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Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 02:27  other posts
Protests (peaceful that is) are ok, but kneeling before the American Flag???That is a disgrace and dishonor...Why do many want to dishonor our American Vets...Yes, I admit this is a free Country, so feel free overpaid athletes to disrespect it if that is how you feel...There are other ways to protest is all that I am trying to get across...Saddens me to see people kneeling before the Nations Flag while the National Anthem is playing...Actually, tearful... ༼☯﹏☯༽

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By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Oct,20 02:46 other posts 
Been to several HS football games in the past couple of years and have not seen one player take a knee during the National Anthem...Hell the kids even know it is wrong and disrespectful...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #188992 14,Sep,20 11:37
Want to be outraged and tearful? Go for it. I would suggest, however, that you read the Code. Have you ever worn a hat or shirt with a US flag on it? Have you ever seen an advertisement that uses the US flag in some way? Got a US flag duvet cover? ALL against the code.

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Or you could just fucking grow up.

PS. Patriotism is STILL the last refuge of the scoundrel.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 14:30 other posts 
Where does it say anything about a hat?
It says it should not be used as wearing apparel.
That would mean to me that it is not shirt material as in the whole shirt being a flag..But a flag on the shirt in a patch is not apparel.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 14:55
If you want to exclude hats from "apparel" and split any other hairs, be my guest.

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You do recognise the point I'm making, right?
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:16
We are talking about Phart. Nice guy but too many open spaces between the ears
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:05 other posts 
It means you are not supposed to drape your body in the flag it's self or make clothing of the flag.
Read the bottom line.

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If having a flag on your shirt or hat is wrong,then go tell the Military,who wear it on both sides of their shirts.
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By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:13
You've still missed my point (by several miles), but never mind! How's things?

I'm toying with growing some licorice, on a small scale, as a medium term investment. Have you ever grown any? Got any tips?

PS. notice how I couldn't give a fuck about your flag? NOW do you see my point?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:16 other posts 
Of course you don't care for our flag, the country it flys over gave England a good ass whipping back in the 1700's and they lost their conqured land they intended to inslave to the people who actually did the conquering.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

3 to 4 years to get the root. But good for Menopause! Hope it won't be to late to help with yours! just funning
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:25
You think I give a shit that we lost a colony? Really? The UK is a shithole, run by degenerate assholes. We cling onto an importance, from Empire, that we don't warrant. Our flag is a mish mash and, sadly, represents the oppression of Nations within the UK by the English. We've followed the US into too many wars in the last 30 years and our main, post-war, redeeming feature is that we didn't follow you fuckers into Vietnam.

It's still just a piece of cloth, phart.

PS. stop claiming credit for something you had nothing to do with. YOU didn't fight the British. It's history - nothing more.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:34 other posts 
It's history - nothing more.

AH thank you,now take that magic tidbit of knowledge and le'ts apply it to slavery,poverty,racism,etc.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:44
Yes, let's!

Poverty and racism existed in the past, and they still do now!

There are more people who could be described as "slaves" now than at any other time in human history.

On the other hand: where you live used to be a bit of the British Empire and now isn't. SEE the fucking difference?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:51 other posts 
Yes,and where I live also used to be the land of some of my ancestors,the Cherokee Indians.Correction,most here were Catawba indians, I find their arrowheads sometimes to this day when I break new ground for a garden.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:26
Hmm, I'm undecided between seeds (cheap but take 3/4 year) or buying 2 year old plants. When I hit the menopause, I'll be sure to let you know!!
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:06 other posts 
A large space,with a big pink brain that was sadly shaken 15 years ago but not STIRRED
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Oct,20 03:01 other posts 
Read about etiquette on the American flag...I admit some do violate it but many or most are liberals...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Oct,20 02:26 other posts 
Just kneel before your country and fellow Americans that fought in wars...If you feel it is right then disgrace yourself ...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #275407 19,Oct,20 11:43
I kneel in church when I pray to God to win the lottery, maybe I should stand the next time I pray to him just thought I might lighten up the conversation
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Oct,20 23:05 other posts 
Thanks, but I brought that idea up and was denounced quickly...༼☯﹏☯༽

