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New Comment Rating: -4 Similar topics: 1.American men? 2.nude 3.Donald Trump 45th President of United States 4.🎆 🇺🇸 HaPpY BiRtHdAy America!! 🇺🇸 🎆 5.The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅 Comments: |
It's not! The laptop is real! What is Russian disinformation, is saying there was
any evidence of a crime associated with Joe Biden on that laptop.
The Russian disinformant, Alexander Smirnov, who claimed that executives from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid President Biden and Hunter Biden
$5 million each around 2015, has been proven to be a liar, for the Russians,
and he's awaiting trial in jail.
The Russians installed the misinformation that "proved" him a liar. Putin did not get where he is today being a dumbass.
There is not and has never been any evidence on that laptop of Joe Biden being involved in Hunter's nice cushy job. All the claims were based on lies and the Republicans even faked images to look like screenshots of chat programs,
to help support their lies. Did Hunter get that job because of nepotism? Of course,
he even admits that himself. Burisma surely intended Hunter Biden to be useful to them because of his dad. Joe Biden just didn't help his son abuse his position. Nepotism sucks, but nothing illegal happened. The children of powerful and wealthy people have it easy in more ways you can count. Every time I've pointed that out to you, you've defended that system, because you think wealthy people are brilliant
and their superior intellect must be hereditary. You only dislike it when it's Democrats.
I would be very much open to believe that an American politician is corrupt.
It just requires evidence. However, the few things that you did present as evidence were easy to debunk in minutes.
Putin prefers Trump, because he's just like him, a narcissistic authoritarian who hates democracy. The fact that you lot like him so much, proves it.
Meanwhile, I see the crimes of Trump happening before my own eyes.
I see him claim one thing to defend himself and then a completely conflicting or opposite thing a while (or even minutes) later. He has been lying about everything,
all the time. The only times he is speaking the truth, is when he is incriminating himself accidentally, while trying to defend himself. That's why he doesn't have the balls to take the stand. He is not defending himself against any indictments.
His only defense is to obstruct and delay, with the final goal of pardoning himself.
That's him admitting he is guilty, on all counts. And you supporting that man,
makes you a massive hypocrite.
The court was conducted 100X better than MORON engorons's court and the same with IDIOT merchan's court.
you would have called her a moron though.
Judge Arthur Engoron and judge Juan Merchan have just as much or more of a respectable career compared with Judge Norkeika.
Judge Elaine Cannon however, has no experience to speak of and is described as being 'in over her head' by friend and foe alike. She's not doing the job that is expected of her, constantly missing deadlines, giving bullshit excuses for that and uses dumb paperless orders that even screws Trump unintentionally, while she tries to help him.
She has been slammed by the appeals court several times and keeps fucking up.
She is betting her career on Trump winning the election and saving her, by pardoning himself. That's why she's constantly stalling. I think, if Trump loses, she will do the right thing, which you will explain as stabbing Trump in the back, to try to save her own career.
Then you will call her a moron too, or worse.
You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out.
The countries you call 'socialist' are all oligarchies.
The wealthy elites are in power there, not the people.
Which is exactly what you want America to be.
Not a decade ago, you were all fearmongering about Russia.
Now you want your country to be exactly like Russia.
Tucker Carlson is advertising it like the promised land.
Did Russia stop being communist? No, you became communists!
You idiots want a wealthy, authoritarian dictator controlling your every move,
while telling you he represents the will of the people and the glory of the empire.
That's communism, bonehead!
You can vote your way into fascism, but you have to shoot your way out.
between socialism and communism.
Socialism: the people are the government
Communism: the government elites control the people
Capitalism: the wealthy elites control the people and the government
Now explain the difference between the wealthy elite and the government elites if you can? Both are basically the same here. I know you have a hard time answering questions.
--------------------------------------- added after 122 hours
Just a quick google search,Wow,
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Communist states are typically authoritarian and are typically administered through democratic centralism by a single centralised communist party apparatus. These parties are usually Marxist–Leninist or some national variation thereof such as Maoism or Titoism, with the official aim of achieving socialism and progressing toward a communist society.
Annas, read that last sentence again,
"These parties are usually Marxist–Leninist or some national variation thereof such as Maoism or Titoism, with the official aim of achieving socialism "
THE AIM OF ACHIEVING SOCIALISM< and then move right along into communism.
What are the 5 communist socialist countries?
Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).
Kinda hard to push a liberal-socialist agenda when the Bible tells you to be dependent on no one.
Does the Bible say to live a quiet life?
In 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, the Apostle Paul tells Christians that while excelling in brotherly love they are “to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.”Sep 4, 2019
See Tucker Carlson being a Creationist Tool on Joe Rogan's show:
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Why doesn't he mind his own affairs, instead of messing up science,
which he obviously doesn't understand. Or it's just an act, for stupid people.
If we should be dependent on no one, we should kick out all the employers
and enact socialism, where people work for their own affairs, and work together
with others in brotherly love, instead of for outsiders, who profit from the work of others.
We should not be dependent on them and they should not be dependent on us.
Why do you worship the people who do not work with their hands,
but let others work for them?
ok so you don't like religion, and your youtuber thinks every sound uttered from a scientist is golden. That is your affair ,quit pushing it on everyone else.
science is bought and paid for in most cases that liberals use the information regarding the hot topic of the day.
Are you kidding? I question EVERYTHING, that's the scientific method.
There are no words that I consider golden, that's faith!
Religion is bought and paid for and Tucker Carlson is bought and paid for.
Their arguments only work on gullible people, who are incapable of understanding evidence and logic for themselves.
Science doesn't push anything, they just present their evidence and expects you
to be curious about the truth. You are not, you want to be lied to.
Liberals are minding their own affairs, which is defending The Constitution
and The Rule of Law, while you are supporting a fascist traitor, who wants to be king.
Because I support the 2d amendment I suddenly am minding someone else's affairs?
Religion is not bought or paid for. it is shared all over the world. Church can be held under a shade tree and folks sitting on the ground.
Science is expensive. So how many scientist you know that didn't go to college? How many labs do you know of that cost nothing?
Right-wing Christian conservatives are getting in people's business,
by pushing your ideas on people who do not share them, contrary to what The Constitution and all the other amendments allow.
Science is an investment, just like education. Every dollar you invest in it comes back many times over.
That is indeed an opinion. There is no science that can show you
that what you want society to be is correct or false.
If you want to live in servitude of some king, that's your OPINION.
There is no science that can deny you your opinion on that.
I base my worldview on solidarity. That is an opinion.
I cannot show you that it is correct or false, with science.
If you want everyone to just care about their own needs and don't care about anyone else, nor the future, then your opinions are logically consistent with everything you are communicating here. However, if you think that makes the world and your life better, then we should first discuss what you think a better life for you looks like. Maybe you just have a different idea of what you want for your life.
Not much different than your theory of capitalism,the poor work for the rich.
Your idea, the poor work for the poor and the government.
My socialism is not 'working for the government',
it's the government working for the people
and not just for a few wealthy ones, like your system.
Is that an admission? Yes, I don't believe in ideas that cannot be shown to be true.
Religion fails even the lowest standards of what is required to determine what is true.
I don't need 'proof' to accept the truth of an idea, I just need good arguments in favor of it and good arguments against alternative ideas. Those arguments should be based on evidence and logic, in accordance with reality.
Believers are the ones who won't change their mind, except when it's proven wrong.
In the case of the supernatural, it is impossible to prove claims wrong, because it allows for denying reality itself. If you believe in magic, everything is possible.
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Another one of those right-wingers who pretends to hate the gays, on a “Christian values” broadcast, who opposes LGBTQIA+ rights or even the existence of LGBTQIA+ people,
but who secretly watches gay porn. They cannot admit to themselves that they are gay
or bi or just want to suck cock, so they turn their insecurities into hate.
Just accept who you are, instead of hating on people who embrace it!
The one where the corrupt judge just decided to postpone indefinitely?
Or the one where the defendant got his bond lowered to a third of the original?
Both are not going well. What a failure of your justice system.
In any case, Trump is doing pathetically in his election interference case, where he cooked the books to hide the fact that he paid off the porn-star hooker he fucked.
Damn, you know how to pick your presidents.
Send in millions more illegals, let them run the place down the toilet where it belongs.
How do buildings with TRUMP signs on it keep illegals out? It hurts their eyes?
I do admit many will lose their jobs; construction jobs for Trump.
But, I'm sure they will find some job that pays better. Trump scams his workers too.
You have the attention span of a goldfish.
some may forget,I don't
It would be nice if consumer choices actually held companies accountable for disrespecting the principles of their consumers, but it doesn't work that way. That's just another lie they told you about capitalism. People are fooled by messaging too easily.
If their products are liked mostly by conservatives, they act conservative.
If their products are liked mostly by black people, they act 'inclusive'.
If their products are liked mostly by young people, they act hip and woke.
So, if you see a company be hip and woke, you can be sure that you are not
their target market. They don't fear you, because your group doesn't buy their products enough and you support the capitalist system that profits them already.
Teaching the workers "how to be a little less white"
Just distribute some tan-in-a-can! It works for Trump, he looks dead without it.
Probably all the woke people who compensate for you.
If they are smart, they brand it as the wokest beer available.
You're not the target market for light beers. That's 'gay'!
I don't give to the salvation army either because of their pamphlet they sent out wanting white volunteers and employees to apologize and all that mess.
Not my fault I was born white,nor is it any else's fault as to the color they were born. You can act like a victim or you can get out there and make your mark on the world. regardless of color
But, you keep voting for a party that has restricting the voting rights of black people and other non-white people as a priority.
