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No thank you, Mitt, I'd rather see Trump destroy your party.
But nice how you show who's running the Republican party.
they would serve your country enormously.
Then the Democrats could split-up into the corporate and the progressive parties.
Together with the 'third' parties you already have, that would be a nice spread.
It's the way from a Dominant-party system to a Parliamentary democracy, which is
way more representative and would reduce the divisive nature of your politics.
They would need to actually represent their voters, instead of saying 'we are not them'.
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What Joe is doing is all within the law. And you're a nitwit for calling that socialism. It's weak sauce neo-liberalism, with some social democracy as topping. He has not changes any laws pulling power towards the president and he has listened to the Parliamentarian. He could replace the Senate Parliamentarian easily, who nixed the $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, but he didn't. The people are by a large majority in favor of a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, so it would be DEMOCRACY to implement that. But, he didn't, because he only promised it to appear less right-wing than he actually is.
But, you tell me; what is Joe doing that you find authoritarian?
Just some of the things he PROMISED to do? Which, in a democracy,
he is then obligated TO DO!?!
But, of course your brain is twisted to a pretzel, so actual democracy is authoritarian
in your mind and a president trying to overturn a landslide election victory against him, in a system that is already stacked in his favor, that's democracy to you.
Not to mention his inappropriate behavior.
Still, he managed to do some things. I hope it's enough for his voters.
"lying, denying his own grandchild, covering up the truth about himself and the smartest person in the world hunter"
Is this finally the list of his crimes?
Is this what you call him the most corrupt president for?
LYING??? Really? While you support Trump?
So Hunter Biden got someone pregnant. How many unrecognized children would Trump have, from all the r@ping Trump did?
In any case, that is something on Hunter and he is not the president.
Covering up the truth about himself is even one of the cases against Trump.
If he hadn't used campaign money for that, it would have been legal.
"inappropriate behavior"? Like what? Trump has made death threats against many people. That's the most inappropriate behavior ever performed in American politics.
All my problems with my political opponents are on policies. I have a difference of opinion with them, on how to organize the economy, society and democracy and I want other priorities, more equality, transparency, accountability and more respect for human dignity. When my political opponents do something that represents my values, I compliment them, when they attack my values, I go on the counter offensive.
What I hear from you is only character assassination and attacks on personal issues, which are mostly not even true.
That's because your sources are nothing but propaganda. They are just distractions from what is actually important, to lead a country, to improve the life of its citizens.
TRUMP 2024.
Instead of only taking money from corporate interests and foreign agents,
he gave them all positions in the White house.
Remember you're country has a male as miss netherland.
Accepting bribes from foreign Countries? Like Saudi Arabia paying for lots of Trump Hotel rooms, but never using them? Or Saudi Arabian real estate developer Dar Al Arkan signing an agreement with Trump's company? Or Jared Kushner's family making a $2 Billion deal with the Saudis? And of course then selling lots of weapons to Saudi Arabia to do a genocide with in Yemen and stay silent about the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, 'give a little, take a little'. (or a lot)
I didn't even know about that transgender Miss Netherlands, until you told me.
So she was born as a male? True, that is the whole concept of being transgender.
I'll explain it to you like you are a five year old;
Some boys are not happy being a boy. Some girls are not happy being a girl. That's called being transgender. They look like a boy, but they feel like they are a girl. Or they look like a girl, but they feel like they are a boy. Then there are some kids that are born as something in between a boy and a girl too.
If they are very sure and very unhappy with themselves, than we go talk to many doctors. Maybe they can help them be happy with the way they are, maybe they are homosexual, but just confuse that. If everyone agrees that the kid is indeed transgender, then they are allowed to be the gender they want, when they grow up. Then the doctors do a very difficult, very painful operation on them. They can make a man have a peepee and breasts like a woman and can make a woman have peepee and no breasts like a man. If they were born as a boy, then they are still male, in their genes (you know what those are, right?), but we call them a woman, because that's who they are looking like and behaving like now. That's called 'gender'. Being born as a man or a woman is called 'sex' and looking like, dressing like and behaving like a woman is called 'gender'. So, Miss Netherlands is a male as her 'sex', but she is a 'woman' as her gender. And we call her 'her', because that's just being nice.
Five year olds in The Netherlands have no problem understanding this.
But many full grown adults in America cannot understand something so simple.
There must be something wrong with the brain that those Americans are born with.
Maybe they prefer to identify as a mule, or an ostrich, or a pig.
But first lets get them to the brain doctor. They are obviously not happy,
as being part of humanity.
MISS Netherlands should be a FEMALE.
OR just change the damn name of it.
IF biden and his son took money from another country because of his position, that is criminal.
"OR just change the damn name of it." Why?
-------other topic------
"IF biden and his son took money from another country because of his position, that is criminal"
Hunter Biden can take money from whoever wants to give it to him.