By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,20 13:39 other posts 
This is what I remembered and couldn't find the other day.
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By #610414 14,Oct,20 14:16
So, phart you refuse to shit in your commode so it stays clean. Will you piss in a corner of the living room?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,20 15:18 other posts 
I can't see the similarity.
I and many others, see a rich guy whining about income inequality when himself is living like a king.I didn't even hear of his name in the vote buying scheme in Florida for example. so other than making a ass of himself in front of alot of people,he has done nothing to deal with the actual cause.
By #610414 14,Oct,20 15:29
But that means he has to be as poor as a church mouse for you to adnit there is inequality? Don't make it about him. It's about the people.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,20 17:13 other posts 
Why aren't the PEOPLE that are poor doing the kneeling instead of the looting and burning?
By #610414 14,Oct,20 19:19
Have you asked them? Did you go under the cop’s knee and asked them?
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours

phart how many poor people do you know?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,20 22:20 other posts 
I know Floyd took a knee and it killed him.Sad event. That lead to alot of unnessasary violence and mayheim.
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By #610414 15,Oct,20 09:45
Floyd took a knee the wrong way
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Oct,20 01:10 other posts 
But why could he just not comply with officers and stay in the damn vehicle...I do know my comment does not justify his death and feel sorrow for his family...If I were one of the officers you would probably seen the asshole officer and me fighting...But still comply and take your argument before a judge, do not get judged on the streets...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Oct,20 03:07 other posts 
Any persons that do this are anti-American...This is disgraceful...Why would anyone feel that this is right???????????????????????????????????????༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 15,Oct,20 09:47
Why would you feel this is wrong?
By #485312 17,Oct,20 23:35
welcome to the real world, its not America, its a piece of a small world. if you believe that everyone in America, loves the place, loves the flag and what it stands for, or believes the words in the anthem, well that's some utopian place, that doesn't exist. when you invite every nationality of the world to your piece of dirt, and expect them all to have the exact same values, then someone forget to send you the memo, on 'welcome to the real world'.. *lix*

By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 02:30 other posts 
Just so glad that kaepernick is no longer in the NFL...༼☯﹏☯༽
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 10:12 other posts 
Yea but he did his damage there and now he can move along to something else and fuck it up.
By earthy [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 16:37 other posts 
Yep and now the NFL not only supports him, they also support the blm scumbags.
By #551147 28,Sep,20 18:28
Nike is supporting both Kaepernick and BLM shitbags with even more CASH than the NFL could ever dream of. 🖕 Nike!
I burned all their trash like 3 years ago. 😉

🇺🇸 4 More Years - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 20:39 other posts 
I was never into sports anyway and have not owned anything "nike" anyway.But now for sure I don't want any.There is quite a bit of evidence out there showing how the democrat party is linked to BLM.I have read some of it and for those that have google,it might help to read about it.
IF BLM didn't support violence,and riots and arson,they would be doing something about it themselves.It prompts hatred and disrespect from others and causes a lose of crediability to their cause.
To just say in a mousey voice " stop the violence" all the time crossing your fingers behind your back,does little to no good to fix the issue.
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 21:09 other posts 
I burned all the nike crap years ago when I saw them using kaepernick in their commercials...Nothing nike ever in my house again...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 28,Sep,20 21:28
Good man, me and mine either!

🇺🇸 Vote 4 The 2nd Amendment - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By #188992 29,Sep,20 16:36
Hmmm, interesting about Nike. They're a pretty big, profitable, multinational right?

They employ analysts, and the like, to determine how to maximise their profits right?

So, they must believe that being "on the side of" BLM is good for business right?

So, can we assume that if they put off people like Scorps, phart, earthy et al they must think that is worth it, because MORE people approve of that support?

So, can we take some "good news" from this? Perhaps the narrow-minded, pro-gun, anti-BLM, pro-Trump, borderline racists are a minority?

PS. I KNOW it's a cheap shot and not wholly accurate, but is there SOME truth in what I'm saying?
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 00:36 other posts 
Can we not also assume that the snot nosed pencil pushers for nike are wrong...Which I bet if were asked they would love to take back the kaepernick ad...Otherwise I think we would have seen more of kaepernick in other ads and probably more on the same subject with others...Yet one ad and GONE...Snot nosed pencil pushers or shall I call the snot nosed kids analysts, were wrong...We all know that nike probably fired some over this...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #188992 30,Sep,20 06:06
Complete bollocks. If "we all know that Nike fired some over this" provide some evidence.

You can "bet" and "also assume" as much as you like, but that's just your opinion. I still contend that this was a commercial decision and will pay off, because most reasonable people can see that BLM (for all their, myriad, faults) are on the right side of the argument. Otherwise, a profit-grabbing multinational wouldn't have done it.
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 02:04 other posts 
I said probably, which is my opinion...That cannot be proven...But is probably true though or you would have seen the kaepernick ad more than one or two times and also many more ads...Nike got burned...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #188992 09,Oct,20 07:23
In other words: your, unsubstantiated, guess as to what might have happened? I can live with that.