That party bans thousands of books from schools, for the only reason that there are black people in it as characters, that they were written by a black person or that it describes black history.
You react to every murder of a black person by police or some fearful grandpa, that they had it coming, because they are 'obviously criminals'.
That's you acquiring guilt for racism, that you haven't been born with.
I can't help it blacks don't respect police and are not taught to respect authority.
Banning a book about black history, could it be because it is a bunch of lies and political correctness that doesn't tell the whole story? There is more to the story than most acknowledge .primarly that they were first sold by their own. that is not in most books therefore they are not learning all the truth. they are just taught enough to resent whites, are not taught that their ancestors were sold by their peers. teaching the blacks the truth,would remove the control system that democrats have over blacks,teaching them they are "helpless victums" because of whites only.
White people don't get shot when they ring a doorbell.
"could it be because it is a bunch of lies and political correctness that doesn't tell the whole story?"
No, it's because you want to rewrite history, to say slavery was awesome.
In any case, ever heard of the first amendment?
There are no people with a victim complex as big as right-wingers.
You're all a bunch of fragile little crybabies and Trump is the worst one.
No one thinks slavery was awesome. A republican President freed the slaves for petes sake.
What folks don't hear about is slaves staying on at the plantation because they were treated well and some were even buried in the family's cemetery plots.
3000 dollars was alot of money in the 1800's and the new books try to make it seem that all slaves were beaten with in a inch of their lives and starved and etc. BULLSHIT.
they were well taken care, they were sadly legally Property at that time and investments. why on earth would any sane person harm them? How would they work in pain or injured? How would they work starved? Apply a little logic and the woke history suddenly does not add up.
Slavery was terriable, it was ended as far as blacks are concerned but now you can call illegals asylum seekers and hire them over and above US citizens. and control them with fear that they will be sent home if they don't work.that's the woke slave trade.
Sure, and that's why all you Republicans now love the Confederate flag.
You're re-writing history yourself. You know that's all bullshit.
Those were Republicans in name only, and I'm not talking about your RINO conservatives who like the policies of Trump but just not his chaos.
They were the liberals, doing liberal politics, writing the liberal Constitution and caring about liberty for all, including the slaves. The conservatives hated that idea and hated everything the liberals came up with. The Constitution is actually watered down for those Southern conservatives, giving them the electoral college which provided them with more electors per vote.
The liberals favored a majority representative system, like my country has.
You are indoctrinated with the idea that The Constitution is perfect.
First of all, you don't even know what it says and second; it's pretty good, but it was still a compromise, between the liberals who designed it and the conservatives who didn't like that whole democracy thing very much. And that has stayed mostly the same throughout time. Conservatives still don't like democracy, especially not for people who have different opinions. They prefer destroying democracy over losing to the other side. It's also an admission that your opinions are actually not popular. Without constant lying, almost no one would support your ideas.
The slaves didn't stay on the plantation because they were treated well, but because they needed to work for a living and often to pay off the debt to their former owners. Instead of the original slavery, many of them were put in wage slavery or debt slavery. Additionally, it was still a very unsafe time for them. The South was still racist as fuck and would kill lost of former slaves, for just walking around. When you still consider a black kid who rings a doorbell in the evening a mortal danger that you shoot just to be safe, what do you think people back then thought about black people.
Indeed slaves were an expensive investment, but those slaves needed to work very hard to regain that investment. They didn't get their slaves to work that hard for nothing, by just asking them nicely. They needed to be tortured into submission. If you don't understand that, imagine you were in their situation. It always seems like right-wingers are unable to do that. You lot would lay down your lives to protect your guns. Bunker out on your hill, like dgraff, but you don't understand that slaves had NO FREEDOM AT ALL. Many of those slaves were proud warriors, captured by rivaling tribes and sold to the white men. Do you think they would bend over that easy? How delusional are you? They were shown who's the boss in the cruelest ways you could imagine.
"How would they work starved" They got fed, but they were used to eating garbage. The culture called 'soul food' is based on the skill of slaves to make offal and other waste eatable. The black people in your country that are descendant of slaves have no other culture. Unlike Americans from Irish descend, who still celebrate St. Patrick's Day, those black people don't have African culture. That was all beaten out of them, they only have SLAVE CULTURE, with slave music, which is based on singing together in the fields to mike life bearable and slave food, which is based on cooking with garbage.
Your correct that immigrants are abused in almost the same way as slaves were back then. They can go, whenever they want, just like those freed slaves that stayed on the plantation, because they have nowhere to go. They didn't get a ticket back to Africa. Hell, lots of them were born into slavery and had never seen Africa. Where would you go, if you were born on a plantation, in a country where you are not safe anywhere else. Most immigrants are leaving poverty and violence. Do you think they wouldn't leave their exploiters, if they had a better place to go to or a better job to survive on? That exploitative system isn't 'woke', that's what right-wingers created for employers to exploit CHEAP LABOR. Republicans only cut and gut labor inspection.
It's the jobs that Americans don't want to do, because those jobs suck or pay even less than the jobs that lots of Americans still do. I told you many times that you should crack down on those employers. If there are still no Americans for those jobs, then you give those immigrant workers green cards and make sure they cannot be exploited anymore. Then the citizens who came to the US further in the past, have a chance to compete with them too. Then less of you won't have to work 12 hours per day, 7 days per week either. You're all getting exploited. You can change that by starting with the immigrants. Keeping the immigrants out won't work, mostly because your Republicans don't want to. They take orders from big corporations, who want their raw materials for cheap, to make more profit. That involves exploitation of the people who make those raw materials. It's either illegals or American citizens, but they will exploit who ever they can to make more money. Normally you support that. You would support exploitation of illegals too, if they hadn't sold you the story that they are to blame for your exploitation 24/7 on your right-wing 'news' channels that they bought and own.
Soul food, Sheesh, beans,tators, pork chops, what is garbage about that?
You can fight proudly and still lose. When the white men gives one side weapons that outclass another's side, you can fight proudly, with all your might and still lose. Many died rather than being sold to the slavers, but some got captured. Many woman and children and teenage boys were traded as slaves. When too many men were killed to fight the slavers, women started fighting too.
Go see 'The Woman King'. What am I saying, way to woke for you.
That soul food has of course evolved a bit from the absolute garbage that it was when they were slaves, to ingredients from hunting and gathering when they were freed, to cheap ingredients and leftovers during the segregation era, to still cheap ingredients with some extra's now.
"Slave rations were often meager and frequently consisted largely of leftovers and "undesirable" foods from the masters' kitchens such as
pork ribs, ears and chitterlings (the pig's small intestine)."
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"beans,tators, pork chops" are not expensive ingredients.
It's literally based on the cheapest ingredients possible.
When the slaves were free, as soon as possible they stopped eating garbage themselves and started raising pigs, that they could feed the garbage.
Go read something about it, before you come up with BS like this.
You can literally go to Wiki and learn something.
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Anytime you go to the nearby county, there will be a sign, "BAZAAR" "Chittlin's cornbread and fried chicken all you can eat"
Go by that church on that day and you will see Lexux,and Cadillacs in the lot.
they can eat better now, they CHOOSE not to.
segregation and poverty, not CURRENT poverty.
Did you even get the main point?
Most immigrants keep the culture alive from the country they come from; people of Irish descent have St. Patrick's Day, people of Italian descent have their food, so do lots of other cultures. Many people still have their religion.
The descendants of slaves have no culture from the original African countries they came from. You can be sure those countries they came from had cultures. Go to Africa and see a culture that's older than yours (if there is even something like an American culture). But none of that culture remained, because slaves were forbidden to have a culture.
Maybe you think that's a small thing, but your side is crying 24/7 about culture stuff. Just an example; when liberals try to respect other cultures, by saying "Happy holidays!", you lot go apeshit over that almost every Christmas time.
The point was that they had a right to it, and white people stole it.
You are using the argument that black people shouldn't be so angry about slavery, because they have all those luxuries now. Even if that's true now, generations of African people lived and died as slaves,
were subjugated, tortured and murdered. Then after slavery, their descendants were treated like garbage for several more generations.
Even now after more generations, their descendants have the same rights, by law, not in reality, people like you still keep blaming them,
for not keeping up with the rest of Americans. Whatever blame they could ever have themselves, white Americans have much more of it.
That includes you personally, because you're taking part in the movement that doesn't want to allow them the chance to catch up,
or even allow them equal chances to do it themselves.
When will you understand that folks like in harlem, could leave but WON'T because they don't care?
Surprising, because you never showed any empathy before.
you try to help someone,let your guard down and thats when they harm you,steal from you etc.
by imagining yourself in their position.
You don't do that, you're just giving your opinion of them.
I'm sure you can already predict the term I'm using for it;
It's pretending to represent other peoples attitude or opinion,
while you're only representing your own opinion about them.
If you can sweep floors, get a job sweeping floors in partial exchange for the privilege of sleeping in the back shed until you save up money for a place to rent.
What is preventing people from having side hustles?
What is preventing people that have NOTHING from trying?
Most jobs require tools and knowledge,
BUT all jobs require a BRAIN. and all humans have a brain.or they couldn't breath.
So with that 1 tool in hand, and a good pair of shoes, you start walking and if you see a unmowed lawn, you ask the owner,can i mow your lawn for 20 bucks if you have a mower? "sure" , walk away with 20 bucks.
and go forward.
YOU have to be MOTIVATED to try, or if you are on the government tit, you will lie there in squaller till you die.
Besides, I said if you have nothing to loose by leaving ,walk somewhere else that there may BE some lawns to mow.
