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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
Biden voter = buyers remorse!
wow,I wish people would think. Equal rights?
Yea right.
My wants are simple this morning I want grits taken off every menu
There horrible I don’t even want to see them going by to the next table yuck 🤮
BUT now that #*#*&@&$)@ UNSWEET TEA, let's have a party and dump that shit in the ocean! lol
I want all liberals that live on Fantasy Island to be rounded up and sent to reeducation camps where they can learn a trade,go to work and pay taxes,and learn the value of self sufficiency
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And you come and TRY TO INSINUATE WE ARE TO BLAME FOR ALL THE WRONGS IN THIS COUNTRY? People like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, John Kennedy, Mitch McConnell, and the BIG ONE....MARJORIE TAILOR GREENE, these are the great Visionaries you, moronic, liberal bashing, conservative assholes want us to put our trust on????
The working liberal,naw,those words don't go together,Liberals,leftist,are the 1's that riot,burn,and draw a check they never worked to earn the right to.A working Democrat,eh,I can somewhat take those 2 words in the same sentance,although when a man says,"I am going to raise your taxes" doesn't ring any bells in the minds of those people that will be handing over MORE of what they earned,it is counterproductive.
1. [The] legislation [] adds gender identity and sexual orientation as protected categories to the Civil Rights Act.
Great. Something should be done for those who have been born in the wrong gender. It will take long time to figure out how to recognize the cases, that will include biological research. but there should be a step toward this direction. It's good to see that the US is not the same as one of its closest allies, Saudi Arabia, where any gender except the male one, is treated unfairly or executed in public by hanging.
2. Harris’s position on abortion allows for the ending of the lives of millions of women not yet born.
Abortion is a personal choice, not something dictated by the state or, even worse, a fucking stupid religion. Besides, those who cry out loud about ending lives of unborn foetuses, why do they not care about the millions of lives that are destroyed by guns, wars, violence?
3. Harris has also committed to decriminalizing prostitution.
Excellent. Instead of having politicians fuck prostitutes secretly (e.g., Trump), they will now be able to fuck legally. Same goes for any person. If a man or a woman consents to be fucked in exchange of money, what's wrong with that? So long as the deal is done legally, and taxed, just as any other jobs, prostitution and prostitutes will be much safer and the pretenses will end.
Unless one is a fucktard conservative lunatic pro-gun deluded individual, as, for example, this asshole only registered users can see external links , one should be happy with the proposed legislation. Americans should be happy they are becoming free again and, this way, the way to make America great again will be opened.
Women deserve equal rights correct?
Ok,how in the hell is it is equal rights to let a male compete against females in a sporting event? The male anatomy does not change just because the dick is cut off.The bone structure does not degrade,the muscles do not degrade to the level of a woman.these highschool males are duct taping their dicks under their ass, and taking trophys and scholarships away from biological females that no matter how hard they try,can not compete on a level playing field.
until they are 18,those males should be treated as males,and the girls treated as such.ONCE 18,adults,and gone to college,a private education,let the institution decide how they can compete,then let the students decide if they want to be there or not.Under 18 students have no real choice,therefore they need protection
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It is very complicated.
I am not into sports.But I do know it requires alot of effort.And the young can gain scholerships for higher education thru it.I can't imgaine what it would be like as a young girl to work very hard to become the best at what you do and loose in such circumstances.
It's too complicated.
Perhaps we should accept the fact that some people shouldn't compete.
If people become disappointed, they will vote for another fake populist again, like they did after Obama.
However, I don't think Trump will be president again. Trump is thinking of a third party,
to screw over Republicans. That will only split up the party, so neither party can win.
That's the best idea Trump ever had.
Your best bet for a Republican to win again is Trump to die from a heart attack
(which can't be far away) or be put in jail for all his crimes. Then another fake populist Republican can unite the party again. That will certainly work, if Biden doesn't do enough for common people.
Biden/Harris Inauguration day. Gas is currently $1.95 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30-year mortgage. The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest it has been in years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well. And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by 4 countries—unprecedented!
Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
#Biden takes over today. Let's see how the next four years fair.
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Bill Maher made some good points here. I agree that has not happened for a while.
- You don't get off that easy. Your side almost destroyed democracy.
- Trump is not gone yet and he has not yet been punished for all his crimes.
- Your side also pissed and moaned about Obama a long time after he left office.
- You have learned nothing and would vote for someone like Trump in any next election.
He didn't commit any crimes,lawyers have already dug thru his words and confirmed it,not to mention the FBIknew about the occupation a month prior but did not share the intel.