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40%+ profit margins? If that's getting "burned" I'm pretty sure there are a lot of companies who would like that sort of scorching.
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 22:12 other posts 
Identify yourself or shut up...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 28,Sep,20 19:15
Ok, earthy lets hear your reasons.....provable reasons why the BLM are scumbags.
By earthy [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 01:12 other posts 
The reasons are clear and obvious. If you cant see it, like SO many others can, it's because you dont want to.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 07:30
If the reasons are clear and obvious then you shouldn't have any problem listing 2 or 3
Of course, if you are just repeating something you've heard....... Well then
By earthy [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 20:44 other posts 
Murder, attempted murder, assault, ****, arson. Also blm founders are marxists, one of their goals is the desttruction of the American family structure. They talked all about it on the page they recently took down from the blm website.
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 00:06 other posts 
Things I have seen ... I am not going to do the research for you, especially on creepy sleazy and sleepy uncle joe...Think you can handle that on your own...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 00:41 other posts 
Your answer is adequate...If democrats want to know then let them do their on research...Why provide it??? They know...Just trying to stump the conservatives...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Oct,20 00:20 other posts 
Yes, you are so right...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 00:18 other posts 
But it will be more difficult for his dumb ass now that all have seen the crap he has caused...He is an idiot an ruined nike (but that is their own fault not his)...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 29,Sep,20 07:35
tecsan it may be more difficult but I'm more interested in why is the BLM are scumbags. Their mission statement is:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.

Seems to me they are spot on on the crap that's going on. Only Trumkpies have perverted this organization
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 12:16 other posts 
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Just a quick googleing there,
The democrats EMBRACED BLM. So why aren't the Democrats doing more than whispering ,"stop the violence"? Eh? BEcause it is disrupting and divideing America.And that makes America easier to bring down.
Another thing,we know that Kamala was not very far from Portland a week or so ago campaigning on the "Climate change" claim about the terriable fires in California. Why didn't she take a quick plane ride up to Portland Oregon ask those folks to stop the violence and use the voting booth to make their voices heard?
And why hasn't Biden made a campaign stop in Portland? Theory,he already knows he has their vote?
Folks say actions speak louder than words.BUT our government,Congress and it's Pelosi's and Schumers,are more interested in Trumps taxes than doing anything to stop the violence in the streets that makes them and their party look terriable.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 12:35
Phart, you have some unusual theories
Sure the democrats really want to bring America down.
Do you know that every Republican administration since Reagan has overseen a recession, while every Democratic administration since then has overseen a strong recovery and economic boom.
It looks like the exact opposite of your claim, doesn't it?

Do you really think that BLM would listen to Biden or Kamela? They also don't offer anything to reduce police violence.

It really wouldn't be that difficult to stop the violence in the streets. It just takes some good police reform, like independent investigation of deaths, holding the police accountable for unnecessary deaths, bodycams, no rehiring of bad cops, and refunding of tasks that should not be a burden on the police.
By the way, it's true climate change doesn't cause fires. It just causes prolonged periods of drought and heat. That just increases the chance of fires, makes them worse and makes it harder to put them out.
Just saying, because it looks like you don't understand that fact.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 15:18 other posts 
Forest missmanagment is a major contributor to the fires.Clean up,and create fire breaks, and see a reduction in the future.
It's not the police violence that is a problem,the police are not burning down bussiness's and throwing bricks and rocks at each other.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 15:41 other posts 
All of that is also increasing fires, sure. So because of climate change, there is a choice between paying more for forest management or suffer more damage of forest fires.

So the police violence is OK. It's just the people that don't take it any more, that you have a problem with.
Actually the police has been just as or even more violent than the protesters.
No, they don't throw rocks, but they shoot rubber bullets and tear gas grenades, hit people with their baton, hit people to the ground and run people over with their cars.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 20:06 other posts 
Sidewalks are for pedestrians,roads are for vehicals. it is not rocket science.
The people rioting would not get rubber bullets shot at them and such if they stayed home.
Criminals would not get shot if they obeyed the law.
Bad cops would only fuck up 1 time if things were done correctly. Vote people in office that support law and order,and the bad cops will be dealt with.Vote in abunch of dems and shit will keep going down hill.
By #610414 09,Oct,20 08:41
Those forests are older than Moses. They see fires every year. The problem is people moved in
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Oct,20 02:58 other posts 
Nicely put...Thanks...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 00:10 other posts 
When the riots start, why does not anyone but the police try to stop it...Hell if I protest and agitators try to riot they will be asked to leave or I will personally call the police and cooperate totally with the police when they arrive...༼☯﹏☯༽

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