Or windows to wash or bricks to lay or dead animals to remove from the street or,a fucking job of some kind.
Anything to start your life over again and stop blaming everyone else.
then you are pretty much homeless, unless you are part of the 5% who can afford a house there.
If you are in the Bronx, then you have a much higher chance to be able to afford a roof over your head and not be homeless.
You say you have a medical professional job. That requires scientific thinking or at least logical thinking. I've not seen you using it.
It would be nice, if you tried.
you collect data for analysis
you formulate a conclusion.
Does it show consistency?
If it confirms this you have developed theory.
If there is no adversity as time goes on then it becomes a law and sound.
You say you are smart and experienced for 25 years on scientific method but have yet to demonstrate what you preach.
Until you can prove to me what you say I consider it a political lie. You fail in presenting logical arguments that we can use to compare and contrast. All I hear from you is bullshit showing links of personal biased fake news but until this point you have failed to show concrete facts. I do.
T here is a difference between logic and critical reasoning. You lack ability to demonstrate any of these requirements that you claim to possess. IT"S NOT EVEN CLOSE.!!
Are you paying attention yet because this is important. I shit you not man
. You hate the republican president that has nothing to do with you. Its hatred towards this man lacks moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities.
Just like the German Nazi's from 1932-1945. This is all I see is your hate. Nothing less, nothing more and you prove it constantly. I've given you many chances to display critical reasoning and you waste this opportunity every single time.
I've said this before but you are too stupid to assimilate. Unfortunately, not to my intention I've exposed your hypocrisy throughout the site now. The more you do this the more stupid you appear.
Therefore, your opinions are not important or influential for me.
How difficult is it to present some facts, that we can both agree on
as being real and then provide a logical argument to support an opinion? Or, as an alternative, present an opinion and a reason for why you have the opinion. I used to think it's simple, but talking to people on this website has showed me how many people completely lack that ability.
I'm sure you do it in your profession, when you argument why a scan has failed or when you think equipment is malfunctioning. If someone else then disagrees with you, are you questioning his moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities?
Our disagreements started when you formulated your morality as 'right and wrong' and say you base it on altruism. I asked you to make a logical connection between that basis and your political opinions. I have done that myself, but your explanation sounded to me like the ramblings of an over-medicated mental patient. Maybe we really do not understand each other, but I think I at least put in an effort to explain my socialist values to a people who have been fed right-wing propaganda from birth. That's clear as day, when all of you associate socialism with Venezuela and Hitler. That's just parroting what you've heard and never gave it one coherent thought in your life. The most well-know person in the US, who supports socialist values is Bernie Sanders. Tell me when you last have heard him defend Venezuela or Hitler. He's talking about providing people healthcare and education and a living wage. Did Hitler care about those things?
Every time I ask you something, you want to first agree on definitions. Can't we agree that most things are defined as most of the dictionaries define them? Then, if there are misunderstandings, we can clarify what things mean to us.
I have specific critique of your former Republican president. I don't just say that the man 'lacks moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities', I support that opinion by telling everyone what I've seen him do and say and what is said about him, supported by credible sources. If I hate him, then it's not for partisan reasons, not even for his ideas, but because of his actions and his attitude. Still, when he was suffering from Covid, I genuinely both felt sorry for him, combined with a feeling of justice being served. When he makes a good joke, I can still appreciatie his humor. I would say, that's impossible if I truly hated the man. I do really disrespect him for lying and conning so many people, but I also blame the people who believe lies and get conned. I do sort of recognize his talent to fool so many people, it's definitely a skill. It's the only skill he has that made him the man he is. I wouldn't call him successful, because everyone with a brain, starting with hundreds of millions of dollars in inheritance, would be able to hire some good people to run their business for them. Trump even failed that, unless hiring that many crooks for your business is intentional. The only money he really made was playing a successful businessman on TV, all his other venues were mediocre successes at best. He went bankrupt six times, even with a casino. He has been in more courtrooms than most lawyers, getting sued by countless people he screwed over on a daily basis. Give me his father's money and I would do many times better, without having to do all that fraud and exploitation.
What I've done is formulating my opinions and my reasons for having them. If your only counterargument is calling my arguments stupid, then you're only exposing your own hypocrisy, because then you show that you're too stupid to assimilate anything.
" young Germans are urged to fight the negative health effects of life in modern cities by exercising together and engaging in wholesome social activities instead of drinking and smoking"
I must admit,No I don't hear many democrats ask young people not to smoke and drink ,they seem to encourage it actually.
I guess the theory is, if they are high they will vote for who allows them to be high?
That discipline is only intended to better serve the Führer.
Hitler was also concerned with the health of his soldiers, researching the minimum daily requirement for vitamins and minerals, that is still mostly used until today, they say.
It was all intended to maximize the efficiency of his army.
Evil despots cannot get a country behind them with 100% pure evil,
they fool you with talk about discipline, patriotism and sacrifice for the good of the country, and then they do the 100% pure evil.
Might be good for you to understand that. Because it's applicable.
The Democrats don't encourage smoking and drinking,
they just consider it FREEDOM to do that if you want.
Republicans used to stand for personal freedom once,
now you just stand for servitude to the wealthy.
Why would freedom only be popular with young people?
That's the reason for the peer reviews. Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them. There is no right or wrong in science, there are only varying levels of probability. Still, some of those probabilities are the best approximation of certainty that is possible and there is no better method to exceed that level of near certainty.
Critical reasoning is the ability to find truth not only with yourself but understanding the true nature of existence which includes people.
You are not only lacking knowledge for reasoning but I submit all are you showing is not logical either.
Anything the left media tells you, then you believe. They want you to hate their political adversaries and for you it works for them. You've been used your entire life. Totally.
There are 3 types of people:
1)Good people```20%
2) Bad people, pure evil 15%
3) Misled people--65%j
Pure evil people you just take their power. Misled people are victims, Good people are true leaders and teachers of representing Justise and virtue.
The true nature of existence is knowledge you do not have or just not enough. Your hatred of this man is not only illogical, it makes no common sense whatsoever. This show your ignorance and being selfish. Very similiar to the Nazi's finding their own justification for stealing the property of Jews and then murder every single one of them. I find your assertions boring and until you have to have better desires to find truth as it is ,,, we're done.
Sure, with logic, but I was talking about the METHOD.
You don't prove hypotheses right, you fail to prove them wrong.
As Albert Einstein famously said: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."
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Scientific method is to use logic to create a hypothesis then test.
Critical reasoning you have no skills at all since you do not believe in God which means you have no instincts where logic is not the answer solving puzzles or finding answers. You need to go beyond logic and use your humbleness for basic understanding. You have not shown any skills. Since you reject God in reality there is no way for you to use these skills. You have 1 dimensional thinking when you actually need 4 dimensions. L x H X W X T===understanding. You have no heart, only assertions that are not debatable since you've already made up your mind including hating Trump. This is not debatable since you've made up your mind but you are also judging people that have nothing to do with you. America first. Biden is America last and collect money betraying Americans. We have nothing to talk about based on your limitations, experience and choices you've made, already made. You just don't understand me since you go in circles..
I'm not here to prove you wrong. I could care less. I'm here to tell the truth I know is sound. Hypothesis, theory, law, sound. Concrete facts. You don't agree, well ok.
Furthermore people on here are starting to listen to me more than they are listening to you. You want to keep bullshitting its your dime.
"The whole scientific method is based on the acknowledgement that people tend to lean towards where their paycheck comes from. That's the reason for the peer reviews. Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them."
"Scientific method is to use logic to create a hypothesis then test."
And if you are doing real science, you are designing the test in a way to prove your hypothesis wrong, if it is actually wrong.
If you are designing your tests to try to confirm your hypothesis, then you are doing science wrong.
What do you think 'CRITICAL reasoning' means? It's trying to find errors in arguments, not trying to confirm argument, which is the basis of the scientific METHOD, as I explained it.
Critical reasoning requires a stoic form understanding reality exploring the true nature of existence. What do I mean by this? Logic is a poor way although it could be useful as a tool but where critical reasoning is required involves stoicism, patience and the ability to listen empathically. Wisdom, yes?
Wisdom is not logic. But logic is and can be used as a tool.. Wisdom is learned throughout the course of time when you truly want to find out what is real and what is not.
Logic is a tool to think. Wisdom is how you feel given the circumstances or environment. Another form of wisdom is known as judicial knowledge in order to find harmony and most of all,,,,, Freedom. The hand the mind and the heart when they work together create perfect harmony. The only way to achieve this is using wisdom and judicial critical moral reasoning. There is no exceptions. Finding truth on this scale is based on how you feel not by what you thihk.
What I mean is you use your compassions to find truth. You are an atheist, so you go by logic which is not logical on political discussion. God does not exist for you so your reasoning abilities are severely limited. Certain topics require critical reasoning, or your logic will become flawed. Your 5 senses, at the moment, and here-say arguments with Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you can strive to be all true rather than egoism and pride it should be easier with time, practice and learning..
In your situation with Trump you try to impress logic as to why you hate him. But you use links and fake news to strengthen your assertions. You use your hate in forming truth. You are better than this person and you know everything kind of attitude. This is a defense mechanism known as rationalization. Such as your suffering because of Trump without taking into responsibility of your own actions as to why you are suffering. This is a false sense of truth and in the end you end up with hatred and lack of spiritual growth requiring critical reasoning skills.
That's what critical thinking is all about.
Another term for a logical error is a fallacy.
Are you stupid or ignorant? It's both.
