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New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.What do you think is an Anthem song for Premature Ejaculators? 2.AMERICAN'S 3.9/11 Anniversary 4.Veterans Day 5.SALUTE OUR PRESIDENT Comments: |
That's why I'm in search of that mythical place...
No matter if you believe Trump or not, your democracy is going through a rough time.
Not really your proudest moment.
But I'll certainly agree with the rest of your drivel, for once. Where the disagreement will come in, is as to who's to blame. 😠
For now, I'm not interested in pursuing the finger pointing.
You'll say and I'll say, they will be opposites, blah blah blah.
I'll be content with the agreement for a change.
However, either the democrats committed the worst crime against democracy ever or you have a president who made all of it up, with the intention to have his base steal the election for him. This is democracy at the level of Ukraine.
I know what America Stands for which is FREEDOM, TRUTH, JUSTICE and the value of a SINGLE human being. The left is by law American but not by the heart.
Freedom is NOT FREE... It has to be earned. If there is truth in Europe you were fucked royally...England voted for brexit but they are not going quietly. If Trump wins your country wins. The deep state falls.
Re: Trump, I think that is an optimistic description of his intentions. I believe one could also look at some pessimistic explanations for his behavior as well fairly easily. As for money, there is this phenomenon whereby many very wealthy people still seem to want to be more wealthy. As for power, he does hold the highest position, yes, but if he is not re-elected he gets downgraded which could be a reason to want that to not change. If his true goal is really just to find God I do not know. I see that evangelical Christians are a strong source of his support so it is difficult to say whether he is being sincere with his Christian talk or pandering to a key part of his electorate.
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Oh.. I forgot to include this question. If Trump holds the most power in the world then how could Deep State be more powerful if it exists. Or do you feel like it is a battle between the two most powerful people/entities, Trump and Deep State. It just seems unclear how Deep State let him into office but then sabotaged him and this time may have succeeded in getting him out. It is unclear to me who has the most power then.
Flying a U.S. flag upside down
Displaying a U.S. flag upside down is "a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property". It can also be viewed as an act of desecration.
If it is proven and the dumbass is certified as the winner, they will get rid of the national anthem.
It IS racist afterall, or did you conveniently forget that...
Not Kumbayah or teach the world to sing like obummer wanted.
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
You don't go fucking announcing your divorce at your kids birthday party. It's supposed to be a fun time, a uniting moment, not a time for airing grievances or attempting to kill the mood OR ruin someone else's day. WTF!
Baseball, Football, Basketball, Soccer games are for the enjoyment of ALL. Not festivus platforms! That's not even taking the disrespect into account.
So, SURE, it maybe ok and protected under the constitution, but does that mean it should be excersised?
ESPECIALLY now, knowing evertime you do it, your just being a complete asshole by being divisive towards those that you know don't approve.
They remain disrespectful, ignorant, hateful, overpaid, spoiled little princesses, and I hope they go broke from their unwarranted actions.
🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
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And if he had taken a knee for the problems Vets face with Veteran’s Affairs you’d be cheering.
Doesn't look to me like they occomplished a damn thing but take fans away from the sports.
Now if you consider driving a wedge of division into the American public winning,perhaps you are right,as this shit has only divided people moreso.
Now tell me how this is horrible, disrespectful, unamerican and generally anti-poop. I know you will have some out of this world comment. Let's see.
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Presentation is alot of the problem.Take the problem to congress wearing a suit and tie and present it with ACCURATE numbers as to how many blacks are killed by police and how many of them were unarmed and so forth.
Burning a family bussiness to the ground is no way to present a problem.That bussiness employes people,that are now out of work. Burning a police car is not either.It may have been the very car that would respond to a break in at YOUR house the next day.Shooting 2 officers while in their car is not helping either.
That is taking money and lives and resources away that could be spent to actually fix the issue perhaps.
That is the real issue I have with BLM and all the alphabet groups. Their presentation of their problems and the numbers and "facts" they use.
And to further respond to what Country said,the alphabet groups need to fix their own damn house before they go trying to fix everyone else's.Problems start at home and instead of fixing them,they go out looking for someone else to blame.For BLM, whitey makes a good scape goat.Althouht "whitey" Lincoln freed their ancestors and "whiteys"even bought a country in Africa,Liberia, to send them back home and guess what, THEY DIDN"T WANT TO GO BACK. Gee,I wonder why? No lions chasing them,no hunting with spears, less flys hanging around,even then,the US was a better home for them and they knew it.
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Just because your house is falling down around you doesn't mean you don't want protection from fires.
Get over it. You care more about a demonstration than the life of a man killed by the cops in a horrible way.
Is your country so weak that it can't handle some 'disrespect to the flag'?
You country is ill and the people who are bending the knee just want to heal it.
They don't want to destroy the country, because it is the country they live in.
It is likely they want to destroy your idea of what the country should be, because
your idea's don't work for them.
Get a job,go to work,and earn a wage,fufill your own needs and enjoy the fruits of your own labor and quit thinking you are owed something.YOU AINT owed a damn thing you didn't earn or pay into.
Have you ever read the 'Declaration of Independence'?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Unalienable Rights: rights that you don't have to do anything for, to earn them.
Why don't you educate yourself about these things. You really need it.
But what I really don't understand is why you want to live in a world like you are always defending. It's just survival of the fittest, dog eat dog. My vision is of a human civilization that has outgrown that.
Did you hear about BLM supporter Michael Rhynes Jr. of Louisville?
Just another incident probably NO ONE has heard about...
While proudly wearing his shirt with Colin Kaepernick's stupid face on it, he walked into a bar called Bungalow Joe's, and opened fire killing three patrons in cold blood. All the while, grinning from ear to ear like only a sick twisted piece of animal shit could and would.
🇺🇸 Back The Blue - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
only registered users can see external links added after 112 secondsEven Fox News disputes it.
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