He lied to your people about the seriousness of the pandemic and caused the deaths of 400.000 people, while he informed his friends about the actual threat,
so they can make a killing on the stock market. Trump's tax cuts will only help rich people exploit you even more and his deregulation will harm your environment, workers rights and let the banks screw you even more.
Trump's failure to help normal people will cause a massive rise in homelessness.
Propping up the stock market is not doing anything for the economy and conservatives like you will be very concerned about the debt and deficit he created, as soon as Biden is in office. You will want austerity from Biden, so he won't help the general public back on their feet either.
You are completely delusional to think that anything Trump did will have positive consequences for you or your family.
But trust me,the common people,next door and all along the roads here,are doing great.Most have done home improvements the last couple years,driving better cars,Life has been good.Effects of the plandemic have of course been felt but now They are now sitting in front of the tv wondering if it is all about to be jurked from under their feet in higher taxes.
When you force employers to pay higher wages,they pass that cost along to the consumer,or reduce their work force.Watch and see when biden pushes his 15 bucks a hour thru,the unemployment rate will go up,and Mr Kiosk will take your order.Mcdonalds 6 miles from me already has 2 Mr.Kiosk there now.
When you tax a company that makes a product,they don't absorb that cost,they pass it on to the consumer.When you over regulate the oil industry,it is simply costing the people more to fill up.Fixing NOTHING.
The wealth gap everyone speaks of,will not get any smaller under biden,watch and report back in a few years.
You are wrong about all the rest. The only people who profit from low wages are the rich. Every country with higher wages has lower income inequality. There are still many rich people in those countries, but their wealth is less extreme and everyone else is doing better.
It's not socialism if you cap capitalism a bit, it's just common sense. It just helps normal people have a life much better than your system does and it creates an economy which is much less susceptible to crisis.
It always looks like it goes well at first under republican law makers, but they always create some sort of crisis. You might think it is unfair to blame Trump for the Covid pandemic and it partly is, but I blame him for how he handled it. You could have had an Ebola outbreak under Obama, but he handled it wisely.
Trump would have made a huge mess of it.
And you know what? Trump is in Florida,he is no longer President,he can no longer do anything but be a private citizen.And with the new congress in place,biden in office,instead of dealing with the plandemic that he claimed Trump misshandled,and getting the 1400 $ stimulas checks out that cost the Republicans the senate, pelosi is rushing the Impechment thing thru monday.And the great unifier is not going to postpone it long enough to deal with the real crisis going on.
Does that not ring a bell that the whole,"we hate Trump" thing has gone way to far? He is out,he is gone,we lost him due to a crooked election,if anyone should give it a rest,it is the DAMN DEMOCRATS
Trump ran for office and putting Hillary in Jail was something he talked about alot.But you know,Trump dropped it,for the good of the country and moved on to other things.
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Get along and work together to fix things biden,
putting 1000's out of work in 2 countrys is not a good start.
NEVER let the democrats rest in peace,run a jack hammer over their graves if you have to,but NEVER let them rest for the way they treated Trump.They started to impeach before he even got in the door,that is not good for America,not even good for them.
The democrats could have impeached Trump immediately after his inauguration for emoluments violations, but they didn't do it. However Marjorie Taylor Greene impeached Biden immediately after his inauguration, while he has not broken any law during his presidency (yet).
This means that biden has sold his influence to china,russia and perhaps others. he should never have be able to run for president because of it.
I agree that he shouldn't have been allowed as primary candidate, but him not being allowed to run against the most corrupt president in history is laughable.
Still, you can only impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors committed during the presidency. President Biden hasn't committed any impeachable offenses since last Wednesday (yet).
If you folks hired a fellow to come in and remodel your bathroom,and 47 years later,you were still not happy with the tile on the floor,would you hire him for another 4 years of trying to fix the floor to suit you?
It looks like 81,281 voters are willing for him to "FIX THE TILE". of course, there's people like you that are willing to live with a bad remodeling job.
Come on, phart, is that your best analogy?
Tell me tecsan what is his attraction that over 70 million people were willing to give him a second chance? Thanks to him and his wacko ideas the death toll from covid is way higher than it could have been. Don't tell me he did this or did that. Just tell me how do over 70 million voters rationalize that.
Trump was not alone in handling the virus.It is a world wide thing.You,in all that is holy,should be looking at the actions of the WHO,the world health organization,not the music band, and ask why they miss handled the whole thing from the start?
This country was stronger than ever before the plandemic. Now thanks to bidens blunderous orders, 1000's will be out of work,the vaccine will be spread out ,first shots given,and not enough for the second round and that will be as bad not having it at all.
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