One simple method we use in the company I work for, to find the cause of a safety incident, quality issue or some other problem is a fishbone diagram. There are varying versions going around, but they are all based on considering every possible source of the problem, by categorizing sources, considering all the possibilities and then methodically invalidating every HYPOTHESIS that can be easily dismissed, further investigating everything that can't.
It's a very simple logical tool, intended for our production employees, based on the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. For more complicated problems the supporting department(s) (that I work for) use various multivariate analysis tools, also based on eliminating hypothesis, rather than confirming them.
That's very important, because it prevents confirmation bias.
I was focusing on just this subject, in the hope of getting any agreement between us. You're the one diverting from the point.
However, I see it doesn't work, so lets move on with other points you are making.
I sort of agree with your idea of wisdom. I would define wisdom as the experience of having used logic and critical thinking so often, that a person understands how to make the right decision, without having to analyse a problem or solutions very deeply, but comes to the correct answer on intuition. It's a rare thing. I consider some well-known philosophers to be wise, a few political founders and a few writers. The only person I have ever known, who I consider wise was my Senior Manager, who has since left our company. I have learned very important things from him.
I am an atheist that doesn't believe any gods or a god exists, that's different from 'God does not exist for you'. There are only 3 things that religions claim that I consider possibly true.
1) There might be a supreme being that imagined everything into existence. I do not consider it likely, but science doesn't have any evidence in favor or against it, so I hold it as a possibility.
2) There might be something remaining of our essence after we die. I do not consider it likely, but science is unable to disprove this supernatural thing either.
3) There are probably texts in the holy books that are based on actual events. I don't think at all that even a letter in those books are inspired by the possibly existing supreme being, but people could have surely been inspired by the thought of such a supreme being existing and trying to imagine what such a supreme being would want. Everything in those books is to me obviously the work or at best the best attempts of ignorant, primitive men, trying to explain the world from their incredibly limited perspective, possibly trying to improve their tribal world and maybe even trying to present themselves as representatives of a supreme being to rule over the ignorant, gullible masses.
There is no logical reasoning or scientific evidence supporting the existence of god. You only think so, because you are told so and you believe it. You think that you have the truth, just like everyone else who has some completely different religious ideas. They base their ideas on a god, just like you and still have completely different ideas than you. Still, all you believers think you're the one who are right and everyone else is wrong. That's extremely arrogant. The likelihood that you are correct and everyone else is wrong is at least 1 in a million.
At least I don't consider myself to be correct, because of basing ideas on supernatural guidance. I base my ideas on evidence and logic and I can immediately change my mind on almost anything, as soon as I'm presented with evidence and logic that is stronger than the evidence and logic I previously held on the subject.
I would immediately accept the existence of god, if god presented me with sufficient evidence to believe in them (I don't say him, because it's ridiculous to think god is a man. It's just an example of the flawed ideas in the holy books.).
You keep accusing me of egoism and pride. If your ideas are based on Christianity, I would expect some more humility.
You should read that book of yours a bit more careful. Matt. 7 Verses 3 to 5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
You accuse me of using links and fake news to strengthen my assertions, but you are supporting your claims with NOTHING. You just call everything I say a lie or nonsense, without any arguments against it, and then talk about 'egoism and pride'. Your arrogance has no limits. Even if you had all the wisdom in the world, the way you communicate it wouldn't convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you.
2 things we need is time. We cannot exist without time. The other thing is inspiration. Without that then we have no purpose. none. Money, control and propaganda is the devil's tool of diversion.
You don't believe in God therefore inspiration to you does not exist. What would be the point?
Money and politics in reality does not exist.
What does exist is ideas by which you create an inspiration from being inspired. When money, politics(propaganda), greed and egoism overwhelm our true purpose it leads to destruction.
Socialism has never worked, never. So after 100s of attempts you still create this stupidity.
Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?
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Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
Test the prediction.
Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.
Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication.
In this section you don't need scientific argument Trump created any felonies by questioning the election results. 1st amendment. No question is submitted because you already have fact.
How do you do that? YOU TRY TO PROVE IT FALSE!!!
Prove it false, then move on with a hypothesis that might be better. If you cannot prove it false, then you have learned something new. The next hypothesis would be designed to test the limits of the new thing you learned, by proving the next hypotheses false. You learn more from proving a hypothesis false, than from confirming a hypothesis.
That's the scientific method.
You are literally confirming my point there.
What part of this claim do you think is wrong: "Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them." ?
There are LIMITS to free speech. You can just go to e.g. Wikipedia and find out:
"Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, false statements of fact, and commercial speech such as advertising. Defamation that causes harm to reputation is a tort and also a category which is not protected as free speech."
Or you go to the source and read one of the U.S. Supreme Court opinions on the First Amendment.
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As an example: If you say to a hitman: "I would like my neighbor to die and I donate this $100,000 to you for a good cause." and then he kills your neighbor, that is still
the crime: 'conspiracy to commit murder'. You might say:
"No crime, free speech!", but then you are wrong.
Trump has been accused of three criminal conspiracies:
a. A conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371;
b. A conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified ("the certification proceeding"), in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(k); and
c. A conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one's vote counted, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241.
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When Trump said: "We're going to 'open up' libel laws..",
he was saying that the limits to free speech weren't strict enough, he wanted to make more speech illegal and make
it easier to sue people for libel. Trump hates free speech, unless it's HIS free speech.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I Do not see any specific things that are prohibited here.
"or abridging the freedom of speech"
"verb (used with object),a·bridged, a·bridg·ing. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge a visit;to abridge one's freedom."
"the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds."
"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."
So that tells me, I can utter any words I please.
What it does make me wonder is, can I PRINT IT,that is not a sound, BUT the amendment does include "PRESS" so that is the printed word.
so sure there is some thinking to do,but this freedom of speech thing needs to be addressed.
We do have freedom of speech here.
And the first amendment is not the only amendment.
Having unlimited freedom of speech would negatively affect the freedoms and rights of other people. That's why freedom of speech is limited to those things that would negatively affect the freedoms and rights of other people: like obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, false statements of fact, and commercial speech such as advertising and defamation (libel).
Do you think child pornography isn't speech or that it should be legal?
Meanwhile, Republicans are banning books, so how about not abridging the freedom of speech?
And how about Trump opening up those libel laws then?
You're just showing complete ignorance of the law and hypocrisy.
What other law? If there is a law that abridges freedom of speech, it is unconstitutional.
As for kidy porn,of course it is bad, but that is a issue with a crime against a person,not a noise or printed WORD.
So you do understand that kiddy porn is bad, because that is a issue with a crime against a person. We are getting somewhere.
I explained below, how ALL the other limits to the things you can't say are an issue with a crime against another person.
FRAUD: When there is someone gaining from fraud, there is someone losing from that fraud. Money doesn't appear from thin air (unless a bank creates money, but than that money created is turned into a debt somewhere else). It comes from someone who is defrauded, who can be a customer, a random person with a money account, a business owner, shareholders, beneficiaries of a pension fund, the taxpayer and it is always everyone who does business honestly and is competing against people creating a higher return or getting benefits they don't get, by using fraud to their advantage.
SPEECH INTEGRAL TO ILLEGAL CONDUCT: Speech like: "How about I give you $1000 and you forget you saw me do a crime"? Or "We have to get rid of these stolen purses. Can you burn them in your incinerator? Sure, bring them in at 2:00 AM."
SPEECH THAT INCITES IMMINENT LAWLESS ACTION: "Let's go bomb the embassy! I'll go research the best way inside and you go research the recipes for bombs made with household ingredients." No direct crimes there, but that speech is still considered a crime, because there is a crime associated with it.
SPEECH THAT VIOLATES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: Creating a logo or name meant to confuse buyers into thinking they're buying the original brand. That is considered 'speech', while it's not saying anything with words. It is illegal, because it would be theft of customers that belong to the original brand.
TRUE THREATS: "If you want your wife and children to be safe, you'd better move your business elsewhere!"
FALSE STATEMENTS OF FACTS: "Dear shareholders, today we have acquired our biggest competitor in our market at a price we can recover in 1 year of our original turnover, but we expect this takeover will increase our revenue by 80%, within 6 months.", while the negotiations with the competitor has been paused, because their company value was insufficient at the time to buy the competitor. The false statement of facts will result in the stock price of the company shooting up, raising the company value, allowing them to buy the competitor.
COMMERCIAL SPEECH: "Our hair growth lotion has been proven to increase the hairy surface of the scalp, by 50% in 60% of the test subjects with progressed hair loss!", while they haven't done any research whatsoever and the product just contains grass extract.
DEFAMATION (LIBEL): "I would advise against hiring Tom Smith, because we caught him stealing our products and selling them on the black market. He has also sexually assaulted several of our female employees.", while that isn't true, but the person saying it has a grudge against Tom Smith, because he once got promotion that they felt entitled to.
OBSCENITY: I have some problem with this limit on free speech. What one would find obscene might be their opinion based on religion, and your Constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." It would be 'law respecting an establishment of religion' to determine speech 'obscene' by basis of a religious opinion. Allowing that speech that some people might determine 'obscene' does NOT prohibit the free exercise of their religion. They can just not watch that 'obscene' material. Your free exercise of your religion stops, where the free exercise of someone else's religion (or lack thereof) begins. Unless the 'obscene' material damages someone, it shouldn't be censored. Even when it might be damaging to children, it's up to the parents to protect their children from seeing that material. Still, the person or entity displaying or providing the obscene material has a responsibility, withing reason, to prevent displaying or providing the obscene material to children.