Hunter Biden is not a politician. So prove that Joe was involved.
There are rules for Biden, on who he can take money from, while he is
or was a politician. If he broke those rules, that is a crime.
If you have evidence for Joe Biden taking money in an illegal way,
you have a case. So far, I've heard nothing specific. There are just Republicans making wild and general accusations and every single story falls flat.
But remember, you said yourself, that you cannot indict a sitting president.
I think that's not true, but you did, so be consistent.
All the Republicans said so, so they should be consistent.
The law waited until Trump wasn't president anymore.
They argued the president is untouchable, so fuck off now then.
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It's a clear-cut case. Their signatures are on fake election documents.
Every single instance of that kind of fraud carries 14 years in prison.
They are all implicated in several fraud cases, totaling decades in prison.
They will flip and implicate Trump. No honor amongst thieves.
Trump doesn't pay a cent for their legal defense, so why would they protect him.
There's a very good chance that this will be the noose around his neck.
does not do much to maintain credibility.
Although it would not get past the idea stage,all this makes a 3rd party much more desirable .but it would never make headway.
There is just rino's ,Trump haters, and ass kissers going at it right now. and America is loosing.
The 2'd inline is worse.
I know you hate me but I am not a asshole,we just disagree on most everything
"Sad Loser Donald DEMANDING Daily Calls From Allies to Praise Him"
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So funny how some people look up to such a fragile baby.
Did you notice the discrepancy between the video and the song?
Sylvester "El Gringo Pussygato" was doing his very best to keep out the Speedy Gonzales illegals, while the singer describes how he lets the illegals in his yard pave his driveway, clean all his cars, shovel all the snow, dig him a pool, landscape his lawn and cook him up some tacos.
That describes exactly the situation in your country; the people who hate those illegals the most, use them for cheap labor the most.
How about not doing that, so they don't have a reason to be in your country illegally?
Don't be asshole cheapskates like the singer; have some respect for desperate people
in horrible situations, allow them to work legally, for a fair compensation and they can fix their life, BY WORKING and making money, aka capitalism, the system you prefer,
while they pave your driveway, clean all your cars, shovel all the snow, dig you a pool, landscape your lawn and cook you up some tacos.
Let us start flying all the desperate people to your country!
He's still singing that those illegals pave his driveway,
clean all his cars, shovel all the snow, dig him a pool,
landscape his lawn and cook him up some tacos.
If anyone does that, they should get fined so hard,
that it would be cheaper to hire me to do that for you.
Our country is caring for hundreds of thousands of desperate people.
There is a war in Ukraine going on, remember?
There was a devastating earthquake in Turkey, remember?
Bashar al-Assad is still alive and kicking, remember?
There is lots of economic despair all over the world, remember?
It's not just your country that has a immigration problem,
but it's your country who is treating those people like shit,
while the US has way more capacity to absorb those people.
The problem with ILLEGAL immigration is of your own making.
If your government does not fight against illegal employment,
than that provides an incentive for illegal immigration.
This country is big enough to absorb large number of illegals and not even burp. There’s in the neighborhood of 13 million ILLEGALS in the US. This is probably on the low side , but, even at 20 million, the country can absorb them. The reason is that, contrary to popular belief, everyone of them would be employed AND not take many if any jobs from the legals. Why? We, Americans, don’t like to clean toilets, squat to pick vegetables, change cummed sheets, or a whole list of other unpleasant work, even if the pay is really good.
I have a theory/suggestion. Why don’t we let illegals come in. Let’s give them a WORK DEBIT CARD. This allows them to work and their wages be direct deposited. They would have to check in with Immigration and Naturalization every three months or the debit card is “suspended”. They would not be protected by our labor laws including minimum wage. Only those industries named above would be able to hire them (ability to direct deposit). It’s just a suggestion.
It is stealing from the tax-payer and it is stealing jobs from citizens.
There is 330 million people in your country. Do you not have law enforcement
as a deterrence against people stealing from each other?
This is the same for illegal employment. Companies will keep doing it, unless the chance of getting caught and the punishment is high enough.
Your illegal employment problem is created by that 'deregulation' the Republicans always talk about. They made the laws very lax, the punishment soft and cut away on the enforcement on it, because their donors wanted that of them, to provide them higher profits. So they are speaking out of both sides of their mouth; on one side they are speaking against regulation, to provide cheap labor in the form of illegal immigrants and on the other they blame Democrats for the border crisis, which they themselves have created.
It's not true that this problem is uncontrollable. It just requires adequate labor inspection. We have this problem much less than you, while we have 2 million employers in a much smaller country. What we do have is lots of legal migrant workers being exploited. That's caused by the European union allowing those migrant workers and by our right-wing politicians cutting our labor inspection, with the argument that the employers are responsible enough to do self-control. That turned out to be complete bullshit, like all the other corporate-neoliberal changes they introduced.
