problem for him in the 70's that someone else misshandled documents,and it is ok for him to have them??
Makes no sense all these double standards coming out of the woood workes.It will soon become all but impossiable for the democrats to hide these double standard- Do as I say do not as I do situations.
You don't know what is in your closet?
You don't know what is in your garage?
Biden doesn't know what is in his garage?
or his closet or his "whatever".
He is filling the chair of the president of the US. He or someone should know where ever mouse turd is for security reasons.
And it is perfectly ok for there to be documents there?
What ever the outcome of this is ,I hope some new rules are put in place to prevent this from happening again.
You want the world to work in a perfect way. It just doesn't. So, now, what do you suggest? Do you want him to resign? You want Harris to take over? Do you want him to share lawyers with Trump?
It is just annoying that 1 man is crucified and another man is not for having documents in their home period,
Hell no I don't want giggles for prezident.
You have to admit,judgeing from the link I posted on another thread of this subject, it will become harder to keep this routine up before finally "SPLATT"
If Trump can't run for Prez,I will vote for the person he supports.
I can't support the current bunch, idiots, all of them. idiots.
And when should improper keeping of classified documents be prosecuted?
-When it was intentional or also when it was unintentional?
-When the person keeping the classified documents tried to hide them or also when they found and returned them at the first request?
- Does the classification level of the classified documents matter?
- When classified documents appear to still be missing, would it justify more investigations, until it's clear where they went missing to?
- When the classified documents were kept in an unsecured drawer or also when they were kept according guidelines?
- Does Biden have the same ability to declassify documents as Trump is alleged to have?
Why didn't you want the classified documents issue of Trump investigated?
And are you now calling to investigate Biden's classified documents issue?
What's the difference, other than partiality?
Frankly,I can't see how this shit happened under any president. It shows how lax our security really is. I would rather see the people who allowed these documents to be held in the wrong hands dealt with as they are not taking care of the paper work as they should be.
The people need to know that reason. Also, there are still documents missing and there is evidence that those secret documents were scanned and in the hands of campaign organizers. There is evidence of serious crimes, much worse than for any of the other politicians, who were in the possession of documents that they shouldn't have.
What you are doing is 'false equivalency', which is common for right-wingers.
They are used for example as:
- comparing apples to oranges
- bothsidesism
- whataboutism
A true master at this is Ben Shapiro, but because he does it at 200% normal speaking pace, he often gets away with it.
BUT looky here why don't ye?
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Whats the damn difference???????
In 2021, the U.S. population expanded at its slowest rate in history, and for the first time, the majority of its population growth came from immigration. So, despite four years of former President Donald Trump’s policies limiting the admission of foreigners, the United States is on track to reach its anticipated 2044 “majority minority” milestone: the moment when the majority ethnic group, non-Hispanic white people, becomes one of multiple minorities.
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Why is this racist? "live coverage on tv right now about January 6th is racist!". It's coverage of a historical event that happened two yrs ago today. DiSantis was re-elected in the last election and it's in the news. Is that racist? And how many non-whites did you see taking part in the January 6, 2021 insurrection? How many of those got arrested and are now being beaten in prison? BTW, if you are a cop, and you see a mob coming at you, and you shoot your weapon to defend yourself, does it matter if you are black or white or whether the perv is a black or white man/woman? I doubt it and whatever comes after is just that, what came after..
I call a nationalist someone who wants to support his country even at the detriment of other countries. A white supremacist is not that. That person wants other ethnic groups to be discriminated against. That is not good for his country. Wanting to be "separate" is a choice and no one would object........until that person starts to want other ethnic groups to ride in the back of the bus or demand a "white" and "non-white" public water fountain, public pools for whites only, public schools for whites only, and so on.
Why J6 is racist is because white men were incarcerated (while inside denied medicine/health care, beaten) for petty insignificant so called crime while we had looting riots massive destruction by BLM & their supporters during a pandemic that didn't get any negative coverage in the news. It was actually encouraged. But the J6 was "historical" because they were all white and Trump supporters. As far as the white woman getting killed by a black cop that was never held accountable is racist in my book. You have your own belief CAT and the majority of people believe exactly like you do. I don't care either way what happens.
As for the gathering at the capitol ,I hardly call a bunch of folks with flags and funny hats a Inserection.
More guns would have been there,more people would have died,and a couple doors would NOT have stopped the group from their goals.
I can't say they were right in damaging things but that black cop was WRONG and RACIST and misogynist and he took advantage of a opportunity to kill a unarmed woman.
I would be happy to pull the switch on his electric chair,but I am sure the line for that job would be 10's of 1000's of people long.
cat, see if a white person in your family can get a scholarship to these schools.
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Ok, what does naacp stand for? Would you be welcome in that group Cat?
I am sure your membership fee would be but would YOU be welcome?
BUT, look,
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HUM< appears it don't work anyway?
complicated as it may be, no reason they shouldn't if they meet the criteria
The unarmed woman shot in the capitol building was murdered ,she was no threat .UNARMED
Had she been armed, I would look at it a bit different but others around her were armed but that black officer singled her out, I guess because she was half in, half out a window and defenseless ,unable to protect herself from him.
No, they were trying o instill fear, in turn get some results.
1 of the fellows I talked to that went was gathered near the gallows and had several photos of it.
looked sturdy enough but the folks were not armed that were near it, and some were eating hotdogs and having a good time.
I don't think the "threat" was real ,but good acting to try to instill fear in our leaders and remind they represent US and WE wanted a fair election.
What pisses me off is the fact our constitution says we have a right to a speedy trial. There are STILL people in jail,2 years later, denied bail ,healthcare and so on. WHY?
hell if what they "did" was so bad,why not move them to
Nuremberg and get on with the progra?>
I have to be tested for Covid too.
Calling Covid the 'China virus' and 'Kung Flu' is racist.
Restriction on people entering the country is not necessarily racist,
but if you have different policies for different skin-tones/races, that's racist.
I do agree that China pulls the racism card way too often.
The best way to react to that is telling them that it's not because they are Chinese,
but because their government is a bunch of authoritarian liars that we cannot trust.
that the chinese made,
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