Yelling a fire in a crowded movie theater is against the law especially when YOU KNOW IT IS NOT TRUE. You go to jail under disturbing the peace.
Committing a crime and disturbing the peace the penalties can be concurrent or consecutive depending on the offenses and/or judgement of the court.
It is against the law. hat Constitutes Disturbing the Peace?
States and local communities enact laws that make it a crime to create a public disturbance or commotion. Sometimes these crimes may be called disorderly conduct. These laws vary from state to state, so it makes sense to review the elements of the crime. Disturbing the peace laws typically prohibit:
Fighting or challenging someone to fight in a public place;
Using offensive language or "fighting words" in a public place that are likely to incite an immediate violent reaction;
Shouting in a public space intending to incite violence or unlawful activity;
Bullying a student on or near school grounds;
Knocking loudly on hotel doors of sleeping guests with the purpose of annoying them;
Holding an unlawful public assembly;
Shouting profanities, offensive words, or slurs out of a car window in front of a person's home over an extended period of time;
Allowing excessive dog barking in a residential area; and
Intentionally playing loud music during the night that continues, even after a fair warning.
In the case of Donald Trump since he has not been found guilty of anything and has been victimized with slander by the fake news complex it constitutes unlawful since they know it is not true thus disturbing the peace. What saves them is that they are corrupt up to the highest levels or courts here. It is against the law legally and morally but because of the justice system here there is no implementation. So Far.. But the constitution says what it says. You have these rights but it comes with responsibility when you are given power on any level including speech. Such as the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. You have this right but it does noy mean you can kill someone with it. Same principle.
I've said Disturbing the peace 4 times now. What is so hard for you to understand other than you being stupid?
Freedom of speech is exactly the right to disturb the peace, as long as you’re not violently doing it or hurting anyone, in the way I described before.
Propaganda is not a limit of free speech or freedom of the press. Propaganda is defined as “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view”. If propaganda was illegal, every single media company would have long been canceled. The problem is that it is impossible to appoint or elect an independent, unbiased arbiter commission, that is tasked with deciding what is propaganda and what is not. Media companies are only legally culpable, if they violate those limits of free speech.
Indeed, slander is a crime. It's just another term for defamation and libel, which I already addressed.
You better understand that no media company can be trusted to report reality in an unbiased, objective manor. They are allowed by law TO LIE TO YOU, limited only by the categories I commented on before.
You accuse me of believing propaganda, but you're the one thinking that propaganda is a crime, which is terribly naive. I trust no one, unless they provide evidence, based on verifiable facts and logical arguments.
In the US, you still have the Society of Professional Journalists, who uphold the SPJ Code of Ethics, but they cannot legally act against propaganda, unless those limits of free speech are violated. What they do is making reports about all the media companies, including news outlets, and assess their adherence to the standards of ethical behavior. The are allowed to tell a news outlet that they cannot call themselves ‘News’ anymore.
Fox ‘News’ has been reprimanded many times by the Society of Professional Journalists. Here is an article of the SPJ saying “No responsible journalist can accept or excuse this behavior”; only registered users can see external links
“Text messages, emails and other recently disclosed court evidence in the case appear to show that popular prime-time Fox News hosts, with support from network executives, gave their viewers false and misleading information, apparently out of concern that fact-based reporting would damage the company’s brand, allowing competitors to siphon away viewers” is saying; Fox News is doing propaganda.
Fox 'News' doesn't care about the responsibility of using their free speech wisely, they were created by Rupert Murdoch with the sole purpose of promoting right-wing political views, with biassed and misleading reporting. (awaiting your false equivalence fallacy).
You need to go back to school to study humanities before you can debate here. Education is not how much you know but how humbled you are in terms of having the desire to learn. You have yet to impress me with this injunction.
Oh and by the way. Everytime you praised the fake news in such a way displays your unrelenting fucked up belief that they are telling the truth. You make me sick to my stomach. Im so glad you are not an american. Speaking as an american you are not welcomed here. Not if I could help it. I don't want you here. We have enough problems with treason to worry about. Stay there.
Every time this idiot tried to present some facts, he was wrong.
Now he's gone again. Let's see if he comes back.
I'm not going to call you stupid anymore. From now on I will use the term "Very Stupid" If you want socialism then do it to your country. Don't believe in God and fuck off to hell.
You're not the only country that has a Constitution and you are not in the position to make inferences on how much I value MY Constitution.
At this very moment, it is an incredibly hot issue in Dutch politics, because in our last election a right-wing populist party has received the majority of votes (23.6%) and seats (37) in our House of Representatives. They are now responsible to form a cabinet with other parties, searching for agreements for a political program. That party has made very unconstitutional remarks and tried many times to enact very unconstitutional policies and has now promised to respect our constitution so other parties would want to negotiate with them. I oppose their political views for the most part, but I respect democracy enough to give them a chance to improve our country with policies they would find majority support for. Still, I will be watching them like a hawk.
You have no idea how much I know about politics in my own country, so your demand to me to learn about my country first is baseless.
Prove what false? You are confusing things. Here in USA it is innocent but if found guilty then it is true otherwise it is false. Everything is FALSE unless it is proven to be true.
Critical reasoning and constitutional law is based on socratic prinsiple. Difference between logical vs. doing the right thing. I believe this is the best way. Corruption in our country is destroying us and since USA is super power it will affect you too. You support this outcome. Why
Also two years ago, I talked about recognizing fallacies, which is an important skill in critical reasoning.
The Socratic method is a form of argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions. It's a technique, where critical reasoning is used to show people why the are mistaken, and asking questions to make them think further. This is not a basis for constitutional law.
Are you kidding that I support corruption? I have been telling people here about why the US is corrupt, for years. You are correct, your corruption is hurting my country too. Why would I want to raise awareness of it, if I favor corruption?
It is false until you prove true. How simpler do you need it to be?
Everything else is plausible until proven false.
You show your ignorance of science over and over.
Or, you are just lazy, putting the burden of proof on everyone else.
That's bullshit, I'm inspired by actual truth, not the delusion of truth.
Well, at least some people can get inspiration from the bible:
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Very much applicable to topics on this site.
"Socialism has never worked, never. So after 100s of attempts you still create this stupidity."
Again, BULLSHIT, even your own country, which might be the most capitalist country in the world, still progressed from implementing SOCIALIST policies, like; social security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment compensation, K-12 education, housing subsidies, food assistance, veteran healthcare, most infrastructure, the fire department, the police, the military. All publicly funded, so everyone has access to them, rich and poor alike. That has massively increased chances for people.
Now look at all the privately funded (capitalism) necessities of life, like your healthcare insurance which is is the most expensive in the world and still leaves Americans with the decision between death or debt.
Or the education after 12, which is the most expensive in the world. The US ranked #1 in education, in the 1960s and 1970s, because you publicly funded it (socialism).
Now you have privatized (capitalism) a lot of your education, you are falling in the rankings a lot. You're now ranked #20.
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Those 19 countries beating you on education all have more SOCIALIST education.
That's socialism working and capitalism failing!
"Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?"
Israel is 76 years old, what are you talking about?
Egypt has existed as an empire for 5000 years.
China has been united as one empire for over 2200 years.
What is the thing that you wanted to link to the perseverance of an empire throughout history?
It's bullshit to assign that area of land to one specific tribe of primitives wandering around 6000 years ago, over all the other tribes of wandering primitives in the same area.
You could not even distinguish them from the others by genetic ancestry and they hadn't even created their religion until 1800 BCE.
So what is your basis for claiming Israel is over 6000 years old?
Pure ignorance and religious dogma, not logical reasoning.
In any case, your remark "Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?" is still hanging in the air.
So, I'll catch it from the air.
The IDEA of Israel, persevering throughout history, can be attributed to one thing only; RELIGION. Two surviving religions claiming a specific area as important to their religions. Religions are a strong motivation for lots of ideas. That provides no basis for thinking there is any truth or logic to those ideas. People have been completely wrong and ignorant about everything for thousands of years.
Religions were the first attempt to create some kind of order in the chaos of beliefs. Those beliefs were still mostly wrong and often god-awful. Humanity only started to lose some of its primitive instincts and behavior when it developed philosophy and only started to exchange ignorance with knowledge when it developed science. In the meantime, religion has been mostly an obstacle in the development beyond its originally useful unifying effect. It's only creating division now. I hope humanity will lose the need for religion and replace it with secular humanism.
In Henbrew Israel's meaning is a path, the shortest road to God.
If 'Israel' was IN Caanan, than it wasn't a state.
There were some people living in that general area who spoke the Paleo-Hebrew language, but they are not even in the top 5 of earliest written languages. The Egyptians were 2nd, after the Sumerians. Their religion is at best 3800 years old and the claims to a state of Israel ar purely based on religion. I can believe that god has promised me a particular place to live, but that doesn't make it true.
The people who moved to the new state of Israel, after 1948 had mostly one thing in common; their religion. They came from Russia, Yemen, Iraq, Europe and the US, many after having lived in those other parts of the world for hundreds of years, mixing with the local population. Their genetic ancestry from the original people who lived in the area that we now call Israel, is mostly more deviant, than the genetic ancestry of the Palestinians who lived there.
But, I have good news for you; the descendant of a Navajo native American would like you to move, because your house stands on his forefather's soil. I'm sure you would be happy to accept his claim.
I should be getting paid for this especially when you don't address topics and assertions from which I am presenting here. I have to repeat myself while you cling to your pride thinking you know more. Trust me, you don't.
Torah was written before Christ by 4000 years describing the true nature of existence in 5 dimensions. Do you know what they are? You can't since your atheistic limitations prohibit you from understanding.