Your suggestion is not a good idea. It will create second class citizens, with no rights, with a free pass for companies to exploit them. It will not just hurt them, it will hurt everyone. A country needs law and order to function correctly.
Lower the minumum wage so Americans will do the work and the mexicans wont' be needed. Americans will be the affordable labor and the mexicans can board boats and go over to the netherregions of europe and bum off all those people.
No mexican has ever mowed my grass ,washed my truck or anything else.Just how cheap will they work? I can't afford to pay much,
I do remember the gutter crew was mexican back in 2007 .
And you want Americans to work for wages as low as that?
How are they going to afford a roof over their head, healthcare
and education for their children, at American prices?
People should be able to live off their labor.
What you are suggesting is a downwards spiral to medieval times.
Why are you even suggesting that? What will it be good for?
BUT if what you are saying is true that cheap labor why the democrats continue to leave the border open, then the only way to fix that is for American labor to be even cheaper.
And those illegals get more than a days food, they make damn good cash when they are working because they have a much better work ethic than Americans. 2 illegal male's from Mexico will out work a crew of 10 consisting of whites and blacks. This info comes from a former coworker that put in water lines.
"Please explain how you can pack 100,000 pounds meat/day without any workers?"
This kind of illegal employment happens in Europe only in the most corrupt countries, like Italy. It happens way less in western Europe, because we have strict rules, better enforcement, larger fines and up to 5 years imprisonment, instead at maximum of 6 months.
The US should set his priorities straight. Instead of punishing non-violent, small-scale drug trade, punish large tax evaders and companies exploiting illegal employment.
There is never a reason for allowing illegal employment. Harvesting veggies and cleaning bathrooms are jobs and should pay enough to live on. If Americans don't want to do those jobs, pay LEGAL migrant workers to do it. You cannot have people living and working in your country under the radar. That's inhumane against them and dangerous for the rest.
No one forces them to cross into our country.No one forces them to seek out a job in our country. They came from somewhere,and if that somewhere is miserable, then the same work they claim to be so willing to do here, could be done THERE instead,fixing their own problems.
bedbugs and tuberculosis. And you want sexual favors from them?
Well, at least you don't buy all the bullshit that is told about them.
You fix it, by setting clear rules on which immigrants you will allow in, as refugees fleeing the worst situations, like violence and persecution, and as LEGAL migrant workers. Then you share those clear rules with the world, so everyone who knows they don't comply, know there is no reason to try.
AND you ramp up labor inspections and other enforcement against illegal employment. You increase the chance of getting caught and the punishment when offenders get caught, to make it not profitable to use illegal employment. That's how you do law enforcement. Why do I need to explain that to someone who wants severe punishment for even minor offenses, for normal Americans?
THEN you let everyone who wants it, register as candidate for the status of refugee or migrant worker.
THEN you create an efficient process to decide which applicants apply to your clear rules. Everyone who doesn't comply, you send back to where they came from, within the shortest time possible for making such decisions. People who show up at your border, who try to make that process intentionally difficult, you put in a humane form of detention, until the then longer process is finished.
Any illegals that get caught, you also put in that humane form of detention, until their process is finished.
When you get that done, there will be no reason for immigrants to be illegal in your country. They have no way to feed themselves and will be better of in their country of origin, where they have a better chance to work for a living. If they actually are refugees, they have all the incentive to report and register, because they will have a chance to legally work in your country.
What also helps a lot, is NOT sanctioning South American countries to oblivion, because you don't agree with their politics. The citizens in those countries have a right to elect the leaders they chose. And if their countries aren't broken to shit, they don't have a reason to go to America.
If their leaders are corrupt, you sanction the leaders, not the country. But, look at your own corruption first, before you sanction other countries for being corrupt.
Unlike Trump's administration, the Democrats actually have smart professionals running the show, instead of a bunch of career idiots, dancing to the tune of a chaotic narcissists, who cannot read more than half a page and prefers pictures. Trump must have fired hundreds of them and every time appointed even worse replacements, or didn't replace them at all. The whole world was laughing about
such failure to run a government.
Like I said before, our 300X smaller country is allowing in more asylum seekers than yours. Meanwhile, we have a 20x higher population density, so you still have living space for them, we don't. And we don't allow them to work illegally.
Damn phart, that's racist as fuck. Why are they mating more than natives?
Don't you know that poverty and misery result in high birthrates?
The best way to reduce the world's population growth is spreading prosperity.
When immigrants get allowed into my country, I want them to integrate and develop at the highest rate we can achieve. Then they will procreate at the same level as every other Dutch person, which should be at an average birth rate well below 2 children per couple, to reduce the world's population.
It's currently at 1.55 births per female in The Netherlands.
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