Israel does not have borders. It represents reality as to what we define the term life. The meaning is within our desires to achieve utopia by which our goals are to create altruism in perfect moral form through the will to bestow. Compassion is growth into a better moral state, knowledge and understanding. God wants us to become him by combining ourselves with that goal.
Jew is an abbreviation derived from the area once called Judea in ancient times. Israel is called Israel with their flag from 1948 but it always existed not only for Jews but for all God's creations. You included whether you believe it or not. It does matter. We were born to form God's image through the path of Israel.
Since your reasoning is limited, I can understand why you think the way you do. You think in 3 dimensions but actually the universe is 5. It's hard for you because you just don't see it or don't want to see. Like the blind that can't see.
Countries are man made and political. They are false To divert the truth. Why do you think especially in Palestine why the education is so fucked up. Europe knew the world was round but censored free speech by telling you it was flat. You probably still think that.
Learn your facts not political bullshit that makes you want to believe in truth when it is far from that.
That's at the earliest 1414 years ago, indeed far later than Jews created their religion, which includes their claim on their promised land; Israel. That doesn't support your claim that Israel is 5784 years old.
"Torah was written before Christ by 4000 years"
Every source I found disagrees with you.
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What is your source? Are you so falsely confident about what you think you know, that you don't even check the internet, before you advertise your ignorance for all to see?
"Israel does not have borders. It represents reality as to what we define the term life. The meaning is within our desires to achieve utopia..."
We are living in a universe with 4 dimensions; 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time, which are relative to each other, why it's known as space-time. Physicists have proposed a hypothesis called 'string theory' (which is not accepted as an actual scientific theory), which requires 10 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time to make it mathematically feasible. That's the only limited evidence there is for any idea that there are more than 4 dimensions. No serious scientist, that I'm aware of, has proposed a fifth dimension. You must be referring to some weird pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo or your own religious indoctrination inspired brain-farts.
"Countries are man made and political...." Saying something true and then you're going off your rocker again. At one time you are defending the law, the next time you are completely discarding it. Yes, countries are a invention of humanity, just like laws, with the purpose of maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights. Do you think it's alright if religions challenge international law? How about your own law? Did you read your Constitution?
Flat earth is a religious idea based on a literal interpretation of the BIBLE. It's absolute hypocrisy to accuse an atheist of being capable of believing that religiously inspired pseudo-science bullshit. If anyone has a predilection towards religiously inspired pseudo-science bullshit, it's you, with your 5 dimensions!
I don't know why I am wondering,most folks don't give a quack
Why do you deny how discriminated blacks have been in this country?
In 1830, there were 3,775 black (including mixed-race) slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves, which was a small percentage of a total of over two million slaves then held in the South. 80% of the black slaveholders were located in Louisiana, South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland.
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You can make all kinds of arguments about who got taught what where, but, Blacks are STILL being discriminated against and you are proof of it.
i have put white in front of the n word many a time in my life.
MANY white people are far more disgusting than most blacks.
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Another brilliant South Park episode indeed.
to cancel every company that ever said or did something woke.
I must admit that the Bud Light ban did some damage to Anheuser-Busch InBev, for a while, but they are already doing better than before the controversy.
Of course, sending a transgender a few beers and them liking it online isn't as bad as bankrupting the cult-leader. However, there is no recent news, that I can find, that the truckers are actually doing anything.
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Last updated: March 6. Not even a ripple, as of yet. I'm waiting in suspense.
I know you won't see a issue with that.
But the fact of the matter is it is a loophole for the democrats to have "slaves" legally.
that is the real reason most democrats support illegal immigrants, they are to lazy to work and want servitude and dependency on them by the illegals
Instead of spending $25 billion to try to close 2067 miles of border, it would be much much cheaper to hire an army of labor inspectors, to crack down on the companies who use illegals as cheap labor.
That will also result in safer workplaces. It's much better for everyone.
instead of just flipping everything.
There is a bill in the house, that would give you almost everything
you want, but Trump blocked it, because that would be a win for Biden.
That's Trump letting in those immigrants, not Biden.
Securing the border costs money. Republicans are blocking that money.
Your nonsense should stop, this is fucking ludicrous.
Take what you can get, or get nothing.
The dems could present a stand alone bill addressing a particular problem and get bi partisans support but THEY DON"T WANT IT< they want division, and hate and fighting and confusion for the voters.
The division is 100% coming from your side. Your side doesn't want to work together on anything. If the speaker of the house even works together to keep the lights on in the government, then the brainless crew throws him out. It toke 15 voting rounds to elect Kevin McCarthy, then they threw him out for not agreeing with stupid shit that even many Republicans would vote against and would instantly die in the senate. Now Mike Johnson is on the chopping block. I hope MTG kicks him out. The spectacle after that will do fantastic damage to your party.
You can twist it as much as you want, but the bill is a massive restriction on all sorts of immigrants coming in to your country.
Biden challenged Republicans, by giving away those massive restrictions and they are not taking it because it would give him 'a win' according to Trump himself. You are just buying in to all the lies.
Well, it's a trap; Democrats will spend billions of dollars in ads telling American voters what Republicans have blocked, dropping the responsibility for any border problems on Trump. It won't work on you, nothing will, but it will work on independents.
Here's the bill:
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What is it that gives Democrats that open border?
Is it in the summary?
- requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;
- provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;
- prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
- limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
- authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;
- expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;
- authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;
- prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;
- authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;
- imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and
- requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.
They told you it's bad, so you parrot that.
There is no way that even informed yourself
on one detail about what's actually in that bill.
I listened to my 'liberal media' telling me DETAILS.
And just reading the summary shows me they didn't lie.
Your media doesn't do details, they just tell you what to think.
I want people sober,happy,productive,fuctional.
NOT high,sick,depressed,dead,strung out from drugs legal or illegal.
You think it's because there is drugs everywhere and that you can solve it by bombing cartels. Even if you succeed in closing down the border, drugs will just be produced in the US, like the bulk of fentanyl and amfetamines. As long as people want drugs, there will always be a supply. Drugs is and has been easier to buy than a loaf of bread.
In my country, it's even easier, because it will never send you to jail.
Still, the drugs problem is worst in the US, compared with all EU countries.
Until, you understand why that is, bombing cartels and killing dealers,
won't ever work. Your society is sick and it's the ideas you support
that caused that sickness. Drug addiction is just a symptom.
and severally punish those that use and sell them.
Horse thieves were hung back in the old days those people didn't steal anymore horses.
hang or bomb a drug dealer, he won't sell any more drugs.
You think people "resort" to drugs because there is no other "alternative". That is wrong. People take drugs and get hooked on them because it is the "hip" thing to do, drugs. They get hooked and people like you want to keep them that way because they will vote to support your ideas and the people that allow them to remain high and disabled from working.
It's not because the US is the only country that's not succeeding in keeping the illegal drugs away!
Is drugs a "hip" thing to do in your country and not in all those EU countries?
What is different in your country, from EU countries, for real?
Cut the crap and think for a moment.
asylums in these countries have been dumped out and are spilling over into the US. If these folks can't behave and be assets to their own countries, what makes libs think they will be a asset to ours?
Tecsan, where were your ancestors from?
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Refugee Services Statistics
Statistics for Florida 2022
Counts of Immigration Status PDF
Counts of Status + Origin by County PDF
Counts of Origin by Age Groups PDF
These numbers include newly arrived refugees as well as refugees, entrants, and asylees who first became eligible for our services in that Federal Fiscal Year (FFY), which runs from October 1 to September 30.
158,794 refugees arrived or became eligible for Refugee Services in the last Federal Fiscal year.
Cuba, Haiti, Ukraine, and Afghanistan were the top nationalities of new refugees in the last Federal Fiscal year.
224,388 refugees arrived or became eligible for Refugee Services for the last 5 years (2017-2021).
Counts per Fiscal Year by County PDF
We received refugees from 81 different countries last year.
88 percent of refugees were Cubans.
55 percent of refugees settled in Miami-Dade.
199,481 refugees received services being funded by Refugee Services in the last Federal Fiscal year. [unduplicated number of refugees who got one or more services]
About 500,000 Cubans, many of them businessmen and professionals, arrived in Miami during a 15-year period after the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Some figures in Fulgencio Batista's administration were among those who arrived in Miami. The Miami Cubans received assimilation aid from the federal government. The Cubans established businesses in Miami. The Cubans arriving after 1980 did so primarily because of economic reasons.[2] In 1960, the hispanic population in Miami was 50,000; in 1980, the hispanic population grew to 580,000. Cubans were the main source of this hispanic growth in the city, as many Cubans came to Miami at the time due to Cuba's poor economy and a high poverty rate, as well as the dictatorship of Fidel Castro at the time.[3] Essentially, the coexistence of growth and internationalization within Miami-Dade County has perpetuated an ethnically-driven social polarization.[4] The growing number of Cubans in the county have remained loyal to their cultural norms, mores, customs, language, and religious affiliations. The transnational force of immigration defines Miami as a growing metropolis, and the 20th century Cuban influx has greatly affected Miami's growth.[1]
As of 2012, there were 1.2 million people of Cuban heritage in Greater Miami, most of whom lived in Miami-Dade County. As of that year, about 400,000 had arrived after 1980.[2] In a 2022 estimate, Greater Miami, showed a slight decrease to about 1,112,592.[5] As of the 2020 census, there were 129,896 Cuban Americans living inside Miami city limits, representing about 29.3% of Miami and nearly half of the city's Hispanic/Latino population.[6] Many Miami suburbs like Hialeah, and many others especially in southern Miami-Dade county, are majority Cuban.
So, you see, South Florida, from the Palm Beaches to the Florida Keys, has grown to an international power house thanks to illegals that are hard working family people with a strong Christian ethic. The rest of Florida, except for two or three cities, remains a backwater hick, good old boy, conservative enclave that needs yearly help from my area of the state.
While a record 2.5 million migrants were detained at the United States' southwestern land border in 2023, only about 37,000 were from China. I'm a scholar of migration and China. What I find most remarkable in these figures is the speed with which the number of Chinese migrants is growing.Mar 11, 2024
that was googled.
Now, china has flown balloons over our military bases, hacked into computer systems, and so many other things, now they are sending people over here to infiltrate and take jobs in key places, possibly to take jobs in places that would allow them to hack and disable American infrastructure for a war effort from china. do you not see this potential?
With everything being made in china,there should be plenty of jobs.
They are building military bases in africa,cuba,and elsewhere.
citys going up like trees. They have industrialized entire countrys in africa bringing them out of poverty and making use of the natural resources that were otherwise going to waste.
China is MUCH better off than it was way back when.you really ought to do some googling.
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Decent people don't disrespect law and order.
Decent people don't steal and tear up private property and squat in homes that are not theirs.
Illegals are illegally here and need to be sent back.
Like I've said, "You have no compassion"
They need to make their own country better.
My ancestors can be traced back to coming in by New York and going thru the process of becoming LEGAL citizens the right way.Not swimming a river and running thru a fence and hiding from the law.
Of course not, almost all of them want to get (are seeking) asylum.
What you are trying to say is that only 1% would qualify for asylum.
That might be true, but that's dependent on the laws, isn't it?
If the law would say everyone who asks for asylum gets it,
then it would be 100%, wouldn't it?
I can't say how I feel about you because you are unimportant and I must work on this as learning. Some is your fault but what makes you so ignorant is you refuse to accept it.
which all right-wingers have used before.
You are from the US, so you should have no problem coming up with better arguments than Ad Hominem fallacies.
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A bit strange, but since that idiot moron managed to outsmart Trump and Alina Habba, what does that make them?
they just spout their propaganda 24/7, to make people like tecsan think
they deserve nothing and the wealthy donors to the Repucker party
are entitled to everything.
He thinks there should be no unions, because if your employer exploits you,
you can just find another job. Where? For another employer that exploits you.
Surely, they want the state to help employers to make you work until you die.
It's all propaganda for the wealthy, who don't want to pay for anything
you have a right to, like a retirement or healthcare or an education
for your children or paid vacation or a wage you can actually live on.
They want you to work as much as you can, as hard as you can, for as long
as you can, as cheaply as possible, while they live in a golden lazyland.
He's just being a good cuck for the wealthy and the Repuckers who serve them.
So if you support unions, you are supporting elected officials getting bought and paid for. regardless if you agree with what they do or not.
Union dues would go along way towards paying house payments and paying off student loan debt.
Unions also require their members to strike,which affects their income while it last rather they agree or not.
Unions also affect peoples choices of where to work. It is difficult to get a job in a industry that is unionized without joining the cult ,i mean union.
Back 100 years ago, a union may have served a purpose. but there is osha now for safety and minimum wages laws in place. no longer needed.
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They are lobbying in favor of union members and workers in general.
The biggest lobbying sector is the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate Sector.
Do you think that's in favor of workers in general or their clients or home owners?
You are a fool for thinking safety and minimum wage is no longer an issue worth lobbying the government for. The employers are still lobbying the government to relax safety laws and lower minimum wage. They would love to kill and starve their employees, and you would love to let them, BECAUSE MAGA!
You pay in to Social Security and Medicare as tax-payer and get the benefits from it when you reach the required age.
That's not leeching, that's a social contract.
You pay your taxes and then THEY OWE YOU!
If you have socialism, you ARE them.
I support the latter and joined them.
They might owe you and indoctrinate you to think if you get hurt they will pay you to.. They make it next to impossible to get the disability. My attorney represented 2 quadriplegics that finally got theirs on the second appeal.
Which entities go tits up more often, the government or private banks?
I know many people on disability. Sure, it has become harder to claim your right
to disability, but you would have had no trouble at all to get it in my country.
My attorney said that obama's changes made his job much more difficult.
in your whole country.
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The survey found DeSantis has the highest approval rating among Republicans nationwide (84%), over every other GOP governor.
All I can say to your post is to Don't Worry Be happy---Bob Marley
Neither president can win with just pandering to his own base alone. The VP pick
is not the most important thing, and I wouldn't say Biden has a bright star as VP,
but Trumpists shouldn't be surprised if Trump loses, when he picks DeSantis.
The guy has negative charisma, every time people see him, they dislike him more.
But, I hope he does, because I want Trump to lose.
Better yet, I want him to go to prison, before he can even run.
Negative Charisma to you. Not to the voting majority. You don't even get to vote. All of western Europe is dominated with Left policy. You've been well embodied with government domanence.
If Trump does take the election with Desantis as VP you will witness domination of the white house for the next 12 years. What I believe is that this was planned all along. Pretending to be enemies during the primaries with propaganda mildly attacking each other on the outside but on the inside planning to take back the country which is bleeding out. You're all left wing but your national sovereignty is intact. Not here. This country has been flayed alive of its national sovereignty from Biden that I can tell you right now is coming to an end.
Maybe Europe is on the left compared to you, but right-wing policies have resulted in privatization of almost every once publicly owned service. Privatization and maximization of private profits was literally the goal of founding the EU. The EU enforced privatization and prohibits nationalization. If you look at the economic policies, Europe is just as right-wing as the US. It's just the cultural issues and personal freedom issued where we still differ. But, do explain why you think we
have government dominance. I think you are just misinformed.
On cultural issues though, the US is dominating it's citizens more every day. Republicans want to restrict all personal freedoms, like abortion, contraception,
gay marriage and being transgender. You're also restricting the right to protest, organize workers in unions and cracking down on striking. You want government officials to look over the shoulder of healthcare professionals. You want government officials to decide which books are suitable for children and probably in the near future for adults too. How about that type of government dominance?
You want the government to follow people into the bedroom. I don't want that.
You are talking to a Dutch person, who is pretty far on the left for his own country. It's not saying much about the political affiliation of the rest of my country. There are now 4 political parties, ranging from center right to far right, who need to create a new cabinet. They've been at it for 160 days now and it doesn't look like they are any closer to it, than on day 1. Right-wingers always think lefty politics is just impractical bellyaching, but when right-wing politicians actually have to deliver,
they crumble on their incompetence. They are unable to legislate, just like Mike Johnson's House. Can you point to one thing they have done for you? I'll give you one; they put into law that gas stoves cannot be forbidden, because they made up a story that Democrats wanted to do that. Even if it was true, which it wasn't, is that the most important thing they could do? Is that what's important for people to survive and live a good life? Cooking on induction saves you money, especially when you have solar panels on your roof. My solar panels paid for themselves in 4 years, because of high electricity prices. I'm using free electricity while writing this.
Trump hasn't plan anything ever in his life. Even the conspiracy to steal the election, by calling it stolen and replacing the real electors with fake ones, wasn't his idea. He just saw DeSantis as a rival, so he started attacking him with adolescent nicknames. You're supporting a clown. He only want people to idolize him and he's jealous of the power of Putin, Mohammed bin Salman and Kim Jong-un. He wants to be a leader like them and you're confused about The Constitution, thinking it says he should have that power. If your supreme court gives your presidents that power, you'll be sorry, I can assure you. You will feel real 'government dominance' soon.
"domination of the white house for the next 12 years."?
Interesting that you pick the word 'domination'. That doesn't sound like democracy much.
"the country which is bleeding out"? Please explain how it is 'bleeding out'?
How is Biden attacking you countries 'national sovereignty'?
I would understand if you said that my country has not much national sovereignty left, because ours has been mostly stripped away by the EU. The US is in no such organization. Are you referring to NATO, perhaps?
How is NATO stripping the US of its 'national sovereignty'? Because it's helping Ukraine fight Russia? You know why NATO was founded, I hope? It was Europe choosing the US as it's allies, against the big bad Russians. NATO has picked off almost all former allies of Russia away, for the US to do business with and put military bases in. It has reduced the influence of your biggest enemy to great extend. They can only do business with your other enemies now. Investing in Ukraine's ability to defend itself reduces Russia's power even more. If you stop investing in that, Ukraine will loose and Russia will see that NATO is weak. It also shows Europe that the US is not trustworthy. Instead of bowing to the whims of the US, Europe will need to grow some balls and stand on its own. You will loose all the influence you have created over decades, with enormous costs to build up your military dominance, just because you think Ukraine is getting too expensive now.
Trump never cheated and his plan to uphold our sovernty.
Every Palestinian coming to my country would be accepted as a refugee. Everyone who comes to my country asking for asylum is allowed to register for asylum. Not all of them get it, only people who really come from war-stricken countries or people who are being persecuted by horrible regimes for their sexuality or religion. We cannot take in everyone who left a safe country, just for a better future. We are incredibly densely populated; 1,353 people per mi2 versus your 96 people per mi2. Besides, those countries need people in the prime working age, to develop their country too. Those people from safe countries still get the chance to register, but we do not give all of them shelter. We prioritize the actual refugees. It was a bit difficult when all those Ukrainians fled from the Russian attacks. Literally every hotel and sports hall was taking on refugees. There are not many Palestinians coming here, because they cannot get out.
Ask Egypt why they are not letting in refugees. Personally, I think they do it for
a political goal. They don't want Israel to clear out Gaza and steal it for Israel,
so they keep their borders closed and make marters out of the Palestinians.
Maybe they just don't want to take care of 2 million traumatized, radicalized people. It's not like they don't have their own challenges. Maybe they think
when Israel has taken Gaza, they are next.
The US should accept a lot of those Palestinians. You support the destruction of their state. They cannot live there anymore, because of your ally, so it's up to you to take on the people who are now deprived of a place to live.
The reason why we cannot come to terms is you are progressive left. I'm an independent. I don't go by what the fake news tells me. I'm educated. I'm independent because I understand moral clarity.
You think I'm stupid, fine. You have to do what you have to. I must also do and preach what I feel is right and just.
You do what you want. Trust me, I won't spend any energy into stopping you.
This is genocide and nothing else.
You do go by what the fake news tells you, when you say Biden opened the border. The desert is filled with refugees waiting to get registered. That is a dereliction of your responsibility. Refugees have a right to register for asylum. Then you vet them and find out who are really refugees and let them in. You can turn away all the people who do not qualify and you don't have jobs for. Calling that a risk to your national sovereignty is nonsense.
Why would you think my country has not lost its national sovereignty? Our borders are wide open, everyone can freely walk in. By your logic, that should have destroyed us by now.
I'm educated too and my work is solving problems. It requires analyzing causes and finding the optimal solutions. That is based on logical argumentation.
Everyone thinks what they feel is right and just. That doesn't mean you are right or that I am. However, if you reduce your arguments, to just claiming that you understand moral clarity, than you are wrong by default, because everyone can claim that. It's called the Moralistic fallacy.
You are on a forum to discuss politics. You don't have to stop me, but you can challenge your ideas, by challenging mine.
Preaching is just spouting your beliefs, without having the courage to justify your beliefs. It doesn't matter what you believe, just why you believe it.
The only genocide I see here is what is steming froma your lack of brain cells. If you are going to fucking lie I will ban. Are you sure you're speaking as an adult? 60 years Iran which controls Hamas and Gaza, West Bank have threatened not only against Israel but the entire Judaen population accross the globe so shut the fuck up.
You want to talk like adults then fucking act like it or get your fucking bad breath CO2 out of my face. You got that?
Your lies about Israel performing genocide? You will die alone and unhappy.
They are not in the park holding signs asking consideration of their concerns, they are being assholes for lack of fancy word for it.
Protesting is a right, even if it causes a nuisance.
Close to 40,000 Palestinians have been killed.
More journalists have been killed than in WWII.
Israel is doing war-crime after war-crime.
If this is no justification for protesting, what is?
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even the zero biden has acknowledged the vandalism
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Background. The Gaza Strip has been under the de facto governing authority of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) since 2007 and has faced years of conflict, poverty, and humanitarian crises.
In other words, if the palestinians want peace, they should rat out the hamas and help get rid of them so things will return to normal. It is the palestinians fault the terrorist got so strong.
And you understand moral clarity?
Hell awaits you.
The solution was available around 2000. One state of Israel with half of Bethlehem and Jerusalem for Israel and half of Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
The international community should have enforced that solution and protected it with an independent military force, to keep the peace. Instead of keeping Palestine occupied and controlled, it should have had the dependance that all other countries have. The attack of 7th October would have never happened then.
How do we move forward? First, stop the hostilities. The killing of 40,0000 Palestinians is enough retaliation for what Hamas did. Hamas should NOT be allowed to rule over the Palestinians ever again, so they need a government, a supply chain and a system of law, that should function independently from Muslim extremist donors and independently from Israeli oppression. This should be supported by the international community, until Palestinians can support themselves. It would be a return of most of what was on the table in 2000. Most of the illegal Israeli settlements should be returned to Palestine. Many of the Gaza Palestinians should move to the West bank. Gaza was too overpopulated to be sustainable. Free travel between the West bank and Gaza should be made possible.
That is the only route to peace between Israel and Palestine. Not supporting this route means supporting continuous violence from both sides.
If this solution does not get the support of the world, then the next best solution is to end it now. That doesn't mean murdering all the Palestinians,
it means to come to an international agreement to expropriate Gaza and possibly also the West bank. Palestine will cease to exist and all Palestinians will need to be accepted by willing North African and South Asian countries, that will be well compensated. Israel will be forced to pay for reparations to the Palestinians for decades. Saudi Arabia should play a big role. They are your biggest 'friend' in the area. It's time that you get something for that 'friendship', instead of just oil companies and the military industrial complex making trillions of dollars from it.
Read about this sweet heart of a guy.
When there are protests, you don't know who is attending. I've been protesting too, I don't know who joined us. There might have been horrible people amongst us. The protests were however completely peaceful. When we left,
the city looked exactly the same as before. Still, some nuisance is permitted.
Traffic was blocked for a few hours.
That is how my side of the political aisle protests. At worst a big nuisance, but no violence and no damage. When right-wingers protest, they do massive violence and lots of damage. We have seen it in my country with the Corona protests and the farmers protests. We've seen it from your side on January 6th.
Last Saturday we had Remembrance day. Thousands of people gather at Dam Square and other places throughout the Netherlands to hold two minutes of silence at 8:00 PM, to commemorate the victims of World War II and the holocaust. We kept our two minutes of silence and watched the program on TV until the end. No one disturbed the official proceedings. There were protests going on elsewhere in Amsterdam. They did not keep silent. I think it's possible to respect both the victims of the holocaust and the victims of the current conflict. However, I see too many people wo do not learn from commemorating the victims of the past. They keep supporting atrocity after atrocity. How will the world ever embrace peace, like that?
The protesters are on the right side of history. People who want to restrict those protests are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of democracy.
You are not supporting equal rights to protest and you do not support equal punishment, when protesters are overstepping their rights. I do.
you should NOT be interfering with normal peoples daily lives.
NOTHING ,NO law nothing ,entitles you to interfere with the common citizens daily life of commuting to work or whatever.
The whole freedom of speech and the right to protest is based on
getting people to think, instead of moving along their daily lives.
Don't you understand why? Because anyone could claim a protest
is interfering with their daily life, when they don't like the protest,
making every and all protests impossible.
If you don't like freedom, go to Saudi Arabia or Russia.
Leave freedom alone, for Americans who do like freedom.
When they block the road, they are violating my freedoms and rights as well.
When they block the road, you can find another road.
That's an inconvenience, not a violation of your freedoms and rights.
There is no freedom or right to get anywhere in an efficient time.
That would make traffic jams a human rights abuse.
Freedom of speech and the freedom to protest is not limited by a right
of people to not be inconvenienced or offended, it is exactly a right to inconvenience and offend people. If it didn't inconvenience or offend people, you wouldn't need any laws to protect those rights.
Understand that when you support taking away freedoms, that you loose them for yourself too. You might want them some day.
Actually, right-wingers are constantly protesting hospitals giving gender affirming care to people. How would you like them to get their heads cracked by the police? I would say they are more than inconveniencing those patients. Are you consistent in the idea that those protests should be illegal too?
Kinda hard to turn a semi around in the middle of a interstate to. and they blocked I40 here in my state back during that 2020 shit.
You write alot into the "rights" that is not written.
Kinda hard to prove as well.
I see nothing no where that says you can block a road to protest. Not without a permit.
Extinction rebellion blocked our A12 many times. That's annoying,
I agree, but we just plan around it.
The farmers blocked several roads, when we went on vacation to Limburg, 2 years ago. It took us almost 2 hours extra and we had to drive through Belgium. I am not on their side, but I still support their right to protests. I also support their right to exist, even though I want massive changes to reduce their pollution. They should not have to pay for that, that's a problem for society to solve.
The Constitution is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.".
As long as it falls under 'peaceably to assemble', it should be allowed.
We don't need a permit. In fact, a permit to protest doesn't even exist.
We are obligated to notify the local authorities of a protest, with a form.
Only a mayor has the jurisdiction to prohibit a protest or to impose restrictions, but under very strict guidelines. The police can ask for a copy of the notification form. A mayor cannot prohibit a protest on the grounds that the protest was not notified.
street or whatever
Like a parade or something.
you can't expect to just block a road and not be held accountable.
you can protest,but no where does it say you can do it in a way that prevents everyone else from going on with their lives.
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In The Netherlands we have more freedoms to protest.
We do have a right to bother people, during protesting.
The police even blocks the roads for notified protests.
Now does your police let them block emergency services from saving a life or even disrupt otherd from their jobs etc.
? If they do then your country is fucked.
You're the one not understanding common sense.
You don't need to be a socialist to understand and support the freedom to peacefully protest. We have right-wingers that understand and support it just as much as I do. It's just you who are having a hard time being consistent on it.
I have a problem with breaking and entering, burning, looting and fighting.
We were not talking about riots, breaking and entering, burning, looting and fighting!
I was talking about blocking streets or blocking access to non-vital buildings. I'm not saying this should be tolerated indefinitely, but it is part of the right to protest peacefully.
I support pro-Palestine protesters, when they are just a nuisance, but when they are destructive and violent, I don't support those protesters. Sitting down in a university is not 'breaking and entering', because universities are public buildings. The media only shows the violent protesters. Most are not. Saying bad things about Israel isn't violence. It's also not anti-semitic. I support the freedom to protest and the freedom of speech. Those rights are not limited by you being offended or you being inconvenienced.
I supported the Jan 6th protesters' right to gather at the capital.
I didn't support their violence and goal of overturning the election.
I am consistent and fair, you are not.
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